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stockwellday Arc User



  • I thought they already admitted they couldn't program their way around a virus to save their jobs, and this was one thing they borked and can't/won't fix any time this decade. I think they should just come out and say cloaking devices are no longer canon in the STO universe and get rid of the things. ... although if they…
  • Which would go against their corporate moto, "Do more with" I assume they meant Do more with less, but they must have been released that under developed like everything else.
  • Sector space as it is now is absurd. Feels small, cramped, and nothing at all like you're in space. Space travel should not feel like you're moving between those level dots in Super Mario World. I suggest the Devs load up Homeworld/Homeworld 2 for an idea of what being in space should feel like. And I still get incredibly…
  • Well, it can't get any worse. ... Cryptic: Challenge accepted! But seriously, the warping is terribad. I think part of the problem is the tiny zones and the ridiculously long time a ship is still at sublight speeds before it warps. Absurdly long warp trails. The current system makes me feel like everything on my ship stops…
  • Polish? In STO? HA! I think the consistent lack of attention to detail shows how much the higher ups care about this game. There are a tonne of little things that add up which bring down the experience. Odd running/stopping animations... Characters who can't sit properly in their chairs... Ships that turn awkwardly to warp…
  • As an Ultima Online player, I'm used to this, I'm fine with it, you never know when you'll be in a hurry and hit log out instead of exit then rush away from the computer. But that account name bug is terribad. Good to know it's on the radar.
  • I hit that my first go with that mission. A nice surprise. :D
  • Red is only acceptable when it's in the form of an alert. :)
  • What else is shameful is that after 2 years they can't figure out how to make their character models look like they are sitting on the chair. Some float above. Some clip through the floor below. Your screenshot even shows this. Added: And what's with those tiny view screens? I just checked out the Emissary bridge pack and…
  • Yup. :( I've limited myself to one or two keys per round of boxes. But I don't mind them so long as they keep the STO lights on. I just wish they would polish more. It's the little things that spoil the fantasy when playing.
  • I think they take inspiration from the lock boxes for bridges. (Or, other way 'round as most bridges have been around for quite some time). There's a very low chance a lock box will give you something you like. There's a very low chance the bridge you buy will be something you like. Yet we buy, hoping. Hoping. Ever…
  • I wouldn't mind having a bridge that didn't feature 7 metre high ceilings and copious amounts of dead space between consoles.
  • I'm posting to support you, but don't hold yer breath. I have two officers on my bridge with belts/shirts the same colour, and rank pips/com badges the same colour because for whatever reason their colours are linked. Change one, it changes them both. Same uniform options on other characters are normal and not linked.…
  • Yup. I often maneuver my ship around other ships/obstacles to prepare for warping and then when I'm free and clear I hit warp and... my ship spends 5 seconds stuttering/turning around in circles before warping through the atmosphere of whatever the local planet is. :confused::confused::confused::confused: Blargarahaha!! I…
  • I have to visit my doctor at least twice a day due to transporter accidents where my bridge officers are merged with their chairs, and their legs are stuck in the floor. They paw at air in front of them because they can't reach their consoles. Devoted crew that I have. Those poor souls. (You'd think 2 years after launch…
  • Note to self: Do not allow Klingons on board. I do like this idea but I'd be more impressed if our ships felt like... ships, rather than small collections of haphazardly connected rooms. And as was noted a couple weeks ago (and I'm sure many times before) the option to choose the standard Sci/Ops/Tac uniforms for the crew…
  • Shenanigans. But yes, I agree, anything above Doff management would be icing.