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For B rel pilots :(

beefsupreme79beefsupreme79 Member Posts: 234 Arc User
edited April 2013 in PvP Gameplay
Just want to get your impressions on post breen "fix"

My experience has been pretty disappointing. prior to patch i felt the breen was the only thing keeping torp boats relevent in pvp. lets face it, even mkxii transphasics with hy3 do basicly nothing to players at the rate you can fire them. now that we lost the large spike from the cluster and the rediculous autotarget/fomm everyone spams as soon as you are exposed, the bang you used to get from the breen hitting (when it does, again, autotarget as soon as its deployed less than 1km away) is just terribly neutered.

i dunno, i feel the brel will be funneled into being your basic alpha bo crf shockwave build.

again we are being railroaded into one setup. just my opinion on the state of the torp boat atm.
Post edited by beefsupreme79 on


  • rovakiinrovakiin Member Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    As a B'rel pilot myself, I use a tachyon deflector with KHG shields and engines for the 2 piece bonus to torps. Still very effective with Harg'peng torpedos and quantums. :)
  • beefsupreme79beefsupreme79 Member Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    and how are you defacing sheilds with torps?
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Never really used the breen all that much on my brels.... switch to quantums and profit.

    Phasics don't have the killing power no matter the shield pen. The cluster eh... my torp boat worked fine before it got good. There was a time it miss fired 8 times out of 10. At least now if you really must run it it fires. :)
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • darkfader1988darkfader1988 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Just want to get your impressions on post breen "fix"

    My experience has been pretty disappointing. prior to patch i felt the breen was the only thing keeping torp boats relevent in pvp. lets face it, even mkxii transphasics with hy3 do basicly nothing to players at the rate you can fire them. now that we lost the large spike from the cluster and the rediculous autotarget/fomm everyone spams as soon as you are exposed, the bang you used to get from the breen hitting (when it does, again, autotarget as soon as its deployed less than 1km away) is just terribly neutered.

    i dunno, i feel the brel will be funneled into being your basic alpha bo crf shockwave build.

    again we are being railroaded into one setup. just my opinion on the state of the torp boat atm.

    Are we talking about cheap Brel with transphasic spamming? lulz.
    MT - Sad Pandas
  • ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    what breen fix?
  • beefsupreme79beefsupreme79 Member Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Are we talking about cheap Brel with transphasic spamming? lulz.

    im guessing you find it "cheap" because it kills you and hadnt found a counter to it.

    its a solid spike build with breen 2 piece set, or it was a solid spike build.
  • beefsupreme79beefsupreme79 Member Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Never really used the breen all that much on my brels.... switch to quantums and profit.

    Phasics don't have the killing power no matter the shield pen. The cluster eh... my torp boat worked fine before it got good. There was a time it miss fired 8 times out of 10. At least now if you really must run it it fires. :)

    again, how are you stripping sheilds with quantums....are you using all quantums? etc

    do tell, as im finding trans pretty lacking at this point. if ound the breen worked wonders and caused extreme rage because of people huge investment in sheild stacking. by bypassing that, it gave many hours of rage joyfullness.
  • shookyangshookyang Member Posts: 1,122
    edited April 2013
    I'm only using the Cluster torpedo, and have only played with the the Rapid reload a few times.

    Current fore weapons:
    Quantum - Bio-neural - Breen Cluster - Hargh'Peng

    Omega - Chroniton

    HY3 only affects Quantum on my fore. On my own, it can strip shields on unsuspecting targets and I have one-volleyed people before. When I'm supporting someone else, the quantums can punch through a weakened shield face and do significant hull damage.

    Oddly enough, my kills shots are usually from the Hargh'Peng's secondary explosion. Everything else just assists with hammering shields and hull low enough for the Hargh'Peng to finish them off.
  • captiandata1captiandata1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    i find for any torpedeo boats i like to have a least on harg'pang on the front and plasma torpedeos but not withi hi yead boff power and turrets on the aft distrupor, aniproton, distruptor-polorons or mk 12 tretyons
  • captiandata1captiandata1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    also the cutting is very useful with something to weaked shield and is very good once the shield are dropped
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Disclaimer #1: I don't fly a B'rel.
    Disclaimer #2: I don't fly this build on another BoP/ship.
    Disclaimer #3: I'm kind of bored.
    Disclaimer #4: LoR's not out yet.
    Disclaimer #5: Lol, it's me.

