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repmarks for dilithium idea.

sandormen123sandormen123 Member Posts: 862 Arc User
My main is sitting on thousands of romulan marks.
We have the ability to Exchange them into dilithium.

My alt is missing equally thousands of rommie-marks, and others.
How about introducing the ability to Exchange dilithium for marks?

This would solve the issue of eternal repetitious grinding for our alts.
Question is, would it utterly destroy the idea behind the Development of the gameplay?

Perhaps create a way to make sure the storyline must be progressed to unlock the different rep-tiers, but when that is done, we should perhaps have an alternate way of 'quicken' the process of reaching our goals?

It would also, which seems to be one of Cryptic/PWE's babies... ...introducing new dil-sinks.

What do You think?
Post edited by sandormen123 on


  • uryenserellonturyenserellont Member Posts: 858 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    No, because it would affect queues. I'm also against the idea of one character being able to supply everything an alt needs, in any MMO not just this one. Some things like account bound items are great, but if nobody had to queue their alts the queues would take way to long for those that had to run them.
  • unboundinfernounboundinferno Member Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I agree, bad idea.

    Sure I'd like to just fly my main all the time, but it defeats the purpose of the alt character actually working.

    What would you suggest next? Buy exp and skill points with dilithium? No thanks. Your supposed to work with that character not be hand-fed the game by another.

    Now I'm not against having certain things obtainable like basic equipment to ease the grind for the top stuff, but you shouldn't be able to completely skip actually playing the character to build it up to the top level.
  • marshalericdavidmarshalericdavid Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Buying your way into Reputation advancement is not a good idea.
  • similonsimilon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    See "Shortcut packs" in many, many other games.

    I'd approve, although I wouldn't purchase.

    Seems to me that people that want to play the game for fun shouldn't have to waste days doing something they don't want to do, merely to get the equipment they want.

    Keep in mind that I've often argued against the people who want the rewards without the investment, that's not what I'm after. Merely an, alternative, investment.
    The day will not save them. And we own the night.
  • marshalericdavidmarshalericdavid Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    similon wrote: »
    See "Shortcut packs" in many, many other games.

    I'd approve, although I wouldn't purchase.

    Seems to me that people that want to play the game for fun shouldn't have to waste days doing something they don't want to do, merely to get the equipment they want.

    Keep in mind that I've often argued against the people who want the rewards without the investment, that's not what I'm after. Merely an, alternative, investment.

    If people can buy their way up the latter their would be some missions that would have a harder time getting started.
  • sonnikkusonnikku Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Sometimes I just wish I could cash in 2 borg marks for 1 Rom mark.

    100+borg marks after 10 minutes of conduit or 20 rom marks for nebula rescue (or 60 rom marks for an hour of Rom patrol) hmmmmmm
  • similonsimilon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    If people can buy their way up the latter their would be some missions that would have a harder time getting started.

    Yes, and your point is?

    From cryptics point of view, this'd probably be a good thing: + money, - expenses.

    From a players point of view, anybody with an ounces of altruism would want to "make" players do something they don't want to.

    Yes, I'm aware that nobody forces people to earn the end game rewards - but making such a statement would be entirely missing the point...
    The day will not save them. And we own the night.
  • zi76zi76 Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    sonnikku wrote: »
    Sometimes I just wish I could cash in 2 borg marks for 1 Rom mark.

    100+borg marks after 10 minutes of conduit or 20 rom marks for nebula rescue (or 60 rom marks for an hour of Rom patrol) hmmmmmm

    It shouldn't be taking you an hour for Rom patrol. If you want to just get it over with, you can do one of the five waves one and be done in 20-25 minutes or so, maybe less, depending upon loadout.
  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Yeah they could really do for some increase to the romulan mission rewards for romulan marks. Granted Eppoh or epohh however you spell it hunts can get you some good marks, but got to wait days for them, sector patrol is decent during the bonus mark hour but also takes longer than it needs to 35min-1hr+. It should get an increase by 50% at minimum to the marks earned, a 100% would be better but most would agree they could live with a 50% increase to the base amount before bonus hour. Example if it rewarded 16 before, now would give you 24, 10 before now 20, 60 before now 90 and so on.....Epohh or eppoh hunts would not be effected due to them being doff related, only standard missions, secotr patrols and mission ques would be effected!!! Please do something Dev's.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • marshalericdavidmarshalericdavid Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    similon wrote: »
    Yes, and your point is?

    From cryptics point of view, this'd probably be a good thing: + money, - expenses.

    From a players point of view, anybody with an ounces of altruism would want to "make" players do something they don't want to.

    Yes, I'm aware that nobody forces people to earn the end game rewards - but making such a statement would be entirely missing the point...

    I made the point some missions would take a longer time to get going and thats not good. It would just cause others to be played more with others less. I like having more total being played not less. Also with people buying their way up it would cause them to more quickly have less to do and I don't think they want that.
  • similonsimilon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I've always thought they should just add Elite level content for Nukara/Rommie/Choice-of marks.

