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r0y0 Arc User



  • I always thought that many of FORCE's powers looked like water... Definitely anything that "bubbles" could be water-like? They'll lack a "splash" sound or animation (maybe), but feel very water-like. There is also the option to recolor powers (i.e. Infernal blasts -> colored to look like fire) - maybe there's other powers…
  • The simple answer would be a ranged toon, using earth and fire with regeneration and epidemic. I find that if I want to min/max a solo-survivor, regeneration is often in the mix. Epidemic is just great AoE damage and it's main advantage over quicksand (earth set near equivalent) is that you can move around while…
  • Reading the wiki, it seems you get 0.7% energy return (max once every 3 seconds) - scaled with your CON when you are hit (dealt damage). Dealt damage, unless speaking in past tense, means you are hit. You HAVE dealt damage if it was past-tense. Also, is a +42% (r1) / +50% (r2) / +60% (r3) damage for 12 seconds... Not sure…
  • In my build above? Level 8 - it must be at least the 4th infernal or 5th mixed power pick. However, it will be the same as Quicksand (PBAoE maintain) and is far superior (min/max wise); thematically, quicksand is your only "sand" power... so...? Anyway, I usually take it right after or right before Supernatural Energy, so…
  • Active Offenses and Defenses have long recharge times, and MSA is effected when powers come off recharge. So having something (useful, too) that recharges quickly (like smoke grenade, conviction, gas pellets and bionic shielding) gives more energy / extended MSA buff time. The AS attack (Shadow Strike, actually, it's…
  • A nice super-stat mix for high-energy/maintain builds, I've found, is INT / con / rec (con for tank builds, dex or ego for ranged non-tanks, str for melee non-tanks). Anyway, INT is nice SS'd, and I recommend REC over END, as well. If you use MAINTAIN powers a lot, then Overdrive might be better. I like that a lot! I am…
  • Swap Shadow Form for Regeneration... that'll give you a TON of survivability! Of course that's going from offensive to defensive... Here is something I worked up (a little more tanky): I might look to get Epidemic in early, as you'll likely be using that the most (if you take it); I just threw it in at the end so it'd be…
  • Yeah, thematically, a "cleric type" would probably have an "Aura" passive... whether that's optimal, who cares - it's about concept with this build, right? I like the idea, but have to agree about the choice of Seraphim/Compassion... Another thought would be to have TWO passives... an "evil" one (like pestilence or aura of…
  • I also am nearing 40 on my "boomerang" build... he's 36 and just finished Vibora Bay crisis (started at 34). This is how I have him planned (gearing for avoidance/dodge & crit): Lots of quick-recharge powers that are not only useful, but trigger Molecular Self-Assembly (MSA!). Most of the time, ricochet throw from hide is…
  • If they only allowed EPIDEMIC to ahve challenging strikes, you'd not really need to leave the beast/inferno subset! One could only hope... -r0y
  • I would recommend posing it in PowerHouse form, so it's easier on the eyes... Like my Electric Build here: PowerHouse (Link to this build) Name: Roy's Electric DPS build Archetype: Freeform Super Stats: Level 6: Ego (Primary) Level 10: Recovery (Secondary) Level 15: Dexterity (Secondary) Talents: Level 1: Quick Trigger…
  • I'd SS recovery over endurance. In fact, I'd go DEX/INT/REC (but I'm partial to DEX's specialization and mastery over EGO's). Bummer with the force cascade, otherwise I'd say go offense with electric form for some REAL damage (and a lil energy help), but if you're wanting to do the defense/hybrid, quarry isn't bad. You…
  • Yeah, at least when there is a target. I don't mind having the z-issue when I am using the power w/o a target (room-sweeping!), but if I am targeted to something, it would be nice to lock the power to the reticle. -r0y
  • THAT'S the device I was referring to! Yeah, the Favor of the Champions... OK, so that was another reward for something else that somehow (lack of attention to detail on Cryptic's part) made it into the lockbox table. Still doesn't help my level 40 guy who has 14 of them on him... -r0y
  • Hopefully with today's little patch, they will make the TEAM XP BOOST from the Money-Chests NOT be bound. Really, my level 40's don't often team with people who need XP (barring alerts, forced into smashes). I'd love to put these in my bank and share them with my low-level toons. Or sell them on the market. The single/self…
  • I have an "energy alien" type toon that is somewhat similar to the "Electric Form" build you posted a while back. I primary ss'd INT and have "Preparation" which really helps with energy management. I secondary ss'd Dex and Rec, geared for Ego/Con. It's a crit machine, a bit squishy, but I can maintain eye beams (that have…
  • Actually, this would not be too terribly hard, everything not SS'd or Talented would be 5 (the un-enhanced base value... I think it's 5...?), then just add the stats up via Primary & Secondary SS and the talents. However, it seems like a lot of work for what basically amounts to nothing that helpful without a full-numbers…
  • All I can say is: before you leave the powerhouse (in game), please read through the Builds and Roles sub-section and see what people are doing. There are still some pretty significant errors with the build (i.e. always rank your passive to R3, take a form, etc). I'd probably not SS con, as gear can easily provide this...…
