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Creative Interpretation of "Exploit"



  • ummaxummax Member Posts: 529 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    Wrong. She lost a grand total of 40 points.

    um 40 points thats nuts I play this game like a maniac I have nowhere near this and most people do not I am like 58 on one guy who has 5 and i have another couple of guys 54 and 53 who have maybe 2 or 3.

    So how on earth did people manage to accumulate that insane amount of xp to level up that much in what less then a week?

    I am retired actually just recently so made it my mission to play unhealthy amounts of this game when that expansion launched. I think I have been on for like at least 6-8 hours per day since the release of this expansion. I dont sit and go afk either I am actively mashing buttons on ground or in space all of that time.

    Those are not reasonable numbers no one can tell me they thought this was not wrong not in comparison to the rest of the game. I am sorry but looks like they made the right judgement call.
  • spencerb96spencerb96 Member Posts: 251 Media Corps
    edited October 2014
    ummax wrote: »
    So how on earth did people manage to accumulate that insane amount of xp to level up that much in what less then a week?

    Those are not reasonable numbers no one can tell me they thought this was not wrong not in comparison to the rest of the game. I am sorry but looks like they made the right judgement call.

    The NPC's we're all fighting are the same, but some players, like OP, can get through them extremely fast because they're a very skilled player that have some of the best gear available.

    Most of the playerbase can't do ~5k DPS. OP is going in with a team of 5 players are each easily doing 3-4x that. He himself can do 10x that. So they take significantly less time to tear through the NPC's and earn the Skill Points than most players do.

    What this rollback did is hurt those that have the build, skill, and time to grind these out. OP was rolled back from 60 to 10 points, not because he was "exploiting", but simply because he went in with skilled players that were able to pile drive through the NPC's and earn the Skill Points fast.

    We all earn the same amount of Skill Points from killing the same enemy, just some do it faster, some slower.
  • mightybobcncmightybobcnc Member Posts: 3,354 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    varekraith wrote: »
    I'm curious if Cryptic just ran a basic script that flagged people over a certain amount and just zapped them, regardless if they exploited TD or not. It would explain a bit.
    Would also be lame as hell.

    They used a meat cleaver instead of a scalpel.

    Joined January 2009
    Finger wrote:
    Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
  • selraxxxselraxxx Member Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    azniadeet wrote: »
    Us playing the missions they give us is exploitation.

    Meanwhile, them devaluing our equipment and raising the cost on the new stuff is legitimate business.

    The real exploit is in the way they treat us.

    This Right Here.
  • ummaxummax Member Posts: 529 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    spencerb96 wrote: »
    The NPC's we're all fighting are the same, but some players, like OP, can get through them extremely fast because they're a very skilled player that have some of the best gear available.

    Most of the playerbase can't do ~5k DPS. OP is going in with a team of 5 players are each easily doing 3-4x that. He himself can do 10x that. So they take significantly less time to tear through the NPC's and earn the Skill Points than most players do.

    What this rollback did is hurt those that have the build, skill, and time to grind these out. OP was rolled back from 60 to 10 points, not because he was "exploiting", but simply because he went in with skilled players that were able to pile drive through the NPC's and earn the Skill Points fast.

    We all earn the same amount of Skill Points from killing the same enemy, just some do it faster, some slower.

    no way I am a good player you dont know me and i can go through mobs most people complain about on my main. Those npc's had far more xp or far less health then the others that is why they "nerfed" the sector. I am sorry but there are only so many hours in a day and all the skills are capped

    the definition of an exploit
    is doing something that is not intended within the normal bounds of gameplay to give you an unfair advantage over other players.

    Was he levelling those points at an insane rate ? faster then most other players shooting at his rate in the same gear on mobs that were not bugged or broken? the answer is yes.

    Did that levelling therefore give him an unfair advantage in comparison to an equally skilled player who didnt look for a broken map in gameplay ? the answer is yes

    therefore in all rule books in gaming that would be called an exploit. What one is supposed to do in gaming is report such things and stop using said broken thing and not tell a sole (the not tell a sole part is because it will get fixed and then others get use it exessively to gain an advantage and then we have exactly what happened here)

    Had he say gotten to 60 and reported it and gone to normal gameplay and accumulated the rest of his points at a normal rate in unbroken maps he would not have lost anything.

    Stats are all capped ships are capped, mobs are capped. This is not a game of endless boundaries there are mins and maxxes. You cannot exceed them and if you do then you know that something is in fact broken. Then what your supposed to do is report it. If you dont report it and you use the broken stuff to gain an advantage then its an exploit pure and simple.

