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COMING SOON Star Trek Online 2?



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    rathelmrathelm Member Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    packer3434 wrote: »
    Guild Wars 2

    Guild Wars is not a an MMO. It never had a subscription model. Most the time you were playing in your own world and the only time you saw others is when you were in the city hubs. Its like saying SimCity 5 is an MMO.
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    wildweasalwildweasal Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    not this again ........there is a gigantic thread about this already search is you friend
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    age03age03 Member Posts: 1,664 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I could see a new game taking place after Star Trek 6 UC but not revision of this one.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Age StarTrek-Gamers Administrator
    USS WARRIOR NCC 1720 Commanding Officer
    Star Trek Gamers
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    puttenhamputtenham Member Posts: 1,052 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    wildweasal wrote: »
    not this again ........there is a gigantic thread about this already search is you friend

    but alas, if he wished to put his two sense in that thread, youd be on here no doubtly slapping him for bringing back a necro thread. so i guess he cant win either way...
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    jam3s1701jam3s1701 Member Posts: 1,825 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    No no no no no no no no and erm NO

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    redheadguyredheadguy Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    stark2k wrote: »
    Wouldn't it be nice if Cryptic worked on a NEW and improved Star Trek Online, with better graphics, better server stability, more costume options, more species and Factions etc...

    I am referring to a brand new game from the ground up. Leaving elements of the old game behind and beginning with a fresh start, with a more cohesive storyline in line with the Faction ideologies and morals in mind.

    Where Feds truly explore and be more diplomatic in their approach, Klingons participating in House rivalries while pursuing Honor and Glory for the Empire, and a Romulan can be truly a Romulan - where you can actually choose to be part of the Star Empire Expansion or the break away Republic.

    Many games have a better and more improved sequel to them, I am hoping we can see a STO2 - where Ground combat and PvP are enhanced, with no game breaking items or consoles that can be bought or won.

    If it means I have to grind from the ground up, I'll pass... I've put in too much work with my 5 characters to just start all over.

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    voicesdarkvoicesdark Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    So many people seem hell bent on jumping on the "Frak Cryptic" bandwagon, and I don't understand why. The only logical conclusion is because they simply don't know the history of the games development.

    Perpetual Entertainment was originally the developer for STO. The license was then transferred to Cryptic who was given sub-par resources in both budget and personnel to start redeveloping the game from scratch and under extremely tight time constraints.

    I can't imagine anyone from the Cryptic team was happy about the game's condition at launch, but the choice was out of their hands, it was either do or die. Atari needed the big bang for little buck, and when it didn't happen they decided to discard Cryptic, and then PWE stepped in.

    I personally don't think PWE expected STO to survive, I think the reason behind buying Cryptic was more about game engine technology and talents than anything. Not only has STO survived all of this, but it has grown and will continue to do so, and recently PWE has obviously seen this as well as they finally started putting the resources into Cryptic and STO that should have been there right from day 1 of development.

    While no one at Cryptic would ever publicly admit it, I don't think they are even where they wanted to be at the original launch yet, much closer but not there yet.

    The game engine is capable of much more than what we've seen so far in STO, actually there are may aspects of Neverwinter that prove this, and Dan and others have said they want to take a serious look at the new tech the Neverwinter devs have developed for the engine.

    STOs biggest problem isn't that the engine is outdated or there aren't some really talented people on the dev team, it's that to even survive the entire core game was a huge rush job. We don't need STO 2, people just need to have a little faith and patience that Cryptic will be able to continue to grow the game and in the process evolve and streamline the coding into a much more quality product than what it has been in the past.

    I've seen several people saying that Dan Stahl isn't the right person to be heading STO. Personally I think at times he can be extremely shortsighted, and has completely lost touch with the playerbase regarding numerous different aspects. However, people also tend to forget to mention how much the game and quality has evolved and improved now that Cryptic has a much larger team working on STO.

    Do I think Dan needs to pull his head out of the proverbial sand and seriously do some grindstone work to reconnect with the playerbase, yes. Do I believe he is completely without redemption and needs to be removed, no.

