seaofsorrows, I'm sorry if I came off as trolling. I already knew the amount, I just wanted to know how long it would take to get the amount of dilithium using 19 characters.
Currently the Lifetime Membership cost 25000 zen online and in real money cost $300. So if I divided the $300 by 2, I would get $150. How much would that leave me with turning dilithium into zen.
One of my characters was the great-grandchild of Pavel Chekov named Anton Chekov, named after the actor of Kelvin!Chekov Anton Yelchin. His personality is a mature version of Anton's Chekov with the look of Walter's Chekov.
thunderfoot006, you've got the right mind set. When I play STO, I usually have the most fun playing my own characters and not modeling them after other characrers or following a formula, instead I make my character setup.
Here are the pictures.