    Fleet B'rel Retrofit with Alien Sci Captain

    Traits - Accurate, Elusive, Efficient Captain, Warp Theorist, Astrophysicist, Techie, Photonic Capacitor, Conservation of Energy, random ground trait

    New Rom - Precision, Sensor Targeting Assault, (Quantum Singularity Manipulation)
    Omega - Omega Weapon Training, Omega Graviton Amplifier
    Nukara - Fortified Hull, Auxiliary Power Configuration - Offense, (Refracting Tetryon Cascade)

    TT1, THY2, APO1, DPB3
    TS1, THY2, APO1

    PH1, TSS2
    JS1, HE2

    BOFF Species/Traits - 2x Operative, 2x Subterfuge

    DOFFs - 3x PWO(Torp), SO(Scan), SO(Jam)

    Deflector - KHG Mk XII
    Engine - Aegis
    Shield - KHG Mk XII
    Core - Overcharged Mk X [SEP][A->E] *

    *whatever the Mk XII VR/UR version is, eh? Mk X Rare gives +5 Max Aux, +15 Engine Performance, Aux Power boosts Engine Power.

    Fore - Chron Torp Mk XII [Acc][CrtH]x2, Torp, Hyper-Plasma Torp, Hargh'peng Torp, Thermionic Torp
    Aft - Nukara Web Mine, Temporal Disruption Device

    Tac - 3x Warhead Mk XII
    Eng - Tachyo, Rule 62, Nadeon, Theta/AMS/Nukara
    Sci - Iso, 0Point, Borg

    Devices - SFM, Eng Batt

    Disclaimer #6: There are 5 Disclaimers at the top of the post - I recommend reading them.

    Disclaimer #7: In thinking about it, I'd rather go with the Fleet Norgh - drop the Rule 62 console and add a GW1 at LCdr Sci - also dropping either the SO(Scan) or the SO(Jam) for a GSO(GW).

    Disclaimer #8: Disclaimer #7 in no way invalidates Disclaimers #1-6.

    Disclaimer #9: BTW, I fly a Sci Hegh'ta with 4 Sci BOFFs. In case you missed #5 up there. :)
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    again, how are you stripping sheilds with quantums....are you using all quantums? etc

    do tell, as im finding trans pretty lacking at this point. if ound the breen worked wonders and caused extreme rage because of people huge investment in sheild stacking. by bypassing that, it gave many hours of rage joyfullness.

    Phasics don't do enough punch to kill anyone that is planning to tank you anyway... really how often have you solo killed anyone with phasics.... not often I would bet unless you catch them with bugged cluster mega crits.
    With the torps alone ? not often I am betting

    Run something like this

    TSS 1 - Pol 2 - Tac 3 - CPB 3
    Tac Team 1 - HY 2 - HY 3
    Jam 1 - hazards 2
    EPTS 1 - Aux to Damp 1

    3 Quants + Peng / Time Torp / Tric (don't use that often anymore whats the point)
    1 Mine + Peng / Cluster / Time Torp

    Will the strip work against everyone... no... will it work against most yes.

    Do you attack every engi cruiser you see at 100%.... no.

    Do you wait for them to engage someone else and be at 25% shielding... yes.

    Do you wait till someone else pops a facing for them and spit 7 quantums into that facing... yes.

    Honestly you will be shocked how often a strong strip build still works. Many people are not 9 in insulators... and frankly even if they are they still only get a 50% reduction, that means you are still stripping 4-5k in shielding.

    Be a proper bop pilot don't engage till its in your favor.

    The advantage of quantums is when you attack someone that is ripe... they will DIE. There is no limping away from a HY quantum from a rigged up brel... on my fully Oped B'rel my quantum dmg is over 8k unbuffed. Even with a facing up I think I'm doing 90% of the dmg to hull your getting out of phasics anyway. :)
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • emoejoeemoejoe Member Posts: 229 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    funny cus my double bo hy brel pwns more than ever.

    straight beat latest style pure hella fire

    last ctrv glory
    Your Dual Antiproton Banks - Overload III deals 55368 (52964) Antiproton Damage(Critical) to SOME POOR TRIBBLE
  • travelingmastertravelingmaster Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013

    Be a proper bop pilot don't engage till its in your favor.

    This. Definitely this. This is the first thing you learn when you fly BoPs. . .you can't kill everything by yourself. It's all about timing. Sure, I could probably kill SOME cruisers with a decloak alphastrike attack, if they're piloted by bad players. . .but normally I just wait until the heavier ships have it in tanking mode, and then exploit a gap in their defenses. 2 seconds is usually all I need to drive a BO2 and HY3 combo into 'em at close range. The same goes for most other ships. . .the Bop can't really tangle with Federation escorts 1v1 unless it's a bad build or a bad player. Federation sci ships shield tank too well for one BoP to take them down in a fight. I can get close, but usually it's more trouble than its worth.

