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What is your beef with the Galaxy Cryptic?

warbird1988warbird1988 Member Posts: 40 Arc User
edited June 2014 in Federation Discussion
I have come to the conclusion that Cryptic are not fans of The Next Generation because at every turn they have basically placated the Galaxy Class, even the Fleet Version is appalling compared to the ludicrous upgrades that the Defiant gets (5 Tactical Console Slots... Really!?)...

I am trying to get to the bottom as to why Cryptic continually hate on the Galaxy Class. It seems as if they only put it in the game to give a "Star Trek Feeling" but have put no effort into the Galaxies design or set up.

First off, why on Earth does an Excelsior and Fleet Excelsior (4 Tactical Console Slots btw and 1 Lieutenant Commander Console) complete outpower a Galaxy when the Galaxy is a newer and more tactically powerful ship!

The Galaxy Class in the game is COMPLETELY disappointing compared to its on screen counter part. Thats all well and good but you had a chance to change that and what do you do... PUT ANOTHER ENGINEERING CONSOLE ON IT!

It doesn't need that! What it needs is Tactical Power and not to be completely useless next to the Odyssey, a ship which you try to force most cruiser captains to use... I want more love for the Galaxy Class and less biased towards the Odyssey... Make the Galaxy Class a viable ship!

I have come to the conclusion that Cryptic know absolutely nothing about Star Trek and we'd be better off with the actual Star Trek fans producing this game because at least they could get the ships actually right to begin with.
Post edited by warbird1988 on


  • smokeybacon90smokeybacon90 Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I have the view that there is no real beef with the Galaxy, it is an inherent problem in the game. The Galaxy derivatives are eng-heavy ships, which would be nice if an abundance of eng console and boff slots were as desirable as an abundance of tac or sci slots. But they are not, and the Galaxy is the unfortunate, perhaps somewhat unintentional victim of this flaw.
  • warbird1988warbird1988 Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    They had the chance to improve it and make it a viable ship when Fleet Ships went live. They could have added a tactical console and a Lieutenant Commander Tactical Slot and that should have been fine. But because the Galaxy is an actual starship that they did not design, they constantly bash it and try to make people buy the Odyssey instead.

    This is Star Trek, I do not want to fly a ship that some child made up in his basement, I want to fly a Galaxy Class and have it be as powerful as it should be, just under the Sovereign in attack power and versatility.
  • mustafatennickmustafatennick Member Posts: 868 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I have a galaxy on my fed alt and it brings plenty of pain why wouldn't you want 5 en consoles massive resists are key to absorbing damage

    Ofc the defiant gets 5 tac consoles its a damage dealer

    The bortasqu isn't the best ship out there but I know many captains that can bring the rain in pvp and pve

    Sounds to me like you've given up on the ship without trying harder to work round it's 6 turn rate which is about the only slight weakness I found with my ship

    See that's where cryptic help out fed side characters there called beams amazing things have much more arc than cannons and work in perfect harmony with fruisers
    ----=====This is my opinion you don't have to listen and no one else has to read them these "OPINIONS" are based on my exploits and my learning other people will have their opinions and that's fine just don't knock my way of doing things thanks=====---- :cool:
  • egtownsendegtownsend Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    If they add a tactical console why then would anyone get the Galaxy over the Excelsior or Assault cruiser?

    Way I see it the Galaxy is not meant to be a ship that does a lot of damage and has offensive skills like the two aforementioned cruisers. I think it's meant to be sort of a healer big old tank that's hard to kill. At least that's how I run mine and it is mighty tough to kill. Most hull of any cruiser on the FED side, it's supposed to be a tank!
  • aethon3050aethon3050 Member Posts: 599 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I still like how they have the old, broken Galaxy used in the background in the upper right corner of this screen. I mean, why not use the fruit of their labour, when they went to all the trouble to fix it after the fans complained?

