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Dear STO Community...

voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
Note: If you are actually an upstanding member of the forums who does not act like this, the following does not apply to you.

Everyone who does:

You're acting like a bunch of jerks. Honestly.

As someone pointed out yesterday, and anyone who knows me on the forums knows this, it takes a LOT to get me TRIBBLE off.
All I have to do is look in this subforum and see thread after thread, post after post, of raging and whining. I'll try to sort through each and every one of the different complaints to make sure I cover everything.

"Cryptic, you should have prepared better! You should've gotten more servers!" This one probably ticks me off the most. New code + a mad rush of tens of thousands of players in one day = lag, downtime and queues. What did you expect to happen? The devs can only prepare so much, but there's just a certain point where it' beyond their technical capability to handle the massiveness of it all without instability. Now you say "get more servers". What do you know about this kind of stuff? That they can just slap servers on willy-nilly? There is such a thing as maximum capacity, people. As in, the game CANNOT handle any more players. Also, you think you know where best to use Cryptic's money? And come on people, you want them to go through the trouble and cost and time of all that for a few days out of the year?

"This is stoopid, there's 15000 people in the queue!" Yeah, it's called maximum capacity, as stated above. The biggest expansion just got released, what did you think was going to happen? Are you really that addicted that you can find nothing to do in that wait time but complain about it here (and telling Cryptic to use their finances, which you know nothing about, on servers)? How about reading a good book? Riding a bike maybe? Going to see Into Darkness, perhaps?

"I'm a gold member, and I'm a better person than you because of it and I shouldn't have to wait in line behind stupid silvers players!" This is a whole different animal altogether, see -->this<-- thread. (Just in case you don't read it, I'll tell you right now that you're not waiting behind silver players. The queue you're in is made of other gold members.)

"Boycott Cryptic!" This has to be the most ludicrous of them all. This accomplishes nothing. As stated above, all this was expected to happen. You want to blame them for something that isn't even a crime nor anything within their control? See below.

"I hate you devs! You took down the servers while I was playing/why can't you keep them running?!" Please. Don't blame the ones who develop this in the first place for some nonexistent crime. You shout at them because they have to take down the servers to fix the other stuff you are whining about.

You, the people that are whining and complaining, disappoint me. Severely. The devs give you so much stuff you asked for over and over and over and over and over for, and all you can seem to do is verbally punish them for it. It makes no sense. Guess what: they could have turned off the game entirely, but no, they put in a ton of content. Don't rage that it's down for the first few days. You can wait.

I'm normally much more gentle with posts, but after seeing someone call for a boycott, well, that was the straw that broke the camel's back. The devs don't deserve this kind of TRIBBLE just because you're impatient. I'm not trying to be mean to anyone, but I am telling it how it is. Now I am going to cool off.

Please stop to think about what I've said.
I ask nothing but that you remember me.
Post edited by voporak on


  • ashkrik23ashkrik23 Member Posts: 10,809 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I thought past downtimes were bad. But this launch took the cake.

    I've never seen such absurd complaints in my life.
    King of Lions rawr! Protect the wildlife of the world. Check out my foundry series Perfection and Scars of the Pride. arcgames.com/en/forums#/discussion/1138650/ashkrik23s-foundry-missions
  • magusofborgmagusofborg Member Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I remember when the servers crashed practically every couple hours due to the sudden overload of players when this game went F2P. I'm glad they're on top of maintenance this time around.
    Joined August 2009
  • stormdrag0nstormdrag0n Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ashkrik23 wrote: »
    I thought past downtimes were bad. But this launch took the cake.

    I've never seen such absurd complaints in my life.

    Oh go visit the Neverwinter forums sometimes...the exact same people who are crying here are crying over there, I take it with a grain of salt, I sincerely hope the devs don't take it seriously, because I have been in too many conversations where these yo-yo's brag about trolling he Cryptic forums.
    Always Looking for mature laidback players/rpers for Dungeon Delves!
  • billthejedibillthejedi Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    voporak wrote: »
    You're acting like a bunch of jerks. Honestly.

    Note: If you are actually an upstanding member of the forums who does not act like this, the following does not apply to you.

