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mattack13 Arc User



  • Thanks for all the helpful replies. So, it seems that the consensus is don't bother speccing for stealth, which is great 'cause that lets me be stronger in other areas. Slap in a Nasusican or a Rom BOFF with SUP subterfuge and I'll call it a day. Huzzahh!!!
  • That's a big help, thanks. It seems in line with what I suspected- high aux power and rom boffs seem easy ways to boost stealth, as opposed to those valuable T4 skill points. I will, then CONSIDER putting 3 points into stealth (Rom and Klink side only obviously), but no more. I tend to run drain builds with AUX power…
  • For me personally, the only way to go with a protonic polaron build is "all in". That means yes to the experimental weapon and yes to the dyson engine-shield-et al full set. I use four of the hybrid pol/pro/acc boosting tac consoles. Don't underestimate how powerful your "proton barrage" will become when you do this. Also,…
  • Ahh, I was unaware that sensor analysis was a passive ability. Thanks for the knowledge!
  • For the longest time, my standard torpedo on single torpedo craft was pretty much automatically the Omega. Once I got the gravimetric, it was love at first sight. The extra crit chance and photon projectile damage set bonuses are sick. Combine it with the Adapted MACO 2 piece set that boosts torpedo damage, and you can…
  • The OP is a fleet-mate of mine and probably my best friend in the game. We've been trying to pull more and more of our fleet members into pvp and have definitely had some good runs. It is true that a lot of people never get past the initial 1-2 matches and getting their butt kicked. The reality I have learned is that no…
  • All captains know that turrets are a reasonable choice for aft weapons. Smart captains know that turrets in all weapon slots make your ship one to be feared.
  • I was going to vote for the recluse carrier, but seeing as it is in last place now, I voted for my preference of the two leaders: The temporal destroyer. In the end, I think I'm far away from having enough lobi to buy a ship anyway, even at discount.
  • Voyager was a show I watched the first season of and then lost track of when I went away to college and didn't have a TV in my dorm room. I did watch it all the way through the past couple of years, and I have to say, for all the flack people give it, I really enjoyed it. Like all trek shows, the early seasons were a bit…
  • "good action movie, but no movie for 30+ star trek fans it's a movie for a new generation of star trek fans, not for the hardcore trekkers. It definately has the power to spark interest into star trek with young folks, but the general over 30 "convention goer" is dissapointed with the lack of lore accuracy and absence of…
  • "I think I speak for everyone when I say the development team doesn't have a clue as to the current state of the game." You are certainly entitled to your opinion but leave it at that, don't try to present it as speaking for everybody. You certainly don't speak for me. I have had my share of frustration and yes,…
  • I was wondering if anybody else had trouble with the web breaker. I didn't find it was a single-use item, but rather it disappeared from my inventory before I had a chance to use it. Wrote a ticket over a week ago and haven't heard anything. Hesitant to try again. :(
  • I know what the OP means, I didn't like this one much at first, and in general I dislike shuttle missions (running the vault episode on elite made me want to poke my eyes out). After using a runabout for forever, I decided on a whim to grab a peregrine fighter during the ship sale. All I can say is that atmosphere assault…
  • 1. In-Game @handle: @mattack13 2. Career and Ship (e.g., Engineer/Negh'Var): tac/mirror patrol escort 3. Language (we can offer instruction in the following languages: English, German, and Spanish):English 4. Session you will Participate In (i.e., CET session or EST session): EST 5. Do you have any impairments we need to…
  • I was wondering about this myself- spent some time in Kerrat the other day and was like, "what the hell? where is the mission?"... Guess I'll have to keep an eye out for it if it pops up only so often. In the meantime I've been hitting the other pvp missions.