    Anyway, the Feds needed a 5-engineering-console fleet ship; the KDF has the Negh'Var, and they wanted to give the Feds a counterpart to it. I can't think of a better ship for pure engineering capabilities than the Galaxy.

    I'm not saying the Galaxy doesn't need some offensive help...just that I can see why they went with it for the tanky fleet ship.

    That said, I fail to see why there can't be two different Fleet upgrades for the same ship...
  • warbird1988warbird1988 Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    All valid points but that is some other ship, not the Galaxy, the Galaxy is effectively a battleship and an old flagship of the Federation, during the Dominion war, they could dish out devastating damage so again Cryptic tries to rewrite Star Trek lore.

    The Galaxy is NOT a tank, anymore then the Intrepid is NOT a Science Vessel
  • twamtwam Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    My main beef with it is that is turns like a roast beef.

    Sorry, couldn't resist.
  • zarathos1978zarathos1978 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    The point is if Cryptic has not fracked up eng offensive powers and beams together, then Galaxy would be pretty powerfull ship with good beams and double DEM (3/2) plus mighty tankage and some additional bonuses from eng tree like power management and damage mitigation.

    If it makes you happier, Assault Cruiser (the standard one) is not that much better :(

    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~Bluegeek
  • jamesdaxjamesdax Member Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I know the Galaxy doesn't have the offensive power of the ship form TNG but in this game it is a Tank and a damn fine one at that. That said, Tanks are all but useless in PVP and I do wish that the Galaxy had a bit more Offensive might.
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    the Galaxy Class, even the Fleet Version is appalling compared to the ludicrous upgrades that the Defiant gets (5 Tactical Console Slots... Really!?)...

    Both the fleet Galaxy and Fleet Defiant should have had their Ensign stations made into Universal.

    If they had I would have stepped out of the JHAS just so I could fly an actual federation ship - even at the loss of the extra turnrate and hull.
  • kobayashlmarukobayashlmaru Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    All valid points but that is some other ship, not the Galaxy, the Galaxy is effectively a battleship and an old flagship of the Federation, during the Dominion war, they could dish out devastating damage so again Cryptic tries to rewrite Star Trek lore.

    The Galaxy is NOT a tank, anymore then the Intrepid is NOT a Science Vessel

    Cryptic got it right, it's TNG that made it impractical. Think about it, tactical was not the main focus of the Enterprise, it's engineering capabilities were featured on far more shows than it's tactical (aka saucer separation) was.

    It's true in the dominion war they played a key role, but so did the Miranda. As we saw in AGT, the Galaxy's were of limited use, the Enterprise at least being set for scrapping. So it's not out of the question that the galaxy is facing a serious decline in it's value.

    Regarding the Excel, Intrepid, and Galaxy being "old," I'll give you a comparison to think about. After World War II, once it became clear that carriers ruled the seas, battleships quickly lost their prominence in the world's navies. Moreover, we saw the lighter cruisers actually increase their value and become the measurement for how great a country's navy was. Today, it's the destroyers who command the seas along side their carrier counterparts, with the world's battleships gone and only one of the "old" gun type cruisers left in service.
    Kobayashi Maru
    Join Date: Sept 2008

    "Holographic tissue paper for the holographic runny nose. Don't give them to patients." - The Doctor
  • warbird1988warbird1988 Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Cryptic got it right, it's TNG that made it impractical. Think about it, tactical was not the main focus of the Enterprise, it's engineering capabilities were featured on far more shows than it's tactical (aka saucer separation) was.

    It's true in the dominion war they played a key role, but so did the Miranda. As we saw in AGT, the Galaxy's were of limited use, the Enterprise at least being set for scrapping. So it's not out of the question that the galaxy is facing a serious decline in it's value.

    Regarding the Excel, Intrepid, and Galaxy being "old," I'll give you a comparison to think about. After World War II, once it became clear that carriers ruled the seas, battleships quickly lost their prominence in the world's navies. Moreover, we saw the lighter cruisers actually increase their value and become the measurement for how great a country's navy was. Today, it's the destroyers who command the seas along side their carrier counterparts, with the world's battleships gone and only one of the "old" gun type cruisers left in service.