    Everyone who does:

    As someone pointed out yesterday, and anyone who knows me on the forums knows this, it takes a LOT to get me TRIBBLE off.
    All I have to do is look in this subforum and see thread after thread, post after post, of raging and whining. I'll try to sort through each and every one of the different complaints to make sure I cover everything.

    "Cryptic, you should have prepared better! You should've gotten more servers!" This one probably ticks me off the most. New code + a mad rush of tens of thousands of players in one day = lag, downtime and queues. What did you expect to happen? The devs can only prepare so much, but there's just a certain point where it' beyond their technical capability to handle the massiveness of it all without instability. Now you say "get more servers". What do you know about this kind of stuff? That they can just slap servers on willy-nilly? There is such a thing as maximum capacity, people. As in, the game CANNOT handle any more players. Also, you think you know where best to use Cryptic's money? And come on people, you want them to go through the trouble and cost and time of all that for a few days out of the year?

    "This is stoopid, there's 15000 people in the queue!" Yeah, it's called maximum capacity, as stated above. The biggest expansion just got released, what did you think was going to happen? Are you really that addicted that you can find nothing to do in that wait time but complain about it here (and telling Cryptic to use their finances, which you know nothing about, on servers)? How about reading a good book? Riding a bike maybe? Going to see Into Darkness, perhaps?

    "I'm a gold member, and I'm a better person than you because of it and I shouldn't have to wait in line behind stupid silvers players!" This is a whole different animal altogether, see -->this<-- thread. (Just in case you don't read it, I'll tell you right now that you're not waiting behind silver players. The queue you're in is made of other gold members.)

    "Boycott Cryptic!" This has to be the most ludicrous of them all. This accomplishes nothing. As stated above, all this was expected to happen. You want to blame them for something that isn't even a crime nor anything within their control? See below.

    "I hate you devs! You took down the servers while I was playing/why can't you keep them running?!" Please. Don't blame the ones who develop this in the first place for some nonexistent crime. You shout at them because they have to take down the servers to fix the other stuff you are whining about.

    You, the people that are whining and complaining, disappoint me. Severely. The devs give you so much stuff you asked for over and over and over and over and over for, and all you can seem to do is verbally punish them for it. It makes no sense. Guess what: they could have turned off the game entirely, but no, they put in a ton of content. Don't rage that it's down for the first few days. You can wait.

    I'm normally much more gentle with posts, but after seeing someone call for a boycott, well, that was the straw that broke the camel's back. The devs don't deserve this kind of TRIBBLE just because you're impatient. I'm not trying to be mean to anyone, but I am telling it how it is. Now I am going to cool off.

    Please stop to think about what I've said.

    To be honest, and I hate to say this, but.. that's Trek fans in general. Having worked at Star Trek the Experience for a couple of years, and being a Trek fan myself, I really try not to associate with them outside of this game for this very reason. I hate to paint all Trek fans with this generalization, I really do. But the impatience, arrogance, and entitlement is not exclusive to this game... Though it really comes out in spades in PvP and STFs here.
  • sunfranckssunfrancks Member Posts: 3,925 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The devs are getting to stuff pretty quick in this update. I commend them for that. :D
    I do not think they expected the numbers that are hitting the server! Even scotty would have jumped out the airlock lol :P
    Fed: Eng Lib Borg (Five) Tac Andorian (Shen) Sci Alien/Klingon (Maelrock) KDF:Tac Romulan KDF (Sasha) Tac Klingon (K'dopis)
    Founder, member and former leader to Pride Of The Federation Fleet.
    What I feel after I hear about every decision made since Andre "Mobile Games Generalisimo" Emerson arrived...

  • commadorebobcommadorebob Member Posts: 1,223 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Vop, I love you man. But you may have had better luck yelling at this Pepsi in front of me.

    At least then you could drink it when you are done. :D

    But yes, gamers, in general, are self-important, immature little boys who have no sense of patience. There is not one issue brought up that wasn't mentioned in this thread. These are known problems that pop up in EVERY game. Get over it.
    "If you have never used Cello, I'm not interested in your browser opinion."
    In game: Commadore_Bob; Joined Jul 2009; That post count + 20,000
  • scurry5scurry5 Member Posts: 1,554 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Have to agree with you, OP. Just hope that Cryptic is taking all the raging with a pinch of salt. It's a pity that we can't analyse the forums easily, and find out exactly how many are raging. My money's on there being an incredibly vocal minority.