    Lesson learned next time when you do something that is not making sense then maybe you will report it. Dont let my age fool you I am a seasoned gamer and better then most people half my age. I am also capable of exercising good judgement and restraint which unfortunately some people dont do and must learn the hard way. Sorry that is wonky he took advantage of a broken system and got caught pure and simple.

    40 points is way off we aren't talking a 4 or 6 point difference we are talking 40 LEVELS.
  • rsoblivionrsoblivion Member Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    LOL good judgement and restraint? How about you aren't willing to take chances or even complain when something is truly bollocks, like the grind for this expansion.

    The funny thing is, I had the best fun doing those runs in Japori or Beta Thoridar. It was great talking to the other players and seen how they reacted to their DPS stats (which I posted when I could). Great fun. Going through them now with the current reward levels. Not fun, you don't get any feeling of reward for the time spent. I don't get how that is good for a games community.

    I should also point out that you are in a very small minority of Cryptic defenders. I don't comprehend how people can't see that they've been screwed when the problem was clearly something on Cryptic's end causing it. Not only that the players that got hit by the nerf bat were those who were the big personalities who have the high DPS ships, that can solo Elite stuff without issue and even complete the Elite queues. Not the people who were exploiting it for other reasons. They didn't check they just rolled back people who gained too much in a short time. That's just butthurt from the dev's.
    Chris Robert's on SC:
    "You don't have to do something again and again and again repetitive that doesn't have much challange, that's just a general good gameplay thing."
  • ummaxummax Member Posts: 529 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    rsoblivion wrote: »
    LOL good judgement and restraint? How about you aren't willing to take chances or even complain when something is truly bollocks, like the grind for this expansion.

    The funny thing is, I had the best fun doing those runs in Japori or Beta Thoridar. It was great talking to the other players and seen how they reacted to their DPS stats (which I posted when I could). Great fun. Going through them now with the current reward levels. Not fun, you don't get any feeling of reward for the time spent. I don't get how that is good for a games community.

    I should also point out that you are in a very small minority of Cryptic defenders. I don't comprehend how people can't see that they've been screwed when the problem was clearly something on Cryptic's end causing it. Not only that the players that got hit by the nerf bat were those who were the big personalities who have the high DPS ships, that can solo Elite stuff without issue and even complete the Elite queues. Not the people who were exploiting it for other reasons. They didn't check they just rolled back people who gained too much in a short time. That's just butthurt from the dev's.

    AGAIN you dont know me and if you look at my posts you will note that I have in fact complained when it was something that needed to be complained about when complaining was needed, but what we have here is a handful of exploiters who got caught who have now come to the boards in an attempt to try to drum up sympathy from the community. Possibly a few people got caught in the crossfire but this is what happens when people abuse a system.

    'but officer I didnt see the no parking sign ooh i didnt mean it! '

    Next time stop and report it. I saw the posts here when they were posting on fast levelling I got information in game. I was present when people were forming groups for this. I saw trouble coming and ran the other way. I didnt go to broken maps and try to trick mobs into giving me more xp then they were worth I went and did it the normal way as did a great many others. They are fine because they didnt cheat!
  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    The people who exploited should be punished, not everyone else because they made it to 60 without cheating, by just grinidng content, granted they have no life, but haven't they been punished enough :D

    The culprits need to be taken to Bajor, and then have the Undine blow it up, we will be killing two birds with one stone. :D
  • bobtheskull99bobtheskull99 Member Posts: 706 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    ummax wrote: »
    AGAIN you dont know me and if you look at my posts you will note that I have in fact complained when it was something that needed to be complained about when complaining was needed, but what we have here is a handful of exploiters who got caught who have now come to the boards in an attempt to try to drum up sympathy from the community. Possibly a few people got caught in the crossfire but this is what happens when people abuse a system.

    'but officer I didnt see the no parking sign ooh i didnt mean it! '

    Next time stop and report it. I saw the posts here when they were posting on fast levelling I got information in game. I was present when people were forming groups for this. I saw trouble coming and ran the other way. I didnt go to broken maps and try to trick mobs into giving me more xp then they were worth I went and did it the normal way as did a great many others. They are fine because they didnt cheat!

    just this

    I mean come on guys, given the exp gain did you real believe there was nothing worng? no doubt in your mind that it was all perfectly ok and you weren't exploiting anything, that it was 1000% as intended?
  • xms9779xms9779 Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    just this

    I mean come on guys, given the exp gain did you real believe there was nothing worng? no doubt in your mind that it was all perfectly ok and you weren't exploiting anything, that it was 1000% as intended?