    That is one of the singular most stupid things I've ever heard. TNG made the ship impractical even though the people behind TNG created the ship. Think before you say stupid things like that.
  • dalnar83dalnar83 Member Posts: 2,420 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Just the fact the Fleet Negh'var got universal ensign and Fleet Galaxy-R did not can tell you, how much devs care about TNG ships and the so called "ship balance". There is no reason, why those two ships, that were FED/KDF mirrors from launch, should not get the same fleet treatment, except for personal bias.

    Let's review it.

    Negh'Var has -1100 hps, and gets +3 turn, cloak, ability to have dual cannons and on top of it, universal ensign...ship balance at it's finest.
    "Cryptic Studio’s Jack Emmert (2010): Microtransactions are the biggest bunch of nonsense. I like paying one fee and not worrying about it – like my cellphone. The world’s biggest MMO isn’t item based, even though the black market item GDP is bigger than Russia … microtransactions make me want to die.”
  • snoge00fsnoge00f Member Posts: 1,812 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Buff mah Galaxy and Galaxy-X!
  • stardestroyer001stardestroyer001 Member Posts: 2,615 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    That is one of the singular most stupid things I've ever heard. TNG made the ship impractical even though the people behind TNG created the ship. Think before you say stupid things like that.

    Let's not bash people's comments. This is a thread about the Galaxy-class, not people's intelligence ratings. :)

    I would have to agree with dalnar83. There is no balance when it comes to this game's cruisers. How is an Excelsior (over 100 years old by 2413) a better tanking ship and has better turn rates than a ship that was created 70 years after the Excelsior was? And the Galaxy-class has no tactical capabilities and is designed for healing in this game, whereas that breaks canon. The Enterprise-D had tactical capabilities, and far superior tanking. Just watch Best of Both Worlds. Excelsiors and Nebulas were slaughtered there. Guess what? Enterprise-D survived, and in the two-part episode, it made a good account for itself too.

    Also, that Spinal Lance on the Galaxy-X is a disgrace, it doesn't aim straight and does almost no damage to a target unless the shields are down. Half of the reason why I switched to a Vesta.
    stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
    Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
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  • kobayashlmarukobayashlmaru Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    That is one of the singular most stupid things I've ever heard. TNG made the ship impractical even though the people behind TNG created the ship. Think before you say stupid things like that.

    The word technobabble sums up my entire response to you. It's a TV show, they can make the ship do whatever they want to suit the their plot and purpose. You must be assuming there is some law of canon that they are forced to follow. If that were true, there would never be any inconsistencies on any Trek show.

    The ship can be as good or as bad as the writers need it to be for the purpose of the episode. I think you want your Galaxy to be the same glorious flagship you saw in the series, not the USS Odyssey (Galaxy Class) or countless others like her which were dispatched by the Dominion with ease.

    My point stands, despite your opinion to the contrary. Cryptic is using it's best judgement and gameplay limitations to make the Galaxy as close to its on-screen counterpart as it's able. The universal ensign that someone else suggested is a good idea, but I think it should be applied more broadly, not to just the Galaxy.
    Kobayashi Maru
    Join Date: Sept 2008

    "Holographic tissue paper for the holographic runny nose. Don't give them to patients." - The Doctor
  • neo1nxneo1nx Member Posts: 962 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    i do agree that galaxy class ship are gimp, i do fly a galaxy x and don't anderstand the nonsense of it bo layout.

    however concerning the galaxy refit, the question that came to me is, what place should this ship hold?
    if you want to make it more tactical then you take the place of the galaxy x.
    because, sure, for logical reason you can not make it "as" or " more" tactical oriented than the galaxy x who is already a tactical upgrade of the galaxy class.
    i can only see 2 valid otion.