  • That's a lot of attacks... you might want to add in a heal, energy unlock, passive, form, etc. OK, I know what you meant. Powers, not attacks. Just bein' smarmy and pulling a Biden on ya. -r0y
  • Hopefully, by creating a thread with the issue in the title, the devs might stumble upon this? I guess I could also submit a bug report in-game. Thanks for the info, guys! -r0y
  • Sounds like a communication breakdown, if you are only now just hearing about this. Smithers? Release the hounds! -r0y (I'm glad it is being addressed, as Whiteout is possibly the coolest content in the game)
  • The first thing I noticed is: you took your passive LAST, and it's Lightning Reflexes! Yikes! If you are leveling up, you'll want your passive + form + energy unlock as soon as you can (after a few attacks, of course). Lightning Reflexes is not a strong passive as far as defensive goes. Most take Invulnerability or…
  • I've not really played ice blast, so I don't know what powers the Glacier AT has (or which ones you want and use the most); however, I can highly recommend you try out the web-based PowerHouse planner to pick and choose stuff. I am a big fan of Void Shift and Ebon Void from the Darkness set; both are very nice. Also, the…
  • This has been brought up many times, and they have supposedly started to fix this on the PTR, but I've not checked it (nor is my faith in their abilities to fix bugs that high). I also did this as a regen-based tank, and basically rushed in, killed 1, killed myself to respawn, repeat. It was so bad, I'm never going to play…
  • edit: nevermind, it's fixed in the current BETA version of PowerHouse. -r0y
  • Still no word from any developer on these options? (the coloring, the optionally-removing, etc)? -r0y
    in Cape Glide Comment by r0y0 October 2012
  • I, too, am using a somewhat similar build... I went offensive with Electric Form and dropped the rocket and pistol power... In fact here is my build - based off the OP's (sort of). OK, we both have PBR and the energy builder... and everyone works in BCR+Masterful Dodge, etc. -r0y
  • Not even an INT vs. REC ss comment? Or a PBR vs. AR? Nothin' ?
  • Normally, for might tanking, I like the cheap tap-spam of Defensive Combo, and then big finishers like Upper Cut + Haymaker (though I don't like the Knockback). UC+HM synergize well, but I am also not thrilled to have two charge powers. I'm a basic guy and prefer one of each: 1 tap-spam, 1 charge, 1 maintain (2 if one is a…
  • I understand how they are triggered, but what I think I am seeing is, while Wind Reverb is really nice with hurricane, it is not with all other (non-repel) stuff. This is very limiting. I ended up keeping Overdrive. I always take REC over END and never Primary either. With a secondary SS'd REC, a player has the pool of…
  • I assume INT is super-stated for the cooldown reduction (and overall cost reduction)? I'd think DEX would also be a really decent choice, to help with crit chance; or even REC to help with reducing the need to Clobber/energy build. Also, one should NEVER use the +8 Talents, as you're really wasting some good points -…
  • I happen to love the Supernatural set, both Bestial and Infernal, so I took a few minutes to make you a build to think about. PowerHouse (Link to this build) Name: Skunk Girl Archetype: Freeform Super Stats: Level 6: Strength(Primary) (you are melee/scrapper, go for str) Level 10: Constitution (Secondary) (you'll need…
  • Wow. You got all that from just this post and reply, huh?
  • OK, so taking nx5's advice and playing around with the planner, I came up with the following Healer Build: I switched the SuperStats, a little talent manipulation, and went with BOTH the guardian and warden trees... apparently they stack! Wow, got a lot of Offense/Defense now! Hope I am not gimping myself too badly. I'm…
  • I can confirm. Soloing this (for the first time) on my Str/Con/Rec tank build, and I am perma-held. They cannot kill me at all, well 4-5 can't. It seems I am stuck now in this lame Episode #5. And the mission pack was pretty cool up to this point. I suppose it's the devs way of saying, A) we have no clue what we're doing…
  • All in all, a brilliant way to say "welcome" to all the City of Heroes refugees. Most of whom that tried Champions are probably looking for an alternate game right about now... Oh well.
  • I normally do not do Bio's, but I am a sucker for formatting and making things look nice (well, to me). That said, I recently saw this thread passed around in-game and thought I'd come over to see about it. The unordered list items are definitely NOT parsed anymore. Font can take "FACE" but not size, it appears. Profanity…
  • It's crashing (locking/freezing the windowed screen) for me A LOT during combat. I'm using all my powers, so it's not a power of mine that is locking it up, but there does seem to be something from combat that is doing it. Win7x64 (8gb). -r0y
  • I am getting LOCK UPS frequently now (after double-xp weekend); I have a nVidia GTS250, win7x64 and never had any issues with CO until just recently. I play in windowed mode, and seem to lock up only when in combat (either in my cool interceptor or as my player. Both instanced/indoors and outdoors, like monster island,…
  • I am getting frequent combat LOCK UPS, and I am running an nVidia GTS250 under Win7x64 (8GB ram, yada yada). No problems last week, but after the double-xp weekend, it seems I am locking up A LOT. I play windowed, and never had issues - nothing has changed, etc. The Secret World runs fine, and I understand is more…