unoxx Arc User


  • You do have to consider the probability of obtaining certain skills as well. For example the ultimate skills are very expensive and you need to be lvl 99 to learn them. So ask yourself how long you will be playing and whether you are willing or able to pay 20+ million for a skill. On the other hand, the spark and chi…
  • You can go axe/fist if you want, it gives you more versatility, and the possibilty to use the other weapon paths later on as well. Still, you might wanna focus on 1 path first, and branch out later. Since fists dont require skills to be effective (except mastery) you should focus on axe skills. That way you can use both…
  • Uhm, do you have a link to the math behind that?
  • Yea maybe I kinda made up my mind, wrinting it down helps a lot... Still, I might have missed some important factors. I do intend to go with what I seem to be best, but a while ago i was determined to go demon, but now I tend to sage, you know what I mean? thats why I opened this thread. Anyway, tnx for the repplies!! Very…
  • Can genies zerk? o.O This, how does it work on mobs? Because I doubt they have "diminishing returns" like players do, not to mention they hardly have defense buffs (yes there are some that have it, just not a lot!). If on mobs 50% less def would equal 2x more dmg, or maybe like 1.8-1.9x more dmg, GP would be better in PvE…
  • lolz why do I see ppl saying axes are better at solo AoE gringing. If you do that without charm and take too many mobs --> you die. With pole you just push em back, cooldown and attack again. Mobs will go down fast enough, and you can take on more at the time. Oh, and you wont die! Sounds like plan ^_^ go with all 4 weaps…
  • Yea they should fix that description! Its not hard to do that I imagine and this doesnt make ANY sense at all.
  • I dont think a BM would just let you demon spark and hit you with6 skills in a row... When a cleric (or any other magic class/archer) triple sparks I either kite or try to stunlock. On clerics, try to land a roar, when that succeeds, which eventually will, double/triple spark, extreme poison (ground) use 1-2 low dmg skills…
  • God... you guys are lvl 90+ ... How can you not know mobs will use magic only? Get a friggin TT60 polearm (range 5m) and test it! fail..... (except Nevlik ofcourse ^^)
  • What Lloyd says. The time limit should not be a problem at all. You'd better focus on passing DW ;) Plus as a BM you are not that great a DD for bosses, so the difference in DPS between say fists and axes during the bossfight is very much insignificant compared to the damage the wizz, archer and veno deal. So, fists in…
  • what rest? In rb you need to AoE CONSTANTLY, axe is the only way to do that. other weapons are only an option for bosses. And then it doesnt realy matter what weapon you choose. So if you say: People will not let you in their squad. Talking about RB gamma here, havent done alfa/beta, maybe there fists might be usefull, I…
  • @ _Miku_: at your lvl it does, yes. Wait till you get 80+, the nix wont take down any BM for you. Please ppl, use ur heads. The nix is a threat allright, but not to HA chars. The veno ITSELF is a threat to them! HA gets nuked by magic, not by physical att. Are you guys scared of Heavens flame? NO! (ok only for its effect…
  • 1v1 an arcane veno is no match for a bm... As a pole BM I start with Will, run to veno, roar double spark, far strike, meteor rush (pushes pet away) , aeolian blade, drake sweep, when veno runs use farstrike/drakes ray. If the veno is not dead a) you are very unlucky cause you missed so much b) the veno has tons of HP…
  • Go pole, has some of everything and is just as good at it as the "specialized" paths. (like Axe AoE en sword 1v1) At least till 80+. After that you will probably use multiple weaps anyway, as you are meant to do.
  • Just go with polearm path. Way more cost effective in AoE grinding. BECAUSE of few to no charm ticks. Swdgy's method may work, but using polearm skills is easier, and will yield the same result. Awesome combo: gather mobs, roar and get position --> fan --> drake sweep --> meteor rush, wait for mobs to come back and repeat.…
  • It cost me about 2 million to make one. That was like 3 months ago. Just before the major economy changes. Hard to find in AH cause there arent that many poleblade BMs (dunno why, they rock) and anyone who's got one will keep it toe make Evil Eye: Red. Also, a lot of poleblade BMs go with Massive Champion. For PvE a very…
  • Polearms are great weapons, and in the early stages of the game you dont need axes. Their advantages are only of importance later. The pro's of polearm are the faster attack speed and range, expecially early game axe spike dmg doesnt make up for it since you will mostly be using 1-2 skills to kill a mob, and just **** on…
  • my point was that a BM can only very rarely take aggro from a wizard and archer by out-damaging them. We have to use other skills to take aggro.
  • Why dont u guys have the BM do the running quest? We are by far the fastest. 5 m/s normal speed (mostly 5.2 cause of proud plate of corsaire everyone has) plus we have 3! speed skills: cloudsprint, will of the bodhisatva and Holy path. I can complete all 8 running quests before halfway second stage. discuss.
  • lol.... any BM can complete rb gamma. why? Cause we dont deal enough dmg to take aggro anyways. we can just stand there do nothing and complete. The thing is, if you want to be GOOD at it, and you want ppl to ask you because you are good. Well... then you gotta know what you're doing. Only weapon good then is axe, best to…
  • Maybe they are trying to make everything easier: first dominance blessing, now squad of 8 perhaps. instances and rb are gonna be a walk in the park lol
  • proud of your 2 misties are you?
    in Your BM Comment by unoxx August 2009
  • lol you actually make sense, congratz ^_^ just keep in mind you can't rly AoE grind with fists or blades
  • Extreme poison --> double spark --> farstrike on single mob insane dmg xD
  • My god... I dont think AyaBrea or boo4u has read my previous post and they sure have no idea what they are talking about. Dont listen to them. I use both paths, and what I posted before is the simple plain truth. Unless you have no skills at all, go axes only or you wont hit anything with pole AoE's, but that is only for…
  • You can laugh at some1 saying axes hit slower, but it is a fact lol... Not only normal attack, the skills cast slower as well. Anyways, this is practically a non-issue since axes have spike dmg to make up for this. Ppl always say axes are better for AoE because of betther AoE skills, this is only true when you attack a low…
  • Thunderstorm. Lvl 10, pure str genie. Nuff said. Extreme poison, very usefull against LA and robes, makes you able to 1-shot them with sparks. Holy Path, has multiple uses. Running away, catching running people and makes a BMs job in rebirth faster. Plus fun skill to use ^_^ These are PvP skills, not very usefull in PvE…
  • Please fix rebirth asap... I mean, the smileys that aint working are just plain funny. But this takes away a huge part of the game for many!
  • Oh, double tread then. /Tread closed
  • Are you sure about that? Cause I've heard about clerics that have no benifit of metal shards at all....