    That's why in Ker'rat, you always see BoPs working in concert. 2-3 BoPs harassing a single target, trying to find a gap in its defenses to exploit. The BoP has effectively been shoehorned into that role. . .the only other viable role is as a makeshift sci-spammer/healboat, and you don't get the tanking abilities that come with sci ships and cruisers.
    My PvP toon is Krov, of The House of Snoo. Beware of my Hegh'ta of doom.
  • commanderelizacommandereliza Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    im guessing you find it "cheap" because it kills you and hadnt found a counter to it.
    There are so many obvious counters that it's an almost laughable tactic. It's still cheap though, because I usually have to give up my energy resistance on my hull if just one person is running it.

    However, I usually just use sensor scan or use charged particle burst and watch the bird of prey instantly blow up. That's the funner way of countering it.
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    and how are you defacing sheilds with torps?

    Usually we breakke them open to get to the core and use it to write something crude of funny while M'tuk keeps an eye out for the feds......
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • shimmerlessshimmerless Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    im guessing you find it "cheap" because it kills you and hadnt found a counter to it.

    its a solid spike build with breen 2 piece set, or it was a solid spike build.

    In my experience the spike wasn't all that without the stars aligning. Most Fed ships have a hefty health buffer and if they're specced smart they have a bit of native hull resist. It's also suffered because a lot of people started running neuts to counter tric mines and the popularity of trannies with Sci boats.
    vids and guides and stuff

    [9:52] [Zone #11] Neal@trapper1532: im a omega force shadow oprative and a maoc elite camander and here i am taking water samples
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    It's still cheap though, because I usually have to give up my energy resistance on my hull if just one person is running it.

    That's an opportunity cost.

    There should be more opportunity costs in the game.

    Unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer with each passing month.

    It's becoming more and more akin to munchkin powergaming...meh.
  • shookyangshookyang Member Posts: 1,122
    edited April 2013
    In my experience the spike wasn't all that without the stars aligning. Most Fed ships have a hefty health buffer and if they're specced smart they have a bit of native hull resist. It's also suffered because a lot of people started running neuts to counter tric mines and the popularity of trannies with Sci boats.
    My fleetmate made a Transphasic B'rel, and he really liked it at first.

    Then he started complaining it was too much work and went back to a regular BoP.
  • doffingcomradedoffingcomrade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    That's why in Ker'rat, you always see BoPs working in concert. 2-3 BoPs harassing a single target, trying to find a gap in its defenses to exploit. The BoP has effectively been shoehorned into that role
    SHOEHORNED into that role? That's ALWAYS been their canonical role, even on the show. When was the last time you saw a BoP on the show fighting anyone alone, and not getting blown to smithereens? If this is not how you want to fight, you are in the wrong ship. You can't very well say you had any illusions about how things were supposed to be here: This is exactly how they work on the show, too.
  • shookyangshookyang Member Posts: 1,122
    edited April 2013
    SHOEHORNED into that role? That's ALWAYS been their canonical role, even on the show. When was the last time you saw a BoP on the show fighting anyone alone, and not getting blown to smithereens? If this is not how you want to fight, you are in the wrong ship. You can't very well say you had any illusions about how things were supposed to be here: This is exactly how they work on the show, too.
    Star Trek: The Undiscovered Country

    Took two cruisers to take out one B'rel, and it was kicking their cans.
  • xiphenonxiphenon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    When was the last time you saw a BoP on the show fighting anyone alone, and not getting blown to smithereens? If this is not how you want to fight, you are in the wrong ship. You can't very well say you had any illusions about how things were supposed to be here: This is exactly how they work on the show, too.




    Won 1vs1 against a Jem'Hadar attack ship :p

    Problem is ... even show is inconsistance on power of ships.
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    xiphenon wrote: »
    Problem is ... even show is inconsistance on power of ships.

    It's fictional.

    It's not like heading out to a mud pit to do some Ford vs. Chevy.
    It's not like setting up an AMD/AMD machine next to an Intel/nVidia on a workbench.
    It's not like watching two professional sports teams going at it.

    It's fictional.

    So there were all sorts of things the writers did - to move the story.

    Plot Weapons, Plot Armor, Plot Devices...etc, etc, etc.

    With the rampant inconsistency that took place...yep...pointing to canon to support something never quite carries the weight that some believe it does.
  • dank65dank65 Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I find its still business as usual in my Fail B'rel phasics boat but then mileage may vary.....

