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  • I disagree again... all my adventures are geared for group play and will be stated as such. This does not rule out me trying my hand at a solo adventure in the future and if i choose to make one i will certainly take into account that different levels have and easier or harder time at doing such content and will certainly…
  • That is total bs so all foundry adventures need to be geared for a level 60 tune which will be way to easy for lower level players. No the adventure should state what level range the adventure is optimal for and leave it at that.
  • The only solo built foundry mission that i have enjoyed so far have been the crypt of Carnage and the Draconis Pub. The Crypt of Carnage i used a total of two 1000 hp potions didn't bother with my bigger potions. The draconis pub i used 15 potions and no deaths. I actually did the draconis pub with a friend and it was just…
  • Some of the foundry missions which require groups to do are challenging. You can also do the cryptic dungeons with a smaller group then q ing for them which makes them a bit more challenging try doing them with a team of two or three. Two foundry quests which were challenging for a group of two(each of us had a companion…
  • I think you all took the best rout possible for a bad situation and thanks for the gift bag. I am also encouraged you are still investigating the issue and will hopefully catch the folks who have been exploiting this bug since day one. Keep it honest and keep us informed and much of your playerbase will stick around thanks…
  • not true at all. The FTC is America's consumer protection agency. If a business doesnt make good on its promises or cheats you out of your money, the FTC wants to know. File a complaint at ftc.gov/complaint.
  • How is the Pvp? Does it feel like its been built from the ground up or just tacked on? Is it gear centric or player skill centric? What type of pvp is in Neverwinter online? (ie battlegrounds, instanced scenarios, arena, dueling, faction vs faction etc etc).
  • And i would prefer Adamantium over Adamantium1 but ohh well.
  • I would explore every nook and cranny of Neverwinter and the lands surrounding it. All the while enriching my pocket book at the expense of the monsters that get in my way. Then i would thoroughly explore the foundry. And after all this i would say "veni vidi vici" then roll up another character. I would do all these…
  • I played 3.5 for many years and still do and you most certainly can do both sword and board and use a great weapon. In fact you could also have a crossbow, javeling, bow etc as well. You can specialize in multiple weapons as well if you so desired. As for 4e i really can't say since i played it once and hated every moment…
  • So a larger character will have to crouch or crawl through the corridor? Will i be able to put conditional events ie if a party fails at A event F happens, it a party fails at B event G happens, If party fails at C event H happens. If the party fails in part A but succeeds with event F they continue with the adventure. If…
  • diddo please state in the description that your adventure is this way and i will avoid it like the plague and thus will not rate it quite unfavorably.
  • perhaps after i have played the game and decide i enjoy it enough to buy one. I like the 60 dollar option with the barded horse and the wolf pet. If these two option were in the 200 dollar one i would buy it too as long as i first played the game and liked it.
  • The foundry is limited thus one cannot make 4 foot tall 2 foot narrow corridors which would not allow a mount to pass through it. There is not one P&P dungeon/adventure that i have created over the last 35 years which i will be able to create. They are very complex and there are many outcomes dependent on what the party…
  • There is no reason they couldn't give a lifetime account with this game meaning all new species and classes and other new content is already paid for. I have bought two lifetime accounts one was Champions online which i still play. The other was Lotr online which i played for a year and a half. Champions online had me…
  • A dev in another thread stated that it will 100 percent be available after launch.
  • Reaching level 15 is not such a big deal and this game is very unlike P&P dnd. The foundry is very limited compared to building a P&P adventure.
  • This is what i was looking for i do like the barded horse and wolf pet but i will not buy a founders pack until i have tested/played the game first. Also prior to PWE taking over it was stated that CO and STO lifetime members would get into the beta at some point is this still true?
  • kind of disappointing for me but hopefully the foundry is robust enough to overcome this game flaw.
  • Game of thrones characters alignments Ned Stark- Lawful good King Robert Baratheon- Chaotic Neutral Tywin Lannister- Lawful Neutral Jaime Lannister- Chaotic Neutral w evil tendencies Queen Cersei Lannister- Neutral Evil Tyrion Lannister- True Neutral King Joffrey Lannister- Chaotic Evil Petyr Baelish- Neutral Evil Varys-…
  • Sounds like this is similar to ddo zone through a gate into a distant area. I am an explorer first and formost and apparently this is not the type of world i am looking for. One day they will have a dnd mmo with an open world to explore. Hopefully within my life time! 5 minutes to run diagonally across a zone is tiny. I…
  • Tempuran temple of "the Bloodhall" High House of Swords and Banners in the town of Ormpetarr. Ormpetarr still exists after the spellplague. The Abby of the Sword another Tempuran Temple exists in Battledale.
  • 4th edition sucks:p
  • The ballista was a siege weapon not a hand held poorly trained infantry ranged weapon:p which does not mean all crossbow wielding soldiers were poorly trained. The crossbow was useless for penetrating well made plate armor a musket on the other hand at close range could.
  • The cleric first appeared in the first 1974 edition of DnD and it specifically said that they gained there powers from a divine source. The Divine source or sources was left up to the dm which always involved gods and goddesses in my experience. The cleric was based on a crusading priests during the crusades. Catholic…
  • We always used the encumbrance rules and never seemed much of a problem of course our campaigns were never monty hallish either.
  • You need little to no strength to use a crossbow just need to know how to use leverage. The greatest strength of a crossbow is its ease of use period. The use of a Longbow one needs strength and years of training. The Longbow proved to be the superior weapon on the battle field when used en mass longer accurate range and…
  • google wiki dane axe has a picture. And yep i never use the double bladed axes either. Most later medieval great axes such as the sparth axe and poleaxe were influenced by the Dane Axe.
  • In classic DnD Henchmen were non player characters who serve as permanent retainers of a player character. Each Henchman has his or her own personality and quirks. If miss treated they would leave. These non player characters were generally controlled by the dm. In every campaign i have ever played these were the…