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deyvad Arc User



  • thats the kind of info they give their shareholders, not the kind of info you post in a public forum. at most you can expect them to say they're happy (notwithstanding their actual numbers) Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe not. *edit Actually, the perfect answer would be: "better than expected"
  • it's called a stump, and you shouldn't stare, she's really self-conscious about it
  • Here's a vulcan lady with generous cleavage Now, for the direction of sight. 1st, she's not at a shooting range, 2nd, if you look closely (stare away from the cleavage), you'll notice she's running (or falling), so no, she doesn't need to keep looking at where she shot, she should focus on where she's going.
  • exactly what they said. I know, I know, reading is sooooo overrated
    in Freebie? Comment by deyvad May 2013
  • The CE queue will come back eventually. I'm guessing they did this 3 weeks event to test it live on holodeck with a lot of players. When it will come back, I'm guessing it will award shards for the new event "reputation". That's when we will be able to complete the special project ( I hope) If I had to take a wild guess,…
  • Euh... no! Here's the definition of loyal: adj. 1. Steadfast in allegiance to one's homeland, government, or sovereign. As in "Cryptic" can never do wrong, cryptic is always right, etc. Loyal players is what you need to avoid if you want honest feedback. I would even go as far as to say the feedback from players "who may…
  • yes, there is new "stuff" for feds, like gear from the tholian reputation system, c-store items, not so sure, not for the May expansion. You need to understand the focus is not on the feds of KDF, the spotlight is aiming at the romulans exclusively, that's what they're trying to sell at the moment.
  • People are stupid. The problem you describe is not only affecting the US, it's affecting the whole occident. A lot of folks use phonetics in their writing and get genuinely offended when you correct them. How many times have I been compared to a TRIBBLE for pointing out basic mistakes. I once saw a post of facebook, from…
  • Are you playing elite or normal? Are you playing during the bonus hour event or not?
  • 50 is a tiny winny sample for a random number generator. If you were to redo this exercise, the results will be different. Actually, why don't you try it again? flush your character and transfer it again, who knows you may end-up with 5 very rare ships. RNG, gotta love 'em!
  • you should definitely consider buying the cap increase. If you hold on to your 800 lobi until the next lockbox, the new ship could earn you a lot more e.c. otherwise, you're stuck trying to find someone to make a deal. There's a chat channel ingame dedicated to trading, "TheTradingChannel" you will probably find someone…
  • Temporal Science Vessel : 87,500,000 Lobi Ships Temporal Destroyer: 72,000,000 Tholian Recluse Carrier: 73,200,000 Jem'Hadar Dreadnought Carrier: 74,400,000 You're short about 13,000,000ec
  • The easiest way to get about it is to sell your ship on the exchange and then buy the ship you want.
  • So an "acquaintance" of one of the founders did it, and is holding it for ransom. :confused: :suspicious: Besides the theft of the fleet, were any other assets of the founder affected? And isn't it the second time a fleet gets ransomed?
  • Hmm interesting question... TOS Season 1 started production in 1966, WWWF (World Wide Wrestling Federation, prior to becoming WWF and then WWE) started in 1963. Paul Baxley was the stunt coordinator for TOS, and has been a professional stunt coordinator since the mid-fifties. His impressive resume doesn't mention any work…
  • This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . Sorry, guys... Please keep all posts in English. ~Bluegeek
  • but regarding polls, it's a bad idea in this community Can you imagine the RAGE if the devs don't obey every result on every poll created? On second thouht, it could be fun... where's ma popcorn!!
  • Yeah, I'm wondering that myself? Maybe he has to pay for each character in his post, in which case it could save him a few bucks by using numbers phonetically.
  • I have more respec tokens that I could ever need. Ahh the joy of a LTS and veteran perks.
  • sounds good to me, if it works for the jem'hadar, why not?
  • you can do that by running a private queue. If you're thrown into a PVE that already started, you should try your best to help out the team who got stuck one man short. If players weren't so obsessed with getting the optional, you wouldn't be thrown into a game in progress as often.
  • totally worth it. the extra storage space, the increase ec cap, the free lvl 50 ship, the free respec tokens. Add to that that you get all the veteran rewards all at once being a LTS, even more worth it. http://sto.perfectworld.com/about/freetoplay/features-matrix http://www.stowiki.org/Veteran_Rewards
  • If you want to, I'd be happy to sell you a pre-made background story along with 2-3 foundry missions to play to give it some depth. I could even make you a Maquis, or a French Resistance fighter, or maybe a Spanish Conquistador.
  • I'm talking about the unwashed masses being able to refined more than 8k, not the superior breed of players smart enough to bypass minor inconveniances. a fleet weapons now costs about 125% of a daily dilithium refining, if the refining cap was raised to 50K, we would be able to equip a whole ship with a single day of…
  • If there was no cap on refining how will that affect the already high dilithium prices? yeah, come to think of it I'm quite happy with 8k cap, it still allows me to refined 20-25k daily across multiple toons
  • I like the color blue, but I think the color red makes me go faster.
  • Every Friday 13th and Halloween, there's this Mission "Hearts and Minds" that you can run.
  • This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~BranFlakes
  • page up, page down (if I'm not mistaken) you can also bind it to the keys of your choices
  • Which PW policies are you refering to?