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dank65 Arc User



  • Left this game long ago but I pop back again every now and then, Used to love the PvP but then they just screwed it all up but those used to be the days with fleets likd GoD and LORE and TRIBBLE. and all the others going at it back and forth good times gone forever..............:(
  • LOL Dont worry roach ill always be here for you.................Puff Puff Pass:D
    in New lockbox Comment by dank65 May 2013
  • Just more and more TRIBBLE in this game and not to mention I hate the HUD so Ill say thats pretty much it for me time to "Uninstall".......
    in New lockbox Comment by dank65 May 2013
  • Agreed I miss the scoreboard too but really I hate the new HUD think this may be the thing that finally gets me to uninstall this game...............:(
  • "first off, neverwinter have its own server,it doesnt share the same server as sto.so for everyone saying neverwinter needs its own server, thats not treu." While I do agree with this just like i said earlier it seems fishy that not 30 mins after a maintenance on never winter 7 to 8:30 PDT (10 - 11:30 EST) that they have…
  • While thats all well and good Ive got a sneaky feeling that this has something to do with neverwinter, seems funny they have a regular 1 1/2 hour maintenance then suddenly not 30 mins after its done they have to take all cryptic games down for a so called "emergency maintenance" just all seems a little fishey to me........
  • I use a straight kinetic build that includes the breen cluster on my brel torp/mine boat the secret is you need to be a point blank range when you release it along with mines, its killer Im always on top in dmg but then I run a PvP build for everything..:D
  • I find its still business as usual in my Fail B'rel phasics boat but then mileage may vary.....
  • Thank god for a fix for this and its not that hard to duplicate when i equip my rommie subtrfuge boff and cloak up I go to the regular cloaked see thru skin but then it keeps going till im fully visiable to my self again but im actually still cloaked and when I fire torps or TB or any power for that matter I never…
  • I hope they never go live with this new hud/ui its just a mess, I know some people complained about the red/blue hud/ui but its 1000 times better than this new TRIBBLE.
  • No its not since thats what the ships were built for hit and run, You have to remember ships with cloaks have some of the lowest hull and shield points in game for the cloak.
  • This is the I.K.S. Fail B'rel Bane of many a Fed captain........:D
  • Not really the hegh'ta only has 1,500 more base hull same shield mod more crew but the B'rel makes up for it with better turn rate and the EBC, I used to feel the same way about the hegh but have since changed my outlook and actully feel more survivable in my B'rel. And yes I do use a straight energy setup...........:D
  • Wrong.............. I fly a B'rel with energy wpns and find it very viable as a matter of fact I find it better than 90% of the so called torp boats out there but there are those select few who know how to run a torp boat but that does not include me but to say "Do not use energy wpns on a B'rel" is just misinformation it…
  • This...........................;)
  • Yeah buncha useless wastes of skin I report them everytime I fly against em. i
  • Now while 1 or 2 afkers are a bad yesterday morning I entered a cap and hold with 8 on 8 a full game and much to my amazement there were actually 6 KDF afkers which left the other 2 of us at a distinct disadvantage something needs to be done about this.
  • Been a while since I was called a haxzor, Must be doing something wrong. Oh well guess Ill just have to try harder...........:D
  • Oh and another thought.......... I think they dont want to put any rewards in PvP because then when the general population of STO start to go into PvP to get these rewards and they see the sorry state of PvP its gonna be a s^&t storm of crying on the forums to fix it and they have no idea how to....
  • But thats the rub its always "We plan on looking at PvP after we get the next season done" but then the seasons done and its on to the next season and when the PvP community brings up PvP its "Well were all running around getting the next season done" its all just a little ugly catch 22........
  • (Shakes Fist) HALE!!!!!!! But its always said with love.........:D
  • While I do agree you dont need to use your cloak in STF's I use mine all the time whenever I can simply for the boost you get when you come out of cloak even if I only cloak for a few seconds....
  • LOL proc (rainbow) boats.......... Ill take people who can do dmg over someone throwing silly procs any day.
  • In before the lock................ P.S. Dont let the door hit ya in the a$$ on the way out...................Laters:D
  • Welcome Zach and the answer to your question is yes it is worth it to play and you can be effective in PvP without spending money but it takes a little time and effort but well worth it and as far as advice go to the PvP forums lot of good info there and be sure to join the OPVP chat channel........Good Hunting:D
  • I agree there should be a leaderboard even though Id be at the bottom of most times but that doesn't bother me because I measure myself in PvP by how much Im having fun. I dont have the best build and if a wasn't lazy I would probably try to optimize my keybinds for better performance but Im not a Blackjack or a Keggers or…
  • No......The real question is not "Will" it break PvP but "How bad will it break PvP". And also who gets the $hitty end of the stick............
  • Secondeded .................:cool:
  • Cause Im a TRIBBLE...........:D