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Extend Crystaline event!!



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    dfawkesdfawkes Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'd certainly be up for an extension. I don't need it myself, but I've got a fleetmate who's cooldown was going to fall a couple of hours before it was over, but now can't finish it because of the server maintainance. Even an extension to cover that downtime (even though it's usually expected on Thursdays) would be lovely :)

    Probably not going to happen, but asking nicely costs nothing, so please consider an extension, Cryptic/Perfect World/other decision maker :D
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    cyberpunk1977cyberpunk1977 Member Posts: 179 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Yes please extend, I only realised a week ago that there was a limited time to get all the shards :( I got up to 7 in the end :(
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    tribbleorlfltribbleorlfl Member Posts: 143 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    gypsyblade wrote: »
    Events should end when scheduled, it's crazy to assume and expect an extension of every event. We'd still have the winter event going if that's the case. What should be done although considering there are people who haven't finished their project. Make it so the project can be cancelled and shards returned. Unlock the 1 shard 100 FM project for those who haven't completed the main project. This way people who haven't gotten 14 can still exchange their shards for something.

    I understand people have RL things that can complicate ingame events. My daughters birthday always fell on double xp weekends when I was playing City of Heroes. We can't expect events to be extended, or as I said earlier..... nothing would end..

    I don't think it's so much a matter of players expecting Cryptic to extend their events, rather Cryptic has set precedent for doing so when server instability and maintenance interfered with players' ability to complete the event. I don't know how long Tuesday's launcher issue lasted or how many people are in my boat, but regardless of how long we had to complete the event, their server instability interfered with my ability to complete the event.

    Like I said in my post, I'm perfectly ok w/ not extending the event provided the shards we've already submitted to the project will not be lost and the reputation event will be run again at some point. However, Cryptic has been completely silent on this matter and that's very troubling. What's even more frustrating than coming up close, but short, of meeting a goal is then to lose all progress towards that goal and have the work mean absolutely nothing.
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    ww2ogreww2ogre Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    First time posting here.

    During the last few weeks I have been having serious log in issues. Sometimes taking hours each day until I get logged in.

    I have now turned in two support tickets about the issue. I have gotten no response yet.

    This has caused problems completing the event. I now have 6 toons with 13 shards each. I even got up at 0 fricking dark early this morning so I could finish the event and could not log in again until 0555 this morning.

    5 fricking minutes before maintenance started and not enough time to do a Shard Mission. So now I just spent over two weeks trying to accomplish a project with a nice reward to be stopped by the log in problem only to find that STO is gonna pull the plug on the event at zero fricking early in the morning. Instead of allowing the event to be finished today.

    I have spent hundreds of dollars on this stupid game and this has been so frustrating.

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    radefoxradefox Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Biggest reason for extending the event a day or two..... They boldy promised the event ran until 10am PST on the 2nd.... then go into maint at 6am PST..... They essentially took away the last 4 hours from us to finish one event run.

    Lets completely take away folks ability to get in that last run by simply going to maint right at the end of the event!!! Who the hell thought that this was good timing???
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    erathielerathiel Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1 last part left for me to complete it and everything becouse wasn't able to open crystaline event before yesterday (dont know why) and now i can't finish it...

    Hope we will get this event one more time for Romulan captains maybe then I be able to complete it.
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    tribbleorlfltribbleorlfl Member Posts: 143 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Looks like I just answered my question; according to the release notes, players will not lose their progress towards the reputation system. While there's no confirmation there will be a future opportunity to finish that progress, I imagine it will be offeres again at some point bc of the influx of new ROM players and toons.

    I'm satisfied, I suppose.
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    ww2ogreww2ogre Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This is what I have posted in the fleet forums I am in and this is how I feel at this moment.

    Due to serious issues with logging into Cryptic over the last 2.5 weeks I have not been able to finish my chrystal project.

    I have 6 toons with 13 shards each.

    I would have finished them this morning since it was announced you could finish the project until May 2nd at 10 a.m. pacific time. I got up at 0300 Pacific time so I could finish all six.

    I could not log in until 0555, 3 hours of trying and yep 5 minutes before they took the servers down. Which means they took them down knowing that a project count down was going on and they took the servers down 4 hours before the project ended.

    I have turned two support tickets in over the last two weeks about my log in issues. Other than the automated response, I have received nothing else.

    So now I have 13 useless shards and have spent so many hours trying to finish this project. The first ever project I have tried here. To have them TRIBBLE on me at the last moment and to have log in issues cause me to not finish. Seems utterly futile.

