really pissed off this closed early, I was set to buy my haul today well before the event was scheduled to close. Only to find that the event has vanished from the game and its still the 4th! Is this normal? I mean Cryptic specifically states the date/time and timezone the events finish. they should at least stick to it
i've done hundreds of elite STFs and only ever quit one and that was last weekend because of AFKers first time I'd seen or even known about the timer you get for quitting an STF
I have the pack but if I had to choose one it would be the Multi-Mission Surveillance Explorer because the heal console is pretty awesome, and if I kit just one console it's this one.
I enjoy trying different ships and different setups, I'm currently flying the Mirror Universe Deep Space Science Vessel And I can happily say that I rep through STF's usually doing most of the damage and tanking. And doing CE I get 1st place 8 out of 10 runs. All on a 9 console, 2 tactical console cheap sci ship... I can…
I found I could do more than adequate damage for Elite STF's with the the 7 console version. I used 6 beam banks, broadside attack, or 5 + wide angle torp. Use EPTW and energy syphon to keep weapon power levels up, Tactical team and beam FAW 2 really need to make sure your weapon power stays high and the beams will do good…
well eve is no where near your classic FTP system, no new player can go into it FTP past the free trial, it requires a subscription - but it just so happens that if you are good enough or farm enough you can pay with that sub with in game currency. I don't think STO is more mature than eve, the way I see it EVE is many…
I wish for a lot of things but not this. I kinda wish a different company did a trek MMO that was not FTP but more in line with actual star trek lore and made to be an adventure not a grind, farm, timer, cooldown, refine limit and store dominated system where almost every button has a price tag next to it. I dont know,…
i'm not sure about this. the more and more I play the less and less I use turrets anyway and one of my fav skills is overloading a really good DBB and with beam turrets kitted overload would be useless because if overload goes to a turret the damage would be well below average. and it would be too much clicking and…
I guess it is a good way to earn marks only because the fleet actions for romulan marks suck compared to the omega STF's the rewards are pitiful link has info on it it works but you need to commit to doing it daily around the same time for an extended period. doing it for multiple characters…
cheers for the feedback, sounds like the consoles are not much to consider or use unless you have the set. That said I think I will go with the Kyzon, with my playstyle I prefer shield tanking and SCi consoles.
i'm starting to think buying the really expensive ships is over rated. I've got the vesta pack but I still fly the basic 7 console intrepid in elite STF's and it's still awesome just a bit more of a challenge. fact is once you get together some really good gear even 7 console ships can plow through STF's if this is for an…
just get the Fleet Support Cruiser Retrofit and pretend it's a galaxy that's a pretty sweat ship truth is the galaxy is a bit naff but kinda think if they play with the BOFF layout and even up the console count and +1 to turn it will just become like a lot of the other cruisers. but fact is it does deserve some love.
I personally wouldn't bother with the quantum torp and high yeald, if you stick with the torp I think spread is better with quant or photon, HY is good with plasma, a plasma HY is slow and targetable but at least it does significant damage. Great on stationary or slowed targets from close rage. I'd be lying if i said I had…
ohh I thought I was cool naming my ship thunderchild after war of the worlds. had no idea there was an actual ship/hull in the game called thunderchild.
yeah I got a ticket open because my sub just went inactive after 8 days of the 30, didn't get the zen been open with nothing for 20 days now. anyone had a reply? know about how old tickets get before an answer? I know my problem doesn't stop me from playing so maybe not as urgent. but I sure as heck wont renew my sub until…
damn, expensive mistake, not a bug though. may be worth logging a ticket for. don't hold your breath though I have a account/billing bug/problem ticket that is now 20 days without even a hint or a reply.
cheers for the constructive replies. I wonder if there is an argument for mixing things up a bit more DC's get a 60 deg arc? would make a lot of sense. or what about the other weapons types getting an innate bonus similar to the DHC's CritD bonus? like cannons getting a 1% CritH bonus, turrets get a 5% ACC bonus and so on.…
I think ok paper the ship looks ok only problem is that the cloaking device is a pretty weak option. I'm thinking about getting the ship but if I did I don't think I'd even fit the cloak. I mean really there is little or no reason to get he dread over the Assault Cruiser Refit/fleet or the Fleet Heavy Cruiser Retrofit The…
pretty crazy, I've had a ticket logged for over two weeks now and not a peep I went gold and after a short time it just went "Subscription Status: Inactive" I no longer get gold benefits and I didn't get the 500 zen like my 30 day subscription got me 8 days as gold and no zen. Great start to being a gold member.
I agree the borg STF's are good. Good missions with good rewards they put the other fleet actions to shame. We really need similar missions against other enemy factions with marks and Dilith rewards like the omega missions. tagging epohhs every day has close to put me off this game.
that would be fine if that wasn't broken as well, I get similar error on different PC's using different browsers (chrome and firefox) and internet connections: The page isn't redirecting properly Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete. I upgraded…
depends on your budget tomshardware guide is prety good, if anything i'd lean towards an nvidia card rather than an AMD card I think for compatible hardware the nvidia drivers and software is a bit better. GTX670's are great cards but still kinda costly even after recent price drops. anything above this really is not worth…
I have the same problem and also my romie did not get the extra storage you normally get with Gold and I dont think I got my zen/promotional points. no idea how those work though...
the game is screwed and often unplayable with bugs. Truth is bringing it down for a week wont help. What they need to do is invent a time machine and send back a message to delay go live for LoR till many of the game breaking bugs are fixed, like they should have done anyway. this is just crazy.
I have a problem on my rom character on a storyline mission a Galor ship spawns that can not be killed. it hits 0% and stops taking hull damage. I cant get GM help because the ticket fails and does not log. and I can not access help via the web because of browser errors which are the same on 3 PC's using different browsers…
i'd be happy if they put a challenging mission in, everything I've done so far is just rushed through without even having to think about it it's so easy. however I'm stuck because of a bug. in the storyline mission i'm in I get this Galor that goes to 0% and stops taking damage. Cant continue the mission and it's really…
I can understand people that buy a LTS I can understand why people pay the monthly sub and also the people who like me, don't subscribe but may buy zen every once in a while, maybe once a year to feel like you support the game and maybe buy something shiny. and also ok with the people who never spend a penny on the game…