    first we stay on the logic of upgrading to tactical way, that could be done.
    and it is something i can anderstand myself not been a fan of the galaxy x design in the first place, now with the venture skin, i love it ( i still remember removing the third nacelle on my gla x when we have the choice to do it 2 years ago )
    but i think it will be very hard then not to make it a clone of the galaxy x, or another solution, they make the abilitie to reskin a galaxy x in simple galaxy class so that you have your tact version of your ship with the design of the galaxy.
    but anyway i wait for your BO suggestion on it ( i hardly bielieve that you haven't think about it )

    second, and this more what i think could be done, but since i haven't got much experience on it some other people could find better.
    push the ship abilitie in science, instead of a lt commander tact, let have a lt commander science, instead of 5 eng slot let him have 3 eng slot and 4 science slot

    but on top of that all galaxy class tiers 5 ship should have their turn rate boost by 0.5 and their inertia rate at 27.5 or 30 ( really that is not too much too ask when you see a jem hadar dreadnought that is twice the size of the galaxy class, who turn the same and have 70 inertia!!!)

    that my 2 cent about it

    anyhow if captain gecko read this thread, here also my proposal for the galaxy x fleet ship:

    1 lt commander tact BO
    1 commander engi
    1 lt commander engi
    1 science ensign
    1 science ensign

    +0.5 turn rate
    27.5 or 30 inertia rating

    +10 weapons power/+5shield power/+5engines power/0aux power

    4 tactical console slot
    and a thing that would be good +1 acc modifier to the lance
  • aethon3050aethon3050 Member Posts: 599 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I almost wonder if the roles of the two ships isn't a bit backward.

    The Galaxy's main phaser arrays were of the older Mk X type, as opposed to the Sovereign's newer Mk XII type arrays, but they were MUCH larger; without trying to start a technobabble argument, many claim that the Galaxy's main arrays are still the most powerful ship-mounted arrays in existence. It also has torpedo tubes that can fire five torps simultaneously, each of which can be guided to separate coordinates.

    However, if you look at the Sovereign's toys, it has more small phaser arrays (especially the Nemesis refit), and it also has vastly more separate torpedo tubes, mounted in a wide variety of locations. It also features newer, more effective shielding, and nearly full-hull ablative armor coverage.

    Then, you have the way the ships were represented in the shows. The Galaxy's phasers made rather massive holes in Borg Cubes when they struck; in one case, one of them made a hole about 600m wide. O_O Whoa. The durability of the ship didn't seem on par with the Sovereign, however, which took one hell of a beating on more than one occasion, and kept on ticking; its weapons being smaller and more spread-out also suggests that it's supposed to be in the middle of a fight, slugging it out, and sustaining damage that would cripple other ships.

    So...I wonder...what if the Galaxy had fewer engineering slots, but more tactical and science slots? A sort of 'science slugger' cruiser? And what if the Sovereign retained its tactical boff layouts, but had a heavier engineering console layout?

    Just a few thoughts, while I wait for the servers to come back up. *shrugs*
  • snoge00fsnoge00f Member Posts: 1,812 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Agreed about the above buff. Yeah I'm a huge fan of the ship and want to fly the ship in PvP and not be a laughingstock.

    The Excelsior layout with a Uni ens replacing the Eng ens should be the baseline for all Fed cruisers.

    4 Tac consoles, 4 Eng consoles, 2 Sci consoles.

    And for the fleet variants, just copy the JHAS console layout.

