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  • Hey, look what I got today :) I knew I saw the name somwhere..
    in Love letters Comment by unbah July 2014
  • Yup, it is. Maybe because the way it works is an acknowledged bug?
  • The problem with matchmaking is that it doesn't work. Or maybe Im too stupid to grasp the concept of making 8-9k GS toons fight 15k+ monsters. But hey, at least we have quicker queue pops. Most of the matches, due to GS gap, are basically 3v5, and don't you dare to leave one to save that wasted 10 minutes. Well, yeah, its…
  • Let me guess, perma/hybrid, pvp spec, pbile? And your single target is low? Figures.
  • Use BnS only in enemies AoE. One powerfull hit can restore almost full AP bar. It is bad for just losing aggro tho.
  • Swash set bonus has a 25% chance to proc from any attack you make, be that at will or encounter. So if you start with DF, most of the time you will have 3 stacks by the time it ends. And that translates to 1014 power and recovery. Now all you need to do to keep it up is attack. Other options? I know some TRs that do well…
  • I have 12 toons. Got 2 cwards 12 days ago, 1 cward 5 days ago. Maybe I just got lucky.
  • For that kind of playstyle use vorpal and full Swash set. Go for 48% crit chance, with campfire buff and potion of heroism you will hit 50%. Stack arpen untill 22-24% resistance ignored, but thats no brainer. Get some defence - 1.5k works great for me, circa 10% lifesteal and 2k recovery. Rest goes to power. Deflect is not…
  • Right. GF has better mitigation, CW better range. But its the combination of them that makes IV GWF a beast. I agree on HR's, and I agree that buffing other classes would be better. But that just won't happen. Remember the reason behind introduction of tenacity? Buffing other classes to the lvl of GWF will make it…
  • One class has damage, burst, mitigation, CC immunity, self healing, cc lockdown, mobility, gap closers, range. Anything I missed? Oh right, they don't have dodges... Now please explain why GWF's don't need a nerf.
  • Considering domination matchmaking, there is nothing to comment about. Everyone knows how bad it is, but devs don't want to acknowledge it. All we get in return are comments that it is how it is to make waiting time shorter, and that skill>>>>gs.
  • I thought 9k was bad, until I got 6k in my pug today. Any dev care to explain exactly how matchmaking is supposed to work? And why it doesn't work?
  • Some ppl enjoy pvp but don't enjoy broken matchmaking, OP specs and the fact that you either follow one particular build or get roflstomped. Give us some more "fixes" like tenacity, "working" matchmaking, recent GWF "fix" or the afk penatly some people keep talking about, and even more people won't give a flying F about…
  • And how about giving ppl some kind of reward for not going AFK in a match that they are bound to lose anyway? How about giving a PUG more than 150 glory for actually trying to do something against a 5 men premade with r10's? Fix the system first, before you start penalizing.
  • What I've learned in the past year playing a TR is, that I will prolly see Whirlwind of Blades nerfed to the ground instead of SE buffed.
  • So, you are allowed to feel bad about even mentioning a nerf. I am not allowed to feel bad about nerfs that already happened, and those bound to happen, just because there are some permas out there that can solo epic dungeons. You could at least make up an excuse that makes more sense. Like everyones favorite pvp. Oh…
  • A "TR" can't solo epic dungeons. Only specific build can solo epic dungeons, so get your facts straight, and please don't generalise. As shocking as it may be, not every TR is a perma. And what about permas soloing dungeons? I say let them. I belive we both can make 2 or 3 guild runs, sell the drop, split the ADs and…
  • Welcome to the TR's world.
  • Meanwhile, TR's have no strong chain. They used to have either stealth or spike. Spike is long gone, and everyone calls for stealth nerf. Give TR's perma prone/stun/daze chain which in addition reduces a target form 100 to nearly 0 and you can nerf stealth and SE all you want. Oh, and mabye the best TR managed to crit for…
  • Ive seen the vids. Under certain conditions, which include 4vs1 staged "fight", all the buffs and debuffs you can get, high end gear and target being at 20% of health. I wonder how many of these will be met in an ordinary fight in an ordinary pvp match. But sure, nerf the skill for everyone because of a few cases of "under…
  • If I wanted to get an advantage I would use Courage Breaker. I use SE to end a fight. Period. SE is useless in pve since I dish out comparable damage with half of my rotation, regardless of targets HP. Only reason to keep it specced was PVP, and since it has ZERO utility it should do serious damage. Now, take away spike…
  • "Current situation" goes on as long as I can remember. Just check history of TR nerfs. SE is supposed to ignore defense. And since CW's can ignore a part of tenacity with their controll skills, I don't see why a daily power shouldn't ignore it too. A daily power that takes time to fill, not just mash-to-win at will or…
  • Dealing with a target while being unseen and then escaping? Correct me if Im wrong, but isn't that what the TR is supposed to do? You want to nerf TR's because they make use of their class mechanics? Play a TR in pve, and try to get a pug during DD. Good luck with that. CW dominates pve, GWF dominates pvp AND pve but…
  • Nerf SE, it hits too hard. Nerf PotB, every TR runs with it so it must be good. Nerf ITC, it makes a TR harder to kill. Nerf LB, it hits too hard. Nerf DF, it makes you bleed. Nerf Dazing Strike, it stuns. Nerf Smoke Bomb, it has too big aoe. Nerf Stealth, it makes TR invisible. And after that delete the class. I wonder if…
  • Instead of stealth rework, I would rather see B&S changes. Remove stealth refill and, for example, make it a time bomb dealing AoE dmg upon destruction/when timer runs out. Mabye add brief stun/daze/knockback. That would make perma harder to mantain in pvp (reason of all the nerf cries) and add aoe/cc options to the class…