    Apparently it was how most people leveled after the release of the game. But keep on defending them moving the goal post on us.
  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    azniadeet wrote: »
    Us playing the missions they give us is exploitation.

    Meanwhile, them devaluing our equipment and raising the cost on the new stuff is legitimate business.

    The real exploit is in the way they treat us.

    ^^^ That sums up what I think of STO these days .

    Add to that the convoluted leveling of gear that totally goes against what you had between Levels 1-50 , and STO managed to become a steaming pile of Not-Fun .

    ... oh , but we get 60 Lobi for our troubles , so I guess that makes it alright ... :rolleyes:
  • solspotsolspot Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Innocents should never be punished alongside the guilty.

    Yeah, moral grounds the Federation and even the Klingdons would stand by.

    Its a sad day when the amount of innocents affected by this is totally ignored by fellow players and the company that does it.

    How many times have they done stuff like this, rollback peoples accomplishments?

    I imagine the playerbase must be getting used to it by now to be so desensitized to their fellow players grief.

    One can only hope things will improve, but generally morally bankrupt places tend to destroy themselves.
  • bobtheskull99bobtheskull99 Member Posts: 706 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Innocents should never be punished alongside the guilty.

    in an ideal world yes, I for one hate the idea of players advancing unfairly though the use of exploits. maybe I've been hanging around the forums too much but srsly F*** them. I've been acussed of being a crytic apologist lately but honestly I don't give 2 SH@# about cryptic I just can't stand that not only did these idiots knowingly (most of them anyway) abuse a bug to gain massive levels but they have the nerve to act hurt because they were caught, called out, and "punished" for it. I'm sorry for those that lost points abd legitimately have nothing to do with what happened but sympathy left town at least 6 hours ago
  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    This isn't about Tau sector... they rolled back toons that where doing large scale group patrol missions. That includes ones in the Delta. What it comes down to is the XP you have now is the xp you should have earned running those missions at the new rate.

    I am ok with Cryptic rolling a few people back... cause to me at least it shows they have grown some spherical organs. Proper devs don't allow people to keep things they feel they earned by exploiting. (am not saying I believe it was an exploit)

    Yes , but you are saying that stuff about a game ... that had Mirror Invasion for nearly 3 years in it (that was used for 3 years to powerlevel) -- something that after the (3 year) fact , the Dev's decided that they needed to neuter NOT BECAUSE it was an exploit ( <--- and that's important to remember) , but because they wanted to introduce "events" , and one of those said events was supposed to be "XP events" -- meaning "Mirror Invasion" (power leveling) , without the actual mission .

    When you take the above into account , it changes your perception not only of the quantity of stupid , that the Dev's displayed throughout Japorigate , but also of the stingy & micromanaging attitudes that seem to be prevailing @ Cryptic these days ... , with the whole XP issue being a part of a larger busybody process that now rules @ Cryptic , where the player is supposed to confirm , obey & pay ... , and where playing & fun is just a side effect . :(
    The only MMO I have ever played where playing it as a Multi Player game in itself is considered possible evidence of exploiting. :)

    Ding-ding-ding ... winnah !
  • spencerb96spencerb96 Member Posts: 251 Media Corps
    edited October 2014
    ummax wrote: »
    no way I am a good player you dont know me and i can go through mobs most people complain about on my main. Those npc's had far more xp or far less health then the others that is why they "nerfed" the sector. I am sorry but there are only so many hours in a day and all the skills are capped

    The sector block you're talking about is Tau Dewa, those patrol's were closed because of NPC's not scaling past 50. OP was doing the Argala System Patrol in the Delta Quadrant. The Argala Patrol is one of the new ones added in with this expansion, and is working as intended. It was never taken down or nerfed, because it is working as intended.

    Skill is not capped.
    ummax wrote: »
    Was he levelling those points at an insane rate ? faster then most other players shooting at his rate in the same gear on mobs that were not bugged or broken? the answer is yes.

    Gear is not the only thing that matters. I could give my setup to a new player, but that doesn't mean they'll perform the same as I. Knowing how to pilot a ship, how to time abilities, how to counter stuff, etc, is what really matters.

