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Duty Officer Assignements Interface.

darlexadarlexa Member Posts: 222 Arc User
I respectfully request that the new interface for doing duty officer assignments be revisited.

while the automatic feature on assignment officers to the prospective assignment is great, the ability to do it manually has been completely deleted.

its making me want to scream since I can't choose officers based on what I know I will need for other assignments.

further, when you do go to choose an officer, there is no ability to filter the list. its impossible to sort by job or abilities.

I have 500 duty officers, this is a major issue.

the interface window is now MASSIVE. I am not blind, please shrink everything in the interface window.

currently, I would rather go back to the old system. the cost of having a working automatic assignment feature is not worth the rest of this.
Post edited by darlexa on


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    kodaikodai Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I agree that this needs to be revisited. It's nearly unusable as it is now. I would also like to add that it is now MUCH more difficult to get to the Department Head missions, which have had the better returns in dilithium and commendation points. Those lists are now buried under the Roster tab. When you start one group, you can't get to another department without again going to the Roster tab, as Department Heads isn't part of the Assignemnts tab.

    I also take exception to having 18 R&D DOFFs foisted on us. DOFFs who can't do most DOFF missions. I no longer have 300 DOFF slots, I have 282. Imagine what it must be like for those who haven't bought additional DOFF slots. Losing 18% of their DOFF slots would be devastating.
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    mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Improvements and Features I'd like to see:

    Assigning DOFFs
    When you open a DOFF assignment and select a doff for a slot to be filled for that assignment, it always shows all DOFFs not otherwise unavaialble, including DOFFs that you have already used for other slots of this assignment. That always leads to errors, especially for assignments which require many slots.

    This is also a problem with the new quick-equip feature. Already equipped gear should be highlighted (or better "lowlighted") with a different color.
    The name of the location is not always readable at glance, especially if the names all start with I.K.S. or U.S.S. And it really seems superflous list gear that is already installed on the ship at the top of the list.

    Make Auto-Selection Strategy for DOFFs switcheable
    Let us choose how we want to select or order our DOFFs. It would be nice if we could choose between 2 potential strategies:
    - Minimize Failures (e.g. DOFFs are selected/ordered that yield the highest Success + Critical Success chance)
    - Optimize Critical Succe (e.g. DOFFs are selected/ordered that yield the highest Critical Success chance, even at the expense of an increase failure rate).

    If you don't have this option,the system will always be problematic for some players, and I think optimizing for critical success alone is the least helpful for new players that don't want to fine-tune DOFF assignment results, since it often increases the failure rates.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
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    sthe91sthe91 Member Posts: 5,619 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Personally, I liked the old Duty Officer system it was easier to choose what missions you would do
    but with this update, it made it hard on the eyes to read. What they should have done is keep it
    the way it was and instead make a separate tab that was not connected to Doffing but to
    different officers, called crafting officers or do what was done in SWTOR and send some of your
    crew to do the crafting. Just my thoughts. Really have had a hard time figuring out the interface,
    I have figured it out for now, but I would like the old DOFF system to be brought back.
    Please Cryptic, make it happen for me as well as other players. :)
    Where there is a Will, there is a Way.
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    wilbor2wilbor2 Member Posts: 1,684 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    It really annoys me that the buttons don't gray out like they used too:(
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    gizmox64gizmox64 Member Posts: 322 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Also when turning in completed assignments, it used to be one button, now I must click on each assignment to press complete, and yes I can just hover the mouse over the first button, however, if the assignment description is "to long" the button shifts down and I have more mouse travel to do. Also I say "to long" because there is space in the new interface to have the title of the assignment on one line, but it just ends and starts a new one for no reason.

    I also noticed the two reward and requirement boxes are the same size, when at times there is more reward or requirements to display, causing a super tiny horizontal scroll bar to appear, when there is more then enough space to have all information shown horizontally. The window will scale horizontally to a point, then all the information inside just stops and we are left with just dead screen space inside the window.

    Critical Success text is smaller then the other % text of the other probabilities, I'm getting old and have to squint to read it, please make it the same size of the other % numbers.

    Auto population of assignments does not always load the proper duty officer. I see that it tries to always load the best Critical Success, but sometimes at the determent of higher failure rate.

    Also the traits don't seem to work as they did before, as I had a Purple random officer with 2 traits give a higher CritS % then a Blue officer with 3 of the CritS traits & was the proper doff for the mission (ie maintenance engineer). How does being the correct officer for the job & have more CritS traits, then some random purple with only 2 matching traits, give me a lower CritS % ?