    Still, on the bright side, it is rather entertaining to watch these ragers' antics. Like a little bunch of mice squeaking away in impotent anger for little to no reason.

    You may want to brace for internet backdraft, though.
  • xtern1tyxtern1ty Member Posts: 796 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Thanks for speaking out what's been roaming in my mind since this morning. One of the things I did not mention in my live forum blog Welcome to Legacy of Romulus, is the first thing I saw on chat when I logged on this morning was a guy and girl, the girl incessently trolling that the game sucked worse than games on CD-Rom because devs didn't make sure to fix any broken pieces before release; and the guy blaming the problems on devs being cheapskates.

    I mean gimme a break. Testing was what Tribble was about and you don't know the full results until it's implemented live. Like I told them this morning, you need ive experience to work out all the kinks, just like you need live experience if you want to learn a trade, any trade. Many gamers are teenagers, if anyone would understand the value of hands on experience, they should be it; for as they like to say, "I'll learn it when I do it!"
  • captainepicardcaptainepicard Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I agree wholeheartedly. Its one thing to post an issue your having and be civil about it. its another to whine and blast the people whom work diligently to bring us this great game. it takes time to work out bugs and they are doing lots of maintenance just so we can play the game and are working hard to fix the bugs.
    ashkrik23 wrote: »
    I thought past downtimes were bad. But this launch took the cake.

    I've never seen such absurd complaints in my life.
  • kalvorax#3775 kalvorax Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ashkrik23 wrote: »
    I thought past downtimes were bad. But this launch took the cake.

    I've never seen such absurd complaints in my life.

    yeah, i know what you mean....all the hard work the devs and brandon have done for the PLAYERS and those same players go and spit and yell all over the place...its sad.
    I find this line of replies sadly hilarious. We put a lot of work into the massive list of fixes/changes above, and ya'll are hung up on the ability to skip our content. =p
  • lan451lan451 Member Posts: 3,386 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You know what my favorite complaint/rage has been all day? The ones who say "I'm leaving and going to spend my money on SWTOR instead!!" I mean, if they're going to pull the whole ragequit-to-another-game card, they could at least have the decency to pick a good game. That one is just really bottom of the barrel there. Makes me laugh haha.
    Mine Trap Supporter
  • nadiezjanadiezja Member Posts: 629 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I think Cryptic is having the best problem they possibly could - people are so urgent to play their game that they're waiting in line!

    It's like Romulan Disney!
  • saborethsaboreth Member Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Count me in here. The whimpering and whining and flaming doesn't say much for our evolution as a species. "Make more content, Cryptic!" "OHNOES It did not launch PERFKLY I HATEZ YOU ZOMG."

    A lot of these people would blow through the content in a week and then start complaining about lack of content all over again. I'm so busy in STO I don't know what to do with myself, personally.

    Hey, if they leave, that's less wasted space on the qeue!
  • lazarus51166lazarus51166 Member Posts: 646 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You're acting like a bunch of jerks. Honestly.

    No, but you sure are. The first words out of your mouth are ignorant and offensive
    All I have to do is look in this subforum and see thread after thread, post after post, of raging and whining. I'll try to sort through each and every one of the different complaints to make sure I cover everything.

    You are acting like a child. Not to mention accusing people of 'raging and whining' and then do exactly what you're accusing others of doing
    "Cryptic, you should have prepared better! You should've gotten more servers!" This one probably ticks me off the most. New code + a mad rush of tens of thousands of players in one day = lag, downtime and queues.

    No, but it is called incompetent management at some level. This has happened 8 times in a row, without fail. Once is understandable, twice is concerning, eight times is showing that they clearly do not have either the willingness or ability to actually correct past mistakes. Releases should not blow the server up, the game should be able to support more people at a time than it currently does. What do you think would happen if this game suddenly took off? They would have to upgrade the hardware to allow for more users because otherwise you'd get a never ending bottleneck of queues that would kill their business. To say nothing of the fact that its clear, yet again, that insufficient testing was done for both bugs and stability before it went live.
    What did you expect to happen? The devs can only prepare so much, but there's just a certain point where it' beyond their technical capability to handle the massiveness of it all without instability

    Is that a serious statement? seriously? Are you actually trying to claim that because its a 'big update' that its ok that the game explodes every time they do it? What about all the other smaller updates that did the same thing? There are clearly some things that need to be addressed that haven't been on the developers side.
    Now you say "get more servers". What do you know about this kind of stuff?