    Limiting the game to Red vs Blue, Fed Vs KDF is probably the most narrow minded, short sighted, idiotic notion that could possibly ever be done with anything Star Trek. The three main powers have always been Federation, Klingons, Romulans. Having a three faction system not only would have set STO apart from any other MMO, but it would have lead to hugely significant improvements in countless aspects of the game. PvPvE ingame proves that it can work, but unfortunately I think the dismal Klingon population has bit us all on the TRIBBLE and was the main reason why they decided not to have the three faction separation.

    No offense to Klingon fans, but for most of us Star Trek has always been about humans and Starfleet, but more than that Klingons have been so overused in Star Trek that they're boring and overly stereotypical.

    Yes I just threw Dan under the big asss double decker bus and ran him over a few times back and forth, but it's never malicious it's simple cold, hard, blunt truth with valid reasons why in my opinion I think it was a mistake. I can point out dozens of things just like this, but on the flip side I can also point out dozens of things that were done right.

    The D'deridex for example has been hotly debated because of the horrendous turn rate it was given, and I'll fully admit I was definitely on the bandwagon with torch and pitchfork in hand ready to bath in human blood over it, just like many of us were.

    Then something miraculous happened, a few of us got together and worked the problem and came up with a number of different solutions, and in the end maybe the turn rate wasn't such a huge frak up, but a chance of us to challenge ourselves and evolve in our mindset when it comes to STO and our gameplay tactics.

    All of this, the good and the bad is the reason why we don't need a STO 2, but need to come together both as players and player/devs to help further evolve and refine the game we all love, and sometimes love to hate. This is why MMOs are Persistent Beta, until the day the game is shut down for good and erased from existence there's always things that can be done to make it better.

    PS: @DanStahl : Sorry if I seemed overly harsh, but the day I stop being full on blunt and honest will be the day I stop playing this game forever because I see all the potential this game has and truly only want the best for it. If that means being blunt, honest, and lighting a fire under your TRIBBLE when need be, then that is what I'll do nd I hope you always know it is with the best intentions.

    PSS: Romulan Fleetbase Skins for FED/KDF fleetbases, frak the holdings, just the fleetbase is fine interior and exterior.
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    fraghul2000fraghul2000 Member Posts: 1,590 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    let a real gaming company, with a dev team that actually knows what they are doing make this game right.

    Which one? One of the indie, backyard studios that don't have the rescources to properly develop and run an mmo? One of the big companies, where it's either going to be the stepchild mmo or gets run into the ground? Or rather one of the hundreds of great of big time, classic game companies, that are all defunct by now?
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    rathelmrathelm Member Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    voicesdark wrote: »
    <snip> Having a three faction system not only would have set STO apart from any other MMO, but it would have lead to hugely significant improvements in countless aspects of the game. <snip>

    Except for the fact that Dark Age of Camelot did it a decade ago, but sure sets it apart.
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    ussdelphin2ussdelphin2 Member Posts: 525 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    rathelm wrote: »
    Except for the fact that Dark Age of Camelot did it a decade ago, but sure sets it apart.

    Yep and Planetside 1 and 2 do it, if you can call them MMO's
    How I picture a lot of the forumites :P
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    bubbleburstsbubblebursts Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Wow so much resistance toward a sequel. I wouldn't mind if they develop a new game with better immersion factor. I am talking about things like actually piloting your ship from the bridge, sitting at the captain chair giving orders to your boff, seamless transition from planet to sector space (as in no loading screen) and better exploration mechanic.

    In the current layout, I don't think is possibly to fix the sector space flying since STO is based on the Champion Online engine.
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    contrarydecisioncontrarydecision Member Posts: 274 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    valoreah wrote: »
    PWE bought Cryptic 2 years ago and STO is more bug ridden now than it ever has been before. Quality? Far from it. Quality is definitely not something Cryptic has in spades IMO.

    You're adorable if you honestly think the state of the game is worse now than it was pre-PWE.
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    lykumlykum Member Posts: 382
    edited July 2013
    From the perspective of a non-MMO gamer. A lot of this MMO thing is waaay over-designed. Cutting it to simpler things we'd have a game enjoyed by all right now, instead of fighting a corporate mess to save STO from gaming oblivion.

