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too difficult!!!

amahoodamahood Member Posts: 0 Arc User
ok, "Devil's Choice", episode , no way... NO WAY is ANYBODY able to do that mission and finish it alone!

And alot ALOT of episodes are hard to do!!!

I mean.... what? I know I know "here comes ANOTHER complainer".... but honestly... C'MON.

Has anyone tried this episode? I wasted two hours on it!

I think the STO team has screwed up BIGTIME, unfortunately with how difficult they've made the episodes, starting from "Last Stand" to "Devils Choice".

makes ya not want to bother with the romulan episodes anymore...
Post edited by amahood on


  • stirling191stirling191 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    amahood wrote: »
    ok, "Devil's Choice", episode , no way... NO WAY is ANYBODY able to do that mission and finish it alone!

    You would be completely wrong about that.

    I love the fact that Rommie content isn't the same old "hit autoattack and go out for steak and a beer" level of difficulty that most of STO has been for the last several years.
  • amahoodamahood Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You would be completely wrong about that.

    easy to say ya did it , ya don't have to prove ya did do ya, I can say I did it too..... I somehow don't think ya finished it alone.
  • darktezikdarktezik Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I've completed all episodes on my RRF character alone up to Assimilation, so I think all are doable.

    EDIT: But I do recall this episode as a little bit harder than the average.
  • daedalus304daedalus304 Member Posts: 1,049 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I did it alone, it was easy once I realized what to do, just kill the command ship.

    that's it, sure I died 10x but mostly wasn't paying attention.
  • nanomorphnanomorph Member Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Meh. I managed this in a Valdore without dying once.

    Came close quite a few times, but soloed it just fine.
  • sorceror01sorceror01 Member Posts: 1,042 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    amahood wrote: »
    easy to say ya did it , ya don't have to prove ya did do ya, I can say I did it too..... I somehow don't think ya finished it alone.

    That's okay that you think that, but it still doesn't change the fact of the matter that people can finish this mission alone.
    Yes, it is incredibly difficult. Yes, it's entirely possible you will explode in colorful fashion more than once.
    But you don't absolutely need another person to finish this mission.
    All the times I did it (both on Live and Test), I did by myself. It was protracted and aggravating, but in the end, able to be completed by one person, if they payed attention to the battlefield and what they should be doing on it.
    ".... you're gonna have a bad time."
  • saedeithsaedeith Member Posts: 628 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I did it solo. It was extremely frustrating because the freaking dreadnaught constantly keying up on my respawn point which lead to multiple deaths.
  • shockwave85shockwave85 Member Posts: 1,040 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    As others have said, this is completely passable by one person. Many of us have done it with varying degrees of difficulty. I underestimated it and thought I could Rambo through like all the other story episodes, and it turned into a total circus. I still was able to get through it though.

    Now, I will grant you that the difficulty on this mission spikes up too suddenly. If the game's campaign was slowly building you up to this, that would be fine. Slowly forcing you to start thinking about your Boff powers. Slowly making you think about what specific gear you're using as opposed to equipping whatever drops and letting your enemies taste the rainbow. Slowly ratcheting up number and intelligence of enemies to force you to think tactically.

    The problem is, it doesn't. The game goes suddenly from faceroll easy to "you better know what the hell you're doing". There are a number of other threads on this topic though.
  • wufangchuwufangchu Member Posts: 778 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    On tribble, we complained about the difficulty of that mission, especially the third wave. I was able to solo it then, ( arthritis not withstanding ), But with the same ship and same stats, i cant do it on holodeck. They buffed it up even more..

    But Devils choice isnt the only thing they buffed. Last night i had two seperate groups of people walk away from the middle of an STF on me because it couldnt be won. My own ship had major and critical damage to every system on board. In Seperate DeepSpace encounters against the Mirror Universe, Several of us kept getting slaughtered because of the increased buff on the battleships and the number of ships your actually attacking being increased by three fold.

    I really wish Cryptic would stop listening to these Pay2Win ghouls every time they whine that something is too easy.. Its making the game un fun and un playable, and, before any of you tell me if i dont like it dont play, I'm notthe only one and Cryptic has already lost thousands of players over the last week ( notice there are no queues? ).

    It is my personal opinion that if someone wants to play a game where there is no chance of winning, where if you die you lose everything where its as un fun as it gets, go play Dust. Get your hands off our Star Trek.
  • tlamstriketlamstrike Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I did that mission with the D'D and the skill point bug that prevented me from putting any points in for my character or my boffs after level 10.

    It can be done.

    One tactic I used was to draw out the dreadnought and killed it while the rest of the fleet handled the Elachi.
    My Romulan Liberated Borg character made it to Level 30 and beat the (old) Defense of New Romulus with the skill point bug. :D
  • kurumimorishitakurumimorishita Member Posts: 1,410 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You would be completely wrong about that.

    I love the fact that Rommie content isn't the same old "hit autoattack and go out for steak and a beer" level of difficulty that most of STO has been for the last several years.

