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kobayashlmaru Arc User



  • If you want to go by the numbers, the value an LTS will bring you depends on how many days you subscribed before F2P. IIRC, the big jump in value came at 600 ? 700days and again at 1000. Getting these missing perks immediately after your purchase will certainly be worth it if you didn't have them already. If you go by…
  • I would say Federation like the Alliance, but KDF is not like the Horde. That's the difference here if you think about it. Horde and Alliance, and even Sith and Republic, launched with relative parity to each other so their numbers were more likely to reflect their fanbase. KDF was crippled from the start when it launched…
  • Expansions typically provide additional content at the top of the chain, not the bottom. Sounds more like a patch to me.
  • Even if you forget Cryptic's history with the KDF, the OP's fears are not unfounded. The new Romulan faction will be a child of F2P STO while KDF is the ugly stephchild from a past divorce. KDF is what it is unfortunately and changing it will require a lot of work, but a new Romulan faction gives Cryptic a chance to create…
  • This is likely it. I too am not looking forward to it. It's very unlikely the changes will come with any free benefits. One thing the Neverwinter interface does very well is showcase how superior the "paid" options are to the free ones.
  • I would make sure I secured a license with Paramount.
  • Increasing your renderscale and it will nullify any loss you may have received from the lossy format (jpg) when you scale it back down down in your favorite image editor. Also, if you hold ALT while pressing print screen, STO will save it in a lossless format (TGA) for you.
  • Cryptic did plan for it. They knew it was a problem and told the community before it the changes even launched. The problem was they didn't have an easy solution to fix it and didn't want to delay the launch until they found one. It's probably easy to simply not refund points spent in a cancelled project. But as soon as…
  • hoping to get
  • They will fix the servers. But what they can't fix is the strong community of modelers/builders who will leave once they find only official DLC mods are allowed. This is one game I'm sad to say I'm not touching until they allow me to build my custom mods again. :(
  • To name a few: - CGI advanced between TMP and TWOK allowing computer modeling to be cheaper - Re-use of props means the first film footed a larger bill - TMP had more sets, with larger spaces, and more locations. In TWOK, a lot of re-use occurs such as Reliant and Enterprise bridge being nearly identical, and sets are…
  • Speaking strictly of villains... 1) The Founder & Weyoun 2) Dukat & Winn Adami
  • Dan's post only applies to max level alts. To which point I would agree with Dan - if the cap is your problem, why aren't you farming your dilithium on your alts instead? Moreover, with the groups that I play with I do believe Dan's statement is true. Most of the max level players I play with do not come close to hitting…
  • Allow me to throw a wrench into your very logical response. :) Kirk knew he was dead already once he realized he was in the Nexus and nothing mattered. While on the horses he indirectly tells Picard that he was only happy when he was a starship captain trying to make a difference. So Kirk decides his last act is to die…
  • resulting from replicated
  • to stabilize the
  • decided to play
  • The decision for me comes down to one question ? in which one do commoners benefit the most? Because let?s face it, I will likely be the people in the background, not the superheroes. To that end my choice is either Star Wars or Post Enterprise and here?s why: Lord of the Rings ? Great if you?re a Hobbit, but the humans…
  • I have to agree with the OP. One of the best missions. You pulled off the sense of urgency very well, I kept looking over my shoulder most of the time as those NPC's took their merry old time. :) Moreover the story fit perfectly into TNG: Yesterday's Enterprise. I wasn't sure how they were going to pull off Yar still alive…
  • Are you using DX11? Also, have you tried adjusting any of your video settings? I had similar problems, but fiddling with them got rid of this problem for me. I am not in the game atm, but I think it's the number of lights per object or something that was causing the issue for me.
  • It's the Nexus. Someone needs to fetch Guinan to fix it.
  • A specific question about what you propose, wouldn't this nullify the broadside advantage you get with beam arrays? In other words, it seems that beam arrays on front will be useless now since you can now get the overlap with duals as well. I'm talking specifically about slow turning cruisers btw.
  • The word technobabble sums up my entire response to you. It's a TV show, they can make the ship do whatever they want to suit the their plot and purpose. You must be assuming there is some law of canon that they are forced to follow. If that were true, there would never be any inconsistencies on any Trek show. The ship can…
  • Cryptic got it right, it's TNG that made it impractical. Think about it, tactical was not the main focus of the Enterprise, it's engineering capabilities were featured on far more shows than it's tactical (aka saucer separation) was. It's true in the dominion war they played a key role, but so did the Miranda. As we saw in…
  • I will assume you played the pre F2P game. Remember the "year of hell" when nothing at all was developed? Remember how the devs kind of hinted that it would have continued for much longer if something didn't change? Did you have to experience the difficulties of getting your RL friends to play after they heard the…
  • If you are speaking solely as an antagonist to the main characters of Star Trek, Khan is one of the best. But his impact on the Star Trek universe was actually pretty small, and he never really showed a desire to conquer the galaxy or but rather just wanted a colony for his people. If we are talking impact on the whole…
  • The keys / lock boxes aren't OP's problem. He didn't *choose* to get that 180 mining claims. Instead, he's pointing out the flaw in letting these be rewarded so frequently. If Cryptic plans on adding these mining boxes to every lock box going forward, every player playing the lock box game will eventually will reach this…
  • It would defeat the point of its existence. Let's say you play KDF today but Fed is your main. Suddenly all the ships available to KDF are now available through lockboxes, and by extension the EC store, to Fed players. What would encourage you to play your KDF toon? Now imagine they launch a new faction where all the best…
  • Good theory. One comment though - one scene shows Spock about to die in a volcano to supposedly save a pre-warp species. If Starfleet is spread so thin, why are they devoting time and resources on meaningless, obviously illegal, missions? Then again, a total butt whupping by Klingons might explain why Starfleet has…