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Request: Solo build for very hard / lairs ?

killiandroskilliandros Posts: 30 Arc User
edited October 2012 in Builds and Roles
My forte in CO is probably making costumes and I admit that I'm a little hit and miss (and miss) when it comes to min/maxing and working out very powerful builds.

So I've recently returned to actively playing Champions Online after a long absence in-game and just finished levelling one of my characters to 40. I went with a mainly telepathy/telekinetic build keeping in theme for the character, making some mistakes along the way but have ended up with something that plays reasonably well, can solo normal content and heals well enough in groups. (Edit: Just retconned into l1ghtstar's Gem Star build - impressive!)

Now, I'd love to try something that enables me to run some of the higher difficulty content without need of a group and is themed in-line with my favourite creation.

I don't necessarily need a complete build handed to me on a silver platter (however I wouldn't object) but would some of you be able to suggest something that preferably fits my fire/earth themed character Fucanglong and:

  • Has fire, earth or supernatural themed abilities for attacks (highly preferable)
  • Can solo very difficult missions / lairs
  • Preferably relies more on passive defensive abilities rather than cycling active abilities
  • Doesn't have to be a levelling build
  • Optionally has abilities that increase the size of the character while in combat

Again, I'm admittedly naive when it comes to builds and not sure if the above is really possible / practical so apologies for the 'shopping list' but I'd appreciate any pointers in the right direction.

Champions Online has the best character creator - check out some of my creations in Killi's Consolidated Costume List !
Post edited by killiandros on


  • s3rjus3rju Posts: 268 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    i could make you a complete build but ill need to know whether you want earth or supernatural as your main abilities (quicksand vs epidemic for example).

    My build directory (work in progress)
    Guide list
    Freeform Builds

    In loving memory of AngelofCaine.
  • killiandroskilliandros Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Thanks, I'd really appreciate that - I would probably lean more towards earth as the main abilities.

    However, I'm ok if there is a combination of powers across earth, fire & supernatural if that makes things easier.

    Ultimately, the goal is being able to solo lairs so I'm happy to compromise on some power choices (but I think it would be odd to see arm blasters on him for instance).

    Champions Online has the best character creator - check out some of my creations in Killi's Consolidated Costume List !
  • r0y0r0y0 Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    The simple answer would be a ranged toon, using earth and fire with regeneration and epidemic. I find that if I want to min/max a solo-survivor, regeneration is often in the mix. Epidemic is just great AoE damage and it's main advantage over quicksand (earth set near equivalent) is that you can move around while maintaining it. However, I do not think the simple answer (ranged) would be ideal... soloing, one is often surrounded and under assault; therefore, melee might be more desirable with some point-blank AoE (PBAoE).

    If you go melee, you can still use epidemic and regeneration - and that brings up the question: When you say "supernatural" do you mean INFERNAL or BEASTIAL?

    I've not been terribly impressed with earth, and fire takes some "set up" to get going, so it will be a challenging build. I would focus the early powers on supernatural (either ranged infernal or melee bestial), including regeneration, then branch out into earth and/or fire.

    If you take infernal supernatural, while it's toxic and poison, you can color it to look like fire, so you might be able to avoid fire altogether simply through custom coloring.

    Earth has some interesting powers, but the attacks are really behind supernatural's, in my opinion. So it depends how much theme vs. min/max you want to do. You could do the block and movement (earth slide?) powers that aren't "attacks" per se to add theme to a mostly supernatural build (or a mostly supernatural, with half the powers colored to be fire).

    While I prefer Void Shift (movement) and Ebon Void (block) to Earth's equivalents (or any others, often), it's not critical to use these - but I wanted to mention them because looking at your costume, I can see void shift being quite fitting! And if you go Beastial/melee and use fears and bleeds, then Void Shift w/ Emerging nightmares (and even HOWL thrown in) could be quite fun!

    I will take the liberty of doing "what I would start with" and go from there.