    As an example: In STO I give an order to target engines that comes with a cooldown timer. In STO AWESOME when I give that order to shoot those engines, he'll shoot those damned engines til the ship blows up!!
    Lyndon Brewer: 20% chance to capture enemy ship for 60 seconds on successful use of boarding party.

    cause sometimes its party time!
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    vesterengvestereng Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    STO II:

    3D space

    Alert system

    Flying from the bridge

    Manual targeting (that's right you heard me)
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    twg042370twg042370 Member Posts: 2,312 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    valoreah wrote: »
    PWE bought Cryptic 2 years ago and STO is more bug ridden now than it ever has been before.

    Funny how few bugs you can have when you don't add new content for two years after the launch.
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    captainednacaptainedna Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    stark2k wrote: »
    Wouldn't it be nice if Cryptic worked on a NEW and improved Star Trek Online, with better graphics, better server stability, more costume options, more species and Factions etc...

    id actually pay if they would make a new sto and even if they take away all my sheets I'd be happy.I mean this game has no crafting ,almost no trading (all things you'd want are in the fleets bound to character ....you dont even have to think what is good for you ,you simply buy and know for sure that is good ) , no rewards (why the hell you'd want to beat no win scenario? ) ,no PvP (seriously ,you get a warn if you raid esd as kdf lol ) ....they could make the current sto a coop game...no one would notice the difference.

    of course they can make it great ...neverwinter has alot of great stuffs so that shows they can but probably this game needs to be changed so much that would be cheaper and faster to make a new one.They sure got the space part right but they are slowly killing it with new never tested items and powers :(
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    byzanathosbyzanathos Member Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I wish for a lot of things but not this.

    I kinda wish a different company did a trek MMO that was not FTP but more in line with actual star trek lore and made to be an adventure not a grind, farm, timer, cooldown, refine limit and store dominated system where almost every button has a price tag next to it.

    I dont know, sometimes i think I enjoy the game then I look at myself and wonder why i'm doing ISE for the 1000th time or tagging my 1000th Epohh

    I think what I want is STO ships and ship setups/combat dynamics in a system and universe like EVE
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    captainednacaptainedna Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    byzanathos wrote: »
    I kinda wish a different company did a trek MMO that was not FTP

    you mean you wish a failed game.... :rolleyes:

    people have to understand that in 2013 mmo = f2p ....there is no other option..Rift is even more f2p than sto (you can buy from the store with in game currency or real world money )....WoW is the exception which will most likely go f2p when is too late.
    Eve is f2p if you know how to play it ISK for subs in game and yes many people who played Eve play sto ( me ) and want a more mature game .
    byzanathos wrote: »
    I dont know, sometimes i think I enjoy the game then I look at myself and wonder why i'm doing ISE for the 1000th time or tagging my 1000th Epohh

    maybe because theres no pvp or other things to do.People said they want to play star trek without shooting .Well ,you could be a trader but theres nothing to trade because all things people would want to trade are now for dilithium /zen (if you dont want to grind dilithium).
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    lykumlykum Member Posts: 382
    edited July 2013
    maybe because theres no pvp or other things to do.People said they want to play star trek without shooting .Well ,you could be a trader but theres nothing to trade because all things people would want to trade are now for dilithium /zen (if you dont want to grind dilithium).

    I think of Gene's reality of where everyone is shooting at YOU, not necessarily your ship running off into the neutral zone spoiling for a fight. :rolleyes:
    Lyndon Brewer: 20% chance to capture enemy ship for 60 seconds on successful use of boarding party.

    cause sometimes its party time!
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    xalexkxxalexkx Member Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    why? why?
    unless they'd give us our accounts there with all we have here no.
    ANd why a new one? i'm happy with everything available right now. Yes, the needs some improvements, but they will come in time
    To boldly go where no FAWer has ever FAWed before.
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    captainednacaptainedna Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    lykum wrote: »
    I think of Gene's reality of where everyone is shooting at YOU, not necessarily your ship running off into the neutral zone spoiling for a fight. :rolleyes:

    evin evul klinks had their doctors ,traders and random useless klinks who wonder around all day doing nothing :P
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    byzanathosbyzanathos Member Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    you mean you wish a failed game.... :rolleyes:

    people have to understand that in 2013 mmo = f2p ....there is no other option..Rift is even more f2p than sto (you can buy from the store with in game currency or real world money )....WoW is the exception which will most likely go f2p when is too late.
    Eve is f2p if you know how to play it ISK for subs in game and yes many people who played Eve play sto ( me ) and want a more mature game .

    maybe because theres no pvp or other things to do.People said they want to play star trek without shooting .Well ,you could be a trader but theres nothing to trade because all things people would want to trade are now for dilithium /zen (if you dont want to grind dilithium).

    well eve is no where near your classic FTP system, no new player can go into it FTP past the free trial, it requires a subscription - but it just so happens that if you are good enough or farm enough you can pay with that sub with in game currency.

