APS in next expansion.
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Instances weren't meant to be solo'd.
/drops the mic0 -
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Ok let me clarify some things because I see a lot of sarcastic people here droping mics and even praying to the lord on behalf of the apparent stupidity of people who do not think like them....
First than all: people should understand that even if they do revamps on those caves, no matter what those revamps are, there will be a lot of OP people still able to solo the caves, no matter what. But here is the thing, those caves were not designed for r9 or g16 nirvy+10 people.
Those caves are obsolete instances created to farm gear for people wearing even more obsolete gear.
I have plenty of character, 2 of them are close to end game.
Lets say they revamp those caves. Do you guys really think that my +12 r9 archer with more than 2000 spirit would suffer in there if I wanted to farm ?
Or my full r9 sin with +12 r9s4 dags and more than 1800 spirt, that can spark kill a lot of those things? yeah sure is going to be 2 sparks instead of one maybe.....
The people that would have problem there would be the ones that actually are meant to be doing those caves, whatever they are squads of low gear people farming their stuff or even some people that solo the place to get some extra coin during the 2x events, whatever they are aps or g15/g16 nirvana low refined. It almost look to me that for some people on this forum, farming or soloing an instance is now a crime if you are not end game.
You guys seem to forget that not everyone is r9+10 or higher, not everyone is r9 melee classes with highly refined zerk weapons.
Lets take Illusion Lord armagedon as an example: Any OP rich herp derp sin, whatever it is aps or not can solo it easy, same with Duskblades, heck any class strong enough can solo it.
But put a squad of lets say tt90s there, and lets see how easy he is. Sure it is an obsolete boss that drops obsolete mats to make obsolete gear (Forgive the redundancy)
But that obsolete boss can hit squishy people for 20k damage one shoting even your average g16 or low refined r9.
So he es not easy for the people that should be farming him, he can even be a challenge for not bad geared people, if they don't glitch of course.
As I say on another post before: If they add extra modes or a few extra bosses for the OP people, that is totally cool.
Even if they do minor adjustment to make it a bit more of a challenge it for the people that should be doing it, again no problem.
But if they are going to turn those a caves into a r9 maxed only clown fiesta, well that would not be good at all.
Just some thoughts:
While is true that caves are not meant to be soloed and that sometimes doing redesign on those places can even be something good. I really don't see as something so terrible that people that is not rich can farm those places. As I said before the people who is really OP will do those caves no matter what adjustment they do to the place, unless there is no gain.
However instances that are supposed to be for farming gear that is nowadays below the average should not be turned in to something that only rich end games players can farm, that only further increases the gear gap between the veteran players and the new ones, making the game even less attractive than what it is now for the new players.
I honestly don't even think anti aps is the problem. They may not even do anything to those instances. Still, lets not forget Abaddon and SOT long time ago, while now even an aps char can solo puppeteer, I still remember the rage that those bosses brought to some people, I even remember a mix of g16 and r9 squad being wiped by the boss, or people waiting an hour for an end game barb to finish his tw to go help them with hellfire later in order to help some person wearing g15 that was dead 90% of the time by the mobs and bosses AOE.
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I remember doing hellfire 20+ times with a squad including 2 clerics or my fb. I miss those days tbh. I nearly cried in frustration but my fb99 surely felt much more a right of passage than most will these days when a friend or someone in world chat solos the whole instance in ten minutes.
The problem... there simply isnt a large enough population of new players to support that experience... Whether aps or not.
I agree though, and the real money farm that could be the new fb likely will be that rich person farming instance. Pw is walking a fine line with UP. Skill and mechanics that need certain classes is one thing but damage that simply hits lower geared players too damn hard is another. Lets hope whatever the revamp to these other areas is its not that intense so that beginners (relatively speaking) can find away to be f2p too, whether thats with aps gear or another build.