    First, the MELEE version:
    PowerHouse (Link to this build)

    Name: Supernatural-Fire-Earth melee

    Archetype: Freeform

    Super Stats:
    Level 6: Strength (Primary)
    Level 10: Intelligence (Secondary)
    Level 15: Recovery (Secondary)

    Talents: (I'm a fan of the "training" talents)
    Level 1: The Unleashed
    Level 6: Covert Ops Training
    Level 9: Martial Training
    Level 12: Paramilitary Training
    Level 15: Survival Training
    Level 18: Field Ops Training
    Level 21: Jack of All Trades

    Level 1: Bestial Fury (Rip and Tear)
    Level 1: Frenzy (Rank 2, Rank 3) (your tap-spam melee AoE/cone)
    Level 6: Regeneration (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 8: Bite (Rank 2, Rank 3) (set up bleed and add flavor)
    Level 11: Supernatural Power (energy unlock)
    Level 14: Epidemic (Rank 2, Rank 3) (your maintain spam)
    Level 17: Land Slide (movement into melee range)
    Level 20: Aspect of the Bestial (toggle form)
    Level 23: Stone Shroud (block)
    Level 26: Upheaval (Rank 2, Expansive Terrain) (theme/color)
    Level 29: any click powers (offense or defense)
    Level 32: or other "flavor" powers can go in these
    Level 35: four slots. Or FIRE, as I've not really
    Level 38: included any Infernal or Fire powers.

    Travel Powers: (obviously optional / theme based)
    Level 6: Fire Flight (can be earth flight, too)
    Level 35: Tunneling (not a fan of, but thematic)

    Strength: Swole (3/3)
    Strength: Quick Recovery (2/2)
    Strength: Brutality (2/2)
    Strength: Juggernaut (3/3)
    Guardian: Fortified Gear (3/3)
    Guardian: Ruthless (2/2)
    Guardian: Retribution (2/2)
    Guardian: The Best Defense (3/3)
    Warden: Fortified Gear (3/3)
    Warden: Ruthless (2/2)
    Warden: Reactive Strikes (2/2)
    Warden: The Best Defense (3/3)
    Mastery: Strength Mastery (1/1)
    With this, you should have some fine survivability. One of the powers in the end can also be a "big hitter" single-target (i.e. Massacre) attack, this is only to show you how I think of a melee supernatural-earth-fire toon.

    Next, the RANGED version:
    PowerHouse (Link to this build)

    Name: Supernatural-Fire-Earth ranged

    Archetype: Freeform

    Super Stats:
    Level 6: Intelligence (Primary)
    Level 10: Dexterity (Secondary)
    Level 15: Recovery (Secondary)

    Talents: (again, I like the "training" talents)
    Level 1: The Disciple
    Level 6: Covert Ops Training
    Level 9: Martial Training
    Level 12: Command Training
    Level 15: Survival Training
    Level 18: Field Ops Training
    Level 21: Jack of All Trades

    Level 1: Infernal Bolts (color orange/red for fire)
    Level 1: Venomous Breath (Rank 2, Rank 3) (color orange/red for fire)
    Level 6: Regeneration (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 8: Epidemic (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 11: Supernatural Power
    Level 14: Aspect of the Infernal
    Level 17: Stone Shot (Rank 2, Shard Burst)
    Level 20: Stone Shroud (block)
    Level 23: Fissure (Rank 2, Reconstruct) (great thematic power, plus more regen)
    Level 26: Cave In (Rank 2, Rank 3) (fun power)
    Level 29: Like the melee build these 4 (and even cave in)
    Level 32: can be whatever. Click-heals, offense/defense
    Level 35: clicks, etc.
    Level 38:

    Travel Powers: (whatever floats your boat here)
    Level 6: Fire Flight
    Level 35: Tunneling

    Intelligence: Enlightened (3/3)
    Intelligence: Tactician (2/2)
    Intelligence: Detect Vulnerability (3/3)
    Intelligence: Tinkering (2/2)
    Guardian: Fortified Gear (3/3)
    Guardian: Ruthless (2/2)
    Guardian: Find the Mark (3/3)
    Guardian: The Best Defense (2/3)
    Vindicator: Aggressive Stance (2/2)
    Vindicator: Merciless (3/3)
    Vindicator: Modified Gear (2/2)
    Vindicator: Mass Destruction (3/3)
    Mastery: Intelligence Mastery (1/1)
    This will be a lot more damage than melee, and includes enough INFERNAL supernatural colored to look like fire...

    It's a start.