    That's the only reason vault gives you 30 and ISE gives you 90 (in a third of the time).

    Just a couple of nice ESTF-esque runs for the other reps, and everybody could be moderately displeased about other things instead!

    Edit: heh - Didn't see your response there, sorry:
    I made the point some missions would take a longer time to get going and thats not good.

    I know, I questioned in what way that was relevant.
    It would just cause others to be played more with others less.

    Yes, people would be playing the content they want to, rather than the content they "need" to.
    I like having more total being played not less.

    I like to have people enjoying themselves, not grinding their way towards suicide (and rewards)
    Also with people buying their way up it would cause them to more quickly have less to do and I don't think they want that.

    See above.
    If you're just playing for the completionist-satisfaction of having unlocked all the endgame items, I'd have to say you are missing a lot of potential from this game...
    The day will not save them. And we own the night.
  • jetwtfjetwtf Member Posts: 1,207
    edited September 2013
    I think we have enough dilithium sinks as is, we dont need another. It's nice we can queue up at T5 rep and be able to convert those marks into dilithium to feed whatever sink we have like the forever hungry starbase. Adding the ability to sink dilithium into marks would slow down fleet holdings. I say no.
    Join Date: Nobody cares.
    "I'm drunk, whats your excuse for being an idiot?" - Unknown drunk man. :eek:
  • marshalericdavidmarshalericdavid Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    similon wrote: »
    I've always thought they should just add Elite level content for Nukara/Rommie/Choice-of marks.

    That's the only reason vault gives you 30 and ISE gives you 90 (in a third of the time).

    Just a couple of nice ESTF-esque runs for the other reps, and everybody could be moderately displeased about other things instead!

    Edit: heh - Didn't see your response there, sorry:

    I know, I questioned what that was relevant.

    Yes, people would be playing the content they want to, rather than the content they "need" to.

    I like to have people enjoying themselves, not grinding their way towards suicide (and rewards)

    See above.
    If you're just playing for the completionist-satisfaction of having unlocked all the endgame items, I'd have to say you are missing a lot of potential from this game...

    No one needs to play any content. They don't have to get their Rom rep or the Nakura rep up they chose to do that. Because people chose to do that those missions are played. Their are some missions like Breaking the Planet almost never played I miss it and would miss the Rom rep missions as well. Nakura not as much but still some if almost never played.

    Heck just look at ground STF missions they don't get played nearly as much as space because their is little reason to do them except to want to do them. I would like if they made more reasons for all missions to be played not less.

    A lot of people get burned out with the grind because they keep doing the same grind instead of changing it up. People that keep grinding Dilithium for Starbase or to sell for Zen or whatever do a lot of Elite STF because it gives good rewards. I would like Elite versions of all the Tholian and Romulan rep missions that gives some dilithium for completion in addition to more marks of their choice. People would be playing more different missions instead of the same ones so much.
  • similonsimilon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    No one needs to play any content. They don't have to get their Rom rep or the Nakura rep up they chose to do that. Because people chose to do that those missions are played.

    Yeah, I kinda covered that... Twice... But thanks for repeating me, and missing the point all in one fell swoop :)
    Their are some missions like Breaking the Planet almost never played I miss it and would miss the Rom rep missions as well.

    So, just exactly what percentage of people would you expect to shell out the money for a shortcut? You'd still have the vast majority of players to populate your queues. Also, I don't know about you, but I found STFs a lot more fun when I was playing them as and when I felt like it, not "all the time for the rewards"

    If anything, I'd guess you'd have more people in the queues, since they wouldn't be tied up trying to grind their way through everything else.

    Also: As I've covered, if they weren't in the queues, it'd be because they were doing something they enjoyed more! Why do you seem so opposed to the idea of people having fun?
    Heck just look at ground STF missions they don't get played nearly as much as space because their is little reason to do them except to want to do them.

    From what I've read on forums/zone chat, People don't play them for 2 reasons:

    1) They usually fail because everyone quits
    2) They're not fun
    3) there's better ways to get the reward

    Personally, I disagree with number 2.
    I would like if they made more reasons for all missions to be played not less.

    Again, trying to force people to do something they don't want to.
    Seriously, just find some like-minded people and have it it by yourself.
    A lot of people get burned out with the grind because they keep doing the same grind instead of changing it up. People that keep grinding Dilithium for Starbase or to sell for Zen or whatever do a lot of Elite STF because it gives good rewards.

    I (and the op, kinda) offered a solution to this, and you respond with disdain...
    I would like Elite versions of all the Tholian and Romulan rep missions that gives some dilithium for completion in addition to more marks of their choice. People would be playing more different missions instead of the same ones so much.

    I also want Elite missions, as I've stated above and elsewhere. The other rewards, I'm not so concerned out. Dilithium is never really in demand in my experience...
    The day will not save them. And we own the night.
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