    To say I am pissed after getting up at 3 in the morning and still not being able to finish. Is an understatement.

    Depending on how Cryptic/PW handle this problem will have a large influence on whether or not I keep playing this game.

    I know they extended the Holiday event, but surprisingly they have been very silent about this one. Especially since the server issues were on their side because of Neverwinter. And because they took the servers down after announcing you could finish the event until 10 a.m. pacific today.

    So, do not be surprised if sometime within the next week or so. I say goodbye. I do not like to spend money and time to only be what appears intentionally dispossessed of something I worked very hard for and with 6 toons.

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    radefoxradefox Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Agreed ^

    I too am starting to be glad I did not also go Lifer with STO, at this point. Champs is enough.
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    ww2ogreww2ogre Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    Servers came up and the event is still playable, I quickly got 5 toons thru for the 14th shard each and collected my reward.

    My 6th toon finished event but did not get a shard. So hopefully will keep trying every 15 minutes until it gives me one.

    Thanks guys for letting us finish our special event, even if I only get 5 of 6 it still makes me less angry after getting up early this morning and having issues then having servers go down.

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    ww2ogreww2ogre Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Could not keep trying to get a shard because mission was removed. Glad I got 5 toons thru final mission, sad my 6th was not rewarded with a shard and now I cannot finish project.

    Oh Well, almost well done, almost. Missed by this much.

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    zztopperszztoppers Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This will be my last post in this thread. Some have pointed out the event ended early because of the maint. I don't remember the past time when events ended. But from the event notes I believed it said it ended on the 2nd of may. Which I originally thought for every event in the past it would end on midnight on the second right before the third of may. That being said they did announce a couple of days ago the maintenance time would be in the morning. I do not remember before when I was trying to figure out how many shards I could get if that was a factor. All I know is I was going to fall short by one shard on two characters.

    Anyway. Cryptic still silent on this thread. They did not move it however. So we were all polite and courteous to each other.

    I am sure there is some good feedback for Cryptic to go over. Hopefully this thread will help smooth out events in the future. However even if it falls on deaf ears. I however will look at future events with new enthusiasm. I will post a what you need to know about the new event in the forums to help others. I will vet the information and give out very specific details to help others and myself get it right the first time! Cryptic should do this but the did not even say we saw the thread but decline to comment at this time.

    So maybe a vocal minority just has to look out for each other!!

    I believe this thread has served its purpose!

    I would ask for it to be locked after today as there is no more reasons to post here.

    And the final note others have said in the release notes it says Quote

    (The Crystalline Entity event has ended.

    Players who have started the Event reputation will not lose their progress.)

    Take it for what it says!

    Thanks to everyone who posted here!!
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    deyvaddeyvad Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The CE queue will come back eventually.

    I'm guessing they did this 3 weeks event to test it live on holodeck with a lot of players.

    When it will come back, I'm guessing it will award shards for the new event "reputation".
    That's when we will be able to complete the special project ( I hope)

    If I had to take a wild guess, CE will be back with the LoR release.
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    imadoctornotaimadoctornota Member Posts: 469 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The dilithium that they have spent in projects is likely going to stay, am I wrong?

    They said they're "stripping dilithium" earned from the exploited accounts, so I assume that includes projects. In any case, they couldn't have refined too much of the dilithium they obtained illegally yet, so it wouldn't be a major thing either way.
    Thanks for the expansion that had "as much content as the last"
    9 Episodes = 30+ episodes...?
    It's pronounced "S.T.O." "Stow" sounds idiotic! lol
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    nelly1956nelly1956 Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I started late in the event also. The patch description says those who started it can continue. The CE event is not listed in the PVE queues and I cannot find the CE in the Memory Alpha area. So how are we supposed to continue! False Advertising. :mad:
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    tangolighttangolight Member Posts: 777 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    zztoppers wrote: »
    This will be my last post in this thread. Some have pointed out the event ended early because of the maint.

    It didn't end early because of maintenance. After maintenance ended, people could still do the event up until 10:00 am PST as it was scheduled. It was maintenance that ended early, not the event.
    nelly1956 wrote: »
    I started late in the event also. The patch description says those who started it can continue. The CE event is not listed in the PVE queues and I cannot find the CE in the Memory Alpha area. So how are we supposed to continue! False Advertising. :mad:

    No, the patch notes say that you will not lose your progress. It doesn't say that you can continue it at this time.
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