  • jimhsuajimhsua Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I'm using something like this for my main (recreated from memory since I don't have CO running here):

    PowerHouse (Link to this build)

    Name: Beastial

    Archetype: Freeform

    Super Stats:
    Level 6: Strength (Primary)
    Level 10: Constitution (Secondary)
    Level 15: Recovery (Secondary)

    (don't remember)

    Level 1: Bestial Fury (Rip and Tear)
    Level 1: Shred (Rank 2, Rank 3) (Rank 3 for bleed chance for enrage. SMG burst is great but doesn't work thematically.)
    Level 6: Regeneration (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 8: Supernatural Power
    Level 11: Devour Essence (Phlebotomist, Crippling Challenge) (swap CC for Rank 2 for offense)
    Level 14: Epidemic (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 17: Aspect of the Bestial
    Level 20: Bountiful Chi Resurgence (Rank 2, Resurgent Reiki)
    Level 23: Infernal Blast (Virulent Propagation)
    Level 26: Resurgence (add 2 pts to EE for defense)
    Level 29: Energy Shield (Laser Knight)
    Level 32: Pestilence (Rank 2, Rank 3) (swappable for defense)
    Level 35: Ego Surge (Nimble Mind) (swappable for defense)
    Level 38: Void Shift (choose)

    Travel Powers: (whatever)
    Level 6: Acrobatics (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 35: Flight

    Strength: Physical Peak (1/3)
    Strength: Quick Recovery (2/2)
    Strength: Aggression (2/2)
    Strength: Juggernaut (3/3)
    Strength: Overpower (2/3)
    Vindicator: Aggressive Stance (2/2)
    Vindicator: Merciless (3/3)
    Vindicator: The Rush of Battle (3/3)
    Vindicator: Modified Gear (2/2)
    Warden: Fortified Gear (3/3)
    Warden: Ruthless (2/2)
    Warden: Tenacious (2/2)
    Warden: The Best Defense (3/3)
    Mastery: Strength Mastery (1/1)

    Initially built for Gravitar, but ended up focusing on flexibility and theme instead of optimal tanking/dpsing/whatever (not the least because Gravitar is so not worth running now). As a result, I can do any alert, BM boss, etc without switching stuff around. Using the offensive build right now against all BM bosses and get 1st 1/3rd of the time (and usually in the top half).

    Pestilence and Ego Surge are swapped for Rebirth and a resurrect power for Gravitar. Can tank with minimal deaths (but that's what rebirth is for).

    Boss management focuses on a) taking aggro if tank, and b) getting as many poison stacks and bleeds as possible.

    Using armadillo secondaries for more resist (DR = 65% from def + 30% from regen + 25% from armadillo + some from laser knight [wish there was a more thematic version though]).
  • s3rjus3rju Posts: 268 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    good mention on quicksand, here's my go:

    PowerHouse (Link to this build)


    Archetype: Freeform

    Super Stats:
    Level 6: Dexterity (Primary)
    Level 10: Constitution (Secondary)
    Level 15: Recovery (Secondary)

    Level 1: The Master
    Level 6: Acrobat
    Level 9: Impresario
    Level 12: Quick Recovery
    Level 15: Martial Focus
    Level 18: Physical Conditioning
    Level 21: Relentless

    Level 1: Wield Earth
    Level 1: Shred (Penetrating Strikes)
    Level 6: Pounce
    Level 8: Parry (The Elusive Monk)
    Level 11: Invulnerability (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 14: Devour Essence (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 17: Overdrive
    Level 20: Masterful Dodge
    Level 23: Bountiful Chi Resurgence (Rank 2, Resurgent Reiki)
    Level 26: Quicksand (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 29: Fire Snake (Rank 2, Trail Blazer)
    Level 32: Resurgence (Rank 2, Evanescent Emergence)
    Level 35: Fire Breath (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 38: Stone Shot (Shard Burst)

    Travel Powers:
    Level 6: Blazing Speed (Rank 2)
    Level 35: Phoenix Flight

    Dexterity: Combat Training (2/3)
    Dexterity: Gear Utilization (3/3)
    Dexterity: Deadly Aim (3/3)
    Dexterity: Expose Weakness (2/2)
    Vindicator: Merciless (3/3)
    Vindicator: Initiative (2/2)
    Vindicator: Focused Strikes (2/3)
    Vindicator: Modified Gear (1/2)
    Vindicator: Mass Destruction (2/3)
    Warden: Fortified Gear (3/3)
    Warden: Ruthless (2/2)
    Warden: Tenacious (2/2)
    Warden: The Best Defense (3/3)
    Mastery: Dexterity Mastery (1/1)

    if you have any questions for why those powers chosen feel free to ask, it's basically ment to kill things quickly while surviving to tell about it. should be good for solo :)

    My build directory (work in progress)
    Guide list
    Freeform Builds

    In loving memory of AngelofCaine.
  • killiandroskilliandros Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Thanks guys - really appreciate the time you've taken to post detailed responses and builds.

    I loved melee toons in City of Heroes - especially my axe/willpower brute - and although the mechanics are different in CO, melee is still my naturally preferred playstyle, so that may narrow things down a bit.

    Regarding the power choices, the only real 'requirement' here is being able to solo difficult content with abilities that aren't too out of place for the concept (i.e. anything tech or weapon based). Elemental choices, might or anything in the mystic category can be recoloured as you suggested R0y0.

    I hope you guys don't mind, I have a few questions?

    • So from what I can understand off the builds shown and the powerhouse descriptions so far, I should be using bleed attacks to stack instances of enrage for increased damage and refresh a small amount of energy. Once I have stacks of enrage, I spam Epidemic if surrounded as my main AoE damage ability? Then use frenzy (and other enrage builders) regularly to keep enrage stacked?

    • R0y0 Should I be looking at trying to incorporate fears as damage mitigation as well or are you suggesting void shift should be ample?

    • I can see the benefit of the Evanescent Emergence advantage on Resurgence but would a heal like Conviction be a better choice since it's up more frequently / isn't subject to a long cooldown?

    • Is the damage of Epidemic (and the other powers) adequate or do these builds also require a significant investment in dexterity and bank on getting crit hits?

    • Theme aside for the moment, I'm curious about a couple of the block powers, from a base block % and advantages, Parry and Energy Shield (with Laser Knight / Elusive Monk) seem like potentially better choices although I've never had any experience with Ebon Void. Voracious Darkness advantage on EV looks intriguing, does it work well in combat to essentially stop attacks by draining the energy of your foes to the point they can't attack?

    • jimhsua, in your build you have Regen as well as Pestilence. So you switch builds situationally? Do you need additional support using pestilence for survivability? (i.e. an active defence like Masterful Dodge?)
    • Generally speaking - and I know this will be dependant on the final build so it's ok if there's no answer on this one at the moment, what are the numbers on stats I should be aiming for?

    • Another general question, I think the old descriptions on healing abilities (if I remember correctly) suggested they scale with PRE (?), however regen states it scales with super stats - so are there other stats that need a certain amount of attention in addition to the primary/secondary super stats?

    I'll fiddle with these in the powerhouse over the next couple of days and I'll post back up here for suggestions on practicality.

    Once again, thanks for your recommendations so far!

    Champions Online has the best character creator - check out some of my creations in Killi's Consolidated Costume List !
  • piro2genpiro2gen Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    >> Has fire, earth or supernatural themed abilities for attacks (highly preferable)

    Don't have much experience with Earth. Have with Fire and Supernatural. Fire hits hard, but Supernatural (Toxic) is more 'practical'. Well atleast for me.

    A toxic, supernatural with a touch of magic build:

    PowerHouse (Link to this build)


    Archetype: Freeform

    Super Stats:
    Level 6: Ego (Primary)
    Level 10: Constitution (Secondary)
    Level 15: Dexterity (Secondary)

    Level 1: Energized
    Level 6: Amazing Stamina
    Level 9: Impresario
    Level 12: Accurate
    Level 15: Quick Recovery
    Level 18: Boundless Reserves
    Level 21: Wordly

    Level 1: Infernal Bolts
    Level 1: Regeneration (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 6: Supernatural Power
    Level 8: Epidemic (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 11: Electric Sheath (Matter ? Energy Union)
    Level 14: Masterful Dodge
    Level 17: Pyromancer's Blades (Rank 2)
    Level 20: Defile (Rank 2)
    Level 23: Summon Shadows (Rank 2, Devouring Darkness)
    Level 26: Concentration
    Level 29: Electric Shield (Electric Vengeance)
    Level 32: Bountiful Chi Resurgence (Rank 2, Resurgent Reiki)
    Level 35: Evasive Maneuvers (Rank 2)
    Level 38:

    Travel Powers:
    Level 6: Flight (Rank 2, Rank 3)
    Level 35: Scarab Tunneling

    Ego: Force of Will (2/2)
    Ego: Insight (3/3)
    Ego: Follow Through (3/3)
    Ego: Sixth Sense (2/3)
    Guardian: Fortified Gear (3/3)
    Guardian: Ruthless (2/2)
    Guardian: Retribution (2/2)
    Guardian: The Best Defense (3/3)
    Vindicator: Aggressive Stance (2/2)
    Vindicator: Merciless (3/3)
    Vindicator: Modified Gear (2/2)
    Vindicator: Mass Destruction (3/3)
    Mastery: Ego Mastery (1/1)

    Leveling: levelable past lvl 8.

    Ego: boost ranged damage (your attacks are ranged), boosts your form (Concentration), as damn good spec tree
    Con: so you are not squishy. It fixes (to some extend) Regenerations weak point, 'heals every 3 seconds'.
    Dex: for damage, criticals

    Talents: REC + END. Your energy unlock is Supernatural that scales with REC and sort of with END. No need to have REC super stated, but its still good to have some REC/END.

    Travel powers:
    - something that gives you 'hover'
    - I like 'tunneling' when I solo. Its a nice invisibility. Can't kill big boss with it, but can 'skip' some henchies.

    - Epidemic: point blank, short range, area of effect. No need to have target. Fugly, but hits good, hits everything, cost nothing with Supernatural. It's almost I-win-button. Use it for just about everything.

    - Defile: 100 foot. Hits hard, has debuff

    - Pyro blades: fire&forget, distraction, AoE damage.

    - Shadows: fire&forget, distraction, you get 3 for the price of one, some self heal.

    - Electric Shield: used when you are in big trouble. Hit block, let Regen keep you alive, Elec shield does damage. If your pets are up and running, you can just do this, hide behind shield and let other do the job. Boring as hell, but works.

    - Regeneration: passive. Self heal, and some damage resistance

    - Electric sheath: active offense with some defense

    - Masterful Dodge: for 15 seconds you 'dodge'. Use alot. Start the fight with MD and finish the fight with MD.

    -Evasive Maneuvers: extra dodge boost

    - BCR (with Reiki): extra heal. Weak on it's own, but rocks with you high dodge.

    One power slot free. Use for what ever you want.

    Spec tree:
    - Ego: Force of Will for extra defense, more and bigger criticals.
    - Gardian: more protection
    - Vindicator: more damage, to create loop between defense and offense
  • s3rjus3rju Posts: 268 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    list snip
    you can refresh your enrage stacks with frenzy if you already have 8 stacks, and yes that's the main idea with it. although it does require you to have a rotation of your powers going, while with form of the tempest you're much more free to use any attack you want, as long as you crit every 4 seconds you'll gain a stack of focus.

    fear is just a debuff, it is no way near a form of mitigating dmg(not enough to i should say)[/COLOR]

    resurgence is an active defence, it's just an oh $#!* button really, you cycle it with your other active defenses like masterful dodge+bcr and unbreakable

    the str primary builds are probably not that crit focused, unless you heavily gear for it with crit strike and specs from the tree etc.

    ebon void+adv makes you block 1 second to recieve a stack and 10 seconds to recieve 10 stacks, as long as you're getting hit. each stack gives you 10% dmg mitigation, and i believe it is flat dmg but don't quote me on that...
    so you get 10seconds of that if you block for 10seconds. meaning every 10s you will have to block for another 10s, you can keep refreshing the stacks to 10 but i prefer a more direct approach.

    it depends, some specs are more dependant on your secondary stats, so ppl stack those higher than their primary stats, deadly aim in the dex tree is one of them. so i would get my dex to 200ish or so and stack my secondaries after that.

    regen is a passive, a heal is a power. they scale differently. most heals are PRE dependant, there are some exceptions, resurgence for example scales with CON. the dodge amount on parry's adv scales with DEX, and as for other stats you should be worrying about, if you go with dex as your primary, try getting your str to 70 to hit the melee bonus soft cap which is 20%, same goes for PRE and EGO.

    hope that clears it out, let us know how it goes and post a build when you are done fiddling! :)

    here's a link to what we used to create the builds :http://powerhouse.nullware.com/powerhouse.html

    My build directory (work in progress)
    Guide list
    Freeform Builds

    In loving memory of AngelofCaine.
  • jimhsuajimhsua Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Regen and pestilence - yes, wanted the versatility. Haven't needed something like Masterful dodge, and resurgence works for what it does. Dodge is also fairly useless against Gravitar.

    Epidemic is one of the highest damage pbaoes that can be sustained indefinitely.

    I wanted to use parry, but you'll have to give up an SS for dex. Both STR (Juggernaut, enrage), CON (HP, Ego surge, enrage) and REC (energy unlock) have their roles, so it's up to you to decide which. For a DEX build, I'd replace STR and get a form, and get more dodge to make up for defense.

    Stats: with SCR gear and R5 mods, you can get 2 SS to 300+. For those CON super tanks, they have CON closer to 400 or over.
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