    Screen space is already limited, who thought it was a good idea to add a pop-out window in the mix should be re-evaluated as a GUI designer. Keep things tidy, reduce mouse travel to a minimum, keep it in one window with no child windows.

    Not having all the requirements for the assignment will show red, however, when clicking the replicator to get said requirements, the mission will still say I do not have them unless I totally back out of the assignment, sometimes even having to click a different left column choice to enable it to see I now have all the requirements.

    The last accessed Department Head used to stay on the left side column, but now as the whole department head tab has been moved there, it no longer will display the last or current department head category. Why not just separate department heads into their own left side column selection, we have the space, and it would be less clicking and mouse travel.

    Still get the same 5+ second lag when starting an assignment as before.

    Duty officers already in the assignment will still appear as usable in the pop-out window.

    That's all I can think of at the moment. Other then some assignments not even starting even though I have all requirements, but that's in a different thread.
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    captainaramdacaptainaramda Member Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I completely agree with the lot of you. While I can appreciate the "system" making suggestions for who best to perform the assignment, it's not necessarily better. I seriously miss being able to sort by specialty and by quality of officers. This is essential in attaining the best possible rewards and ability to achieve a critical success to the assignment.

    Please revisit and revise. It shouldn't take that much effort to provide the ability to sort.
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    peregryperegry Member Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    The new interface is much to large. It's hard to search through for specific missions you want to queue and assigning officers is less intuitive. It almost seems like the interface is designed with a touch-screen in mind, but STO isn't a touch screen game.

    I'd rather the old assignment interface come back. This one is just... unusable.
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    doffingcomradedoffingcomrade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    It's not even that it's large, it's that unnecessary, useless things are large. Why do we need a GIANT MUGSHOT of a given doff or a GIGANTIC ICON of a mission? Nearly all of them are generic copy-paste pictures anyway, and in any event the picture contains no information.
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    oneerranttwitchoneerranttwitch Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    So there are filters again after today's patch.

    Problem is: the default behavior sucks.

    The old system, where you checked a single variable and it narrowed your results accordingly was far superior to this mess where, to view only doffs of a single Specialization, you have to uncheck 50 other boxes (I counted, it even includes Specializations that you have zero Doffs on hand for, which is something the old filters wisely did not waste our time with.)

    However, that should be relatively simple to fix.

    The default filter behavior should be "All Boxes Start Unchecked". Failing that, give us a "Reset Filters" button (y'know, like the one that is STILL in the Roster filters) or a Check/Uncheck All toggle.

    (While I'm complaining, I'll note that this is the same issue that has plagued the Rewards filter on the PvE queue

    I agree with prior comments that the size of certain elements is now too large and clumsy. Big graphics and expansive layouts may get the newbs on board but if you want players queueing hundreds and thousands of assignments, the UI design focus needs to be faster and greater information density.
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    freakiumfreakium Member Posts: 431 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Yes, as of now, it's harder to read. Especially the critical successes and the rewards descriptions (the ones in green text).

    By rewards descriptions, I mean stuff like those 2-hour buffs. We now need to select an assignment and scroll the description down to see what the buffs are.

    As for assignment success percentage, I prefer the pie chart over the bar chart that is currently implemented. Yes it shows the percentage of success, critical, disaster, failure, etc. but the pie chart is much easier to judge whether or not it is worth the risk to go ahead with the assignment. With the bar chart, it is harder to do so.
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    captainaramdacaptainaramda Member Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    freakium wrote: »
    Yes, as of now, it's harder to read. Especially the critical successes and the rewards descriptions (the ones in green text).

    By rewards descriptions, I mean stuff like those 2-hour buffs. We now need to select an assignment and scroll the description down to see what the buffs are.

    As for assignment success percentage, I prefer the pie chart over the bar chart that is currently implemented. Yes it shows the percentage of success, critical, disaster, failure, etc. but the pie chart is much easier to judge whether or not it is worth the risk to go ahead with the assignment. With the bar chart, it is harder to do so.

    Choosing a bar graph or a pie chart is a personal preference. While I'm certain that you have a preference, the developer obviously did not share it and instead chose their preference. In this instance, they preferred the bar chart. Hardly worth venting over just because of a difference of opinion and preference. Perhaps, in your personal life you will choose a pie chart. In the business world, you should be able to adapt to a multitude of chart types. This is not a troll but, rather, a overview that other preferences are out there.
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