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canisanubis Arc User



  • It's not a typo. Inertial dampeners reduces the effects of holds and disables.
  • Yes, drop some Zen to get a few extra BOFF slots. It's worth it.
  • 1) Get rid of the power drain. 2) Increase the power of the shot based on the number of bearing beam weapons at firing time. That way you nerf the 'carry one beam for a killing blow' problem. People wanting good damage from beam overload, they'll need to be flying a beam boat, not a cannon-armed escort with a token beam…
  • Stay in their aft quarter. Works great.
  • Honestly, reaching level 24 is neither time-consuming nor hard. Of all the things that need fixing in this game, access to the Asteroid mining timesink doesn't rate.
  • Exactly. You lose 10 skill points per console. For the Andorian Escort the OP uses, he's basically losing ~6.8% of his total damage, which is DEFINITELY noticeable, but hardly crippling. As other posters point out, flying your ship smart and getting good time on target will have a far greater effect on your total damage…
  • The only condition in which those procs are 'worthless' is when you're fighting floating nanite space-bricks. The rest of the time they're not too bad. What really makes Polaron and Tetryon winners is their low cost. You'll pay far less in tactical console outfitting costs to field a Polaron or Tetryon ship than you will…
  • Have you unlocked Rom Rep Rank V? Are you in a Fleet with Tier 2 Fabricator? If the answer to one of those questions is 'No', then the other option is your best choice, because good guns now are better than debatably marginally better guns later.
  • It means you need to complete a fleet engineering provisioning project before you can buy assets from your store. http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=318541
  • Here, I'll break the math down, because I've done this a few times mini-maxing my own build. Let's use the beam array as a base weapon type, because it has a nice 100 DPV value, making the arithmetic easier. Base Mk 0 Weapon Damage: 100 Mk XII mod: +120% 9/9 Starship Weapons Training: +99% 9/9 Starship Energy Weapons: +99%…
  • My advice: Tac: BFaW 1, APB 1 Eng: EPtW 1, A2S 1, EPtS 1 Sci: PH1, TB1, ST 2, ES 1, HE 3, TSS 3, ES 3 Drop the Omega for another beam array and run as a broadside ship. You'll do your team far more good with Attack Pattern Beta up half the time than having to point your nose at things to launch that big slow torp every 30…
  • I use a RCS console on my Tor'Khat. It's actually not too bad. But don't expect miracles. As others have pointed out, you're usually better off just flying a more nimble ship. What you give up in terms of durability is insignificant in comparison to what you gain in terms of agility.
  • Slow torp is slow. You want a fast torp, mount a Quantum.
  • I'm a vet K'Tinga captain, I assure you it's a great ship. But it's NOT a very good Cannon cruiser. Reason? It's still not nearly as maneuverable as a Raptor or Raider, and more importantly, lacks the BOFF stations to use the higher level Cannon abilities. Whereas your 3 boff slots perfectly accommodate BFAW 1, TT1, and…
  • IMO, Beam Boat. You have neither the tactical stations nor the maneuverability to justify cannons.
  • In my opinion, the only science console worth slotting is the Field Generator, because it gives linear returns directly on total shield strength. All other science consoles pale in comparison, because skill effects on science skills is so marginal. The only science skill worth putting 9 points into is Shield Emitters,…
  • The only effect with diminishing returns in STO is damage resistance, whose formula can be found here: http://sto.gamepedia.com/Damage_resistance All other game effects offer linear returns. Now the COST you pay for skills for your captain have steep diminishing returns, getting profoundly higher past the first 3 ranks,…
  • If you're not going to run an escort in STFs, focus on abilities that will synergize with your teammates. Gravity Well is a great one. It clusters up enemy ships, forcing them to eat each others' warp core breaches. Also, don't underestimate Transfer Shield Strength and Hazard Emitters. They're both really effective and…
  • While I won't go as far too say that broadsides are useless (far from it), saying they 'outperform other options' is a misrepresentation. Using Mk0 weapons for simplicity, a 8x broadside ship will do 640 DPS for 70 power draw. An escort with 3 DHCs and 3 turrets, plus a photon will do 778 dps, assuming you can contrive to…
  • Then you're not playing the AH for it, because it's exceedingly rare to find Contraband listed below 50k each. So you might gross millions a month, but you're certainly not netting that much. Unless you're actually farming 250 a day, in which case, do tell us your methods.
  • The OP is factually incorrect in most regards. While HULL RESISTS have diminishing returns, other defensive consoles have purely linear returns, just like weapon consoles. Field Generators, Field Emitters, SIF Generators are all linear improvements to your defenses.
  • I think what you're having trouble with is that you're confusing the Federation concept of honor with the Klingon concept of honor. The Federation (Western European Secular Humanist) code of honor is about justice, mercy and fairness. However, Klingon culture lauds none of these values. What is honorable to a Klingon is…
  • Forget the 'Devs hate klingons' dead horse for a minute. How does selling contraband help the Feds more than it helps the KDF? Contraband exchanges for UNREFINED Dilithium, which may be the easiest substance in the game to obtain. Whereas I can take the money I make from selling Contraband and buy the things people buy…
  • Rule that apply to other MMO's do not apply to World of ********. Even in their slowly decaying state, they have 7.7 million customers. To put that in context, at $15.00/mo, the WoW subscriber base will have paid Activision/Blizzard the same amount of money that Perfect World Entertainment paid for Cryptic Studios in about…
  • Sure, because apparently quantum torpedoes don't do damage anymore, and wedging an engineering team I won't use and a reverse shield polarity I'll never need is far, FAR more important than cutting an average of 2.5 seconds off my torpedo cooldown. Just because I don't agree with your conclusions is no reason to get…
  • I agree that KDF birds of prey pay too much for their advantages. The most direct comparison is the Fleet Hoh'Sus bird of prey to the Fleet T'varo Retrofit. The Hoh'sus loses nearly 5000 hull, 0.11 shield rating and one aft weapon slot to gain a tiny improvement in turn rate and wildcard BOFF slots. And the T'varo is…
  • Also the voice of Victor Fries in Batman: The Animated Series. A really great actor. (Ah, I see someone else noticed).
  • That's not how statistics works. You are, in effect, asserting that if I give you 6d6, that you'll always roll at least 1 six, because 1/6 * 6 = 1.
  • I'm not chest thumping, I'm pointing out that your build makes sacrifices to get what it does. So does Aux2Batt. I'm refuting the absurd notion that the Dragon build is obsolete, because it's perfectly effective. You want to put in a handful of DCE's to save a couple Engineering boff slots, good on you. Me, I don't like…
  • With three Purple DCE's, you will still only average ~73% proc rate, so, no, I do not consider that 'close enough' to 100% uptime, especially when I'm getting +10 power to all subsystems for ~15 seconds from the EPS manifold efficiency trait. So your total yield from DCE's and EPtX x2 won't nearly match what a straight…