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viper40watt Arc User



  • Is that not a typo but actually 500,000 EC? Rather than 500mil? If it's the former I'll have to decline.
  • Sorry guy, my character is a Ferengi. So pull your Human Federation resources that you don't need for any real reason, buy my JHAS with some EC/Lockbox Ships and we'll call it a successful inter-species exchange.
  • Are you talking about selling/trading outside the game for currency outside the game? That's obviously not allowed. I'm suggesting a trade in the game of my JHAS for other lockbox ships or for EC.
  • I'll give the trading channel a bit more of a try, but it doesn't seem to be very populated. Or at least, not during the early morning/late evening times when I often log in.
  • I didn't fill the project as I went for two reasons. One is that I hate the reputation style 'fill boxes with sliders' and avoid the system. The other being that it's always possible for some wacky bug to happen with the project pulled early accidently and everyone's in progress pearls being lost because of it. The reason…
  • Great, that's good to know. Thanks for the Tribble information.
  • It would appear that is the case, but why would the project not be active for as long as the event to obtain pearls was alive?
  • Thanks for the tips, I'll try out the trading channel. All told, between my 4 fleet-less characters, I have about 23,000 Fleet Marks that I'll be selling.
  • Perhaps I should have specified in the original post that I was only thinking of selling for EC or in game reward box items, however the idea of trading FM for real money seems so silly that I didn't think of making that point clear. I'm also not particularly interested in the Rep/Fleet grinds, so wouldn't need to join a…
  • I opened 101 boxes and got nothing beyond some blue weapons boxes, tal shiar codes, fleet mark/exp boosts, a bunch of Doff packs and a little over 400 lobi so I guess I can come talk to you? As others have said, it's a random lotterly. Don't play the lottery expecting to win 'the prize' as you'll most likely walk away…
  • I can be convinced to part with mine, what did you have in mind?
  • Well, yes. The free Vet Ship Token is the reason why I have 4 klingons rather than just 3 as I wanted to take advantage of every free c store ship available to me. I'm assuming we'll also get a free C store T5 ship token as well. Still a shame that our Vet free C store ship doesn't allow us to get the fleet ship discount…
  • Regardless of all of the resources being spent on the Starbase up until this point being a sunk cost, they are free to price access to it at any level they desire. Trying to maximize their profits from selling access to recoup as much of their building costs is just common sense. Depending upon how far out the rest of the…
  • So the once unique Tholian Widow Fighter combat pets are now going to be available for any ship with a hanger bay?
  • I have a feeling you're wrong. They'll keep bringing it back as long as people keep buying it. And once that point is reached, they'll just throw it up on the C-Store/Lobi store to wring a few more sales out of it.
  • I believe he was asking you to explain how an EPS console would help prevent weapons power drain as a veiled insult to your recommendation to use one since the EPS consoles do not actually prevent weapons power drain. Weapons power that is used when firing a weapon is immediately and fully returned after the weapon's cycle…
  • As already mentioned, the Starbase Tier 5 unlock is 3.6 milliion dilithium alone, so if the 900,000 seems undoable perhaps it's time to slow down or stop entirely to save the heartache.
  • Where were you and your rage back when Tholian Recluse owners got shafted by just having basic tier pets when every other ship out there has their unique pets available in 3 tiers? (EC, Dil Store, Fleet) At least I can understand the logic behind the locking out of the JHAS pets, it's obviously there to increase the value…
  • I too share your dislike over the fleet ship modules. For me it is in large part due to the build up of the Starbase release. They were being touted as a great way to interact with fellow players while providing an alternate means of obtaining end game weapons vs the STFs. They were also described as offering an alternate…
  • I'm not sure we'll ever see a player ship that large, but we'll certainly have a borg lockbox at some point with probes/spheres/diamonds inside. I think the other big name lockbox on the horizon will be the Undine.
  • I agree there is an internal logic to providing commodities to help out the new colony, more so than donating "experience" or "marks" to help them out. Be that as it may, we play this game to have fun. I can understand when fun impacts profits, there is a need to err on the side of profits, but in this case I don't see how…
  • I think you may have misinterpreted what I was saying. I have no desire to see a unified mark, I can see a logic in doing so, but I certainly see the reasons why they would remain seperate. My only concern was with removing the extra commodities required to fill out a reputation project, leaving the only requirement marks…
  • I'm saying it feels like mindless busy work, something that is often called out as 'a second job.' I've been in many a PUG group with ineffective or AFK players, which is somewhat irritating, but I still enjoy the basic aspect of playing a Star Trek game, even if it sometimes becomes unwinable. Buying commodities is easy,…
  • Darn, I was really hoping a Dev would pop in here to tell us that the Recluse would be like every other carrier in the game and have its fighters available in 3 different grades in time for T5 Starbase Sciences starting to finish.
  • Back when the Recluse was first coming out, people compared the Tholian fighters vs others with combat parsers and found that they did less damage than 1st tier Peregrines and that the 2 minute console added negligable damage. http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=360961 It would certainly be nice to have…
  • It's possible, although it would go against their previous 'special fighters for special carriers' track record. Everyone can get reputation system Scorpion Fighters, but only people with a Kar'Fi can get their Frigates, only Recluse owners can get Tholian Fighters, only Jem'Hadar carrier/HEC owners can get Jem'hadar…
  • The simple answer is that we don't have 3 tiers of Tholian fighters because they weren't originally put in the game when the Tholian Lockbox was released, and now that the Tholian lockbox is done with, they won't bother with updating/adding to it when there are new lockboxes to spend time working on. That said, as an owner…
  • Welcome Back! The subscription doesn't add too much value, but it does give you some perks when leveling up your characters (extra bank, ship and BOFF slots). I would say keep your subscription running while you're leveling up whatever characters you want to level up. If you do remove your subscription, then make sure you…
  • Let me know if your fleet is looking for any more fleet marks as I believe I have something like 10,000 spread out over a few alts.
  • Noone here will be able to say for sure, but I suspect it will happen much like the last level increase. There will be no added tier of ships and all that will change will be all of your top tier mk12 gear will suddenly be outclassed by new mk14 gear.