1. Depends on the project. Hope this helps: http://sto.gamepedia.com/List_of_starbase_projects
2. I'm guessing you mean tailor. Yes, they cost Dilithium and Fleet Credits. Each holding has a unique costume you can buy.
"Logic is a little tweeting bird chirping in a meadow. Logic is a wreath of pretty flowers which smell BAD." - Spock
2. I'm not in a fleet, so I honestly couldn't tell you... I know that when you join a fleet, it unlocks additional costume slots... Some items from the tailor cost Z, some are free... I do know that if you unlock a clothing item on one character, any other characters on your account will also get access to that item... But as for a 'fleet trailer', I've honestly never heard of one... If you've mis-typed and mean 'fleet tailor', I don't believe that there is one, and I suspect people simply go to the regular tailor, and adjust the specs of their outfit as per fleet requirements...
1. Well, that depends entirely on you, the ship(s) you have, and the way you want to use them The game gives you default four slots. You might, however, want an away team of all engineers, or all tactical, or all science, in which case, you would need to buy additional BOFF slots on that character account to accomodate them... My main has 27 BOFFs, I also have alts with only four... It all depends on YOU and how YOU want to play the game... Equally, if your ship has universal slot(s) you could then add a BOFF in whatever discipline you wanted... It's all on how you choose to play the game
How many dilithium and fleet credit is necessary to buy the Excursion and dress uniforms?
Well, first you have to unlock the tailor. That happens when the SB hits T3. You have a while before you need to think about what you will pay the tailor, and the Wiki doesn't seem to say. I will say, compared to what it costs to get the base to where you can buy the uniforms, the uniforms themselves cost almost nothing.
"Logic is a little tweeting bird chirping in a meadow. Logic is a wreath of pretty flowers which smell BAD." - Spock
I do know that if you unlock a clothing item on one character, any other characters on your account will also get access to that item
this is only true for uniforms bought through the c-store - any other uniform, no matter if it comes from the lobi store, a fleet holding or an event, is a single character unlock (which i really wish wasn't true)
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch." "We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
Passion and Serenity are one.
I gain power by understanding both.
In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
The Force is united within me.
I do know that if you unlock a clothing item on one character, any other characters on your account will also get access to that item
this is only true for uniforms bought through the c-store - any other uniform, no matter if it comes from the lobi store, a fleet holding or an event, is a single character unlock (which i really wish wasn't true)
Wow, that kinda sucks Then again, I guess it's kind of cool that unlocking a C Store item unlocks it across all alts on that account... I hadn't intended to to buy the Seven of Nine costume, because I was happy enough with the eyebrow implant the tailor had for my Seven (especially as the tailor doesn't allow the customizing to actually recreate Jeri Ryan's features... for one, the eyes can't be made large enough, the closest I dould get, looked more like Natasha Henstridge...) so the other stuff never bothered me, but the other day, I had some spare Z and wanted to give a Klingon BOFF the catsuit, aiming to do something like K'ehleyr's outfits, but then when I then realized that it was unlocked across all the alts, I figured I might as well give Seven (Annika Hanson ) her full set of Borg implants (Body proportions taken from Jeri Ryan's real stats, hot just 'TRIBBLE slider to maximum' )
1. How many DOFFs are necessary and what types are needed?
Far too many common doffs. Luckily converting uncommon doffs to common doffs is free and give 3 common doffs for every uncommon doff. There is a Fleet vendor that sells common doffs, but it costs 500 Fleet Credits for a random common doff or 750 Fleet Credits for a Tactical/Security, Engineering/Operations, or Science/Medical Doff which makes purchasing doffs from the vendor to drain your Fleet Credits by 200 to 450 Fleet Credits per doff.