    5 Tac consoles, 4 Eng consoles, 1 Sci consoles.

    Adjust the other stats to taste. ;)
  • mustafatennickmustafatennick Member Posts: 868 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Yet another thread that seems to have turned into a the kdf have and we do not have and look at the seas of today

    For gods sake it's Star Trek not the seas of today

    The galaxy can be made into the beast the neghvar is just Feds don't get taught how to buil a ship properly throughout there careers then you just end up coming on here saying its the devs fault or the ship sucks

    If you were a good enough pilot non of the "faults" are a problem unless you make them
    ----=====This is my opinion you don't have to listen and no one else has to read them these "OPINIONS" are based on my exploits and my learning other people will have their opinions and that's fine just don't knock my way of doing things thanks=====---- :cool:
  • stardestroyer001stardestroyer001 Member Posts: 2,615 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Yet another thread that seems to have turned into a the kdf have and we do not have and look at the seas of today

    For gods sake it's Star Trek not the seas of today

    The galaxy can be made into the beast the neghvar is just Feds don't get taught how to buil a ship properly throughout there careers then you just end up coming on here saying its the devs fault or the ship sucks

    If you were a good enough pilot non of the "faults" are a problem unless you make them

    stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
    Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
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  • snoge00fsnoge00f Member Posts: 1,812 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    lol. Piloting a ship has nothing to do with the fact that the Galaxy needs a buff to not be a joke to fly.
  • yreodredyreodred Member Posts: 3,527 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    They just hate it.

    I have tried for months ore even years to persuade and to convince them to change the Galaxy Class BO layout to a more flexible one, like the Regent BO layout. Even the Ferengi Marauder or the Cardassian Galor have way better BO layouts, this alone i felt as an insult. As i said i tried for months or even years to convince them to change the Galaxy Class BO layout. But they didn't even answer once.

    Personally i don't have the energy or the mood to waste any more energy in this matter.

    If they can't even make this ship right, then why should i take the rest of the game for serious?
    For me STO is just a generic Sci Fi game but no Star Trek game anymore.
    If you view it from that perspective, it can be quite entertaining.
    "...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--" - (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie

    A tale of two Picards
    (also applies to Star Trek in general)
  • aethon3050aethon3050 Member Posts: 599 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Yet another thread that seems to have turned into a the kdf have and we do not have and look at the seas of today

    For gods sake it's Star Trek not the seas of today

    The galaxy can be made into the beast the neghvar is just Feds don't get taught how to buil a ship properly throughout there careers then you just end up coming on here saying its the devs fault or the ship sucks

    If you were a good enough pilot non of the "faults" are a problem unless you make them

    I'm a KDF player who loves his Fleet Vor'Cha, thinks the Negh'Var is pretty amazing as a combination of tank and spank, and almost never plays his Feds anymore.

    And I still think the Galaxy is very poorly represented in this game...and it most certainly cannot be made into the beat the Negh'Var is. I know. I own both, and have flown both; they're not even remotely on even footing.

    Sometimes, being a 'good enough pilot' really is not enough to overcome the limitations in the stats on your equipment...and if you're a 'good enough pilot' to make the Galaxy work, then you'd be even more effective in a more capable ship, like the Excelsior.
  • mustafatennickmustafatennick Member Posts: 868 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    aethon3050 wrote: »
    I'm a KDF player who loves his Fleet Vor'Cha, thinks the Negh'Var is pretty amazing as a combination of tank and spank, and almost never plays his Feds anymore.

    And I still think the Galaxy is very poorly represented in this game...and it most certainly cannot be made into the beat the Negh'Var is. I know. I own both, and have flown both; they're not even remotely on even footing.

    Sometimes, being a 'good enough pilot' really is not enough to overcome the limitations in the stats on your equipment...and if you're a 'good enough pilot' to make the Galaxy work, then you'd be even more effective in a more capable ship, like the Excelsior.

    I own vorcha mirror vorcha fleet vorcha neghvar galaxy x galaxy fleet galaxy

    If I go into a pvp match or a pve match i can be confident of doing a good job in any one of them

    Yeah the gal x isn't a great ship but it can still do well

    The galaxy r makes me all warm inside when I fly it cos it just feels Star Trek through and through its the only ship I fly with beams and it can whatever you want it to strap on dem for raw damage ewp and tractors to cheese people off aux to Sif3 an never really die

    Fleet vorcha is arguably the best cruiser in the game and without doubt the best damage dealing cruiser in the game so can't really include this in this argument