  • As a bootcamp participant, this sounds like the ideal way to finish up. I didn't really think I would fail the test, but why let anybody go in to the last day with any anxiety whatsoever? God forbid it is one of those "laggy" days and somebody fails as a result. I appreciate the initiative taken by all the organizers and…
  • 1. In-Game @handle: @mattack13 2. Career and Ship (e.g., Engineer/Negh'Var): Tac/AdvEsc 3. Language (we can offer instruction in the following languages: English, German, and Spanish): English! 4. Session you will Participate In (i.e., CET session or EST session): CET 5. Do you have any impairments we need to be aware of…
  • Looking at the upcoming curriculum, I believe this is coming, but I do hope there will be more opportunities for practical exercises and to receive feedback on performances in pvp play during the next two sessions. So far it has been mostly talk and discussion, which is fine. I just worry that if real practice isn't a part…
  • I enjoyed the 2nd session, a lot of the information was stuff I already knew, but, as in the first session, there were some eye opening moments when I became aware of something new. My biggest problem about yesterday was the start time (I participated in the CET session). I logged in just after 1:30 EST (7:30 CET), and it…
  • 1. @handle: @mattack13 2. Career (Sci/Tac/Engi): Tac 3. Do you have any impairments we should be aware of? Please note that we are unable at this time to accommodate students who require a text-only teacher: no 4. Session you will participate in (CET/EST): CET 5. Level of Experience: very limited for ground PvP
  • I don't have time to put it all in, but for example: I crouch by clicking the left stick, toggle shooter mode by pressing down on the d-pad, and enter "zoomed-in shooter mode" with a click of the right stick. The R1 and L1 buttons are R and L mouseclicks, repectively, so I shoot with those. I basically have directions on…
  • I downloaded an app called Xpadder (costs 5 or 10 bucks, I forget) to set up my gamepad, it let's you bind whatever you want, including mouse controls, to your gamepad. The process was painstakingly tedious, but eventually I arrived at a set-up that works for me. For ground I can literally do everything with the gamepad (I…
  • I use 'em both. My current main escort uses CRF3, THY3, CSV1, and TS2. I like using rapid fire and high yield with APA3 as my main spike, then come back with APO1 and the AoE shots to follow up. If I'm approaching a group I might start with the AoE attacks. I also have BOFFs with CSV3 and TS3. The spread attacks are great…
  • If your computer has an internal mic that should suffice. I recently installed it myself for the PVP Bootcamp, and I'm on a laptop with internal mic and I had no issues. I can't speak for using it in-game, really, as I've only used it for the one bootcamp session.
  • 1. In-Game @handle: mathias@mattack13 2. Career and Ship (e.g., Engineer/Negh'Var): Tac/Advanced Escort 3. Language (we can offer instruction in the following languages: English, German, and Spanish): English 4. Session you will Participate In (i.e., CET session or EST session): CET preferred 5. Do you have any impairments…
  • I was #343 and never received the email, found this thread today as I was wondering what was happening. Can I reschedule for the Jan 5 CET session? I can't respond directly to the email since I never received it. My initial post appears to have all correct information. Thanks!
  • I have had the same problem since season 7 began, and it is so annoying. Any item or tribble switch is really tedious, and impossible to do on the fly. The same thing happens to me with space device slotting. Not only that, my weapon layout won't display on my HUD, nor my BOFFs. I slot my BOFF abilities in my tray now, so…
  • Ingame @handle: Mathias@mattack13 Faction (You may indicate both if you have no preference. If you do this, then we will place you in a faction): Fed Career and Ship (e.g., Engineer/Negh'Var): Tac/Advanced/Multivector Escort Languages (e.g., English, German, French, etc.) English Interested mainly in space or ground?…
  • No, I am really liking season 7, New Romulus and the tier system. I am concerned about the dilith sink, and it is hard to fully judge until I see how tier 3-4 projects go with their requirements. And paying 1000 dilith for standard DOFF acquisitions is bull@#*t. But I've been having a blast, and am loving the passive power…
  • USS Electric Funeral -Black Sabbath song off "Paranoid" I've also used: USS Agamemnon (reference to the Dune series, which in turn was referencing greek mythology) USS Maelstrom Rider (Buck Rodger's ship, at least in the Sega Genesis RPG I remember so fondly) USS Nautilus (Captain Nemo's Submarine)