eirghan sage seeker ♥ current gear ♥ youtube ♥ title quest guide
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I also remember worldchatting like crazy to make a squad because I nor most of the server couldn't solo stuff aps or not still can't find a valid reason for this105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
http://mypers.pw/5/#2589580 -
I think revamping the instances is 100% something we need, but in line with what the current "meta" of players need. An instance like DFSP which is accessible to all, but still quite challenging to G16 players. Us r9 "OP" players will always have it easy since we decided to go down this ridiculously overpowered route, so we need to think what would benefit the masses instead of "omg game is too easy"... well yeah thats what you bought r9 +12 for right? They dont need to add anti aps buffs to already existing bosses, but adding new opportunities and reason to farming the older instances will help greatly to the quality of things to do in this game, I think. xD
Even if its just a daily quest (Thats worth doing -_-) to kill XX mob in XX TT Act, like "Twilight Rebirth" or some awesome sounding shiet like that xD Give like Star Chart lvl 2 mats or FSP coins (Since without alts its quite time consuming to progress on cards). Just ideas that will probably never happen, but I think its neat :PKymsplat - Sin -
103 - 103 - 102
My Gear: http://mypers.pw/10/#543295
My Youtube Channel: youtu.be/zyiaSCxQ_KY0 -
Since when do "new players/low levels/under 100s" even have aps or need to farm something like arma? sins or not? 99% sure the only ones complaining about the aps nerf are the 2-shot sins that cant survive if they arent on spark every 5 seconds.
Just cos bosses might become anti aps that doesnt mean they become 5x harder or deal 5x more damage.0 -
johndoe069 wrote: »Since when do "new players/low levels/under 100s" even have aps or need to farm something like arma? sins or not? 99% sure the only ones complaining about the aps nerf are the 2-shot sins that cant survive if they arent on spark every 5 seconds.
Just cos bosses might become anti aps that doesnt mean they become 5x harder or deal 5x more damage.
I would say that since a lot of time they don't farm that, they usually get one shoted by most of things there due most of low levels trying to hit 100 really fast. This usually means that 99 or lower person will wear cheap gear with no refines or shards.
However it can not be denied that those instances were created for people on that range and with really outdated gear. Not for people wearing the gear we have now, whether they are or not aps.
To put simple: you can say that TT 3-3 was long time ago what UP is now for the really strong people.
Here is a really old video of your traditional old school squad vs Arma.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s80FPUc2bbA
In that video the blade is indeed using aps, still he is with more people, none of them really OP killing said boss.
Also and on a side note, not sure how this rumor about anti aps really started. What I am really sure is that they are going to do some sort of revamp to Lunar, but since everything on that blog is on Chinese I can not say what it is, the information was linked at some point in this thread:
Being this probably the start of all those rumors : http://w2i.wanmei.com/news/gamenews/20161028/77740.shtml
Again I don't speak chinese so I can't really say what the changes are, and sadly none of the people who actually know about the issue seems to care enough to explain or translate.0 -
reading all these comments all i can say is:
aps is awsum! and DPH is awsum! just know how to farm in all enviornment!
but i have to say, i use to play ma r9s3 aps sin n farm fast,but since i made ma DB r9 i farm faster "i do time testing".
ma DB wep is just +10 and has more thn ma sin +12 wep which is wow even wen ma sin wears full r9s3!
but if aps gone only change i c in farming is farmed goods goo up,and the class that would have the adv is DB/SB caz debuff and DD dmg of great length(example ma DB hit 3mil in tt3-3 after debuff combo+reflect) But yeah if no aps gone and upgraded on instances should be more fun!0 -
johndoe069 wrote: »Since when do "new players/low levels/under 100s" even have aps or need to farm something like arma? sins or not? 99% sure the only ones complaining about the aps nerf are the 2-shot sins that cant survive if they arent on spark every 5 seconds.
Just cos bosses might become anti aps that doesnt mean they become 5x harder or deal 5x more damage.
Man.... really no offense but.. do you really even know what those bosses drop?
Have you ever gone to that place before?
Did you ever even look at the TT forges?
just by reading this statement and I quote again:johndoe069 wrote: »Since when do "new players/low levels/under 100s" even have aps or need to farm something like arma?
It seems to me that you are either trolling or have no clue about gear progression on this game.
Ok Let's say that you are right and aps is useless, unfair, silly. outdated (I kind of agree on this btw).
But man honestly saying between lines that an instance that was created for people of those level wearing outdated gear it is not, just because a herp derp sin can aps things to dead there.
