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***The Official Login Queue Thread!*** (Threads about queues will be moved here)



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    aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    valormeer wrote: »
    If you guy's need your fill of action why not drop by my stream http://www.twitch.tv/emp_juri_feet I'm a lifer so I can log in w/e

    And for this alone, your picture should be posted in the Urban Dictionary under the entry for "douchebag."
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    namelesszombienamelesszombie Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I think they need another new Beryllium Sphere.

    Oooooooooooops, wrong movie

    By Grabthar's hammer, this que is huge in an attempt to scam people into buying LTS/Subs :P
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Thanks to scooterkhan for the awesome sig!
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    roswellgornakroswellgornak Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    3+ hrs and finally under 1000

    Eat my dust...suckers!!!
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    saedeithsaedeith Member Posts: 628 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    daveyny wrote: »
    ...and of course, as soon as I typed that the game dumped me and now won't let me back in...


    Karma is like that. :P
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    galaxyrider0galaxyrider0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    So... we have a Queue of 20 thousand players trying to enter the game?

    I've aquired a lot of things from the C-Store, I have the right to play, the same right you reserved to Gold and LTS players.

    Perfect World is breaking a lot of laws.

    There is a lot of people who bought the Legacy Pack and Start Pack, but they're still silver players. Well... when they try to enter the game: QUEUE!

    This is a great disrespect to us, and if you(PErfect World) think you can force us to buy a sub to gold or LTS using this expansion massive as an excuse... be aware... we can put you on justice or worse: People that play this game like Star Trek, we are not fools! They/we will leave the game.
    "If we're going to be damned, let's be damned for what we really are." - Jean-Luc Picard
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    gibbsptgibbspt Member Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ive never ever seen tha games on other companies that HAVE more players than STO for sure having this kind of problem NEVER...
    this is not only sad as they will be losing players because of the queues...
    A person comes home after work/school to relax and play a little and he cant... why? because he has to wait for 2 freaking hours to play a game!! even after spending more than 600 euros on the game....
    Federation :: Fleetless :: Klingon
    Jorge Silva - Tac | Nayja - Sci | Jorge E. Silva - Eng
    Jorge R. Silva - Tac (Romulan Fed)
    Nayja K Silva - Sci | Vurg'jah - Tac
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    donutsmasherdonutsmasher Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hi Captains,

    I made a post in the forum notices section above -- please do note that we are working to get you in-game as fast as possible. This is one of our top priorities, and we are all hands on deck, and will continue to be throughout the rest of today, tonight, and beyond.

    Regarding thread merges, I posted this in another thread:

    Thank you SO MUCH for your understanding -- we know how bad you want to get in, and we want you all in there.


    Brandon =/\=

    Brandon, whilst I am fully aware that as an employee of PWE you are likely restricted to only providing platitudes and vagaries on the forums (and with good reason) could you tell us if this is an internal hardware/software problem or one external to PWE/Cryptic?
    Sig by my better half.
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    equinox976equinox976 Member Posts: 2,281 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Oh please....

    You dont have a right to anything, nothing, not a jot.

    None of us do. So please take this ridiculous posturing elsewhere.
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    jengofett649jengofett649 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    3+ hrs and finally under 1000

    Eat my dust...suckers!!!

    the lines are moving much faster now, i was at 18k i'm now at 2k... its only been 30mins so chill buddy you'll be there soon!
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    eviaxeviax Member Posts: 174 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    3+ hrs and finally under 1000

    Eat my dust...suckers!!!

    U'll get DC after u log in don't worry...
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    tsurutafan01tsurutafan01 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Please ban people like this guy. For God's sake.

    "We are smart." - Grebnedlog

    Member of Alliance Central Command/boq botlhra'ghom
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    aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ok now im beyond pissed im no longer asking im demanding an appolgy.

    Is an "appolgy" anything like an apology?

    Anyway...how about you demand in your left hand, take a dump in your right hand, and tell us all which one fills up first? Must be nice to be the only one having problems. :rolleyes:
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    megacharge07megacharge07 Member Posts: 476 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    We did have a short queue today due to so many players logging in to play, but players were getting in fairly quickly. Gold members (LTS and subs) have Priority Login, so while you were in a queue, you were placed in the front.


    Brandon =/\=

    I've been in the Queue almost 2 hours now. This is UNACCEPTABLE. Get more bandwidth and stop being cheap. You want to earn my money, don't make me wait to play, this is disgusting behavior by cryptic.
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    admiraldeathladmiraldeathl Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    How is this against the law???

    Also they aren't forcing you to buy a gold sub at all, they're working on fixing the server and login issues so relax.

    edit: Nevermind... post I was replying to got merged.
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    megacharge07megacharge07 Member Posts: 476 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I think we all need to do something about this queue BS. This is serious.. it's unacceptable and unfathomable that this is happening. We are not in a 3rd world country. We need a petition to get these cheap greed mongers to get a proper server to support its player-base.
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    poisonflame616poisonflame616 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    equinox976 wrote: »
    I'm gold and don't have to que.

    Maybe your 'plan' should be to subscribe?

    If not? join the back of the line.

    hmm get gold to skip Queue's good idea but what if everyone got gold you would still have to wait for the other gold users to enter first there will always be a queue until cryptic get more servers to deal with the flood of players gold or not
    My characters are...
    FED: human male - poisonflame - U.S.S. Typhoon-D, vulcan female - T'Prel - U.S.S. Unity
    ROM: romulan male - enforcer - R.R.W. Pellecia
    KDF: none
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    hicks451hicks451 Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    LOL I feel for you daveyny but surely you was tempting fate there mate lol Infact i feel for any player who gets booted just to go into a queue and wait for a couple of hours before playng again and what if you are in a team doing a stf or fleet mission :( Man i thought they might have learned from the past!!!
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    namelesszombienamelesszombie Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    darthwoo wrote: »
    The priority queues thing might make more sense if being in the back of the line didn't subject you to a three hour wait...even if you just switch characters or get disconnected. Rendering the game practically unplayable to anyone who isn't subscribed is NOT the way to attract new players.

