I can confirm I'm also missing the 4th anniversary Polytrinic Acid Horta. It's not in the Legacy Unlocks, Promotions, Items nor Personnel (Combat Companions) tabs. The latest patch mentioned something about the missing C-Store items for Lifetime players, but it didn't fix the issue. I can only find the 400 Zen item, not…
One of my wingmen destroyed the transport ship in the opening mission and it didn't click with the mission tracker. Had to restart. Not sure if the FED got anything, but joining the KDF doesn't unlock any unique uniform. Despite being at level 60 Dominion captain doesn't have any duty officers and R&D holograms. Bug or a…
Yes. I've got the same issue and already seen other people on Reddit with this problem. Example - https://i.imgur.com/eKZIDAI.jpg It seems as if many textures simply do not load completely, regardless of the display/graphics settings. Issue started with today's patch.
Still not working. Kind of amusing considering the launcher message states the official XP support is gonna end in march, yet it doesn't work since last week. Two of my XP machines don't work, showing the same error. However, the game does run on the exact same rig with Win10. This error is separate from the loading screen…
I take it there's no workaround? It's a different issue than the one from a few weeks ago. The last one had something to do with kernel32.dll. Now the client doesn't launch at all with the "not a valid win32 application" message. Tested on two 32bit machines - same problem on both of them, so I can't play the game, can't…
I'm having the same issue with "not a valid win32 application", and since it's the start of a new event along with some giveaways I'm really pissed off at the moment.
These long loading screens kill it for me. Sometimes everything loads just fine, other times it freezes for a minute or two, and other times it just keeps freezing for a total of 10 minutes or so. I'm not joking. 1min freeze, 1 sec unfreeze, 1min freeze, 1sec unfreeze and so on. This has been happening for me for about…
For those who managed to launch the game once, and then it keeps crashing, try deleting "cache" folder from your "live" game directory. It that doesn't help, delete ".patch" and "prepatch" folders as well. It may not work for you, but in my case after deleting the folders I'm able to launch the game again. That said, I…
Yeah, XP seems to be the issue. I'd really like to know if this will get resolved, or Cryptic just abandoned the support for XP without any notice. The ARC system requirements do not mention XP anymore, but Steam's page still does.
Yeah, the game won't launch anymore. Worked fine before today's patch. I've tried verifying, using Safe Mode, restarting, and it just won't work. I've tried running the exe file, but it gives me an error about GetFileInformationByHandleEx in KERNEL32.dll library.
Having a similar issue. I could not launch the game after patching S11,5, because it was so painfully slow I couldn't do anything. Tried safe mode and it worked, and from there I was able to restore all the graphics and advanced settings, except for the resolution. Only Maximized Window works, whereas Fullscreen just makes…
The game has been crashing on me at random ever since the 6th Anniversary patch. It's gotten to the point of being completely unplayable. I've had two crashes while playing the newest FE. I won't even attempt any queued PvE with the game being like this. It's all completely random - I've even been crashing while browsing…
Those Elite Timeship Hangars seem really underwhelming. And if the player version of Subatomic Disruptor is anything to go by, then the ability is going to be essentially worthless on AI pets, with its small dot damage and very limited firing arc. One is free, the other costs Lobi (i.e. money). You should all know by know…
With basically just one Romulan Hangar available, I wish Kara Warbird could use the Drone Ships. Either that, or Romulans should really be given some new unique hangar, like the Kestrel.
What I expected - http://i.imgur.com/c1bFS5T.jpg What I got - http://i.imgur.com/oC0wah4.jpg It's not the first time it happened. I've noticed on numerous occasions that I didn't receive any EC from completed assignments, even though they were listed as rewards.
I can confirm the issue. It is somewhat serious and should not be ignored before releasing S11 live, as it'll almost certainly result in a lot of permanently lost ships. The problem is that an Admirality Ship is added ONLY when the DOFF/R&D/Admirality tab window is opened, not with the acquisition of the ship itself. So,…
Thanks for the answers Jeremy. Two more to expand upon, if you don't mind. I wasn't actually concerned about the number of ships, but rather their stats. It is clear that assignments have various Tac, Eng and Sci requirements. KDF and ROM however do not have any T6 science ships for example, and have very few T5 science…
Question time! How exactly are those admirality ships claimed? Do we have to claim all the playable C-Store ships we own one by one to our ship roster to get the admirality ship card, or will those be available to us automatically? Because I can't imagine claiming and discharging all the C-Store ships I own on all my alts…
The game crashes for me REGARDLESS of graphics settings. And it keeps crashing even after today's patch. It's been an issue for about a month now. The game crashes mostly during grouped PvE content. I've had no crashes while in social zones, or while doing solo missions. However, when I queue up for a mission or join a red…
I did. Graphic settings doesn't matter, nor any other option under display or advanced. I've had everything at absolute minimum, yet it crashes the same as on high settings.
I'm crashing more now than before I've even noticed any patch notes regarding "crash fixes". Crystalline Catastrophe is a nightmare. Half of the times I can't even complete the mission, as it crashes at random without any reason. Since it doesn't throw you back to the same instance after you restart the game I actually…
No performance improvement whatsoever for me. Risa Resort, New Romulus Command and numerous Delta Quadrant Patrols still suffer from major FPS loss even at minimum graphics settings, which was not the case before S10. PS. The new forums suck.
I just don't give a s*it anymore. I've stopped playing STO almost entirely because of these FPS issues. I'm honestly disgusted by the fact devs keep ignoring us, although by this point I shouldn't be in any way surprised. Oh well, the bright side is I won't be spending any more money. Cause why should I buy more Master…
Clearly you didn't understand the question. Why would anyone spend 5$ for a Fleet Module and 7$ for an Upgrade Token to get a T5U Veteran Destroyer, when they could just spend 5$ for a Fleet Module and get the superior Fleet T6? But that was a rhetorical question. We all know Cryptic's attitude towards T5 and we all…