There is only 2 or 3 mats on the whole TT that are 100 and those are for g13 weapons, Everything else is 99 or less.
Even if it is an obsolete instance, the progression is really easy to understand for someone who have played this game at least enough time to level up a char: level 60+, then 70+, then 80+, then 90+ and finally 99 or 100+
Even arma, the boss I mentioned before drops:
- Illusion Spring (99 green)
- Sign of Twilight (99 basic mat)
- Illusion Stone (lvl 99 chest gold mat)
- Illusion Lord's Stone (lvl 99 weap gold mat )
- Heart of Nature (this one being red lvl 100 weapon super rare red mat)
- And some other stuff non tt related like oht mats
Source: http://www.pwdatabase.com/pwi/mob/14782
Yeah I know, some people may say that most of the ones going in there are farmers that over gear those bosses, but even I admitted that before.
And I will say it again: Just because people solo kill those things (aps or not) does not change the fact that those instances were not designed for being soloed, it is not the instance problem, it is the OP gear that people use now.
By following the logic of being super over geared to do a cave I could say that mid level instances like Hallucinatory trench (FB79) should be revamped since an op person can solo it while doing nuema runs or WH event...
I could even talk more nonsense and say that in a not so distant future people should be forced to use an hypothetical g18 gear to farm DUP. after all r9 is g16 and UP/DUP weapon are g17 making our current gear totally outdated nab garbage for the minimum gear at that hypothetical future.
In games like this ones with gear progression, a lot of people need a certain level of gear to survive some caves, some of those caves give you mats to make more powerful gear to keep going up.
How would a person farm tt90 or 99 gear if he need g16 vana or r9, that would be like a time paradox...
Remember, not everyone will charge money and/or buy from other people.
Some people actually like to play the game, even to farm their armor.
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....Lets take Illusion Lord armagedon as an example: Any OP rich herp derp sin, whatever it is aps or not can solo it easy, same with Duskblades, heck any class strong enough can solo it.
But put a squad of lets say tt90s there, and lets see how easy he is.
PLEASE show me a screenshot or vid of someone aps farming him with tt90 gear... PLEASE PLEASE!
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johndoe069 wrote: »
PLEASE show me a screenshot or vid of someone aps farming him with tt90 gear... PLEASE PLEASE!
Man, for real, you are making yourself look bad at this point. Now you are showing total lack of English comprehension.
You even quoted me and is very clear there.
I never say tt90 sin wearing aps. I said, and I will say again: ''Any OP rich herp derp sin, whatever it is aps or not can solo it easy''
Obviously when I say that, I was talking about +100 sins, could be aps or g16 vana or r9s3.
After that whole sentence there is a period character: ''.''
And after that there is another sentence, sure related to the same issue but not to sins:
''But put a squad of lets say tt90s there, and lets see how easy he is.''
It clearly say tt90 squad, and what I meant by this is a group of people using tt90 gear on the range of level 90 to 99, like on the video that the other guy who quoted you linked, Not tt90 aps sin.
No offense but is not even funny to argue with someone who have no understanding of basic English, Or that tries to take a sentence out of context in order to troll.
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I feel like this is the second thread I've seen about this. I'll check this though to confirm, but it's been pretty hectic, so I haven't got around to actually reading rumor threads like this in it's entirety until recently. Regardless, having a pre built APS sin for testing is never a bad idea to have on hand...
Also, as a side note, if you are having a concern about someone's account, please bring these up with Customer Support in a ticket. I am not Customer Support, so tagging me to look into anyone's personal accounts will usually get you routed to them to handle.0 -
Im 99.8% sure posting peoples names or linking them in regards to an issue on the forums is naming and shaming anyway. Even the illegal coin sellers have name protection in their thread.
eirghan sage seeker ♥ current gear ♥ youtube ♥ title quest guide
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Alright that took a while but I checked TT 3-3 and no boss in there that I fought had any anti APS buff. I could check 3-2 and 3-1 if people are concerned, but rest assured, there is no anti APS in TT 3-3. If they don't change the top difficulty, I would have a hard time believing that they would skip those in favor of other lower difficulties or only specific bosses without prior notification.