    Neghvar is pretty good but a galaxy can be set up to match it just stop with the tears over how it sucks and work around its faults man alive
    ----=====This is my opinion you don't have to listen and no one else has to read them these "OPINIONS" are based on my exploits and my learning other people will have their opinions and that's fine just don't knock my way of doing things thanks=====---- :cool:
  • snoge00fsnoge00f Member Posts: 1,812 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    If I go into a pvp match or a pve match i can be confident of doing a good job in any one of them

    Yeah the gal x isn't a great ship but it can still do well


    Talk about missing the point of this topic.
  • aethon3050aethon3050 Member Posts: 599 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Neghvar is pretty good but a galaxy can be set up to match it just stop with the tears over how it sucks and work around its faults man alive

    For one, I'm not creating any 'tears' over the Galaxy class, as I never fly it anyway.

    Second, it cannot be set up to match the Negh'Var. This isn't an opinion, it's a fact.

    Third, we're not talking about the Galaxy-X; we're talking about the Galaxy Retrofit.
  • stardestroyer001stardestroyer001 Member Posts: 2,615 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Monday Night - Irrelevant Topic Dissection Night!
    I own vorcha mirror vorcha fleet vorcha neghvar galaxy x galaxy fleet galaxy

    If I go into a pvp match or a pve match i can be confident of doing a good job in any one of them

    Yeah the gal x isn't a great ship but it can still do well

    The galaxy r makes me all warm inside when I fly it cos it just feels Star Trek through and through its the only ship I fly with beams and it can whatever you want it to strap on dem for raw damage ewp and tractors to cheese people off aux to Sif3 an never really die

    Fleet vorcha is arguably the best cruiser in the game and without doubt the best damage dealing cruiser in the game so can't really include this in this argument

    Neghvar is pretty good but a galaxy can be set up to match it just stop with the tears over how it sucks and work around its faults man alive

    1) This is about the Galaxy-class line's inability to keep up with other ships due to its bad allocation of BOFF slots and console slots to favour healing.

    Also, why are we discussing about the Galaxy-X class? That's a completely different brand of ship.

    2) Feel like using punctuation?

    3) Again, this is about the ship itself, not your own playing style.

    4) Why would you include a KDF ship in a discussion about a Federation ship?

    5) Again, this is a comparison about the ship itself, NOT YOUR PLAYING STYLE or ship setup.
    stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
    Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
    My List of Useful Links, Recently Updated November 25 2017!
  • warbird1988warbird1988 Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    To bring this back to its original intention, the Galaxy Class in STO is not the same ship which was the Enterprise-D. Therefore this entire game is not really Star Trek, just a space combat simulation with a Star Trek theme. The Galaxy Class will always be more famous and interesting then ANY ship Cryptic creates because its what makes Star Trek.

    Cryptic are probably jealous of that fact and thought they would TRIBBLE over the ship as quick as they can.
  • misterde3misterde3 Member Posts: 4,195 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    aethon3050 wrote: »
    I'm a KDF player who loves his Fleet Vor'Cha, thinks the Negh'Var is pretty amazing as a combination of tank and spank, and almost never plays his Feds anymore.

    And I still think the Galaxy is very poorly represented in this game...and it most certainly cannot be made into the beat the Negh'Var is. I know. I own both, and have flown both; they're not even remotely on even footing.

    Sometimes, being a 'good enough pilot' really is not enough to overcome the limitations in the stats on your equipment...and if you're a 'good enough pilot' to make the Galaxy work, then you'd be even more effective in a more capable ship, like the Excelsior.

    I agree with this 100%.
    Thanks for putting it into these terms.
    Would I fly the Galaxy parked in ESD if she were actually as useful as my other ships?
    I don't know. Probably not.
    I've been flying my Star Cruiser for almost 3 years now and I'm very comfortable in it.
    But that doesn't change the way I feel about the Galaxy-R we got handed to us by Cryptic.
This discussion has been closed.