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micadog5 Arc User



  • @micadog5 going for 39 176.2 dps Finally got around to getting 30k dps just before this starts, oh well.
  • Great sale! Just a question. Does the dyson 9 pack include 9 upgrade tokens? Its not included in the list of exceptions, but is still a large pack of ships, and not very popular, so could have just been skipped over or something.
  • While this might not be a tailor issue per se, as it isn't the uniform itself that is bugged, this still seems to be the area to put it. I opened a Voth Light Soldier Uniform today (19th October, 2014). The uniform is not available in the tailor, both on bridge officers and on the captain. Player- Male KDF Alien Bridge…
  • The screenshot you have there looks like it was done before the Constellation class was oficially released. When the mirror heavy cruiser was put as a lockbox reward, they accidentally slipped the saucer out as well. That saucer didnt have the bay doors. No, it sadly isnt possible to get that bay-less look anymore (I liked…
  • Impulse/warp engine trails arent visible on lower graphics settings. When visible, they are based on the ship. Engine visuals can override the ones seen normally. In terms of the actual warp out trail, and the tranwarp effect, the kdf have been buggy since the start. It would be nice to see a fix on this eventually, though…
  • 1. Only lifers receive (not sure how many days on the normal subscription) a ship at lvl 50. All level 50 ships are on the c-store or through the fleet system. The free ship at 40 you got is at the same level as the ships in the cstore, save 3 pack ships. 2. As a free to play member, you have bare minimum boff (or brodge…
  • Simple answer: yes. It would be very out of character (and rather stupid) for cryptic to not add it as a single purchase.
  • Thing is, EV suits aren't your costume, they're your armor, which is done differently. Until EV suits end up in the costume tailor like the other armors has (which is quite unlikely, but you never know), the clones won't use the same one as you. Gear visuals =/= costume On a side note, its nice that cryptic actually added…
  • [QUOTE=risingstar2009;17088021Ships Allowed: Federation: Light Cruiser (Miranda), Heavy Escort & HEC(Akira Variants), Exploration Cruiser (Galaxy + Refit/Retrofit), Tactical Escort (Defiant + Refit/Retrofit), Advanced Escort (Prometheus MVAE), Advanced Research Vessel (Nebula + Retrofit), Blockade Runner Escort…
  • '/camdist <#>' can extend the camera quite far if you use high numbers, even big enough that you can't even see the map you're on, in some cases. (it changes the zoom of the camera) Has a habit of breaking and slowly coming back to where you put it originally though. Could probably bind it to a key and just tap that key…
  • This may sound weird, but what does Data in blue have anything to do with the red/gold change? If they hadn't changed, he would have been in red. He wears gold after the change. If Data was originally to wear blue, that would mean he would be in Science or Medical. Data's an Engineer.
  • The bridge on the c-store Bortasqu' doesn't exactly exist. The BoP takes up that area. Can still see it on the free (or 200k FC) version, its the thing on the very top of the ship. As for the bridge size, I wouldn't mind seeing it a tad smaller. That's the same for almost every bridge in this game, though. The Odyssey…
  • Well I'm not Clare, but I did take one pic. It wasn't the best shot, and I tried to get a few more, but the machine started acting up sadly.
  • I... don't see anything like that? Its probably a fleet event. As in your fleet set a date where they plan to do shuttle runs of NWS. These are added to a calendar in game, might be what you're looking at.
  • Hey, this seems like it'd be quite fun, especially seeing how my DPS is meager at best :rolleyes: In game handle is @micadog5
  • While it might be a cool idea, this one is unlikely to happen. 1. Arkif is a C-store ship, fairly new and probably sells decently. The dhelan is the only cstore ship to have a mirror counterpart to date. 2. Mirror ships have never cost lobi, and no full ship is going to be that cheap. 3. All the top faction ships dont have…
  • Seen a few people complain about this. From what I understand, its a lifetime/long time subcriber issue. Lifers get a free ship at 50, the Intrepid, Galaxy or Defiant refits. This free ship is more like a ship you got during level up, as in you only get one from the ship vendor, once. Once discarded, the ship cannot be…
  • That would be a Delta Flyer with the assimilated set and module on. The entire set is oversized, and somewhat misplaced. At high resolutions and fully zoomed in, the ship disappeared, leaving only the equipped items. Not sure if it still happens, I took that back when we had that animation bug, where many of the ship…
  • my first entry: "Price of the Republic" http://i.imgur.com/1pX36VT.jpg Edit: Added Screenshot to post
  • Here's a few "Armored Star" http://i.imgur.com/DHYwhI5.jpg "Chaotic Slipstream" http://i.imgur.com/rmsbjTp.jpg "Target Engines, Fire at Will" http://i.imgur.com/nHxnUhZ.jpg "Badlands" http://i.imgur.com/ZgcyJsq.jpg "Price of the Republic" http://i.imgur.com/1pX36VT.jpg "Spider's Snare" http://i.imgur.com/VfTydJJ.jpg Some…
  • They teased (somewhat) about the faction specific materials in this post: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1010241 [Edit] Its slightly unclear in that thread as to whether or not the faction materials would be on the cstore versions. I know personally posts like these implied they would be.
  • Really? Like, I knew they would all be copies of each other, consoles and all from the FE. But really? From that twitter post, it seems we won't even get faction specific hull materials, one of the things I was seriously looking forward to in these ships. Some things I'd like to see final confirmation on these ships are:…
  • Are you serious? The Ent-D got caught unprepared a few times, to be sure, but it never really got its TRIBBLE handed to it that i can think of. Sure there was that time when its computer simulated phasers got locked on, and that other time that Picard was a kid. Both times it has totally unprepared for an attack, both of…
  • Was a great event. Its awesome to see so many galaxys together. The late nighter pvp match was a little one sided, and I swear that Miranda out-dpsed all of us in the fleet defense :D Here's the album for some of the screens I took, including the meeting afterwards (but none of that illogical bridge party)…
  • A horta? Sweet! Always wanted one of those. Even more awesome that its account wide, too. Just curious, is there a non combat version anywhere? Or can the combat pets be brought around outside of combat aswell?
  • Our fleet ran into a very similar issue. As for controlling the leadership, what we did was to remake our fleet ranks, so that the top two ranks had control over the fleet. The countdowns don't happen with the second highest rank, so we can still demote and promote to leadership without the bug setting off. Although to do…
  • Not only once but Twice this thread has been necroed. Look at the date before posting, people.
  • While I have and use this and the Plasma-Integrated core, I don't really notice a difference over an equivalent core. Seems they look good on paper, not so good in practice.
  • For your first question, Resilient shields 5% absorption would be 5% of incoming damage would heal your shields rather than damage them. Could be wrong however. For Reg/ResA/ResB: Reg does not stack up resistances against incoming damage. That is the [Adapt] modifier, which all elite fleet shields have. Reg simply…