****/**** must be legalised in this game! GM read this.



  • Mint_sage - Heavens Tear
    Mint_sage - Heavens Tear Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    also, I didn't vote. so i'm not on anybody's side, just providing valuable info
    by Forsaken :D
  • fuzzles
    fuzzles Posts: 628 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I'm a thirteen year old, just so you know. (SERIOUSLY!)

    No need to state the obvious.
    Everyone here is ridiculously oversensitive.
  • imnotachick
    imnotachick Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I don't want to see this in the game,i would quit if it happened.

    More importantly the only no option in your poll is it's against the way of book,just had to put a simple no up there it doesn't have to be about religion ^^
  • Lessie - Lost City
    Lessie - Lost City Posts: 917 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Well, there was some California vote thing during voting for Obama or McCain for US President. Prop 8, it was called, had to do with same sex marriage in California. Vote yes to do not allow ****/ lezbian marriages in California. Vote no to allow ****/ lezbian marriages in California. In the end, "YES on Prop 8 won." By this we can see that its just... WRONG to be marrying the same sex.

    Yeah well last year some people voted for children to be able to carry guns anywhere and shoot them with no consequences, we can see that this is OK because people voted for it.

    People vote based on their personal tastes/beliefs/opinions, just because something wins doesnt make it right.

    Your logic fails.
    Why is it wrong? coz it's not the usual thing? when did usual become good? or is it because your mommy and daddy dont like it?

    The developers of this game live in a close minded country where any sexual orientation that's not hetero isnt recognized, so this is not going to change.
    ^^ Made by Saitada ^^

    Dieho: I win 15 on 1, I roll all of your guild to sz all by myself !
    Lessie: Proof?
    Dieho: I dont have any, but my word is more than enough.
    Lessie: Well I won 33 on 1 the other day :D
  • Orihimeie - Sanctuary
    Orihimeie - Sanctuary Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    O_o the GMs voted on meh I dont care:

    Meh... I don't care.
    *lucia* - Heavens Tear, Allerick - Heavens Tear, Axiscypher - Sanctuary, Baium - Heavens Tear, bronza, Celmint - Lost City, chowy, Dajarum - Lost City, danxddan, darthpanda16, Dvorak, Faustinna - Heavens Tear, Fearfeck - Sanctuary, Hildeborg - Heavens Tear, IShoOtCatZ - Lost City, Kaenor - Heavens Tear, kantorek, Karomi - Sanctuary, Keyne - Heavens Tear, Lalene - Sanctuary, miiyan, negima1234, Onewingarrow - Lost City, partd, poia, Poiss - Sanctuary, ScorpiaV - Heavens Tear, ShoeFury - Sanctuary, surtr, Takaikatana - Sanctuary, tankhunter, Tawarwaith - Sanctuary, tenbatsu, Vergeltung - Lost City, WindGaurdian - Sanctuary, Xtrememirage - Heavens Tear, Zaraki_Kun - Heavens Tear, zhanshi
    "Don't judge by a book by its cover, judge it by it's grammar and punctuation." - Oracle.
  • Loxin - Lost City
    Loxin - Lost City Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    eh, its is blowing a small problem up into biblical proportions.

    Let me explain the idiotic point of both sides.

    -the book
    its and age old scripture that has been re-writen BY MAN, because they felt it unjust. I mean really, that think is like 2000 years old. and as we all know the thing that is "human" tends to be lying evil little fukers. So I think it would be logical that beliving that its entirely accurate, is like jumping off a building beliving you can fly.

    the only purpose that it really contains is to preserve the romantices hope that life really has a meaning.

    the only problem with that is it make people belive that they are moraly justified to single out the one person who chooses to think outside of the social hyarchy. (or how ever you spell that) and bash them for living outside of what the majority would call normal.

    so its like...
    a delusion to create a huge egocentic barrier that divides people.
    the people on the inside, and the people on the out side.

    -About the game
    In general I think this game was built on very uneven grounds.
    the fact that each race only has 2 classes each provides very limited game play. like it makes it unfair for people who are male, but want to be a veno, or females that want to be a barb. or like, why can't their be barb archers or wizards?
    It would be nice If I could cast spells of my own, instead of forever being a tank class.

    there are no magic casting winged elves, no healer untamed, no human that can tame a pet.

    its all really on uneven ground.

    same goes for the marrige issue, males can't imbrace males its the same for females.