    I don't think STO is more mature than eve, the way I see it EVE is many many times larger and more complex and more serious. STO is more simple, it's lite entertainment compared to even which can become a lifestyle or a full time job.

    personally I think the standard FTP model ruins games for me, even the STO one which is as far as I know one of the better ones. Simply because it removes much of the sense of achievement for me. I mean I once decided to by $50 of zen to support the game then I didn't spend it for weeks because it felt like cheating - I want to actually earn stuff but in FTP games they make the normal earning process horrible to obviously try and get people to swipe their card.

    In STO generally to get something cool requires one or two of three things

    repetition - doing the same thing over and over and over again then do it again and again and again. e.g. to get omega 5 and earn Dilith people will usually do ISE many many many times because it's the easiest and fastest STF and has no failure conditions it gets farmed to hell

    time - do something once a day, every day for a few months, also repetition in a way..... e.g. LFG Fed Tag

    $$$$ - insert coins, get rewards. though it is good not everything can be obtained this way.
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    comrademococomrademoco Member Posts: 1,694 Bug Hunter
    edited July 2013
    what did I just read???? :(

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    tyranthraxisiityranthraxisii Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Are you high?(OP) This game isn't even old, and would be great if they would get out of beta stage and fine tune everything. Not to mention it has the perfect MMO environment since things are constantly added, new and improved ships/uniforms/weapons etc are added, and users can create their own content. If Cryptic had Blizzards polishers(which aren't exactly there anymore either) this game would be shiny diamonds.
    I thought WoW's forums had angry elitist snobs, but I never could have imagined the level STO forums has.:confused:
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    amalefactoramalefactor Member Posts: 511 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Let this thread die, please.

    Yes, I gave it more life by saying this.

    But please let it die.
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    scarstitchesscarstitches Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I'll take an STO 2 but I would rather someone else build it from the ground up...Cryptic unfortunately has 3 games that had so much potential but are plagued with bugs and exploits and more focused on micro transactions than a polished game. Dont get me wrong I am addicted to STO and had high hopes for neverwinter....alas neverwinter in its current state is nothing more than a farce. At least for me so far STO is playable for now.
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    lucianazetalucianazeta Member Posts: 740 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I'll take an STO 2 but I would rather someone else build it from the ground up...Cryptic unfortunately has 3 games that had so much potential but are plagued with bugs and exploits and more focused on micro transactions than a polished game. Dont get me wrong I am addicted to STO and had high hopes for neverwinter....alas neverwinter in its current state is nothing more than a farce. At least for me so far STO is playable for now.

    Neverwinter just released, jesus.

    So many MMO newbies here.
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    lykumlykum Member Posts: 382
    edited July 2013
    The one shiny thing I can put into these forums that the devs CAN do is change the 4 fore 4 aft weapons configuration. favoring MUCH longer weapons cooldown and the ability to mounts LOTS of weapons on bigger ships.
    Lyndon Brewer: 20% chance to capture enemy ship for 60 seconds on successful use of boarding party.

    cause sometimes its party time!
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    stark2kstark2k Member Posts: 1,467 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I'm looking toward the future, near future. I mean with the latest hardware in the market, the game engine is kinda stale don't you think?

    Considering that someone mentioned that the game hasn't even left Beta yet, whatever that means, I think a new infrastructure for this game is in order.

    The difference between the LoR expansion and the rest of the game is like night and day, a mismatched of quality.

    It would be nice if they re-built the game from the ground up, starting with Ground mechanics and physics. Star Trek Online 1 is far too gone for any adequate fix, its the buggiest game to date. Aside from the BUGS, its best to start working on a sequel.

    And yes MMO's do have sequels, Case in point Guild Wars 2
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