    More servers? How about higher capacity servers. What do I know about it? I've got two degrees: one in programming and one in networking. Don't keep repeating that bs about people not knowing what they're talking about. Do you think cryptic employees are the only ones out there that know about these kinds of things?
    There is such a thing as maximum capacity, people. As in, the game CANNOT handle any more players

    Yes there is. and when you hit it you need to get better hardware with a higher maximum capacity. This is a lesson every other mmo in the history of mmo's has learned rather early on.
    you want them to go through the trouble and cost and time of all that for a few days out of the year?

    Making excuses again? Do I have to repeat myself about what happens if the population should suddenly increase significantly? Then its no longer a choice on their part: it becomes 'upgrade or lose large numbers of customers'
    "This is stoopid, there's 15000 people in the queue!" Yeah, it's called maximum capacity, as stated above. The biggest expansion just got released, what did you think was going to happen?

    I expected them to anticipate such an event and plan for it.
    Are you really that addicted that you can find nothing to do in that wait time but complain about it here (and telling Cryptic to use their finances, which you know nothing about, on servers)? How about reading a good book? Riding a bike maybe? Going to see Into Darkness, perhaps?

    More attacking people I see
    "Boycott Cryptic!" This has to be the most ludicrous of them all. This accomplishes nothing

    No it doesn't. This is what customers do when they are not satisfied customers. They stop paying
    Please. Don't blame the ones who develop this in the first place for some nonexistent crime. You shout at them because they have to take down the servers to fix the other stuff you are whining about.

    You mean the servers that clearly were not properly tested at capacity, clearly have stability and lag issues and clearly aren't well suited to carrying a full load of players? Thats not taking into account the short testing phase of the release either.
    You, the people that are whining and complaining, disappoint me. Severely

    Attacking people again. and I wouldn't talk if I were you, considering you're doing exactly what you accuse everyone else of doing
    I'm not trying to be mean to anyone, but I am telling it how it is.

    No you're not 'telling it like it is' you are knowingly and intentionally insulting and being ignorant to people and trying to defend poor decisions. The same goes for every person in this thread thats trying to support the OP's ignorant claims
  • devian666devian666 Member Posts: 473
    edited May 2013
    To be honest, and I hate to say this, but.. that's Trek fans in general. Having worked at Star Trek the Experience for a couple of years, and being a Trek fan myself, I really try not to associate with them outside of this game for this very reason. I hate to paint all Trek fans with this generalization, I really do. But the impatience, arrogance, and entitlement is not exclusive to this game... Though it really comes out in spades in PvP and STFs here.

    There are even some concerning research papers in relation to treker behaviour. I won't go into the details as it would be a derail. It is an actual issue.

    There are a lot of rage posts for the sake of rage posts. It's possible to complain and discuss the problems you have with the launch without flying off the handle. I know it's frustrating because we've all been there; looking forward to playing the game and not being able to play it. You just have to go and do something else.

    I pointed out to people that they make money actually having people playing the game and the response from one person was a conspiracy theory. In response to this thread don't expect too much from the players, some of them are showing withdrawal symptoms. The fact that the server works alright the other 98% of the year doesn't matter to them.

