Horrible idea then you'd have a bunch of weaker players unable to complete the mission sometimes we got to carry the weight of our brother or sister we don't know their situation. I have a lot of weaker characters that rely on elite players to help me out but I have a few strong characters that help weaker players out. The…
My Dad came home and told me about this and I kept responding "No way!!!.... No way.... this has got to be a joke.... a tabloid trick I really hope this is a trick.... perhaps he faked his own death?" and other such hopeful "this is a false tragedy" hopes. Really sad to see him go he was a good actor and a comedian that…
confirmations are a waste of time.... just don't make a mistake. Or perhaps better yet if you DO want endless confirmations make them a bulk package option .... where once you opt-in via the options tab... which will ironically have a confirmation you get locked into having confirmations on everything you ever will do in…
Neglecting their steam user-base while focusing purely on Arc does make it seem a little more likely that they might be gearing up for a future competition/business drive. Nothing would be entirely wrong with that but... It'd be nice to see steam lovers.... not get totally ignored in the process. Perhaps I'm totally wrong…
Exploration used to be done mainly for the dilithium as I recall. So if Exploration ever comes back... dilithium needs to be a factor. I'd love for some sort of Exploration system to come out with races based on the shows. I think that would make a difference. A lot of writing, situations and variables would have to be…
I like to read the dev blogs like of the Voth ship but I can't because of Arc Game's arbitrary re-direct. I generally like Arc but.... this is extremely annoying. Sure I could read the wikipedia but when I search the forum for certain information? I kind of expect it to be there especially if it's about a lock-box ship I…
It's the Dark Ages... on the internet.... PWE's idea of 'synergy' is to assimilate every game into a Tactical Cube of Drones... ship them off to an O-Type-Star and watch the Antimatter waste combust into a beautiful explosive wave-front the name of this new cube... "ARC Games" "Like it or not here we come... tag you're…
The only point to ARC is to promote PWE Games in General in my honest opinion. I really hope it doesn't become mandatory but it will undoubtedly.... become inevitable. The sad part of this is it's going to be forced on people. I don't want ARC either like many folks 'ere. Not unless... somehow this system actually has some…
Heh I take a NOTEPAD file on my desktop... named it... log the name and times I've finished the event. ALT+TAB + Type Note + Change Toons + Rinse + Repeat = Wheee. :cool:
I want to be able to take my ship into Earth Space-Dock and see the docking clamps locking on.... even if I choose to see it happen once it was all worth the effort :P How bout we do that next :P ?
Really thankful lobi are being made Account bound especially considering how much people can spend trying to get lobis; changing your mind on something to try and consolidate to get something first ... just makes things easier. Especially if you have leftover Lobi. I'd really love to see Rich Dilithium Mine ticket boxes or…
I'm really wondering when a fix will come. I'd like to be patient... but it's irritating considering I left the game for a couple months stressed over it only to discover I've spent some money into the game when I vowed I wouldn't come back until the fixed it... and .... yet.... everyone devs, players are all stressed :(
You want a carrier that can have a Cmdr Tactical? Then get the Tholian Recluse which has a Commander Universal slot. You can buy it off the exchange but can only use it for one character. Another example of a Tactical Carrier of sorts is the Jem'hadar Heavy Escort Carrier. So there are carriers that are tactical-focused or…
Starting a new fleet can be a challenge, especially if you hope to build your Starbase/Embassy. You can start a new fleet by visiting Qo'nos. where you find the bridge officer trainer. First you need to be in a team that includes 5 people including your self in order to create the fleet. Keep in mind; it's possible you…
That leaving team in 5 seconds queue bug has been around a while before Romulan faction introduction. It sucks. So do all the other bugs; hope they get resolved though especially the mail "not working as intended" alleged 100 limit bs/can't delete.
The really need to fix the mail problem... so far no dice haven't seen or heard they give a hoot. So many other problems granted; but this one is just as major. Perhaps not as major as connectivity issues but stil.... hope this gets fixed soon!!!
Weakest argument I've ever heard. That's seriously inefficient. Not to mention starter lobi could be classified as 'demonstration lobi' or something else so it would be character bound. So many ways around this small gripe and point. Yet... always someone who wants to throw in the smallest excuse to stand in the way of…
Seriously Lobi's should be account bound. I'd like the freedom to be able to move them around. I think it's not too much to ask. I'd really like this yet doubt it will ever happen in my lifetime.
Ton of information, tons of tips great interview! Very well explained. When you talk to people like Pug01 or listen to what they're saying you can also learn how to improve your game in PvE no doubt. Everyone should learn some pvp improve their game, improve their experience.
Nuuuuu d/ced while trying my new Accx3 phaser dhcs and having an awesome pvp in which the d/c robbed me of my glory in combat. Dishonorable Cryptic!!!! lol. I want my STO back *sob sob*
Restarted computer a fourth time... seems to have worked. Until the next issue :P http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showpost.php?p=7359681&postcount=1 < Get Launcher From This link 2. Look for your STO desktop shortcut (should be C:\Users\Public\Games\Cryptic Studios) 3. Copy/Replace the downloaded file to that location in…