I do know that if you unlock a clothing item on one character, any other characters on your account will also get access to that item
this is only true for uniforms bought through the c-store - any other uniform, no matter if it comes from the lobi store, a fleet holding or an event, is a single character unlock (which i really wish wasn't true)
Wow, that kinda sucks Then again, I guess it's kind of cool that unlocking a C Store item unlocks it across all alts on that account... I hadn't intended to to buy the Seven of Nine costume, because I was happy enough with the eyebrow implant the tailor had for my Seven (especially as the tailor doesn't allow the customizing to actually recreate Jeri Ryan's features... for one, the eyes can't be made large enough, the closest I dould get, looked more like Natasha Henstridge...) so the other stuff never bothered me, but the other day, I had some spare Z and wanted to give a Klingon BOFF the catsuit, aiming to do something like K'ehleyr's outfits, but then when I then realized that it was unlocked across all the alts, I figured I might as well give Seven (Annika Hanson ) her full set of Borg implants (Body proportions taken from Jeri Ryan's real stats, hot just '**** slider to maximum' )
The Seven of Nine uniform is only available on Federation Female and Federation-aligned Romulan Females. So if you want your Orion Female or Tellarite male to have the implants, then tough luck.
The Seven of Nine uniform is only available on Federation Female and Federation-aligned Romulan Females. So if you want your Orion Female or Tellarite male to have the implants, then tough luck.
I have a Klingon Female wearing one... I've turned the PC off, but I'll gladly get a screenshot whenI fire it up tomorrow (I never tried applying the implants to the Klingon, only the catsuit...)
The Seven of Nine uniform is only available on Federation Female and Federation-aligned Romulan Females. So if you want your Orion Female or Tellarite male to have the implants, then tough luck.
I have a Klingon Female wearing one... I've turned the PC off, but I'll gladly get a screenshot whenI fire it up tomorrow (I never tried applying the implants to the Klingon, only the catsuit...)
Must be a recent change. Although, it is interesting how only the catsuit and hand implant works while the face implants aren't available. The same limitation exists with the Orion Female Exchange Bridge Officer. Catsuit and hand implant works, but no face implants. Tried it with a Starfleet Klingon Female Bridge Officer and everything worked as I expected. The male restriction for the Seven of Nine implants still applies.
Just to give you a rough estimate of what you will need to unlock the tailor. Starbase to Tier 3 will require around 200k fleet marks, 2 mil dilithium, around 4000 doffs, plus several million EC and expertise pts and takes about 80 days assuming you fill and start the next project as soon as one finishes.
1. Many different DOFFs of all types.
2. Where is this fleet trailer you seen?
2. I'm guessing you mean tailor. Yes, they cost Dilithium and Fleet Credits. Each holding has a unique costume you can buy.
1. Well, that depends entirely on you, the ship(s) you have, and the way you want to use them
Well, first you have to unlock the tailor. That happens when the SB hits T3. You have a while before you need to think about what you will pay the tailor, and the Wiki doesn't seem to say. I will say, compared to what it costs to get the base to where you can buy the uniforms, the uniforms themselves cost almost nothing.
When did they add that?
this is only true for uniforms bought through the c-store - any other uniform, no matter if it comes from the lobi store, a fleet holding or an event, is a single character unlock (which i really wish wasn't true)
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
"We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
Far too many common doffs. Luckily converting uncommon doffs to common doffs is free and give 3 common doffs for every uncommon doff. There is a Fleet vendor that sells common doffs, but it costs 500 Fleet Credits for a random common doff or 750 Fleet Credits for a Tactical/Security, Engineering/Operations, or Science/Medical Doff which makes purchasing doffs from the vendor to drain your Fleet Credits by 200 to 450 Fleet Credits per doff.
The Seven of Nine uniform is only available on Federation Female and Federation-aligned Romulan Females. So if you want your Orion Female or Tellarite male to have the implants, then tough luck.
Must be a recent change. Although, it is interesting how only the catsuit and hand implant works while the face implants aren't available. The same limitation exists with the Orion Female Exchange Bridge Officer. Catsuit and hand implant works, but no face implants. Tried it with a Starfleet Klingon Female Bridge Officer and everything worked as I expected. The male restriction for the Seven of Nine implants still applies.