[Question] Adding New Moderators?

Posts: 1,421 Perfect World Employee
Hello PWI players!

I'd like to know what everyone's thoughts would be on adding to our Moderator count here on the forums!

I'll most likely have to run these kinds of things by various departments before I can put out anything solid such as applications, exact headcounts and all the nitty gritty rules, but would you like to see additional Moderators? And would you know of anyone who'd potentially be interested in being a Mod (or are you interested yourself?)

Let me know your thoughts/questions/concerns down below!


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  • Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited April 2017
    no. We have enough bias in the game. No need to have more outside of the game as well.
  • Posts: 1,421 Perfect World Employee
    Fair point!

    It does get difficult for me to get to every single person or get around to all the subforums, and part of the reason for looking into this is that I do feel bad I can't hit up every thread or take down notes for any good thoughts/points without a few extra eyeballs. I would like to stress that Mods on the forums won't get any special powers in game (since there was topics about it ages ago about Game Advisors or special in-game powers, this isn't that)
  • Posts: 240 Arc User
    More common players getting items on the game as a reward from PW??

    Items that arent available for every1 else?...

    No ty
  • Posts: 236 Arc User
    More power to the Individual if they somehow do get a perk!! Why would u care? I say gratz if it was so!! People need to get off the I must be better then you train!! choo choo and PLease dont let someone have a advantage over me STUFF@. Its life,... Just seems some all they care about is Superiority!! Its ok to want to be good, but it can get a lil Overbearing, and actually become overobsessive, and detract from the game and the community, if left to nurture and spread!!
  • Posts: 73 Arc User
    more mods wouldn't be a bad idea, but would like the mods be someone that knows pwi. )
  • Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    More people to close threads when it's gets funny and drama spurs no thanks the drama fest are very funny at times more people to see them early enough to close them wouldn't be nice
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • Posts: 132 Arc User
    I would say as long as it's someone who knows PWI pretty well and has been frequently active in the forums in a positive way, it wouldn't be a bad idea. It would be like acknowledging that they really do know their stuff. Could work too if you had a different mod that specialized in information for each class/area too. For example if someone really knew the ins and outs of being a BM, they could specialize in answering questions related to BMs.
  • Posts: 165 Arc User
    More overbearing, discussion stifling, self important mods like the two we have now? NTY.
  • Posts: 9 Arc User
    No thanks we dont need another mod who just jail players when things doesn't go the way he want.
    a guy might be good at doing mod job is Hero but i would say put Hero in place of the Mod whos violating the rules.
    hope i dont regret nominating him
    oh shiiiit i might get jailed for naming hero lool

    and i wish the Question was ADDING NEW Lead GM Or replacing the Lead GM? but yea anyway pwi wouldn't even ask us when they wanna add a gm or replace him lol its a dream :open_mouth:
  • Posts: 486 Arc User
    No more mods please. I can't think of anyone who posts on the forums that wouldn't be biased against someone else, including myself.
  • Posts: 282 Arc User
    I don't mind either way. I think the current mods are doing great so far, but if you want to add one or two more people to make it easier to manage the forum, go for it.
  • Posts: 49 Arc User
    We already have a forum mod that abused his power to ban people in game for "Sitting in his spot" that didn't get punished and remains a mod, i don't think we need more of those running around
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    @firefraii im confused about that too, weird he is still here
  • Posts: 282 Arc User
    firefraii wrote: »
    We already have a forum mod that abused his power to ban people in game for "Sitting in his spot" that didn't get punished and remains a mod, i don't think we need more of those running around

    I'm sorry to say, but forum moderators don't have the power to ban you from the game. All he/she can do is to send in a ticket, but again, if support act on such a reason to ban people, then support has no idea what a ban really is (and dish it out like it's just a minor warning)
  • Posts: 4,887 Community Moderator
    I have no problems with new mods. But to point out...

    Its a point of the people that are mods do kinda represent PWE. As such may be a Disclaimer of some sort would be best in the Signature.

    @kalystconquerer#0876 I tried to make this very clear when we did the GA program and was one of the reasons it failed. New mods should introduce them self. Their should be a setup that shows who the mods are with some quirky info what areas they cover if any ETC. Also it should be known that mods have no actions in game and are not rewarded anything for the duty. A clear list of what they should be doing and can do. Infractions listed as well so people know. Clear reasons given if an infraction is given.
  • Posts: 850 Arc User
    I can think of only one or two people on these forums that would actually be a good mod.