    On a serious, non joking note ^this. I dont doubt that this is a scam to get people to sub/lts ala neverwinter, but it does make me less willing to fork over 50$ on a new ship knowing that they are going to do stuff like this.

    This isnt my only mmo, and no I aint going to "rage quit" (seeing as again, this wont be an issue in less then a week) but it DOES dampen my willingness to buy stuff from the c store with real money because of these ques.

    (Disclaimer: Yes, I know, cryptic gives not a single feth about my comments :P I'm just saying it to put it out there.)
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Thanks to scooterkhan for the awesome sig!
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    lizzygracemountlizzygracemount Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I have a hard time believing there are really 14,000+ people trying to log in at this very moment. I'm at 11,757. Really? They need more servers. This is an epic fail.
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    donutsmasherdonutsmasher Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    So... we have a Queue of 20 thousand players trying to enter the game?

    I've aquired a lot of things from the C-Store, I have the right to play, the same right you reserved to Gold and LTS players.

    Perfect World is breaking a lot of laws.

    There is a lot of people who bought the Legacy Pack and Start Pack, but they're still silver players. Well... when they try to enter the game: QUEUE!

    This is a great disrespect to us, and if you(PErfect World) think you can force us to buy a sub to gold or LTS using this expansion massive as an excuse... be aware... we can put you on justice or worse: People that play this game like Star Trek, we are not fools! They/we will leave the game.

    Before throwing all of your pacifiers and fluffy penguin soft toys from your perambulator, it may be wise to read the EULA, specifically that part which pertains to access to the gaming servers.

    It may also be wise to research the laws pertaining to online content and its availability. I am certain that there are guidelines specifying what a reasonable amount of "downtime" or lack of access to a service actually is. If and only if Cryptic/PWE fail to provide access to their service within that time could they ever possibly be held accountable under any known law.

    Until then, hold on to your pacifiers and fluffy penguin soft toys, you may need their support, because you sure won't find much here.
    Sig by my better half.
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    epicmaster200epicmaster200 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Why cryptic!!!!!!

    Why advertise when you don't even prepare for all the people wanting to get on and play!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad:
    This Post May Cause damage to unEPIC people...
    If you have trouble while reading this post. You are not EPIC enough to read it.

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    dozingdawgdozingdawg Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Was getting on to buy a new Gold ship tonight, oh well going to another game that will let me log in and spend the money there... Night all.
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    denmodenmo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Someone needs to fix this..... Never had to wait before this expansion.
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    burstdragon323burstdragon323 Member Posts: 853 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    As it stands, the only problem I have with the Queue is that Cryptic is not considering Lapsed Golds like myself who have spent money on this game. we should not have a MASSIVE queue. A minor queue of ~1000 makes sense, but not 20000+.
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    aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    We need a petition to get these cheap greed mongers to get a proper server to support its player-base.

    That's basically what this thread is, soo...how's that working out for you? ;)
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    demonicon2222demonicon2222 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Look back at page 32. We were almost 24k players waiting back then.

    Oh, and I am back in the queue after disconnect...
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    wendigo21wendigo21 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    So... we have a Queue of 20 thousand players trying to enter the game?

    I've aquired a lot of things from the C-Store, I have the right to play, the same right you reserved to Gold and LTS players.

    Perfect World is breaking a lot of laws.

    There is a lot of people who bought the Legacy Pack and Start Pack, but they're still silver players. Well... when they try to enter the game: QUEUE!

    This is a great disrespect to us, and if you(PErfect World) think you can force us to buy a sub to gold or LTS using this expansion massive as an excuse... be aware... we can put you on justice or worse: People that play this game like Star Trek, we are not fools! They/we will leave the game.

    I would love to know which ones after you've spoken to a solicitor and he's laughed you off of the phone.
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    electroesper1electroesper1 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    "I am the Queue. Resistance is futile."

    That's how I feel right now...
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    deasamus6284deasamus6284 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    look im in my third 2 hour queue wait im serious can you guys plz apologize and try to explain whats going on plz. i really wanna play i know it may seem like im being a pain but i have also put hundreds of dollars into this game and even though im a silver play ive been with game since launch and i believe i deserve at least some respect plz all i ask is that you apologize for this prob in either buy either give a small free duty officer gift or something like a 1000 point skill boost or maybe even a full forum post explain whats going on a have a heartfelt apology for all us players who have been here since the beginning and maybe a little something to keep the new people around 2
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    devian666devian666 Member Posts: 473
    edited May 2013
    On a serious, non joking note ^this. I dont doubt that this is a scam to get people to sub/lts ala neverwinter, but it does make me less willing to fork over 50$ on a new ship knowing that they are going to do stuff like this.

    This isnt my only mmo, and no I aint going to "rage quit" (seeing as again, this wont be an issue in less then a week) but it DOES dampen my willingness to buy stuff from the c store with real money because of these ques.

    (Disclaimer: Yes, I know, cryptic gives not a single feth about my comments :P I'm just saying it to put it out there.)

    That's the thing they want people in the game because that's how they make money. There's a lot of gibberish about gold subscribers and queues. The fact is they make a lot from players that are buying master keys on the exchange for ec (and other zen store items). They also make money from the zen/dil exchange. For both of these things to happen players need to be on the server.

    For players that have been around for a while you can easily go through more masterkeys per month than what a $15 subscription (or whatever) will get you.

    Also why complain about gold? While you are leveling the new character you get the most benefits by subscribing for a month.
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