Don't normally post here so I'll be curious to see where this ends up. As a long time mechanical learning and inspector of the games systems, I've come to a few questions on the methodology and implementation of ideas. Without a general order: * Generally over the games lifetime we've seen very drastic, very large changes…
Assuming 5s cycles (no haste), you get the equation of: (This is the negative binomial I was talking about, but since this is just the general forum I didn't want to overload the thread with it) * 1 Weapon = Time of 200s, which is 0.3 PPM * 2 Weapons = Time of 101.266, which is 0.878 PPM * 3 Weapons = Time of 68.361, which…
Couple of neat things here: Anomaly Damage Anomalies have a few interesting effects. For one, they are all fixed damage for duration on cast. Anomalies in this case are GW, SSV, TR, ect. There's a few temporal effects in here as well from temporal BOff skills, and also includes the PEP and Grav Torp effects. Additionally,…
Quad Cannons, Single Cannons, and Turrets work just like Dual cannons in terms of their power curve, while Heavy Turrets look like DHCs in their curve. The only noticeable thing is that Quad Cannons additionally drain -10 Engine power while firing, This might be of some interest.
Weapons all drain their amount for the duration of them firing, but all start on the first shot. So a DC and a DHC will both start their drain at the same time. the DHC however will stop firing after 2s and then wait 3s before firing again. DCs will fire for 3s and then wait 2s. After the 2s/3s respectively the power will…
I like dual cannons. I think they flow better in combat, and the power management is generally less stressful. I think its worth noting that KLW is still per shot, and anything that has a chance to proc with a critical such as protonic is also per shot in the sense that each shot can critical.
I use an approximation of the negative binomial for calculating expected chances for procs, which really means you can see how changing things works. I can give examples if you want (will need things like the number of weapons and the haste), but on average your looking at about 27s between per cycle proc events for sets…
For what its worth, 400 CtrlX is where the range of GW3 ends. After this it maintains the range of 12 Km and only the pull strength increases. So once you reliably get to 400 CtrlX in combat you can start focusing on other things like durability or more EPG damage (and your EPG skill seems to be far ahead of your CtrlX…
I would hazard a guess that its something we don't see which tracks in the background to make the console work, maybe to track the passive increase of the power, or as @questerius said a future 3pc implementation (which again we shouldn't be able to see). Whatever it is doesn't appear to have any implications other than…
While I have a character slot, I need to study for a metrology exam this week. However, I think this brings up an interesting topic of "what is skill". Does it involve keybinds and setting up a tray? Does it also mean that my rational thought would be that an engineering character would do better here because of power…
I've been having issues with this as well. Lots of the previous missions are coming up as unplayed, not sure what its all about, but I do think the problem is the mission journal as stated earlier.
Edit: fixed some spelling and grammar ---- So, I don't think I'm one of the best tanks in the game, though people keep telling me that, I do have a really long history with the subject, which I'm going to talk about here a bit. I started playing just a tad after Delta Rising (that november I believe). I had fun, got…
When I got these (the week they came out), I did do an ISA with them to see how they stack up...and I got ~200k, 96k of which was my normal ship. I took this onto my brand new Jem'hadar with the worlds worst budget build (very rare mk ii gear and a handful of heal clicky consoles) and the swarmers did an astounding 135k in…
So, I suspect I'm going to get a lot of flack for this, but this is STO with a rich history of things that while might have been tested are not done so in a player base environment, and note this isn't directed to you Duncan, but just some thoughts I had after reading. Players (like myself and many others) who strive to…
So I volunteered @tunebreaker to help me get some numbers. We stripped Gruber's ship down to no DrainX sources so it was just the native 100 DrainX he had on his ship from the skill tree. This would mean he would have a 0.5x mod on any incoming drain: This means we can just take any tooltip value I had and reduce it to…
If I'm reading this right, you applied drains from one ship to another, checked the results and found they were off. What were the two players DrainX values, and did the target ship have anything else resisting subsystem drains?
Its more like how you would convert a day into seconds. We Have 24 hours in a day, with 60 Min in an hour, and 60s in a min, which is 24x60x60, we can all do this on a calculator. Its a bunch of numbers we just multiply together. The phrase I heard to easily describe the damage categories was from Vel, stating "Cumulative…
At the request of @tunebreaker, I've decided to try and reproduce my original statement. --- As some of the people who know me have experienced, I've had a small fascination with how game design can work. It is a hobby and I don't actively talk about it (I don't do anything active on the forums) but I do try to understand…
Sigh...this is why I hate the forums...spend time writing out a comment and try to be nice and word it correctly only to have it disappear into the void; maybe someone just doesn't like what I have to say and deletes comments of mine, I wouldn't put it past someone. --- I had a bunch of arguments for and against time…
Joined for a random TFO, Got kicked by the server (something that happens all the time anyway). Logged back in and got a leaver penalty; super un-fun. Kael told me to put things here Edit: I was told to rewrite this, its not very hard: 1. Push "Join Random" in the Task Force Operations window 2. Wait for the random queue…
Not to try and put a damper on people building tanks (it's basicly all I do anymore)...but to me it seems that any threat modifying thing just doesn't work anymore; Embassy Consoles, Adak'Ukans. The only thing which does is Threatening Stance. Will need waaaaaaaay more data to figure it out exactly but with the several…
If its moving from 1s recharge to 0.95s recharge, the difference on the weapon tooltip in the weapon power icon won't display because of rounding (3.8->4, its limited to one significant digit), so the only indication of haste applying on the weapon is the recharge time. It does effect the whole weapon, recharge, and firing…