    This. So much this!!!
    "We might get pretty singed at that range, but not as singed as they're going to get. Engage."
    - Captain Six of Nine aka Ashley "Don't Call Me Ash" Campbell
  • johngazmanjohngazman Member Posts: 2,826 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    amahood wrote: »
    ok, "Devil's Choice", episode , no way... NO WAY is ANYBODY able to do that mission and finish it alone!

    I did :cool: And I did it by destroying every single ship. None of this namby-pamby "target the command ship" codswallop.

    Took an hour or so, but I did go it alone. Since then, two of my fleetmates did it and both requested one of the rest of us as backup.
    You're just a machine. And machines can be broken.
  • costello5672costello5672 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Last Stand took some time and a bunch of respawns, but I did it alone.

    It especially helped to follow the stated objectives as they're given to you, instead of just flying around blindly shooting at everything.

    That said, at one point I was seriously frustrated, as there was a big mob camping out on the respawn point so a few of my deaths happened within seconds of one another....
  • pyryckpyryck Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I found the mission to be a little bit of a challenge, but a little critical thinking and strategizing led me to finish it solo with only 1 death - right on top of the command ship.
  • stirling191stirling191 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    johngazman wrote: »
    I did :cool: And I did it by destroying every single ship. None of this namby-pamby "target the command ship" codswallop.

    Took an hour or so, but I did go it alone.

    Flanking AoE attack runs in a Mogai make it go a *lot* faster than an hour :eek:
    amahood wrote: »
    easy to say ya did it , ya don't have to prove ya did do ya, I can say I did it too..... I somehow don't think ya finished it alone.

    Simply because you are incapable of doing something in no way means that it can't be done by others.

    Is defense more difficult than other solo story missions? Yes.

    Is it impossible? Not in the least

    Is it more fun than a barrel of monkeys? Oh absolutely.
  • otowiotowi Member Posts: 600 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I did beat this monster of a mission, but it left a sour taste, and I will not do this again unless I absolutly have to.

    This mission is... Great in concept, but leaves a lot to be desired in it's execution.

    I like a good, but fair challenge. This is not a fair challenge.

    The first two waves are just about right difficulty wise.

    The 3rd wave... The horror. The ramp up in difficulty is unlike any other PvE mission currently in game, except the STF's, but they are end game content, and are meant to be a challenge at that level.

    This mission, or atleast the 3rd wave is cutting it very close to being an STF without being one. It's like a single player mini STF imo.

    The dreadnoughts and associated support ships are bad enough, but then you have the command ship, wich is the hardest non STF enemy currently in game. The HP and shielding of the bloody thing is just insane. My poor D'deridex, wich fares well in normal PvE, was almost like flying a shuttle considering how often it went boom.

    And the allied support ships are all but useless, with them being stuck in a reapir loop for most of the time, leaving the player alone against an onslaught of Elachi ships...

    The mission almost seems like it was meant to be a group mission, but was changed to a single player mission, but with the 3rd wave remaining in "group" mode difficulty wise.

    It needs balancing, no questions asked, and also a fix to the allied support ships. Make the allied support ships unkillable at 1 HP, and remove the repair function they have...
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Oh, the command ships aren't hard, just annoying. Here's how you beat them:

    1. Cloak
    2. Find the most damaged command ship (if they're all undamaged with full shields, just pick one)
    3. Move to firing position
    4. Hit all your buffs
    5. Decloak
    6. Shoot it until you die
    7. Respawn
    8. Repeat until you win
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    15 km rule
    that simple
    Live long and Prosper
  • pyryckpyryck Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    warpangel wrote: »
    Oh, the command ships aren't hard, just annoying. Here's how you beat them:

    1. Cloak
    2. Find the most damaged command ship (if they're all undamaged with full shields, just pick one)
    3. Move to firing position
    4. Hit all your buffs
    5. Decloak
    6. Shoot it until you die
    7. Respawn
    8. Repeat until you win

    I prefer NOT to die or explode unless I'm near the Command ship...

    1. Use battle cloak.
    2. Target enemy ship on the edge of the fight.
    3. Adjust full power to weapons.
    4. Maneuver into firing position on target.
    5. Enable HYT#/TS#
    6. When in range, de-cloak and immediately FIRE EVERYTHING
    7. Pop Engy/Sci "save-me" skills, then Evasive Maneuvers and then GOTO 1

    Rinse, Lather and Repeat.

    Don't try to take on the ENTIRE FLEET at one time. Wittle down the numbers into manageable bites. Leave the Command ship for dessert. :cool:
  • conundrumnsaconundrumnsa Member Posts: 705 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    No matter how bad a mission there will always be some basement dwellers just saying you gots no skillz. They are generally worth ignoring.

    Yes, in a very technical sense you can solo this mission (if you call soloing it dying about 20 times). That is no way makes it feel fun.

