oznig Arc User


  • Creating false drama just to get some attention in a free to play game is why you fail as a human...
  • Though I would never do that, I have a hard time believing you can report someone for killing a mob and claiming they are griefing you. Thats like if I were to go to Timberfield and claim all the magmites were my friends and I didnt want them killed anymore. I could report someone for killing them because it would…
  • So how almighty PvPer does a lvl 20 on the PvP server handle another lvl 20 KSing? "You kser you!! You just wait till we're both level 30!!" *shakes fist in the air* "Your the second name in my handy dandy notebook of players I will KOS in 10 or 12 levels!"
  • I guess its like the wings on an elf, when not in use they are hidden. Find a use for a tail and Im sure it will pop out like the elf wings...
    in Veno Bunny? Comment by oznig April 2009
  • I thought PWI had "chat rooms" people could open up and invite only those they wanted in. If not just use Ventrilo or run yahoo or msn chat in the background.
  • I would have to say TheLegand. I do not normally judge anyone, or guilds for that matter, but just as it is pretty low for someone to leave the guild with no explanation, it is quite a bit lower to kick someone, an hour after inviting them when that person logs out for a minute to eat dinner. Then after asking why, getting…
  • All you could do is meet the person who wants to buy gold, buy them what they wanted from the cash shop and sell that item to them for whatever price you agreed upon for the gold it took to buy said item. But your right, zen gold is not tradeable player to player. Actually there was a scam not too long ago with people…
  • Maybe there aren't enough Euro players to require a server for Euro players. I dunno. I do know that the majority are from the States so they obviously cater to the majority. If you dont like the lag dont participate. I dont see a rule anywhere that says its mandatory. I love seeing a game where the GM's roll out event…
  • I dont see the GM hitting it at all. I see a GM standing there after its been killed and its all over. Are you sure the GM hit it? Or are you jealous you couldnt steal aggro and are making excuses?
  • OMG you are the biggest DORK I have ever met. I think you need some serious counseling to maybe come back to real life. Thats right open your eyes and look at the crappy excistence you have going. Or just curl up the ball you've created and think your a bad a**. Heck you cant even be on a PvP server so you dont even have…
  • I think it has to be multiple times. If you pull him into the line like 4 or 5 times, it really cant be called an accindent anymore. Anyone who hasnt played the game long could pull him into even the Village once, but more then that looks like griefing.
  • So are you saying that once you join a faction you should be bound to stay with said faction? Or... Are you jealous because Steel wont let you in? Sounds to me like the latter. If you can recruit enough high levels to join you faction to become the "top" faction. Hey more power to ya. I personally dont give a rats behind.…
  • Why is this a hate message? Im just being realistic. People on here are complete strangers. How well do you know the people on any server. Im sure you know a couple but unless they are the ones trading I would think you have to be a little cautious. Im sorry I for one would never give a complete stranger $200 on thier word…
  • Since gold isnt tradable player to player, how do you intend to collect for this? Would someone send you a check? Or charge your zen with thier CC? Either way its setup so someone could be ripped off. My view is until they allow and find a way to transfer items and characters server to server, I think you're just stuck.
  • I know there is a badge of courage quest for elves at level 10 or something. Courageous Undines drop it.
  • Well Amy he plays on HT where gold is about 100K a piece. So what he is saying is absolutly correct. I agree with charging more because it is also a convienence to buy it from a catshop over buying gold then buying from the item mall. It is also a convienence to have to go try and farm it when it drops only sporadicly from…
  • Dude firstly thats just gross. Its probably like 2 elephants fighting over a dead rabbit. b:shocked The fact you spend so much time worrying about a virtual enviroment and the "economy" of said enviroment and the fact you strive to be "wealthy" with "coins" that have no value is actually quite disturbing. But when you…
  • I'm actually shocked you really think you're making money. You do know in game coins have no real value. The way you talk about buying and selling in a virtual enviroment with coins that have no value whatsoever screams "I HAVE NO LIFE"...
  • As a previous poster said, after a couple weeks they will all be pretty heavily populated. I wont really matter what server you play on. Just choose between PvP or PvE, and what has the best ping for you and go from there. Dont be put off by the lack of parties from level 1 to 20 though. The game seems to be easily…
  • Whats the deal with everyone always wanting to be so dang rich? None of my toons are rich as you say, but I always have enough to get the items I want if I cannot get them from a drop or are to impatient to wait for a drop. Why would you need all the excess coin? If it was actual money I may somewhat understand, but being…
  • Yea because people generally are stupid. Just like the players who sell ragged fur and buddas hands in catshops for 500 to 1000 coins. If there were no buyers, there'd be no sellers.
  • Something I do that works quite well. Make a veno alt for nothing but grinding. My veno is only level 15 and all I do is gring the lvl 20 DQ items. They only sell for what is it 850 or something but after a couple hours I'll make 200K easily. Then just put that coin in the AH and withdraw as needed for my main wiz. It…
  • I agree, but why would he want to get married again (in game) after this has happened..
  • I agree. Maybe give a faction that owns a chunk of land the option of selling it back. Then other factions may bid to do a PvE TW. But the faction that sells cannot bid to PvE the TW.