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kevlintallfellow Arc User



  • Club 47 is now Club 86.
  • I was unable to play the game for 9 days because of the crash to desktop, which is about 25% of the total time the event will be active. That's 135 Lobi I've missed out on, the equivalent of opening roughly 25 lockboxes, at a cost of about 46 million EC for the keys to do so. Are there plans to do anything about this?
  • Because I haven't been able to get into the game since Season 8 launched, due to the crash to desktop when the character selection screen starts to come up, I've been playing Neverwinter. I wanted to check out some of the new things they have coming up over there for Module 2, so I patched up the Neverwinter Preview server…
  • When this kind of issue occurs during an event that requires daily login and play to take advantage of, it's all the more costly to the players. Imagine all the lobi that people are missing out on due to these issues with crashes to desktop. The fact that these catastrophic crashes were occurring for weeks on Tribble and…
  • Romulan engineering ships, that are designed to be able to tank, should at least get the threat increase command aura, just so they can hold agro effectively.
  • When you speak to the prophet, they tell you that this is not for you to do. So you don't get the missions because the prophets said so. Isn't that good enough?
  • This bug is actually older than most people might think. It was in Champions Online before Star Trek Online was even released.
  • Thanks for the help! This is not intuitive at all. When someone is looking for hangar items, they look in the ship equipment section under "hangar". It's actually *counter*intuitive, because other hangar items (Orion Interceptors, Marauders, etc.) from other Z-store ships are listed under ship equipment, and not special…
  • Yep, that's right. That countdown isn't to troll *us*. That countdown is to troll *you*! They told you guys to do all this hard work for something big, and made a show about keeping it a huge secret and not telling anyone about what you were doing. Then, when the countdown hits 0, nothing happens. They say, "GOTCHA!",…
  • The Atrox isn't really an offensive powerhouse to begin with, since it only has a Lt Tac BOFF station. This limits what you can do with your weapons, offensively, but it severely limits what you can do with cannon weapons. There aren't any cannon abilities at Ensign level, and you're almost always going to use that for…
  • Suggesting a tier 5 Fleet Miranda is like suggesting a tier 5 Fleet Danube. Could you imagine flying around in a Danube with the same console slots, weapon mounts, and universal BOFF layouts as a tier 5 Fleet Raptor?
  • That's probably exactly why they *haven't* let people choose which powers go in their kits. It would offer far less variety than we have now, because, for example, most Science officers would choose a kit with a heal, and a buff, and a damage power, and another heal, and yet another heal. There are some powers that would…
  • This is probably on their List of Things We'd Like to Do Someday, but I doubt it's coming any time soon unless some technology comes along that makes it easy to implement and put in the game. Most of the time, you should probably be launching fighters as soon as they come off cooldown, anyway. Frankly, I'd rather have…
  • The first time I loaded up STO and got into the character creator, I saw the "make your own alien" option and I thought, "AWESOME! I can make my own ALIEN!", so I immediately chose that and started to create my very first character. :D My original character concept was sort of a drider type character, that had the abdomen…
  • I would venture a guess that the power disparity between Escorts and Cruisers will not be addressed until they implement proper warp core functionality. Obviously, a Star Cruiser has a *massive* warp core compared to a smaller tactical ship, so their energy weapons should have damage output commensurate with their power…
  • I want my Lethean captain and crew to have hooded cloaks, like many of the Remans and Romulans do. Something like this guy: http://www.stowiki.org/Rashna
  • They designed the tactical version specifically to be a glass cannon, with a whole lot of glass, and a whole lot of CANNON. Maybe all escort class ships should have their defensive abilities gutted, so they'll stop being the end-all-be-all ship to fly for every bit of content in the game, and actually require support from…
  • After flying Vo'Quv carriers on three different KDF characters, it's pretty universal to see all 5000 crew disabled by the time I destroy the first couple of enemy ships, and if I'm spending the hour doing the Mirror Universe event, I'll have 5000 disabled crew members for that whole hour. Currently, ship crew doesn't do…
  • Nothing that drops on ground missions is even worth going back to the base camp to sell. All of those EV suits are only worth like 350 EC each, you're only going to get a couple thousand EC for green weapons that drop, and much less for any armors or shields that drop. Frankly, the only item drops in this game that are…
  • I was just looking at the ship requisitions to get a Tal'Kyr Support Craft to play around with in The Vault, and it's saying that it's part of the original series bundle, when it's obviously part of the Vulcan D'Kyr Science Vessel purchase. So, it won't let me claim one, even though I have a Vulcan D'Kyr Science Vessel…
  • If you're going to play more of a support role with your carrier, you could take Attack Pattern Delta 1 and 2 to buff people when they start taking focused fire and it will debuff everything that shoots them. You could also take Attack Pattern Beta 1 and 2 as it will increase your damage on your target, but also increase…
  • If you go to the exploration clusters, you can do the colony assignment chains to open up a lot of great assignments for getting the various experience types. For example, you'll be able to do a repeatable assignment that gives military, engineering, and colonial exp all at the same time in fairly sizable amounts, and as…
  • You put a turret on the front to shoot down the torpedoes being fired at you, you put chroniton torpedoes in the back to snare the guys chasing you, you put surplus diterium in a device slot, and you run away run away!
  • The original Earth Space Dock was so full of memories... Look at all those memory chips it has all around it! The new Earth Space Dock is flashier, smoother, and much more compact. It's like the I-Book of space docks! Just think, all those memory chips are inside it somewhere!