    Guild - <Lords of The Dead>
    LvL 60 CW-Dragon Server
  • travelingmastertravelingmaster Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    SHOEHORNED into that role? That's ALWAYS been their canonical role, even on the show. When was the last time you saw a BoP on the show fighting anyone alone, and not getting blown to smithereens? If this is not how you want to fight, you are in the wrong ship. You can't very well say you had any illusions about how things were supposed to be here: This is exactly how they work on the show, too.

    No, if we were sticking with canon the BoPs would be the equivalent of Raptors in-game. The BoPs would be the KDF escort. Where the heck did the Raptors come from? Maybe one or two episodes in Enterprise, and the occasional on-screen image?

    BoPs have always been the attack craft. . .decent attack capabilities, but vulnerable to heavy fire (as in, squishy). And yes, in large engagements they operate in flights/groups in order to maximize damage and effectiveness, but they're also used as patrol vessels, stand-alone combatants, and so on. Just like an escort.
    My PvP toon is Krov, of The House of Snoo. Beware of my Hegh'ta of doom.
  • commanderelizacommandereliza Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    shookyang wrote: »
    Star Trek: The Undiscovered Country

    Took two cruisers to take out one B'rel, and it was kicking their cans.
    Must have been some Kirks without the convenient plot armor piloting those. Kirks who don't know what tactical team, emergency power to shields, aux to battery and single energy type builds are.
  • doffingcomradedoffingcomrade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    shookyang wrote: »
    Took two cruisers to take out one B'rel, and it was kicking their cans.
    That B'rel was clearly using the haxed Subterfuge boffs, though. Notice how it didn't decloak while firing. And despite godlike invisibility hax, he still got pwned in the end. Noob.
    xiphenon wrote: »
    Won 1vs1 against a Jem'Hadar attack ship :p
    JHAS should technically be equivalent to a BoP, anyway, so this is pretty much a fair fight. Even then, a straight fight is not preferred: I distinctly recall it doing much better when ganking.
  • darkfader1988darkfader1988 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    im guessing you find it "cheap" because it kills you and hadnt found a counter to it.

    its a solid spike build with breen 2 piece set, or it was a solid spike build.

    No not really, I couldnt remember the last time i got killed solely by a transphasic spammer. Sure on my BoP i got pwned a few times by a cluster, not entirely unexpected if you run with 0% resist to kinetic (And yeah when all the mines blow up with chained crits, total death). My choice so the implications are all my responsibility running this way. But for a Bug or any other decent ship.... I dont think so.

    I find it cheap in the sense that its just trying to circumvent people's shield, but its not that effective at all versus a decent player. Team vs team wise its even worse. Its what i call a tranny tickling build. :p

    If you know me well enough you would also know I would never call something cheap in the sense that that something keeps beating me and I would not be able to find a counter for it, I die trying before I would go on the complaining tour. The only factor in this game I even publicly and openly called cheap in the sense that its not beatable or counterable, is (Siphon) drain spam by one or multiple sources taking all your systems to 0. If you dont agree with me on that being cheap (in the sense of hard or unable to counter), i dont know what is. Just an example.

    Yes I've experimented with Transphasics myself for weeks (After the buff), it was fun, effective as well, until i realised the only real critical spike i could do was against people running zero resist to kinetic and no hull heals. As soon as real teamplay came into the picture against equal teams the effect was drastically reduces and even when achieving 3M dmg on the board often, the matches were also prolonged by an hour.

    The only decent use i could find for trannies as a tac is against a total siphon drain team etc where there is simply no weapon power available for 90% of the match lol

    What Ive also seen is bugged Brel's with subterfuge running it, they killed pugs in kerrat or even arenas without ever decloak or be seen even. Yap I used the bugged subterfuge as well until i realized myself how bugged they were. But I never abused the enhanced to a factor like this, and especially not with Plasma/Trans. It might just be the total picture that made me feel it was cheesy or whatever you want to call it.

    I can play the guessing game as well though, and im guessing you are using it. And thats fine, nobody has anything against that. But everyone can have their own opinion, nothing wrong there.

    Perhaps I shouldn't have used the word 'cheap', but perhaps ineffective/inefficient would be more appropriate.

    Have fun and Pew :)
    MT - Sad Pandas
  • ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    There are a couple of legit ways to boost the damage too. Consoles obviously, but also disruptors, and the Omega 3-piece Gravitic Anchor bonus will give -25 to kinetic resist for 10 seconds (can be hard to time).
  • born2bwild1born2bwild1 Member Posts: 1,329 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    so is the rule 62 console with the 11% torp/mine boost worth getting for a torp boat?
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