    Someone who knows what they're doing is going to blast through an NPC fast.
    ummax wrote: »
    Did that levelling therefore give him an unfair advantage in comparison to an equally skilled player who didnt look for a broken map in gameplay ? the answer is yes

    Again, the map is not and has never been broken. The map is the Argala System in the Delta Quadrant. The NPC's scale to your level, unlike the maps in Tau Dewa, which stopped at lvl 50.
    ummax wrote: »
    therefore in all rule books in gaming that would be called an exploit. What one is supposed to do in gaming is report such things and stop using said broken thing and not tell a sole (the not tell a sole part is because it will get fixed and then others get use it exessively to gain an advantage and then we have exactly what happened here)

    The Devs knew that players would power level with Patrols, OP posted saying that videos were even made of power leveling.
    ummax wrote: »
    Had he say gotten to 60 and reported it and gone to normal gameplay and accumulated the rest of his points at a normal rate in unbroken maps he would not have lost anything.

    You see, what myself and others did was normal gameplay. Patrols have been in the game for years. PvE queues have been in the game for years. As has Doffing. I did all of these and was pushed back 16 points.
    ummax wrote: »
    Stats are all capped ships are capped, mobs are capped. This is not a game of endless boundaries there are mins and maxxes. You cannot exceed them and if you do then you know that something is in fact broken. Then what your supposed to do is report it. If you dont report it and you use the broken stuff to gain an advantage then its an exploit pure and simple.

    No, players push everything to a new max daily. You are saying that there is a cap for what players can do. You are mistaken.

    Right now, the new Elite content is hard. In a few months we'll probably see some of the stuff two or three manned, maybe even solo'd. Just like the old Elite was.
    ummax wrote: »
    40 points is way off we aren't talking a 4 or 6 point difference we are talking 40 LEVELS.

    Yes, 40 levels. You said a few post back that your top toon is at level 58. Most people were level 60 within a few hours of the server coming online. Players all progress at very different speeds. There is no need to punish those that are capable of plowing through content extremely fast like they have done here.
  • edited October 2014
    This content has been removed.
  • pwstolemynamepwstolemyname Member Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    I exploited nothing, jack-TRIBBLE! I grinded up solo, on Elite, and never grouped together with anyone.

    I think I shall make this my forum signature. I have never had a forum signature before. But this appeals to me.
  • ummaxummax Member Posts: 529 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    spencerb96 wrote: »

    Yes, 40 levels. You said a few post back that your top toon is at level 58. Most people were level 60 within a few hours of the server coming online. Players all progress at very different speeds. There is no need to punish those that are capable of plowing through content extremely fast like they have done here.

    Yup and how did they get to that level within hours. :D (not by normal means now we all know that not everyone is going to believe that the impossible suddenly became possible)

    you cannot progress normally that way the only way to get those levels from 50-60 in "a couple of hours" is to cheat that is why the points were taken away from them now wasn't it

    spencerb96 wrote: »

    No, players push everything to a new max daily. You are saying that there is a cap for what players can do. You are mistaken.

    NO sir there is math there is a hard cap on place and no sliding scale its all done by math. There is an outer limit and people try to push it but there is a hard line at the end of it all and given that math developers are able to calculate with that math what is normal and what is not. The math did not add up and so they penalized people for it. That is the very definition of an exploit, but try to explain it differently all you like.

    If these bugs were not exploited and instead reported (i dont care where they found them we all know there was more then one area where it could be done) then this would not have happened. There are a lot of people who got to 60 and worked on skill points they were not all penalized only the ones who had numbers that did not add up. Math has only one answer and that is what they use to figure this stuff out.

    ships no matter what you do have a maximum number of times they will shoot and they know just how many shots are needed given the hp of a mob for it to die. They can also figure out how much a player who has hit the caps and is at the hard caps how much xp a player can earn in normal gameplay its a number and there is only 1. If that is not the number they see they know something is up.
  • kerriknightkerriknight Member Posts: 274
    edited October 2014
    I'm loving the way that what is for all intents a typical corporate white-washed press release is being blindly accepted by so many (/sarc).

    They threw the masses a target to boo and hiss at, those dirty evil exploiters!

    Congratulations Cryptic, in order to save your own skin, you've chosen a route that will have one segment feeling betrayed and considering throwing in the towel, and the other segment cheering on their punishment and encouraging that departure.

