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omgajjerot Arc User



  • If you aren't gold/LTS I probably wouldn't bother until tomorrow, It stuck me ahead of queue @1.7k and after several minutes waiting finally let me in for about 4 seconds before disconnecting me and putting me back at 2k in queue. I can imagine how frustrating that would be at 20,000.
  • First 12 Christmas Boxes: Bug First 20 Cardi Boxes: Galor ~115 Ferengi Boxes: Nothing 20 Bought Reinforcement Packs: Nothing, 1 Pack bought with Stipend: Tuffli 43 Tholian Boxes: Not even a mirror ship
  • I keep hearing "Not worth the time it takes to get".... Really? Because doffing between Fleet STFs sure takes a lot of time right? I mean this mission says it takes 8 hours and it only gives 400-600 CXP... OMG if its 100:1... TOTALLY NOT WORTH IT :rolleyes: Sure... If I completely ignore the fact I can have 20 running,…
  • Does it really matter if it shows up on the leaderboard or not? Before I joined my current fleet, I tried to level my own, so now I have 300,000 Fleet Credits and only 30k Contribution to my current fleet. Its not a big deal not having it on a board for all too see, as long as I have my credits that I worked for. I think I…
  • For someone who who is capped out, 550,000 Exp at 1:100 gives you 5500fm -> 275,000 Fleet Credits For something you've already done, can be done again, and takes minimal effort VS actively grinding fleet marks (Doffing takes minimal effort, 30-40 minutes split over 2-3 periods per day to be the most efficient) and can…
  • Don't quote me on this, But it looks like its somewhere in the neighborhood of 72 hours. Almost 100% sure it isn't an entire week.
  • Is it really currency if it cannot be spent on anything? Seems like complaining for the sake of complaining, They needed a way to tie fleet-based stf-like activities to building a starbase, Marks do that.
  • I honestly don't see the issue of letting it reward marks all the time, at least it lets you still work towards a goal between cooldowns on the PvE queue. Its not like it was a super efficient way to get them anyways. Half an hour of queues was usually around 70-100 marks, where as the same time spent on invasion quests…
  • -Stay away from lockboxes, especially the ferengi! I've gotten every 'lockbox' ship except the D'kora (Bug/Galor/Tuffli) from opening them myself, The ferengi lockbox has THE WORST Side-rewards ever, its a zen hole you will just throw money down and be disappointed by. -If you buy a ship, make sure its one you will want to…
  • Balance is a lot more fine-tuned then to allow something like reducing all damage by half. I can't begin to describe how many problems that would cause, certain ships/builds would be un-viable, others would be completely unkillable by anything short of an entire fleet focus firing. Every single space related number and…
  • It seems to happen if you proc any additional Sec. Team members from Doff powers ect, they beam in without suits. Also, has anyone managed to find that "Doff Downgrade" Assignment that apparently went in last patch? (Purple -> 3 Blue ect)
  • Wait a minute, how long has that been there? I've visited SFA every other day grinding doffs/getting recruitments and have never heard of it up until now, let alone seen it. Does it reward anything special on critical? Or is it just in for flavor?
  • I feel your pain, trying to build up whites again for starbases. I had no room, full roster of blues/purples. Do I need that many for 20 assignments at once? No, but it was a nice little collection.
  • I already have a huge stockpile of all the resources needed for starbases, over 5m officer xp and tons of dil/EC. Currently grinding blues into purples to make room for all the white doffs I'll need to hand in, before I started I had 155 Purple, 237 Blue and almost no room to get whites =/...
  • Just remember to eat their brain to gain their Knowledge/Power (XP) and to check their wallet for Dilithium before you jettison them into space.
  • 155 Purple 237 Blue 0 Green 0 White 8 Open slots Ummm... Well I know what I won't be contributing towards starbases...
  • I'd like to point out I played JD waaaay back between games, sometime around august 2009 or earlier (judging by achievements). I haven't logged into the game since and all my characters/items/zen were still present and accounted for when I went to merge my cryptic and PWE accounts. So I wouldn't be worried about losing…
  • *Edit* In, awesome thanks. /join_channel TTS for anyone reading this that still wants in.
  • Yay for career officer covering it up so I don't feel encouraged to post ***** to feel a greater sense of seniority. Though I never really did like post-counts being listed on every post you make either, it just encourages spam. If you're especially active, people will just recognize you more anyways.:wink:
  • The whole forum layout makes me feel like its 2004 again, And I'm rather upset I have to use my PWE name. I would of made a new account to change my name but I already had a bunch of games/stuff attached to my PWE account from waaaayback.There should totally be an option to use @handle as forum display name :cool: