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zi76 Arc User



  • Now it's working.
  • Mine patched, but then when I go to load STO, it just freezes at the gigantic CRYPTIC sign and the loading bar doesn't appear, so nothing happens. Just now, the server light (it was registering offline incorrectly) turned green for me, but it still doesn't load.
  • Oh, well, thank you for the information, Brandon. I'll continue trying to fix things on my end, then.
  • Wait, so are the servers down or not? I haven't been able to log on since the patch. I thought that my patch downloaded incorrectly, so I uninstalled and repatched STO, but it stays the same.
  • A little bit, although the aft's significantly different. In a sense, this mirrors the start of SGU, although it's not as if SGU didn't take their idea from Voyager, who took it from other places anyway.
  • It looks pretty, so I'm down with it.
  • The FE carrier is the same as the t1 Dyson one (that's just for people who missed/were unable to get the free one). There will supposedly be a Fleet-esque version of the it at some point, so the FE carrier will most likely be a nine console ship, but you never know.
  • All three at once. To be honest, the Omega rep's probably the more useful of the three, at least to a newer player. Nukara and Rom have useful bits, such as the consoles, but the space sets aren't necessarily as useful. Romplas are quite good, but they are somewhat dil-expensive. By the time you'll be at t5, 37 days if you…
  • Of all things, this is what you're worried about? It's a fun new thing that's been implemented.
  • Don't necro threads. It's against the forum rules.
  • Yes, because we can totally epohh tag right now with Toreth missing. :P Farming's different, but...
  • It was one episode, you know. It's not as if they got an arc or mini-arc or anything, just one episode. While I remember the whole Voth episode, the Quantum Slipstream episode makes more of an impression.
  • Actually, the text does also tell you how you get an item. I noticed this the other day, but for items that you get through rolls, it says "received," and for items that you get through mission rewards, it says "acquired."
  • While that's true, not every team can produce that much dps. I have to admit that it is a bit hypocritical that I argued against the Crystalline Event being broken with the mirror ship spawns because my premades shrugged off the mirror ships, but I argue that HOE is broken because my groups sometimes encounter issues with…
  • It became something silly like giving you recommendations to do a diplomatic doff mission.
  • All I want is the thing that was mentioned by the OP. Customizable embassy/other boffs. My embassy boff always looks so unhappy with that ugly green outfit, plus his upturned mouth (yes, a lot of characters have slightly upturned mouths, but that's not the point) doesn't do him any favors on the happiness front.
  • No, there's no animation like Energy Siphon has. You just get a buff notification on your status bar (whatever you want to call it).
  • No, no, I know perfectly well about the timing bug, but I don't consider that a bug. If it starts charging before you're out of range, you deserve to die. I'm talking about hanging out that distance away while waiting for some team members to respawn (such as when wanting to ensure getting the optional against the…
  • The only issue with HOE is that the lances can kill you from long range (17k or 19k away), which is annoyingly broken. Apart from that, HOE's really quite fun.
  • I am amused. I don't dislike ground combat nearly as much as a lot of people. I do think that it's perhaps poorly designed at times, such as some of the elite grounds, but Cryptic took the easy way out in some ways instead of actually making the gameplay difficult properly. Artificially upping difficulty isn't fun.…
  • Ah, but you're assuming that the demand curve hasn't changed. :rolleyes: The Crystalline Event has caused an increase in supply, but it's also caused an accompanying increase in demand because of increased available dil. That would be where you're mistaken here. For all of the "casual" players who don't get the 8k (8.5k if…
  • I've never encountered this bug and my overflow bag always works properly. One of my toons somehow got a glowing plant in one.
  • Dil's super easy to get, much easier than EC, in fact. The more dilithium there exists in the game, the higher the dil exchange goes, which causes people to be more likely to buy extra zen to convert into dil because there's a higher exchange rate. FSMs have increased in price as well, which is good for all sellers and…
  • Indeed, it's quite wonderful and heartwarming.
  • The free one's a Reman Mk XI, assuming you did it at level 50, otherwise it's Mk whatever.
  • HOE did end up a bit messed up after the patch, however. The torp spreads from the Unimatrixes are literally OHKOs now. Before, you'd take 30-40% damage through full shields at most, now, there's no survival. They'll hit through RSP, anything. The Probes also more effectively use sci powers now, but that's not a real issue.
  • That weapon was great. It was back when tetryon was green, of course. Then again, Voyager didn't always do the best job with enemy beams. I remember seeing so many blue-colored beams that they blended together.
  • It shouldn't be taking you an hour for Rom patrol. If you want to just get it over with, you can do one of the five waves one and be done in 20-25 minutes or so, maybe less, depending upon loadout.
  • Yes, of course that's a better explanation than the "Federation only had 60-80 ships" explanation. However, canon says that the Federation barely had any ships.
  • Another thing. DPS Escorts aren't the problem here. Plenty of players that I've teamed with are tac. Sure, there are a lot of eng and sci captains, too, but that's because there are a lot of them. I may be an eng, but it's not as if I'm using a super cruiser with massive shield tanking. Mine's only middle of the road, but…