    So you've basically set the dominoes in motion for an exodus, especially considering this hits a lot of the most deeply invested and influential players in the community. I've been in 2 other MMOs where losing even 2-3 dozen major community figures was very rapidly followed by a 10-20% population loss over the following quarter.
  • pwstolemynamepwstolemyname Member Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    ummax wrote: »
    you cannot progress normally that way the only way to get those levels from 50-60 in "a couple of hours" is to cheat that is why the points were taken away from them now wasn't it

    Define 'cheat' please. Because if your referring to level matching some one at 50 or grinding mobs of a lower level then the player character you honestly have no idea how to grind exp. I used neither of these methods.

    You should travel to the top of a tall mountain, meditate for three days and three nights and then spend a month trying to level in an eastern MMO.

    Grinding in STO is trivial by comparison and I made level 60 3 hours and 27 minutes after the servers came up with a science fed in a science ship, using torpedo damage consoles and a single cannon.

    I went on grinding over the past week until I had 39 specialization points. I used up all my vacation time for the year so that I would have the time to do so. Logged in after work today to find I had been robed of 18 of those points.

    I did not cheat, I worked hard, and now I get to ***** on the forums if I want to.
  • edited October 2014
    This content has been removed.
  • kerriknightkerriknight Member Posts: 274
    edited October 2014
    ummax wrote: »
    If these bugs were not exploited and instead reported (i dont care where they found them we all know there was more then one area where it could be done) then this would not have happened. There are a lot of people who got to 60 and worked on skill points they were not all penalized only the ones who had numbers that did not add up. Math has only one answer and that is what they use to figure this stuff out.

    If, as you say, "only the ones who had numbers that did not add up" were penalized

    Then, is meimeitoo, who claims to have only done content which has had no adjustments made to them (such as the Tau Dewa systems), completely solo (maybe STFs and doffing, where again no such 'exploiting' occured) someone who's "numbers do not add up"?

    Is meimeitoo a bald-faced liar for claiming otherwise repeatedly in this thread?

    You can play this 'blame the faceless' game all you want, now make it real and actually advocate a specific named target accept their punishment as just and deserved.

    Moving on...

    Another point you wiff on is these xp rates were known well in advance of DR launching, it was high-level players pushing the fastest xp they possibly could to actually test the DR content on Tribble since, as has been pointed out repeatedly, the content provided doesn't even supply enough xp to keep playing it.

    Reported, asked about, followed up on, repeated again, no response, nothing.

    What possible way could that be interpreted as "clearly unintended behavior OMGZ! HAXORZ!"
  • calaminthacalamintha Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    ummax wrote: »
    Yup and how did they get to that level within hours. :D (not by normal means now we all know that not everyone is going to believe that the impossible suddenly became possible).

    This is what I would've done if I wanted a headstart.

    1. Have 20+ duty officer missions (with high XP rewards) ready to turn in.
    2. Complete as many quests as you can but don't collect the rewards yet.
    3. Wait for DR.
    4. Use a 1 hour or 8 hour skill bonus (for +20% XP).
    5. Profit.

    *shrug* Maybe you just lack imagination and dedication.
  • ummaxummax Member Posts: 529 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Define 'cheat' please. Because if your referring to level matching some one at 50 or grinding mobs of a lower level then the player character you honestly have no idea how to grind exp. I used neither of these methods.

    You should travel to the top of a tall mountain, meditate for three days and three nights and then spend a month trying to level in an eastern MMO.

    Grinding in STO is trivial by comparison and I made level 60 3 hours and 27 minutes after the servers came up with a science fed in a science ship, using torpedo damage consoles and a single cannon.

    I went on grinding over the past week until I had 39 specialization points. I used up all my vacation time for the year so that I would have the time to do so. Logged in after work today to find I had been robed of 18 of those points.

    I did not cheat, I worked hard, and now I get to ***** on the forums if I want to.

    I think you know what cheat means.

    and yes grinding in STO is trivial which makes it even funnier. This game is a cakewalk people should have just done it without doing wierd TRIBBLE and they would still have their xp.

    anyhow I am assuming people wont do it again. I Know they are going to still play the game lol or they would not be posting about it. However in all honesty if people feel that strongly that they have wrongly had their xp removed (which i am sorry I dont believe because there are a great many people who hit 60 and have not lost any points or anything) then they need to contact the support team and request it be replaced because they in fact did not cheat.

    and with that I withdraw back to lurk mode, but man i saw this coming and was just bracing for when people were gonna get caught (sorry its true and I am sure I am not the only one who was sitting back just waiting for the train wreck to happen and like all exploits it was quick and the company was ruthless and mysteriously only some people who are level 60 were rolled back)

