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  • This is where the Vulcan's Soul series comes in. Vulcan's Soul took the lore as presented by "The Romulan Way" and updated it to account for the Remans and the other discrepancies between it and current Trek. It also provided explinations for the differences between the Rihannsu Romulans and the TNG Romulans. Long story…
  • Verbing nouns is a long standing tradition in English. It weirds the language, but its perfectly understandable.
  • If you imagine your Romulan speaking sarcastically to the Talaxians for most of them the responses make a lot more sense.
  • There's not any direct references to Remans being an offshot of the Vulcans like Romulans, no. But there's dozens of references to the Vulcan's Heart/Vulcan's Soul and the Rihannsu series.
  • "Romulan" is also, arguably, the demonym for anyone from Romulan space, regardless of race. It should also be noted that, as STO appears to use the Vulcan Heart/Soul series as inspiration, the Remans are another Vulcan offshoot race like Romulans are... so they ARE the same species...
  • A failure to see and understand the political manipulation that D'tan and the Republic pulled off is not a failure on Cryptic's part, but is a failure on your part. Either you are blinded by your prejudice of D'tan and the Republic as "hippies", or you lack an understanding of the subtleties of international politics and…
  • All of these were present from Legacy of Romulus' launch, these aren't new things based on the complaints of the pro-TNG Romulan folks. Everything, including D'tan and company's scheming, was present in LoR at launch, the scheming just went from subtle and clever to blatant and open because folks were to stupid to not see…
  • Echoing others: "Balance of Terror" and "The Enterprise Incident" aka "the Romulan episodes". "Day of the Dove" "Trouble with Tribbles" "The Doomsday Machine" One that many folks forget, but was groundbreaking for the time: "The Menagerie", one of the first television two parters, and set the stage for Star Trek to have…
  • And in Star Trek: The Motion(less) Picture... They also saved multiple worlds in the most densely populated region of space (TOS: "The Doomsday Machine")... There's probably more times. Kirk and his crew saved a lot planets in their time.
  • The new interface is much to large. It's hard to search through for specific missions you want to queue and assigning officers is less intuitive. It almost seems like the interface is designed with a touch-screen in mind, but STO isn't a touch screen game. I'd rather the old assignment interface come back. This one is…
  • At least by DS9 they got rid of the atrocious shoulder pads. I think we can all agree that's the one part of TNG Romulans that should be ignored. ;p
  • I've often thought this as well. I suspect the reason Cryptic went with a new name was to help avoid confusing the factions when people talk about them in shorthand. I mean, look throughout these threads, we constantly have to differentiate between the Klingon Empire and the Romulan Star Empire, usually by calling them the…
  • Note what I said: The Federation and Romulans never fought war. Canonically, the only war we know the Romulan Empire fought that's pertinent to this was specifically: The Earth/Romulan War, which was fought before the Federation existed as an entity.. I've often mentioned the Earth/Romulan War in many threads where I…
  • It should be noted that the status quo for the Star Empire and Federation was peaceful non-involvement. The Federation and Star Empire never fought a single war. They had a HANDFUL of skirmishes over the entire history of the Federation, most of which was the Star Empire testing the Federation, though the Federation caused…
  • Reposting because it seems people completely ignored this earlier...
  • For modern humans with an average lifespan of 75 years, that's a full THIRD of a lifetime. That's an entire generation give modern human norms. Of course, we're talking about a race with a lifespan of TEN TIMES THAT. So to the the Hobus incident was more like... President Obama's first presidential election, to give a…
  • While Cryptic didn't outline the details of the treaties between the Republic, Federation and Empire governing the use of Republic forces by the Federation and Empire, but I imagine a few things. Firstly, Republic forces would be prohibited from being used in engagements with the Federation/Klingons, nor in support of the…
  • Just so we're clear on a basic tautology concerning things: Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. There is no single instance in Star Trek that explains the inner workings of the Romulan government. We merely know that they have a Senate, a Continuing Committee, a Praetor, and, at some point, an Empress. We have…
  • The use of the term Empire as part of a name of a political organization has always coincided with having a form on "rule by one" (monarchy). The issue of an American "Empire" is spurious in that I was specifically referencing the name of the organization. America is still called "The United States of America" as its…
  • To simplify things, henceforward, I will refer to folks who support the Romulan Republic as "Republican" and those that support the Empire or wish to turn the Republic in an Empire as "Imperialist". This is for simple shorthand, those who might get offended by being called a "Republican" due to American politics can stuff…
  • Let's be clear about something. The 26th Fleet and the OSB project are not defunct. There was a group of members who split off and formed their own fleet, as is their prerogative when things did not work out for them in the 26th like they desired. The 26th is still highly active, still growing, and still around.
  • Looks more purple than red to my eyes. It's actually similar to Tyrian Purple, which was the "Imperial Purple" of ancient Rome. Which is likely intentional.
  • I like it, though I think the red should be a deep purple like the TOS Romulan commanders wore. That would keep them more visual distinctive from the Klingons and Feds.
  • And it just broke $3 million. That $5 million stretch goal doesn't seem impossible...
  • Nero and those Romulans aren't from the JJ Verse, they're from the Prime universe... so... your point?
  • All these issues are why Cryptic went to the Star Trek novels to work on the Romulans, as the series presented contradictory views, the entire "where did the Remans come from" issue that Nemesis added, and the derth of information on the Romulan culture outside of some brief words by the Romulan Commander in "The…
  • Yup, definitely want this. Though, honestly, I'm not fond of the gladius look they made for it. S'harien swords were described more like a katana or scimitar style blade: long, thin and curved; rather than a short and thick like a gladius. Just looks at the cover from the Rihannsu novels. Though that is suppose to be the…
  • One thing that JJTrek did right... got rid of the bumpy foreheads to emphasize the sameness of the Vulcans and Romulans. And also, thankfully, an option in STO. I don't use the silly bumpy forehead for my Romulan and she looks all the better for it.
  • . . . The first time Romulans appeared in Star Trek in "Balance of Terror", they used a big scary Plasma torpedo. You know the Romulan Hyper Torpedo, or Plasma torpedoes on High Yield? Big, slow, tracking and dealing a lot of damage? Yeah, that was their iconic weapon in TOS. It has nothing to do with the Vulcans aside…
  • Last time I went to the Air and Space Museum they had the Original Television Model of the USS Enterprise, NCC-1701 (no bloody A, B, C or D) in the lower level of the gift shop. Per their website its on permanent display there. They might also have some things at the Dulles Annex, but I've not been out there to see. It's…