    I think that is one of the major flaws of this game.
  • Loxin - Lost City
    Loxin - Lost City Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    and can some one plese tell me, what exact law of the univirse says that its un-natural for any one creature to be of homosexual orientaion?
    if it was not natual, it would not be possible.

    we a capable of doing what ever we want within or physical beings, love included, and If I want to love another man, that is what is natural.

    I mean, many spices of animal also exibit homosexual nature, and I don't see any other of their kind trying to out cast them and kill them.

    thats what makes humans so incredibly stupid, we some how through eveolution developed a very ugly sence of pride. and seeing as pride is the root of all evil... well you get the Idea. =/
  • Lessie - Lost City
    Lessie - Lost City Posts: 917 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    and can some one plese tell me, what exact law of the univirse says that its un-natural for any one creature to be of homosexual orientaion?
    if it was not natual, it would not be possible.

    we a capable of doing what ever we want within or physical beings, love included, and If I want to love another man, that is what is natural.

    I mean, many spices of animal also exibit homosexual nature, and I don't see any other of their kind trying to out cast them and kill them.

    thats what makes humans so incredibly stupid, we some how through eveolution developed a very ugly sence of pride. and seeing as pride is the root of all evil... well you get the Idea. =/
    It's not unnatural, bisexual and homosexual behavior has been spotted in many animals.

    Of course any of the people that say "it's wrong because my 2 thousand year old book that has been dis proven a million times says so!" dont know this or if they know it, they deny it like they deny evolution (which is like denying gravity lol!! both r theories)

    Now on a non-religios side, the reason for the unfair stuff you mentioned would be

    China is a close minded country, the devs are in china you cant make an open minded game without getting in trouble. So they are forced to make it the way that's ok in their country that means man & woman relationship only.
    For outside countries, if you advertise a game and ppl see guys carrying guys and girls carrying girls, most close minded/religious/homophobic/those who think they are living in the year 1500/etc. people wont go there, however most non-hetero people are MILES AHEAD open minded and even if they would like to embrace each other, they can live with it.
    ^^ Made by Saitada ^^

    Dieho: I win 15 on 1, I roll all of your guild to sz all by myself !
    Lessie: Proof?
    Dieho: I dont have any, but my word is more than enough.
    Lessie: Well I won 33 on 1 the other day :D
  • Shaye - Lost City
    Shaye - Lost City Posts: 353 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Besides the ethics and morals of homosexual embracing, it's just more...practical. If I had a nickel for every time embracing another female could have helped me...
  • Orihimeie - Sanctuary
    Orihimeie - Sanctuary Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Its just a game... Get over it... There are gonna be some things that you ain't gonna like...
    "Don't judge by a book by its cover, judge it by it's grammar and punctuation." - Oracle.
  • Hitakitsune - Heavens Tear
    Hitakitsune - Heavens Tear Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Most importantly, the GMs can't do anything about allowing ****/**** marriage and such because they'll have to painstakingly redo the game to allow same-sex marriage.

    Ah. I love these little kids that think they know how to program. It's a simple matter to take care of actually. Since I don't know what language PW was created in, and also considering that I wasn't one of the original programmers, I wouldn't know EXACTLY which lines to modify, but it would be a simple matter of altering the function that compares the two genders in the couple. In fact, that function could be skipped over entirely and go straight to the function that determines whether or not the players are already married (to each other or someone else). The title above the player's name is most likely separate from the marriage subroutine, merely requiring the marriage subroutine to be completed in order for the title to show up, so that wouldn't be much of a problem (if a problem at all).
  • Mikel_oru - Sanctuary
    Mikel_oru - Sanctuary Posts: 610 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    ****...... lesbians..... ahhahahahah that was funny =))

    A few days back a chick in-game was saying that she wants me to suck her clipt (I'm sure it was some sick **** on a female char)..

    Gimme a break! and get real....
  • fuzzles
    fuzzles Posts: 628 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    A few days back a chick in-game was saying that she wants me to suck her clipt (I'm sure it was some sick **** on a female char)..

    Gimme a break! and get real....

    Ah, but if you didn't think it was a dude on the other end of the line, you'd have been down on those pixelated knees before you can say "I'm a cunning linguist"
    Everyone here is ridiculously oversensitive.
  • Mikel_oru - Sanctuary
    Mikel_oru - Sanctuary Posts: 610 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    fuzzles wrote: »
    Ah, but if you didn't think it was a dude on the other end of the line, you'd have been down on those pixelated knees before you can say "I'm a cunning linguist"

    Do you really think that everyone in here has as poor a sexual life as you do? Think again...
  • bobzilla21
    bobzilla21 Posts: 694 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    (^ read title of my post).

