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admiraldeathl Arc User



  • I'm surprised that you don't see more of them they're one of the best class of ships in the game for tactical players, even better then the Jem Bug. Anyways having the same problem on my Fleet Advanced Escort as well. Kind of annoying to see, but oh well.
  • tried going to multiple different tailors around the whole game, every single one crashes instantly after you try to get into the tailor menu... sigh... and here I wanted to work on new outfits today.
  • Nope you're not, there's a bug report thread already up on it, but a good portion of people it seems are having this problem.
  • Same as well, doesn't matter where you are when you press the Tailor auto crashes instantly. Very annoying right now...
  • So I know we have shorts already, but how about cargo style swimtrunks too for male characters, or female if they so choose to wear them. Oh while I have peoples attention does anyone know if there's a level cap to get into Risa and what it is? Friend of mine is having a problem on an alt trying to beam in.
  • I mean I'm not complaining about having them at all, I'm just looking at improving them so they're even better for next year or maybe even sooner if they feel like having a mid summer update to the summer event. Anythings possible after all.
  • Sarongs would be nice too could see those as a pretty easy add
  • Volley Ball Floater Races Swimming Scuba Diving Fishing Short little list including Volley Ball that I could think of
  • So lets make a list for swimwear 1. Different Pattern options 2. Different Fabric/Material options 3. Have all color types available Any other thoughts people will update the OP in second
  • This x1000 I was disappointed that I couldn't do a black trunks on my main toon, but yeah I'm glad more people are replying :D Hopefully we can make them even better for next year.
  • I think the better question to ask is... Where is Q? Not where are the Dev's :P
  • :P hehe sorry, but glad the other leaders and myself aren't the only ones that think this is a good idea, hopefully Cryptic can see this and comment.
  • Ha, both of my female friends that are also leaders alongside me in our Fleet said the same exact thing they want options/patterns that match what they have in real life lol. I mean options are always nice, and it would add a whole lot to the current swimwear sets.
  • Yes I know there have been threads before, and just because its a dead horse doesn't mean we can't keep beating it to make it move. But I've talked to most of the people in my Fleet that have Romulan's/Reman's and they would like to all see some type of expansion on gear and weapons that are Romulan Based especially the…
  • Yep thanks guys, and I thought so, but wasn't sure if they decided to include it or not since I know Steam does have the habit of not listing everything sometimes or forgetting to update pages.
  • Normally I have no issues with STO, but the last few days have been nothing be getting dropped, kicked from server, disconnect after disconnect, and its not one me that this is happening too, I have had multiple other users within my Fleet having the same problem. Note we don't even live in the same areas or same countries…
  • Well there's 1 good thing out of that picture, No Dilithium lol Thanks for the heads up though, we're just hitting Tier 3 so we're getting Development finished first for Fleet Warp Cores, then we'll go trade and the other smaller projects and discounts first. That way the actual Tier 3 Upgrade won't be as bad. We're also…
  • Thank you for the reply, that is what myself and the other leaders were thinking as well, we've finished every project so far for the Mine so we have all of the Tier 1 and 2 discounts so we'll now factor those into how much we need. And thank you again.
  • Derp... Okay Colson I might have skipped a line... while reading that... <.< well thanks for the reply Starkaos
  • If there was a +1 or Thumbs up feature you'd get one for this comment haha XD On topic yay more fixes!!! :D No seriously I'd rather have downtime then bug time. So keep up the hard work Cryptic, I still love you :D
  • I would also love to find out where this went or if its still even an option, very hard to find and heal people in combat without having it.
  • Are you sure it started over completely? Usually when you stop patching the game it will just pick back up where you were at on the download, while it'll start the % back at 0 it'll still have patched all the files you've already downloaded.
  • I thought CoD and Halo players were bad, this has just been insane. The Dev's have worked hard and long and are still working hard on getting everything working. Sure there's been some hiccups, but no MMO is perfect after a large expansion gets launched. Dev's you've done a great job, and I'm loving every bit of LoR, it is…
  • How is this against the law??? Also they aren't forcing you to buy a gold sub at all, they're working on fixing the server and login issues so relax. edit: Nevermind... post I was replying to got merged.
  • Why do you feel Ripped off? Its the same price as its always been. $125
  • Hmm I think they did it that way because in DS9 they had the fighters that could move in and assault the larger ships, while the main fleet hit the front lines of the Dominion Fleets, essentially the fighters would keep pressuring the larger command and control ships. Just my take on it.
  • Actually for Cure Ground the Frosted Boots make travel time much much faster. So much running.
  • I would like to see a Science based D'Deridex Variant of the current one we have in game, except not Engineer based so ya know... all Sciency and stuff... just saying it would be a easy fix... <.<
  • My only problem is a lack of dedicated Tac, Sci, and Eng ships for the Romulans for the lower levels, and even the higher Tiers as well. As I've said in other topics, a somewhat easy fix would be to pull a Vesta/Odyssey with the Warbirds, same ship just different layouts and boff setups. It will fix a few problems first…
  • Its a lot of fun, however is this isn't the finished build of the Expansion there are a lot of bugs that need to get hammered out, and things do need to get balanced before anything gets released on Holodeck. You have to play the story to understand why, and they are their own Faction, the Alliance with the Federation or…