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  • Much better worded to not offend the innocents who were unjustly persecuted this last week, and still feeling sore no doubt. I also agree the exploiters should not have had their points returned. However some of those people who hit max caps did it by being boosted, and running 50k dps ships in preformed voice chatted…
  • Wow. Just wow. So apparently even the innocent people are exploiters to you. Guess its okay to punish the innocent along with the guilty where you live, but in most parts of the world that exist past the year 2000 that kind of thing is considered morally reprehensible. Your still standing by the "theyre all exploiters"…
  • Actually you were one of the only voices of reason in this entire debacle. Things didnt really escalate with the angry innocents until the white knights starting attacking them. Then the situation went from bad to worse. Will they apologize? I think not. The fact you have despite your reasoning this entire time just shows…
  • Taking the high road and letting it go wouldnt have got people back their points. It wont heal the community. No, taking the high road would mean those who divided this community would come out and apologize for being wrong. The fact none have even done so yet indicates it wont happen anyway, since asking for it instead of…
  • Getting the white knights who also were calling innocent people exploiters and dividing the community to apologize wont happen. These guys have their heads up their rears so far they dont even consider what they did wrong. Now even Cryptic has come out and apologized, to help heal the rift. Will the playerbase do the same?…
  • Now if all thw Cryptic white knights would come in and apologize for calling people exploiters unjustly the community might start healing itself. Never going to happen. Too little too late?
  • And we all know bugs get fixed ASAP!
  • I started trying to tell people this day 1 of DR. Getting all kinds of hate thrown at me for trying to tell people the new direction they are taking the game. All the problems that came about a week later just added to my suspicion, and this last week merely confirmed it. People think its just another uproar like the tons…
  • It falls in line with converting a non grinder game into one. You have to kill off the old playerbase that was used to relatively normal reward/time ratios, as well as having knowledge of how the game used to be. You cant have a constant influx of players who come in, start playing, see how great it could be, drop a few…
  • I love Ostrich. Head in sand, sees nothing. Look at every ARC game. P2W. Grindfest years long easily alleviated by cash infusions. Years ago people would run from playing a game where an average gamer cant compete with someone who has $1000s of disposable income a month. But when they convert a good game into one…
  • I can think of a couple reasons it MIGHT be the case. Pure speculation here. 1. The others have proven time and time again they only inflame the situation when they post, for a myriad of reasons. So silence is preferable, when silence is always the worst last option. 2. He's doing it on his own time.
  • Says the guy who feeds off forum drama? Seriously you need to question your own sanity before calling mine out.
  • Thats because the games design left people with hope it could change. The new design erradicates hope, unless you have a big wallet because hope now has a $.
  • The easiest solution for everyone is to leave and not support korean grinders. Most western publishers have games like this on a "red" list. As in, warning this game is designed to milk you. There are TONS of F2P games that do it right, where each purchase is FUN and REWARDING, not NECESARY and endless. The community has…
  • I dont want STO to recover. I would rather watch this game burn and fail so that eventually a GOOD Star Trek game can emerge not handled by a team that cant even make a title succeed unless it has a famous IP attached to it. History of terrible programming and failure, lack of communication and condescending attitude…
  • Have fun in your empty game in 2 months sycophants. Bye.
  • No I would not recommend this game to anyone, much like most asian cash grab morally bankrupt games.
  • Would it be alright if you while you were at the bank one day to do whatever, it was robbed, and to compensate, the bank emptied everyones accounts who was in there, because they might have been accomplices. Would you keep banking there?
  • I feel your pain Frank. The wondering why you have been labeled an exploiter for playing the game. It isnt your fault. Its Cryptics. They failed at this completely. Unfortunately they seem bent on driving this game into the ground within the next few months and this is just another step on that ladder. You can countless…
  • Yeah, moral grounds the Federation and even the Klingdons would stand by. Its a sad day when the amount of innocents affected by this is totally ignored by fellow players and the company that does it. How many times have they done stuff like this, rollback peoples accomplishments? I imagine the playerbase must be getting…
  • Its funny how you conveniently ignore the innocent people affected by this, you dont even care in your war against the exploiters and complainers about those who did NOTHING wrong yet had their TIME STOLEN unfairly, while still many a max spec captain still flies around. It must be nice living in the world with your…
  • Its hilarious how all the defenders of this "exploiter correction" say they sympathize for the innocent people that had points taken, but it was worth it to catch those dastardly guys who had max yada yada yada. Guess what. Tons of people STILL have way more points than they should, and if EVEN ONE innocent person got…
  • Yeh my bro called me about the specialization fiasco. Randomly taking an arbitrary amount of time from your playerbase using ill defined metrics and having tons of collateral damage. Game over. Was fun while it lasted STO, but I dont even feel like logging into see how much of my game/fun time you decided I gained unfairly…
  • So far I like it pretty good. I did have to lose out on my A2Damp but got Ionic turbulence to stack with my grav wells, which is just amazing. If any reason to get it is for the intel seat. Its got decent hull and shields though for an escort class.
  • Seems like not many have commented on it but a couple things to factor in with cannons vs beam banks. Time to travel, and reduced damage at range. Ever been in a super group where the 4 other BFAW players are runnin A2B and overcapped and putting out serious hurt, and because their beams are INSTANT travel before your…