    Well, there was some California vote thing during voting for Obama or McCain for US President. Prop 8, it was called, had to do with same sex marriage in California. Vote yes to do not allow ****/ lezbian marriages in California. Vote no to allow ****/ lezbian marriages in California. In the end, "YES on Prop 8 won." By this we can see that its just... WRONG to be marrying the same sex. It isn't quite related to religion, because there was a Christian "important person" (I forgot what his position in the church) who was supporting "NO on Prop 8", and that shocked a lot of people. And furthermore, the GMs sort of know about these same-sex complaints, I mean its on Heavens Tear world chat (spikes up a "whiny" worldwide conversation.) and on the forums too. Most importantly, the GMs can't do anything about allowing ****/**** marriage and such because they'll have to painstakingly redo the game to allow same-sex marriage.

    I'm a thirteen year old, just so you know. (SERIOUSLY!)
    also, I didn't vote. so i'm not on anybody's side, just providing valuable info
    You seem to be under the strange delusion that same sex marriage being wrong is a fact. And I think saying its wrong (in oversized font) cannot possibly be considered as "not on anybody's side".
    And about Prop 8: It was a pretty close race, and a lot of people were definitely NOT happy about it. Let's look at some examples of the aftermath:
    ^These are obviously biased, but they have real facts in them. And they show my point of how many were not happy with results of the elections. There are plenty of other articles about boycotts, blacklists, etc., though it's obviously not that chaotic anymore, and I have to admit they went a bit overboard... but just because Prop 8 passed does NOT make same-sex marriage wrong.
    I agree about not putting it in game, though, there are lots of better stuff they could program in.
    I figured I should do something with my sig, so I made this for fun. My very first (poorly made) animation. b:victory
    As for why Luffy is murdering Naruto, I have no idea either, but it looks cool.b:laugh
  • fuzzles
    fuzzles Posts: 628 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Do you really think that everyone in here has as poor a sexual life as you do? Think again...

    By by all means.. go ahead, wave around your e-peen. Next I'm sure you'll tell me that I "wouldn't say that to [your] face" and that "you could beat me up"

    I just felt like taunting you because your phrase "I'm sure it was some sick ****" was irritating.

    And I wanted to use that rather predictable "cunning linguist" pun.

    This post has so many "quotation marks" strewn across it.
    Everyone here is ridiculously oversensitive.
  • fuzzles
    fuzzles Posts: 628 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Oh yeah, and about prop 8. That surprised the hell out of me. I thought for sure it would go through.

    I guess my expectations of humans were rather too high. Next time I'll be sure to remember that the majority of Californians (apparently, according to the results) are completely incapable idiots who live their lives according to an obsolete outdated belief system that they follow as they haphazardly stumble through their miserable lives. People like you, Mint_sage. You're one of those idiots.

    It blows my mind how people can be so openly discriminatory in this day and age. Anyone who openly opposed interracial marriages would be (rather ironically) lynched in the streets. Yet the majority of people oppose same sex marriages? It's no different. I simply can't understand it.

    Nothing to do with the game, of course. It is physically not possible for me to care less about same-sex marriage in game. Never gonna happen, stop whining about it.

    But prop 8, damnit. That's not a game.

    Hey, California? Over 50% of you people disgust me.
    Everyone here is ridiculously oversensitive.
  • TigerLily - Lost City
    TigerLily - Lost City Posts: 1,209 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Since half the server are playing veno, and soon entire server will be playing veno due to OP pvp and pve pets its pretty dumb not having the option.
    They would make so much more money if **** marriage was implemented. Must be so many $$$ devs missing out on with all the guys playing veno that cant marry their ingame sweetheart. But ya game is based on old chinese tradition and mythology and stuff. So wont happend, just like the return of gold charm packs.
  • Mikel_oru - Sanctuary
    Mikel_oru - Sanctuary Posts: 610 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    fuzzles wrote: »
    By by all means.. go ahead, wave around your e-peen. Next I'm sure you'll tell me that I "wouldn't say that to [your] face" and that "you could beat me up"

    You have the impression that you're talking with a kid. Anyways that's pointless so i'm not gonna argue any further.
  • xarfox
    xarfox Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    This thread is being closed due to rampant flaming. It's one thing to have a discussion about an issue, it's another thing to blatantly disrespect other players with no intention of participation in the overall discussion.
This discussion has been closed.