    I feel more sorry for myself as I was too tired to keep playing last night because I did 200 squats and 200 push ups prior to playing. I can play now because I'm still at the office. Then I'm making a film all weekend. Just the way life works out.
  • starfury1astarfury1a Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So...I have remained quiet because while I am a trek fan, and a gamer...I am not arrogant, impatient or self important. I concur the devs are doing their best with a situation that was a wilder success than first imagined, hopefully that will show in the future. (Looking forward to cardies in 2014 :)) HOWEVER...my one..and only complaint is this. On launch night it took me 90 minutes to log in...not the amount of time I spent in Queue...but just to log in. I kept getting the boot every time I tried to log in with server time outs. Now I am not going to claim that as an LTS I am entitled to squat more than I am already getting (which I think is worth it, the one time I did get to the queue I was bumped up fast :D). I have no gripes there...however I would like to think that Cryptic could at LEAST take a few minutes to write the code to tell me that the server is booting me due to overload. I have had to re-install before, so without such a message, I am unable to tell...am I getting booted and never getting in game due to overload, or is something corrupted? (please chime in to let me know is this a bug, a server load issue or just me). I have gotten in twice and my load screen freezes at 97.05% then I get a SERVER NOT RESPONDING message that stays for in excess of 5 minutes until I just log out. That being said, I am left only to speculate that the devs are doing a good job based on the fact they have in the past. I am thankful for the new content, and more than happy to wait in the queue..if I could ever get logged in. If anything, I am glad to see such a massive (and seemingly rabid) response, because A) that means interest in the game is high B) Interest in ST is high and C) The game will stay around and continue to improve.
  • starfury1astarfury1a Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It kinda makes me sad to see that this level of impatience is typical of a trek fan. I also find it situationally ironic that these people are fans of a franchise which promotes higher intellect and morals, the display of virtues (such as patience) and yet, so many fail to show such ideals. I am going through some withdraw myself. I had to miss out for 10 weeks due to work, got to play for 1 weekend though before LOR came out. Good news is, I'm off on Monday, hopefully things will calm down by then.
  • daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Inspiration comes from many sources...

    I was inspired by all the fuss earlier this evening...,

    To post this.

    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
  • chiefbrexchiefbrex Member Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    No, but you sure are. The first words out of your mouth are ignorant and offensive

    There is nothing at all offensive in his post. If anything, he comes across as frustrated and annoyed, but I saw nothing offensive or ignorant.
    You are acting like a child. Not to mention accusing people of 'raging and whining' and then do exactly what you're accusing others of doing

    This sounds to me like a "I know you are, but what am I," type thing. Which is childish.
    No, but it is called incompetent management at some level. This has happened 8 times in a row, without fail. Once is understandable, twice is concerning, eight times is showing that they clearly do not have either the willingness or ability to actually correct past mistakes. Releases should not blow the server up, the game should be able to support more people at a time than it currently does. What do you think would happen if this game suddenly took off? They would have to upgrade the hardware to allow for more users because otherwise you'd get a never ending bottleneck of queues that would kill their business. To say nothing of the fact that its clear, yet again, that insufficient testing was done for both bugs and stability before it went live.

    First off, in the past, whenever Cryptic did a Season release, or patch update, the volume of the game swelled briefly, before dropping back down to tolerable loadouts. Cryptic wasn't prepared for this launch, because of their past experience. They don't see a need to get a higher capacity server(s), because, usually, within a few days to a couple of weeks, their game population in STO drops off. So, rather than wasting money on an increased capacity that is not sustained, they're probably choosing to wait and see if their population numbers remain steady. IF the number of people trying to play STO remains where it has been for the last 2 days, then Cryptic may take action, such as getting a higher capacity server. No business is going to spend money on services and products if their numbers don't warrant it. It's just common business sense. Take that into consideration the next time you want to accuse Cryptic of being lazy, cheap, and incompetent.

    Is that a serious statement? seriously? Are you actually trying to claim that because its a 'big update' that its ok that the game explodes every time they do it? What about all the other smaller updates that did the same thing? There are clearly some things that need to be addressed that haven't been on the developers side.

    Do you even play other MMOs? Because every time Blizzard launches a new expansion pack for WoW, they usually spend the next week or two fixing problems that crop up after a product's gone live. Bioware went through the same growing pains with their first expansion of SWTOR. In fact, every MMO, ever made, has had growing pains whenever a major content patch, or game expansion, went live. And generally for several reasons. Furthermore, Cryptic is a relatively small company compared to the other big name MMO developers out there. In fact, where most of the other MMO developers have years, or even decades, of video game development experience, Cryptic has only a few years under their belt. And all they've developed thus far is 3 MMOs. They don't have a solitary Single Player game to their name. In fact, that is why Cryptic was given the IP for Star Trek Online, because they've had only MMO development experience. Course, if it were up to me, I would have suggested companies like BioWare, FunCom, or anyone else that had way more game development experience, and had already had one successful MAINSTREAM MMO running. But, it wasn't up to me. And Cryptic has done what it can for the last 3 years. This Expansion is their best work ever. And it just indicates the direction that STO will be going in. I, for one, agree with the OP, and applaud their efforts.
    More servers? How about higher capacity servers. What do I know about it? I've got two degrees: one in programming and one in networking. Don't keep repeating that bs about people not knowing what they're talking about. Do you think cryptic employees are the only ones out there that know about these kinds of things?

