monkeybone Arc User


  • Be praised, king of all noobs! I, dy, am honored to have with us the great noobking. I just entered the game to check, we have 198 members!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • of course we'll make the DESTINY guild in OB too. ;) For applications join our guild forum (here we make the "commercials" and there we can talk freely)
  • ok guys and girls. We are a level 3 guild now (max 200 ppl). Come and join. Don't forget to visit our website :)
  • only if you're yinn :p come on ppl. just visit our website to see that we are a community of nice and helpful ppl who like this game and who will be the positive surprise of this server. We'll accept your applications maybe also when we'll be dominating the server but it's better if you join now so that we know you a…
  • ADC - NO! you can't use the translation of another company without the risk of being sued. Arch - NO! stupid name
  • pk- player kill (attack someone who doesn't expect/agreed it) pvp - like a duel but with a chance of droping items (normaly a 1 vs 1 and both agreed to it) tw - guild vs guild war (pvp on a much higher scale) - chance to earn much money pk, pvp and tw are not the same.
  • I aprove to this post!
  • before level 30 it's imposible and btw, it's a pvp and NOT a pk server.
  • am i the only one who finds that the sound of the falling monster sounds stupid (and too loud)?
  • BUG: when you write something in the chat, the bubble above your head has line-breaks that split the words like the MY version. For example the word minute was broken in "min" and "ute" because there was no space anymore for the last three letters. Ans instead of putting the whole word in the next line, it got split the…
  • I Want Son Goku Hair Stile!!!!!!!!!!
  • i'm no sure if that is a bug... you can change the collour of the skinn in the first option (where you have to choose from 7-8 models). that way i made a nice hawayan (darker skinn) looking girl.
  • he said 17xx ms and not 17ms. 17xx means a range of 1701-1799ms and that is OVER 1.7 seconds!!! It's a huge lag!
    in lag Comment by monkeybone August 2008
  • Please, prove it!
  • Also register with a name that is similar or identical to the in-game name so that it will be easier in the conversations to recognize you. Destiny is a cross game guild, while our main focus is making friends, world domination is a close 2nd priority...
  • it starts midnight in california. countdown is broken and NO-ONE is even paying attantion.... GMs are totaly ignoring the problem. Maybe the programers of the frontpage countdown should take a dictionary and read it to find out the meaning of a countdown...
  • in conclusion: They messed up! A countdown should have nothing to do with the timezone you're in and that mean you should never have to calculate in your time the hours of the countdown. A countdown is general! It represents the exact hours it takes (in every time zone it's the same) for something to happen. If i make a…
  • Maybe that was your intention but you never said anything in that direction. You tried to explain us what their intention was. We all know their intention but as others said before, they were lazy and made mistakes. And these mistakes are confusing everyone (who's time is not Californian Time) much, much more than a simple…
  • How can you say that????????? Of course it does matter!!!!!! :mad: please re-read and then tell me that you understood a word you've written... How the f*** are there going to be "When is that in my time" posts if you see clearely that it will be in 7 hours?????????? Oh yaeh... you mean when is it gonna be in your time…
  • I wanted to write about the exact same thing last friday but i had to leave town and i couldn't... Please GM's resolve this problem ASAP! Thank you.
  • Most of them doesn't want to say anything here because that will put this topic on the top again... Regarding the " i was simply being polite and replying to them all " speach... Polite would have been to delete those topics or to ask a mod/admin to merge those topics into one. what you've done wasn't polite. It was an…
  • Just this quote make your post useless. If you just can't handle the fact that most ppl love werefoxes, then you're "guide" is unproffesional and useless...
  • Don't be bad:mad: it depends on the individual.
  • ren, you seem to be in someway good at computers, still you have a view on some things that remind me of a prety young child... for example: ripoff prices??? 70-90+ $ are ripoff prices for a OS??? Do i have to remind you that a OS is something far more bigger and harder to make than a normal 20-30 $ software??? A OS has to…
  • @russel a full buffed WB would fail against a good WF. The unbuff of the WF's foxform will make the WB be as dangerous as a bunny... Are you on crack? You get 5 stat points per level up... level 80 => 400 stat points. Even with buffs and other stuffs you won't get those 800... Btw, don't forget that buffs are useless…
  • raising postcount? I see... ;)
  • Please READ and DON'T (MIS)INTERPRET what you've quoted. It's writen very clearly that the European version will be the same as the chinesse version on the release. We still need a confirmation from the admins if the INT (us) version will be the same... And this is the WHOLE quote...
  • Then why do they hesitate to bring out the Romanian version also. You can't name me one single Country where you won't find us :)
  • i like the fact that they seem to have keept the My-EN class names :)
  • Then move in another country. Noone forces you to stay. And for sure it will be better if you leave because of your attitude. You are a shame for all the ppl who sacrificed their lifes for your country.