I'm honestly not sure where this rumor even came from, but I'm assuming its because it was a misreading of a few announcements made in the CN version. Hopefully when the time comes and more expansion information gets revealed, this will help clear any misconceptions people were having!0 -
No offense but is not even funny to argue with someone who have no understanding of basic English, Or that tries to take a sentence out of context in order to troll.
Did ya bother reading the thread topic? When u mention TT90 squads, its clearly meant to be aps or moot. In other news, you pick the hardest boss in the entire TT instance to try and make your point which has gone off topic. "lets see how easy he is"... he isnt supposed to be easy. I dont need to troll.. youre doing a good job of trolling yourself.
Bbye now
0 -
johndoe069 wrote: »Did ya bother reading the thread topic? When u mention TT90 squads, its clearly meant to be aps or moot. In other news, you pick the hardest boss in the entire TT instance to try and make your point which has gone off topic. "lets see how easy he is"... he isnt supposed to be easy. I dont need to troll.. youre doing a good job of trolling yourself.
Bbye now
Well, I guess is really pointless to keep arguing about it, I mean no matter what I say, you will always have some strange answer that have no sense at all, this will be my final reply on this thread, mainly because as you say I am starting to derail this by arguing with someone, also GM already said that they may look in to it, so is kind of irrelevant what we think about it.
Still as a final reply I will answer your post, not to troll you (or me as you said) but as an honest answer of what I was talking about, although I think it was very clear to understand, that aside of you or any other person disagreeing with my opinion, Which you guys are totally free to do so since every one is free to have their own opinions.
Still as a final answer here we go:
So about your first question:johndoe069 wrote: »Did ya bother reading the thread topic?
About your statement that I am guessing it could be a an answer to same question you did:johndoe069 wrote: »When u mention TT90 squads, its clearly meant to be aps or moot.
A traditional squad long time ago was something like: cleric, barb, wizard, archer, veno, blade.
Sure, later they created more classes on the game like sins, psys, seekers, mystics, and not long ago dusks and storms. Of course those classes could also run those caves at the level range that I said before. But that does not mean that they have to wear aps.
As I say before, for some reason you took a sentence that I wrote and you put it out of context.
I guess that the only thing that could be take out of context and misunderstood was the second line that you quoted before:But put a squad of lets say tt90s there, and lets see how easy he is.
I guess my only mistake there was to not say it in a very explicit way. All I can say is that when I post a comment in a forum, I expect that certain things that are pretty much of common sense, can be understand by almost anyone who reads here.johndoe069 wrote: »In other news, you pick the hardest boss in the entire TT instance to try and make your point which has gone off topic. "lets see how easy he is"... he isnt supposed to be easy. I dont need to troll.. youre doing a good job of trolling yourself.
Of course he is not supposed to be easy, I mean that is why I say it on that way, that is the funny part of this whole thing. You say that I am trolling myself, but you are auto trolling yourself this time.
What I was trying to say there was that for that traditional squad, said boss is not easy, therefore you are agreeing with me, at this point I have no idea what are you trying to prove in that statement.
The whole point of what I said on all those post before was that outdated instances should not be ravamped according to new gear, Because how do you farm gear of that level if you need gear you don't have to do it.
As I say before, I will not keep replying to this thread anymore, because it is being derailed by our pointless argument.
Here is a person post that have a clear understanding about the Issue:Maybe not, but if instances aren't modified to keep up with power creep, what do you think is gonna happen?
Then ofc if you do that, new players won't be able to even survive in there and will have to get op folks to solo all their stuff, which we already have to some degree anyway.
The only way they can mitigate is to add new content that op folks can't solo, or make it so you need a squad to perform separate tasks, like EU, UP etc
0 -
I'm more in favor of making all instances harder do you have any idea how many ppl freak out in JFSP/FSJ if they don't have a sin to glitch final boss? Lmfao105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
http://mypers.pw/5/#2589580 -
I'm more in favor of making all instances harder do you have any idea how many ppl freak out in JFSP/FSJ if they don't have a sin to glitch final boss? Lmfao
Idk why people worry about the last boss for FSJ anyway, if you've been nuking every other boss then you can probably do the same to her it's not even worth the time looking for a sin.0
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