    Just because you have the educational background, doesn't mean you have the common sense, or the right experience. And even if you do have common sense, what you know about programming and networking, may not even be applicable to what Cryptic has to go through. There are only so many universal constants with computing and server technology. At some point, there's deviation because one server is designed for one function, while another one is designed for something entirely different. So, don't act all high and mighty, and think YOU know everything there is to know about running MMOs. OTherwise, go make one yourself.

    Yes there is. and when you hit it you need to get better hardware with a higher maximum capacity. This is a lesson every other mmo in the history of mmo's has learned rather early on.

    I'm not even going to quote the rest of what you said, because it's all the same stuff that you said before, only worded differently. In the end, the only person who is attacking and insulting is you lazarus51166. You're attacking someone for venting on a forum that has shown nothing but hate and disrespect to the devs and forum moderators, because people like you think you're bloody entitled to have everything on a damn silver platter. And you throw tantrums when things don't work right, go your way, or people call you out on your childish, despicable behavior. Let me ask you, if something goes wrong at your work, and things don't work properly, do you go around your office yelling at everyone there, because you feel it's their fault that a machine broke, or the servers are down, or you can't reach someone you need to speak with? Because, if you do, and that's the impression I get for your attack of the OP, then I'd say, the only chidlish person here in this thread is you.

    My advice: Grow the eff up.
  • lan451lan451 Member Posts: 3,386 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    Just one little tidbit I feel I need to correct.
    And all they've developed thus far is 3 MMOs.

    It's actually 4. CoH, CO, STO and NW in that order. ;)
    Mine Trap Supporter
  • nasaman48nasaman48 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I can only say this.....


    This IS NOT cryptic. This is all Perfect World. They are the ones who are running the servers.

    When have you not seen perfect world take something good and totally fack it up?

    I told them when they did it to another game that if they ever ruined their game again, I would take my money and my game playing time and go play one of their competitor's games.

    I was not joking. I was serious. I still am.

    So my account is going to become inactive. All of my characters are going to remain unused. I am taking the money I was going to spend on this game, and I am going to give it to one of your competitors. I am done with it and with you Perfect World. You have facked up yet another game.

    You should be proud of yourselves.

    You took a great game - added a patch - screwed up the patch - stole money from us players - said you fixed the game - you did not - have no support at all (as usual) - and now the game is laggy as hell even though I am running 2 terrabytes of RAM and 40 Mbps internet. I play games which have a lot more demand on the graphics then yours does and I do not get 1/10 of the lag I get here.

    I should mention that you never refunded any of the money for the Zen that I paid for and I consider that theft. I have contacted my legal counsel and we will be taking you to court over that money. You can be assured that I am suing for a lot more then what you stole from me.

    So this is goodbye. This is not the first PW game I have left, but it is the last.

    There is only 1 other company which sucks as much as yours does in the gaming industry....

    That is EA (Electronic Arts)

  • chiefbrexchiefbrex Member Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    lan451 wrote: »

    Just one little tidbit I feel I need to correct.

    It's actually 4. CoH, CO, STO and NW in that order. ;)

    Thank you for correcting me. I forgot about CoH/V rofl. I was thinking CO, STO, and NW XD. Thanks again.
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I always get a kick out of complaining about complaining threads. They're always so lively.
  • neoakiraiineoakiraii Member Posts: 7,468 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    nasaman48 wrote: »

    See you next week
  • plumeyer1plumeyer1 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Honestly, I just wish this forum had a "like" button so I could like your post. Cheers and "Here! Here!" and all that good stuff! Thanks for posting something that truly needed to be said.

    ~Plumeyer :)
  • coldicephoenixcoldicephoenix Member Posts: 344 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    To be honest, and I hate to say this, but.. that's Trek fans in general. Having worked at Star Trek the Experience for a couple of years, and being a Trek fan myself, I really try not to associate with them outside of this game for this very reason. I hate to paint all Trek fans with this generalization, I really do. But the impatience, arrogance, and entitlement is not exclusive to this game... Though it really comes out in spades in PvP and STFs here.

