To take it a step further and really drive it home how alone you are with your concerns... There's this. A little over ONE MONTH from game launch, which was on June 20, 2013, here's comes a report by banaaaaan on July 31, 2013. See anything…
This was my thought too. 1 month down 11 to go. Guess we'll see. </3 I'm forever reminding my NW friends not to get mad at stuff, just everything as it comes, find the fun in it, don't question silly things beyond your control... etc. Here I sit today for the first time nonetheless but still ashamedly a Total Hypocrite,…
We need someone to ACT on this like pronto, I don't think you guys understand. Let me break it down for any Dev, just in case they read this. You have a world with a financial system that is broken and NO ONE is making money and EVEN if we could all of the market is closed. (Well not closed but if you want to buy something…
Maintenance in this game is total slap in the face, love/hate relationship. Oh we get new things!! BBBut HAMSTER more is broken than is fixed and it could take years for this stuff to get fixed. We need to stop asking ourselves this question and just face the facts. Just look at the history before you ask the question and…
Hahaha this is SO par for the course. What ISNT messed up- Glad I didnt bother buying that pack. Last pack I bought, I bought just for the neck transmute. I paid $60 gdamn $ for a neck transmute (Stone of Earth) it's broken. Come to find out, its never worked. I found at least 19 separate bug reports on it, 1st one dates…
To reproduce: Go to AH list something, check the search for your newly listed item, see its not there and theres the problem. Please fix. I'm sure all these thread should be married but they aren't so.... I'm asking for help everywhere cuz we get no dev feedback.
Fix AH please Devs, its been broken for over a month now (expired items) and now as of today no newly listed items are showing up. To reproduce: Go to AH list something, check the search for your newly listed item, see its not there and theres the problem. Please fix.
Something happened last night because the only auctions that are showing all have less than two days left. When I checked last, 5hours ago , there were zero auctions that were listed recently... If that make sense. All available auctions are not showing up in the search. Add, people who have to pay ah fees are being…
Yes tyty for any help! This has gone on for ages now and has temporarily, mostly ruined AH searching. ADD: + Wouldn't a bug like this totally screw up the AHs current prices? If those items buyout prices are still being taken into account [when they shouldn't be] with all the current items then what people are paying is a…
Revisiting this thread reminded me of a dye pack I'd forgotten about and it's turned out to be just what I've been looking for! Your welcome everyone and thanks for the reminder :D x
I've been silently weeping over the years... about this subject exactly. IWD PVP has cobwebs everywhere and the devs haven't done anything about it. It would be absolutely EXCITING if IWD PVP were added to the event timers. This is one of those things that should've (IMO) been done on day 1 but it was just kinda…
Hey Devs, LOOK! ^^ Pretty please?? <3 I just equipped a brand new panther with it's requested insignia, it's not showing any bonus available. It's happening to everyone. :(