imnotachick Arc User


  • Lemme check here... Dammit ><
  • Well i don't particularly like being labelled greedy just because i disagree with a rollback and ask for an alternativeO.o
  • I don't believe they were that organised though,it was only near the end that it started getting badly out of hand,if they were trading in so many items including herbs etc dropping their coin and all the rest of it i suppose a rollback would be better because i can see how that could take weeks or even longer to…
  • I shed a tear for you b:sad
  • Thats your counter argument?Rollback and bans only option or i uninstall? I've met brick walls with more intelligence.
  • Damn you're so full of it aren't you,you assume everyone thats against rollback is greedy and will cause the downfall of this and every other mmo in existence,well heres something for you lil miss doom and gloom. People could lose close to 15 hours of grinding,marketing w/e It IS within the realms of possibility for the…
  • If this was your mmo no one would play it you sanctimonious.........
  • The innocent through that same criminal justice system can get justice,you hear of miscarriages of justice all the time,but there would be no appeal for any of those players here after perma ban,so don't compare the two. Before any banning the gms should look through all transactions and use their best judgement of whats…
  • Its not as cut and dry as just banning everyone involved,what about the player who had no previous knowledge of a glitch,went to ah to sell a few gold,saw people buying for say 300k each so sold his for 300k? Yeah ban those players,gg.
  • Or maybe the developers flogged their cash cow to death and gave up fixing any faulty coding :)
  • The fact telecoustics aren't limited to 2 a day per person :(
  • No one levels because they are all too bloody busy sharing every detail of their daily lives with all the rest of the spammers on WC,thats how HT rolls.
  • Cleric Barb Veno Then the rest of dd's.(order of importance and drops should be allocated as such imo)
  • Oh do you mean counting on other peoples sense of decency to honour an agreement between 2 guilds not to take any gears or hand it back if dropped?Hmmm theres always someone can't be trusted. For your second statement...well zzzzzzz
  • Nothing wrong with the t3 mats,i get plenty,it's the rubbish mat drop ratio from mobs that pees me off,that in my view is what needs adjusting.
  • Had a long thought out intellectualy stimulating post in response to op's last thread...hit post reply and the thread was deleted!..So yeah,i've forgotten it now..keep fighting the good fight or w/e b:victory
  • The fact that you get a large amount of rep from marriage would probably make this unpopular....b:surrender
  • For around 5 minutes,cat shop owners the world over will wake up in a cold sweat at every dc,staring at their monitors zombielike until they can either log back in or wait for the end of any maintenance...damn their top secret merchant implants of dc detection technology >.<
  • Maybe some people don't want to be stripped of all their gears just to have some guild v guild warfare..zzzz
  • I don't know why it wouldn't be implemented,would make the game more appealing,pvp arenas/large scale guild battles are part and parcel of most mmorpg's,this game needs something like that badly especially on the pve servers...and tw does not count its practically impossible for most people to get involved in,and for those…
  • See,this is what happens when adults play mmorpg's!
  • I've been in several grind parties of 4 and 5 people all killing efficiently and yes the exp increase is great,but i won't ever go with a group again because the whole drop sharing system is broken,don't care what anyone says i NEVER get anywhere near the amount of drops everyone else in the party gets,i'll occasionally…
  • It's stressfull,and defintley not worth using as it is now. Theres 0 fun involved in it,needs better explanations of what your going to need to do,and quite frankly the whole squad element of some rooms is the worst part of the whole cof experience.
  • I do pretty much grind like that in the air,but it still takes longer for me than on the ground where i'll just go through the mobs like a knife through butter get my drops and have another mob right beside me waiting(summer sprint on too) If i saw any class killing air mobs and getting to the loot as fast as they could on…
  • Water and air is actually slower IF you like to pick up all your loot while grinding,even top aerocraft don't move very fast,then theres the fact i've found in the air or water its much easier to get ganked and harder to escape if you can't tank more than one of the mob. I can believe its faster if you just nuke everything…
  • I don't want to see this in the game,i would quit if it happened. More importantly the only no option in your poll is it's against the way of book,just had to put a simple no up there it doesn't have to be about religion ^^
  • It's a pain in the **** trying to get any mat drops from lower levelled mobs,spent a full hour trying to get concentrated glues and got a big fat 0 >.< Same level mobs isn't that much better for mats either though...
  • I'd be happy enough if they just made some cs clothing that covered you up a little instead of making you look like a streetwalker,the armours are even worse >.<If you can't give us male veno,give us some good clothing argh.
  • Must have been a very weak veno if she couldn't 1 hit those spiders ^^ Actually thinking on it more,are you sure she was even near 70?I'm light armour and at 70 1 hit them,so she shouldn't even have needed to compete with you over more than 1 or MAX of 2 hits,reading what you typed it seems you were able to almost keep up…
  • From what i've seen in the games i've played past couple years,you'll have teenage to mid twenties guys mostly hitting on the females like some desperate geek whos never gotten laid,and the WOMEN in their 30's to 40's trying to get with younger guys! Last game i played Co Online,there were plenty of stories and instances…