    ^ Quoted for truth

    Trek and Trek Fans are from two really different worlds!

    We still live!!!!! Hahahahahahahahaa! We live and we will conquer!!!!! Hahahahahaaha!

    -Roach, when asked about Klingon extinction!
  • coldicephoenixcoldicephoenix Member Posts: 344 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    More servers? How about higher capacity servers. What do I know about it? I've got two degrees: one in programming and one in networking. Don't keep repeating that bs about people not knowing what they're talking about. Do you think cryptic employees are the only ones out there that know about these kinds of things?

    I guess you missed a business degree.. Its common in MMOs including the top ones like WoW that number of active accounts always spike after an expansion release and then it always gradually declines. Getting more servers just to handle the capacity for 2-4 weeks is pointless in the long run just to handle a spike that occurs once a year.

    We still live!!!!! Hahahahahahahahaa! We live and we will conquer!!!!! Hahahahahaaha!

    -Roach, when asked about Klingon extinction!
  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,442 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    xtern1ty wrote: »
    ...the first thing I saw on chat when I logged on this morning was a guy and girl, the girl incessently trolling that the game sucked worse than games on CD-Rom because devs didn't make sure to fix any broken pieces before release...
    This makes me chuckle heartily. The correct response to this ignorance is, "Knights of the Old Republic II: the Sith Lords". Not only was that game shipped horribly broken, LucasArts refused to allow Obsidian to patch it later.

    There was a fan-made patch later that uncovered a lot of missing material (the HK-50 factory was under that abandoned military base on the first planet you visited, the one they were trying to terraform, for example; it would lead you to an entire world of rogue droids under the control of an insane AI), but it was completely unofficial, and not that easy to find.
  • admiraldeathladmiraldeathl Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I thought CoD and Halo players were bad, this has just been insane. The Dev's have worked hard and long and are still working hard on getting everything working. Sure there's been some hiccups, but no MMO is perfect after a large expansion gets launched.

    Dev's you've done a great job, and I'm loving every bit of LoR, it is the most fun I've had in STO in a long time and I can't wait to see what you bring us next, because you're going to have a hard time topping the Romulans.
  • daemonhelddaemonheld Member Posts: 286 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    xtern1ty wrote: »
    Thanks for speaking out what's been roaming in my mind since this morning. One of the things I did not mention in my live forum blog Welcome to Legacy of Romulus, is the first thing I saw on chat when I logged on this morning was a guy and girl, the girl incessently trolling that the game sucked worse than games on CD-Rom because devs didn't make sure to fix any broken pieces before release; and the guy blaming the problems on devs being cheapskates.

    I mean gimme a break. Testing was what Tribble was about and you don't know the full results until it's implemented live. Like I told them this morning, you need ive experience to work out all the kinks, just like you need live experience if you want to learn a trade, any trade. Many gamers are teenagers, if anyone would understand the value of hands on experience, they should be it; for as they like to say, "I'll learn it when I do it!"


    To this point in particular... There were many, MANY people (who shall remain nameless) that I read in chat on Tribble during the Betas (both closed and open) where people actually said, 'I'm not leveling up a character any further because I want to be surprised in the "real game" ... (or because they don't want to level a toon twice)'

    And all I could think was.. "WTF are you here for then??" I mean, seriously. I am willing to wager at least HALF of those people are here b*tching about the number of problems and bugs... and well.. you know.. MAYBE if those people given the PRIVILEGE of TESTING the d*mn game to find the friggin' bugs.. maybe they might be addressed more quickly.

    Yeah, I know there are hundreds of posts in the Tribble forums of bugs that are still present, but if only a handful of people actually got to end cap, where I believe a lot of the player base has characters... wouldn't you want that stuff tested.. I mean.. A LOT? Or do they just expect someone else to do it so they don't get their game play "SPOILED"?

    I got two characters to VA before launch, once before the wipe, and one after. I reported bugs every time I played. I make a suggestion/request that if YOU are one of the players that get into a beta to TEST a game/expansion/what-have-you, and you have no intention of doing anything other than "getting a preview" .. do EVERYONE a favor, and contact the powers that be to remove you from the test... and maybe we can get some people that are willing to actually spend the time to make the game better for the community as a whole... and not just use it for a sneak peek.

    /end rant

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