    I for one will happily say that I like the fact that STO is generally an easy game. Not everyone is looking for "hard" punishing gameplay. If you want that, there are plenty of MMOs with punishing endgames. Some of us just like to relax when we play.
  • urniv821urniv821 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hey OP.. I did all my rom/rem stuff solo.. reman tac officer.. set to advanced difficulty since mission 1... always using cruddy dropped items

    No joke.
    Your Javelin deals 125417 (89066) Disruptor Damage(Critical) to Tholian Recluse. > lol
  • jstewart55jstewart55 Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I've finished every Romulan mission just fine. Sure, I die a couple of times, but altering your strategy and tactics a bit works wonders. Also, sorting your skills out.
  • byzanathosbyzanathos Member Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    i'd be happy if they put a challenging mission in, everything I've done so far is just rushed through without even having to think about it it's so easy.

    however I'm stuck because of a bug. in the storyline mission i'm in I get this Galor that goes to 0% and stops taking damage. Cant continue the mission and it's really stalled the leveling for my new Romulan this game is bugged to hell.

    then I try and submit a request for GM help and that fails. it's bugged as well, fricken great.
  • thratch1thratch1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This brings back memories of Open Beta and Live around the game's launch of the Federation mission "Researcher Rescue" -- namely, the Gorn ship at the end just blowing the TRIBBLE out of new Fed players (myself included).
  • jstewart55jstewart55 Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    For the sake of balance, I'm up to the Cardassian Struggle now and I haven't suffered one bug. ;)
  • theofficialmip#7339 theofficialmip Member Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    difficulty is fun! ;)
    One of the 0.7%ers Markus Urelious 16000+ Accolades [Fed Tac FA] + Several More
    Forum Member Since Feb 2010
  • glorthoxglorthox Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The echani or whatever they are is just another borg type of race. So tired of one shot attacks. And it seems like they have both ground and space one shots. Also tried a science side romulan and stayed on klingon side. And I must say there isn't any science ships at commander. You are forced to take the cruiser or a tactical.
  • imthe13thdoctorimthe13thdoctor Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I did finish it alone.......the final battle took 42 minutes and at the end it was me and the Named Fed vessels (who were repairing most of the fight). I personally died 7 times at the 'Defend New Romulus' line and I had a tricked out Commander level ship with a full suite of special Consoles.

    The initial line had the Elachi show up and every single escort opened up with their Mega Strike, which fragged most of my helpers in the first 10 seconds. That fight wasn't bad but it took a while as I had little back up. What fell back to the second line was myself and 8 other ships.

    1st Fallback position saw a repeat of the opening of the first.....except this time it was Escorts and Battleships and they all capped off with their Mega Strike in a criss crossing wall of ship erasing doom. If the Named Feds had not showed up I'd have been stopped right there.

    Final Fallback saw a repeat of the now standard warp in and Alpha Strike. My fighter support from New Romulus was gone in the first 2 minutes. and my First Officer told me to target the Command Ship. Bad idea. I was his beech for the next 20 minutes. I'd die and respawn and he'd Full Impulse to where I was. At the End the Named Feds managed to repair enough to kill the dozens of remaining smaller ships to join me with the 2 Super Ships. :eek:

    The Alpha Strikes that kill most of your support ships every single defensive line is insane. The 2 Mega Ships at the end is just flat out ridiculous combined with the half dozen Battle Ships and Escorts as well as the armada of smaller ships.:confused:

    If you are willing to die a dozen or so times you can beat it but I am not looking forward to doing this again.....ever.:rolleyes:
  • gpgtxgpgtx Member Posts: 1,579 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    the 3rd wave is balanced for having the allied ships still being there. the issue comes in that they have a hard time not dieing do to there TRIBBLE AI so you are left to do it with only 4 constantly repairing named ships and your ship instead of the 10+ allied ships that are suppose to be there

    i do not want it nerfed i want it fixed though by making the allied ships have the infinite 1 hp then the mission would be working as it was designed to but cryptic wont do that it will either stay as is or be nerfed to mind numbing easy
  • wolfpacknzwolfpacknz Member Posts: 783 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    amahood wrote: »
    ok, "Devil's Choice", episode , no way... NO WAY is ANYBODY able to do that mission and finish it alone!

    And alot ALOT of episodes are hard to do!!!

    I mean.... what? I know I know "here comes ANOTHER complainer".... but honestly... C'MON.

    Has anyone tried this episode? I wasted two hours on it!

    I think the STO team has screwed up BIGTIME, unfortunately with how difficult they've made the episodes, starting from "Last Stand" to "Devils Choice".

    makes ya not want to bother with the romulan episodes anymore...

    Done it several times on Tribble, done it again on Holo. Those episodes are rather easy and the last one? Well thats meant to be difficult and Devs don't you dare nerf it!!! These episodes are fantastic as they are and to Nerf them (As you have done to kindergarten level with everything else) would just ruin them completely.

    Here's a tip for you (Apart from learn to play) just focus on the command ship. That's all you have to do, prepare to cloak and run when you take fire, rinse and repeat. Really, is that so hard now???
    Real Join Date: Monday, 17 May 2010
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