    Its like watching an accident when your driving you see it happening you know its gonna happen but all you can do is watch it unfold and watch the aftermath. When I was younger I used to try to warn people and stop em but it did no good. I long ago learned that no matter what you say people will do it anyhow and try to push the envelope. It never works. /shrug
  • dreadcalldreadcall Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    ummax wrote: »
    NO sir there is math there is a hard cap on place and no sliding scale its all done by math. There is an outer limit and people try to push it but there is a hard line at the end of it all and given that math developers are able to calculate with that math what is normal and what is not. The math did not add up and so they penalized people for it. That is the very definition of an exploit, but try to explain it differently all you like.

    If these bugs were not exploited and instead reported (i dont care where they found them we all know there was more then one area where it could be done) then this would not have happened. There are a lot of people who got to 60 and worked on skill points they were not all penalized only the ones who had numbers that did not add up. Math has only one answer and that is what they use to figure this stuff out.

    ships no matter what you do have a maximum number of times they will shoot and they know just how many shots are needed given the hp of a mob for it to die. They can also figure out how much a player who has hit the caps and is at the hard caps how much xp a player can earn in normal gameplay its a number and there is only 1. If that is not the number they see they know something is up.

    Nope, people are penalized for getting too much xp. Most of those people did it in tau dewa because smashing level 50 enemies was super easy so anyone could do it. It was doable (and done) with level 60 enemies, perhaps even more efficient if done right.

    People who went over Cryptic's line of too much xp got their points taken away. That is all this was about. Those of us who didn't cross that line, we get to keep dem pointz regardless if we were "exploiting" or not.
  • mightybobcncmightybobcnc Member Posts: 3,354 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    ummax wrote: »
    NO sir there is math there is a hard cap on place and no sliding scale its all done by math.

    [citation needed]

    Joined January 2009
    Finger wrote:
    Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
  • aspartan1aspartan1 Member Posts: 1,054 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    bareel wrote: »
    Dear Cryptic:

    When some of your most enthusiastic players, those who have actively fostered a community excited about future content releases including ship traits, lock box goodies, new group content, etc, who have been actively helpful to other players learning the ropes, who have promoted your game via social media and streaming activities, and you decided to redefine what was in fact nothing more than a design oversight into an exploit. A design oversight that was publicly shared via your official forums, twitch, and in game chat from day 1 and remained after two patches. A design oversight that persisted in the public spotlight for nearly a week.

    When you redefine that design oversight to exploit and then take punitive measures against those types of players, those types of customers, I have no words to adequately describe the stupidity of that action.

    Cryptic, you did something wrong. You failed to realize your error for nearly a week. And now you are both insulting and taking punitive measures against some of your best customers.


    PS: I didn't loose any levels, I typically avoid grouping. This is just inane.

    No doubt.... I guess it is like all those tickets submitted. No one reads them..... :(
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  • decroniadecronia Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    No creative interpretation required. An exploit is simply using something in a way that was not intended by the devs. It is neither good nor bad the effect it has is.

    In this case I think they are wrong to punish people for doing this as there is no harm caused by using this to the playerbase as a whole. It is entirely their fault this went live it and that it stayed active as long as it did and they need to grow a pair and stop passing the buck.
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    If, as you say, "only the ones who had numbers that did not add up" were penalized

    Then, is meimeitoo, who claims to have only done content which has had no adjustments made to them (such as the Tau Dewa systems), completely solo (maybe STFs and doffing, where again no such 'exploiting' occured) someone who's "numbers do not add up"?

    Is meimeitoo a bald-faced liar for claiming otherwise repeatedly in this thread?

    Well, they have the logs to show that I'm not. :) I doubt they even checked the logs, though. Like I said elsewhere, it's likely that they, just like ummax, took being over lv 60 and having points in the Specialization tree as prima facie evidence of being guilty -- regardless of whether people actually are.

    For the record, I did most of my leveling running story missions around DS9, nowhere near Tau Dewa. And when I hit lv 60, I started doing the DR storyline missions and/or DR patrols. And I pugged a lot; and even when those PUGs failed, I didn't mind, cuz I was getting my XP out of it.... or so I thought.
  • prierinprierin Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Just logged in... both of my characters avoided the nerfbat

    Then again, I only had about 10 points so maybe they were targeting those with a higher number?
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