There's literally a server status function built into the post but you couldn't wrap your head around clicking a button that reveals it?
Hello sir you appear to complain about a lot of things being unbalanced or broken. Maybe they should promote you to be chief balance operator. Vote zoube for *Big Balance Guy*
Being offended doesn't make you right it just makes you unnecessarily upset : ))))
my name jeff
Someone hurt my feelies waaaaaaaa
Ah, memories
Soviet Rusian tactical nuke deployed, Begin operation pearl harbour
On the subject of excuse corners can i add this here? Paiin got kinda angry when he got given a few facts and started flaming :(
Ah yes Paiin, the other player that is outright pathetic in anything but a 1v1, seen nothing but trash from him in the colosseum lol
Nothing screams *i am the best pker in the game* like running directly into a purge and bash. Now we just need a 6v6 so he can intentionally run into a seeker afk vortexing ecks deeeeee
"No one is breaking the rules but i'm gonna throw out my e-peen and threaten to close it so we can ban some more people" Sounds like business as usual lmao.
Dunno why you'd feel sorry for sylen considering he's just as bad for it as everyone else
So being permanently disabled by cycling vortexes is fine but being permanently disabled while in graphics is a bannable offence, ok then.
We already have a forum mod that abused his power to ban people in game for "Sitting in his spot" that didn't get punished and remains a mod, i don't think we need more of those running around
Unfortunately this is already the meta in TT server every pk session as 3/4 of the pk is being pulled between 2 vortexes making it impossible to move for like 40 seconds. "Not an exploit" tho
"I started a ticketing war and they retaliated QQQQQQQ" game would be much better off without the ban wars that every butthurt loser can't help but start.
Idk why people worry about the last boss for FSJ anyway, if you've been nuking every other boss then you can probably do the same to her it's not even worth the time looking for a sin.
That's implying Origin was anymore than a necro faction beforehand anyway
The leader is reta.rded,kicked members that merged in & now everyone is funneling out
G16 can't sell because there's next to no demand for the gear anymore (No new players) pack sales are the only thing people can use to finish their endgame shards/helmets/capes etc. R9 has always been that expensive. Game Economies always break after it's been out 4+ years not much you can do about it lol. If you want that…
Don't worry every single winner on TT server was an alt. Including the grand prize winner, Makes plenty of sense
I heard Vindi was brainstorming a way to never leave safezone again. Can you confirm?
ET No.1 Makes sense
This guy also won a 1v1 wearing lvl 1 npc gear are you saying that's far from dead as well? is everyone going to start pking in level 1 npc gear now?
"Oh no my 2 hit alt wont be able to dd anymore i might have to spend like 30mil to upgrade it to g16" MASS PANIC RIOTS IN THE STREETS. Seriously though aps has been dead for years stop trying to flog a dead horse
Solution: put every server on Australian timezones for a week and watch the entire playerbase rage. Alternatively we could just deal with server times being bad for one person and okay for others
There's a difference between getting one person coincidentally stuck in the air and dropping sb vortex while flying EVERY time it's available to intentionally glitch anyone within 15m every few seconds so they can't move