ibbies Arc User


  • axes=stun lock,aoe poles=range,ability to stack bleed which **** casters blades=strictly 1vs1 fists=**** to melee axes beat poles,poles beat fists,blades beat axes,fists beats every weapon cept poles unless you can stop em from kiting you BUT fists get kited hella easy so if you decide to make that a secondary wep you…
  • NAH NAH NAH NEE NOOR TAAM SUX PEEENNNOOORRR hey....i rhymed xD....rhyming ftw b:victoryb:victoryb:victory
  • fists = best tanking wep
  • holy **** those are exactly my stats o.o with +5 more mag but thats cuz of my legendary belt......hmmmmm i guess once i max fist and axes im pretty much set up for blades O_O
  • harris theres a reason why people put you last on the list rofl....if i remember properly you were that **** **** lvl 60 bm in lvl 30 rep gear rofl
  • ewwww this is a **** guide.......why the hell would you recommend light armor.....wth?and bms arent barbs...we dont need such high vit........this is EXACTLY why people put bms down like this.........because no one likes 1vs1 (blades and fists) and no one likes bad aim (poles and axes)....thats why you shoulda recommended…
  • i agree....especially when you restat to all weapon......and triple spark.....hf+fists+double spark=good game.....OR hf+glacial spike+axes aoe...=once again....good game
  • you have 7.2k hp and still increasing? and your an axe/blade bm? hax dude...pure hax............still fail if you want more than that :P dump 40 of those vit points into dex and be an all weap bm...then ill call you pro :P
  • -sigh- another bm in a pve server.........make a bm in a pvp server.....hit 70......get 3000000 hours red then tell us about how bms suck.....sheesh........b:surrenderb:surrenderb:surrender
  • yea esque is a LA archer build bm :P kinda dumb too since archers will kick his **** anyways b:surrenderb:surrenderb:surrenderb:surrender
  • lol i have similar stats to that but 20 more vit :P i held my own against an 8x bm only cuz of my sexy wings of the cloudcharger (anniv. pack cape with gawdly stats o.o) +marrow+golden bell =11k p def :P...suurreeee i know i potted here or there.....or spammed it.....but he was 20 levels above me what could i do…
  • well no weapon does more dmg than the other just depends on your play style for instance, axes have high atk dmg per hit but crappy attack speed, whereas fists have crappy atk dmg and crazy attack speed. if you wanna go axes/poles then 3 str 1 dex 1 vit is a good build per level i suppose if you wanna go fists/blades then…
  • for a pvp bm do 3 str 2 dex every level, any weapon is good as long as you stay on top of skills and have a strategy planned out....and not to mention good gear o.o
  • pffff puma its WAYYY easier to get vit boosts from gear than it is to get dex boosts rofl if you wanna be hard headed and beleive being vitless is garbage than please go fight and archer 10-20 levels above you and TRY to get him to half/quarter of his life, or better yet try to outlast a barb with evasion and a maxed phys…
  • never happened to me but another glitch has lol..... when your fighting a mob and you use your marrow it somehow uses the same marrow and effect as you o.o wtf? like id use alter marrow phys with that orange thingey going around me then the mob would do the same thing at the same time wtf wtf wtf?
  • eh im a pk nut so i when i say my build works well for me i mean it pvpwise :P in pve 2-3 aoes take 3-4 mobs down....... and my gear is pretty good....im focusing on insane defense and a moderate amount of vit...got 28 atm (gear boosts) and aiming for the +45 vit tome which will give me around the same stats of a bm 20…
  • nicely put, but i dont usually do much questing after the dailies sooooo....i normally go pking :P and yea i was talking about the lvl 59 fist skill. btw i never thought about element powders so ty b:thanksb:thanksb:thanksb:thanks
  • first off i use 3 str 2 dex every level meaning the bm skill trees are all mine to command b:cool b:cool b:cool , i enjoy a nice medley of fists and axes, fists for HA, axes for robed/LA. fists do no suck and theyre 10x better than axes for pvp cuz even if they dont gots aoes theyre dd gawds o.o, with the ult to rip ha to…
  • pff str? im a 3 str 2 dex build every level and im doing more dmg than a bm with 20 str point above me...(maybe its cuz of my sexy event cape Wings Of The Cloudcharger). vit isnt that important cuz you can always do what i do and get vit boosting gear and since i got enough dex and str for all weaps, makes me pretty…
  • my build is 3 str 2 dex which accomodates all weapons and heavy armor ( the event +45 vit tome will fix my hp issues which arent that big though :P). from my experience chaining Heavens Flame (axe ultimate skill) with spark then a fist weapon = RRAAAAPPPPPPPEEEEEEE b:dirty b:dirty When vit bm and barbs walk up to me and…
  • Level: 60 HP: 2040 Accuracy: 1379 (i think its around that much need to check after patch) Evasion: 1579 ( again, approx. value) Crit Rate: 10% (this i remember for sure) P Def with marrow: 6130 Rep: 1150 (dont pay attention to it much) Weapon: General Summers Dual Hammers A.k.a. stash hammers ( im aiming for calamties and…
    in Your BM Comment by ibbies September 2009
  • im not your normal bm (3 str 2 dex every level, no comments plz it pwns) and when i fight i ALWAYS start with drakes bash (btw im lvl 60, heard theres alot more stuns at 89+...or theyre longer) only 'cuz of the fact that i hardly miss and because of my gear i have around 10% crit rate so i usually land 1/2 of their hp if…
  • beat......once i get closer to your level (which might never happen, but you can dream right :P) i bet i might give you a run for your money seeing as im going 3 str 2 dex (I DONT NEED COMMENTS ABOUT VIT) so i think i might be able to hit you.....and i can use fists too........might lace in a bit of axe..........or i might…
    in Fists?? Comment by ibbies August 2009
  • Well obviously you were following some whackjob 3 str 2 vit with a little dex for weapon reqs. if you couldnt hit an archer :P the misty rings add 50% of your aim to your current aim, so if your aim is 500 youlll goto 750 which doesnt help that much against an archer who has 1-2k evasion :P i suggest you **** what the…
    in Archer V BM Comment by ibbies June 2009