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kchunda Arc User



  • Can I use dual heavies on my T6 canoe? How many doffs can I have and what's the boff seating like? I'm interested!!!
  • Would be fine with this as long as it had some kind of story behind it. If we still have the ability to pick our own direct reports, then a few "assigned" team members could add some diversity. Especially if you do't totally care for them like: http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Shelby In the end they might enbiggen your…
  • Did I miss where they said this was a raptor? I also see this as a battlecruiser...
  • Same here. It's the only reason I'm playing this game in the first place. But even if I'm lacking some cutting edge functionality, I'd consider it a challenge to remain competitive in a T6 world with a T5 ship. Best case scenario IMHO. 90-95% competitive I'd be fine with. P.S. I do have to say I was looking forward to…
  • Noticed it too. Was waiting to check the stats post patch this week but my boffs' passively are still blank...
  • Well done - approval given! (But only to your glorious warrior of the Empire, not to your sniveling Federation weakling) Qapla'!
  • Wasn't berating your comment, I wanted to "like" it. And yes, I saw that episode when it aired, probably haven't seen it since but just read through the Memory Alpha recap. 8472 would rather die than be taken alive. The armor, weapons and powers in the lockbox I can understand. Mirror ships too. But the bioships? That…
  • Well done. Fan of your work (especially the Klingon escapades, even though that's not a very Klingon word)!
  • I wish there was an upvote or like button. Instead of disabiling party visuals I wish I could disable this nonsense.
  • I am a fan of that time period - would be nice to have the option for Romulan War foundry series if we had more ships from that era...
  • I wonder how Bran's leaving his position will have any affect on these "plans"? Smirk the new target (whatever that means)?
  • Just tried getting in, still not working.
  • This is why I went KDF and have never looked back upon my original Fed character (I explain it as they are the same character, now no longer undercover). Shooting first is glorious!!!
  • Same here. Love the MU Qin and proud of it, but moved to a Fleet Mogh for the time being (and named it in honor of the MU Qin). If I ever go LTS I'd be doing it to welcome the Fleet Pegh to the family, but that's a lot for a pew pew ship. So for me, raptors - the linebackers or centres/flyhalf of the KDF (in American…
  • While I plan to support the Empire by acquiring this glorious new Mogh Battle Cruiser, I am a Tac who leveled up in Bop's and moved to a Mirror Qin Raptor for a little more survivorability and more firepower (an extra turret). I LOVE that layout, love the balance. It is sad that there are so few Raptors in the game and…
  • jatlh quvHa'ghach! Speaking of Dishonor or Ha', 'IQtaHghach lach lut! Stories of Grief! Doesn't look like Bing translator has a Klingon word for "feat", but they do for "Accomplishments of Strength": HoS ta' Or "Tests of Strength"? HoS waH! Of course, HoS waH will be with this mighty battlecrusier in-game :D
  • What Klingon holiday is that??? A Very Klingon Kristmas? http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052748703395904576025760797375264 :D
  • Wait what? Leadership got nerfed? I swear I saw a hull repair buff stat on my raptor... [goes to search forums] P.S. looking forward to supporting the Empire with this ship. I agree it has too many Engineer and not enough Tac, would love to be able to swap that COM position but you can't always get what you want and I'll…
  • "...Dynamic Defense Deployment System, a versatile rapid defense deployment weapon designed specifically for the ship." http://bit.ly/1jKe2j7 Isn't this the special console? I never really paid attention to the special weapon the Avenger-Class has but looking here it doesn't sound like it would be the same thing.
  • Oh, right - I don't have to switch ALL out of cannons to leverage that Tac Ens! I forgot about the 5th fwd weapon! Has been a while since I had a cannon/DBB build, but since I've thrown in my lot with energy that will be my path. And guessing DEM3 or something offensive-minded (Aceton Beam?) will be the Engie's…
  • Although I was hoping for a different layout or new raptor for my Tac, I stand ready to support the Empire. Now I gotta figure out how to replicate my all-cannon Mirror Qin to this new layout: - - - -Comm. Eng: Eptw1, Epts2, Eptw3,??? Lt. Comm Tac: TT1, CRF1, APO1 Lt. Universal: TT1, CSV1, Ens. Tac: ??? (Or I switch to…
  • ^ This. In a Mirror Qin (PVE) and don't see anything else I can upgrade to. Like the ability to have a Eng Ensign to swap EPtS or EPtW compared to a wasted Tac Ensign on the Fleet Qin... Can't remember why I didn't like the Fleet Somraw at the moment but the point is I don't think I have another option if I want a fast,…
  • I am happy that there is new content for KDF, looking forward to diving in when I get the chance. Will consider it like a prequel since it technically has occurred in the past for my main. Still haven't had a chance to settle on new traits, pick a warp core, etc. Got lots to do!
  • Yep. I do.
  • Very interested to see what you come up with. Can't wait to spend some time sharpening my weapon of choice (Mirror Qin Heavy Raptor) :D
  • Let them have it. I prefer a challenge!
  • Well done indeed! One question - "War is a terrible thing"? It provides us an opportunity to expand our boundaries, crush our enemies, and if our cause is just - bring honor and glory to our Houses and Empire! P.S. "But wiser still to know your own heart and mind. It will be utterly crucial to be right, and to act from…
  • What else impacts The Empire ... Warp cores, but everyone else will get those too.
  • May I suggest this old video from back in the day (the mid 2250's): http://youtu.be/Z6zDg0dKygE Would love to see a short film ala this, or this: http://youtu.be/5UMTtONwuCw
  • Looking forward to spilling green blood. Long live the Empire!