    That being said, if you feel you need help, then there's nothing wrong with adding more mods.
  • Posts: 48 Arc User
    Looks enough right now >,> a few mods I see are oooooolllllddd pwi fossils that can take the load of several mods so....

    Rather than a mod, how bout a forum coder :smiley: this forum still so wonky, I miss all my 9000+ posts lol
    A.K.A DECEPTISTAR I'M HERE SINCE 2008 BISHES! wahaha... [img]http://asterpw.github.io/pwicons/emotes/tiger-40.gif[/img]
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  • Posts: 3,061 Community Moderator
    lagunal8 wrote: »
    Looks enough right now >,> a few mods I see are oooooolllllddd pwi fossils that can take the load of several mods so....

    Rather than a mod, how bout a forum coder :smiley: this forum still so wonky, I miss all my 9000+ posts lol
    I have been looking into ways of fixing this, and may have come across a possible method. If it works, it would have to be done manually on a by-request basis, and some kind of account-owner verification would need to be in place.

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  • Posts: 1,177 Arc User
    To be honest, I can't really see a lot of people being fit for this. I literally can only think of 2 persons, of which 1 isn't interested in the slightest if i recall correctly, (that are not mod) in this hellhole who would be able to be mod and not be a total biased **** about it.

    I can think of a few people who would want to be mod for sure, but really should not be, simply because of the way they behave and post. That and they would possibly just edit or delete whatever they don't like.​​
    The only fitting image for this forum.

  • Posts: 1,912 Arc User
    edited April 2017
    Ok guys lets put the pitchforks down and take our daily dose of ativan.

    If you read kalysts comment she already clarifies:

    ** I would like to stress that Mods on the forums won't get any special powers in game (since there was topics about it ages ago about Game Advisors or special in-game powers, this isn't that)**

    So that said i think it would be nice to have one or two more mods but i think the community would need to hear you expand on what types of jobs those mods would be responsible for in order for them to decide.

    You say your main motive is you "... do feel bad I can't hit up every thread or take down notes for any good thoughts/points without a few extra eyeballs." so sounds like this is more of a maybe.... Kalyst assistant would i say? Maybe someone could be given a special title that isnt mod that will take down interesting quality of life improvement ideas and send them to you in a consolidated list to review, without necessarily getting tangled in the drama that is thread closing etc.

    I think the people fear a world with mods that are too harsh with their power without a cm to oversee them. We had that once, and things are good now. As long as someone is keeping an eye on the mods even if they do close obscene threads i think its fine.

    Ps welcome back @lagunal8 long time no see
  • Posts: 4,887 Community Moderator
    edited April 2017
    sorry but, @eirghan I love how pitchforks describes the fury...

    I think back in the Hay day they where used for other things...

    Back to the regular programming...

    This kinda backups up what i have said...
  • Posts: 133 Arc User
    Hello PWI players!

    I'd like to know what everyone's thoughts would be on adding to our Moderator count here on the forums!

    I'll most likely have to run these kinds of things by various departments before I can put out anything solid such as applications, exact headcounts and all the nitty gritty rules, but would you like to see additional Moderators? And would you know of anyone who'd potentially be interested in being a Mod (or are you interested yourself?)

    Let me know your thoughts/questions/concerns down below!

    I do not mind if you guys find another person, I think that would be a wonderful idea, because it isn't guaranteed that the moderators we have now can be around all the time, overall it will help the community. :)

    The only GOP
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    The mods don't really help and they usually more often than not offer generic responses and an elitist attitude. I prefer seeing kalyst answers because she actually cares about the game and community, and respects players even when questioned. For some reason the mods here act super mighty and rude. They "volunteered" to moderate the forums and yet they get annoyed just because some things get repetitive. I mean, if you can't bother with the stupidity and mundane, why even want the role?

    So if for some reason a few more mods are added I sincerely hope they don't take for granted what they're signing up for, and hopefully we don't see more abuse of power from such low rank FORUM mods.
  • Posts: 1,123 Arc User
    well i dont mind mods or more of but kalystconquerer you cant leave us we need to see more of you cause your the only one that seems dedicated to us we dont want to share you ours all ours are precious


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