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alrikster Arc User



  • I doubt there is a build that relies on an alive crew lol. You shouldnt waste an active doff slot for crew recovery. The benefits of having a healthy crew are negligible. The "increased hull regen rate" from your crew is a passive hull regen, that almost completely shuts down in red alert state anyway. And out of combat…
  • imo scorps for pve and interceps for pvp
  • Oh and i would ditch the nanites and get normal disruptors or fleet disruptors. The nanites half assed disruptor proc isnt worth the little extra bleedthrough, better go with the full disruptor proc.
  • Execute for incompetence!
  • Or Your shields are down and you dont have any epts ready right now. Use polarize hull to minimize hull damage you might recieve during shield downtimes.
  • apb II + III are definitely superior in pve. Im flying a fleet hafeh myself and run them as well. I think theyre even superior to crf III/II if youre on your own. I wouldnt use photon torps. If you have access to it try out the hyper plasma torp launcher. I would also think about replacing one instance of crf with csv,…
  • Well its only a 1% chance and if you feel like you can survive well without it id take the hyper launcher.
  • You're right, cd's might get in conflict on the front launchers if you add more transphasics. The plasma launcher sounds like a good addition. Still even if you fill up that slot with a plasma torp, your overall dps will benefit more from all transphasics consoles, since thats your main source of damage. Ignoring your main…
  • Generally the squishier your ship in general the more you want your shield to be resilient/covariant. The regenerative shields really excel when you take fire for a sustained amount of time, which something like the tvaro is not supposed to do. Im running a recluse with high shield modifier and very good hull numbers.…
  • imo you should try to find out if youre dealing more damage with plasma torps or transphasic torps and then go all consoles for that. Go big or go home someone once told me. If you feel like you do more damage with only 1 plasma torp launcher as opposed to the whole rest of your weapon slots maybe you should completely…
  • Does dmg bonus from consoles have diminishing returns? If i got 2 +30% damage consoles will my base damage increase by 60%? If yes why would you use ambiplasma envelope/warhead yield chamber? Since youre running only 1 plasma and the rest transphasics 2 more transphasic consoles would make a lot more sense. Also, it may be…
  • As far as i know crew only affects the hull repair and not the shield regen. Also passive hull repair in-combat is so low it does not really matter, thus making crew size/recovery a very negligible stat. If you ask me, crew-affecting consoles are pretty much the worst choices out there and you should never use them.
  • Doesnt overflow acc go into crit as well? My romulan is running a fleet hafeh with 20% base crit and is using acc antiproton fleet weapons. The innate critD from antiprotons makes them the perfect choice for a build with high critchance. I do not often meet people who outdamage me in pve.
  • I am using advanced slavers and so far ive gotten a good share of contraband. Every 2-3 missions i run i find 3-6 contraband in my inventory. If there is an issue with slavers its only the elite slavers that need a tweak. Also lol @beam arrays = high dps and slavers do tons of damage. From my point of view the slavers are…
  • It is not very effective in pvp due to how power insulators scale against it. Even with a max flow capacitators max aux setup you will hardly drain half the shields of an escort. As far as pve is concerned the long cooldown takes away a lot from the effectiveness. I got it because it sounded like a very cool tool to use…
  • Temporal Destroyer <3 you santa edit: and another 10 mil <3<3<3
  • Climbing stuff http://www.upload-pictures.de/bild.php/35963,kittehsSB32B.png http://www.upload-pictures.de/bild.php/35964,kittehs1KKCOV.png
  • Please no more rep systems. The whole reputation system idea is crappy as it is and we sure as hell dont need yet another kind of marks.
  • Both, the elite and the standard repair shuttles heal 186ish per proc for me. Both die from any scatter volley like attack. I cant see any advantages to the elite version that would justify the cost.
  • What do you mean by max flow cap? With 6 points in flowcap and 130 aux power i get to 223 shielddrain. I can hardly imagine you can go to 360 just by going 9flowcap. So pls tell me how high your flowcap skill is / how many flowcap you get from consoles/deflector. edit: ive tried with a fleetmate and with 50ish power…
  • Hey there! Im looking to join a pvp oriented t4/5 fleet. Im playing a ferasan recluse carrier healer myself. Pls tell me if im right here =)
  • - got mine, thanks a lot