Should I charge?

If for example I invest about 700$ into the game, probably for getting my r9r3 for the first time, is it really worth it?
I mostly want the people who got it with cash to answer.
I mean, it is insanely hard to enjoy this game when as a barb you get 5k physical damage from 1 normal hit of a seeker or a sin. If I ever get close to anyone, i instantly die and so i just simply had enough.
Is 700$ enough to get me towards r9r3? Or should I invest little money like 300$ and try to improve my barb as far as the game offers to a g16 user? I've been told that some g16 barbs cause hell to r9 players. Is it true? or just some pitiful **** to cheer me up?


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  • Posts: 1,190 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    Eh, with smart investments and proper promo abuse that 700 might get you to R9T3 with decent refines. But thats just it, its gonna be decent but not OP or anything and its not just gear you need, you also need star chart and cards, which are basically another sets of gear.

    Honestly speaking G16 can cause issues if its significantly more up to date with otherstuff(Cards, Star chart, Meridian, passives) but if there is no difference in those R9T3 has major advantage. If thats worth it for you, go for it, if not, dont. But I would say throwing 300 bucks to G16 is only something you gonna regret later.
    BlackList vs Frenzied 3/17
  • Posts: 58 Arc User
    Hey man, i recently just farmed my r9s3.

    But i would suggest, wut i did. I was one of the best g16 bm's on Etherblade. Where i was hell to r9's. Being able to tank and kill them.

    i had g16+7gear+11wep (75hp Shards Gear/Garnet Shards Wep).
    So nothing to special. But the thing that made me so tanky, was finidng Cards, that worked for me and as soon as i found them. BOOM I leveled them. I was one of the frst on ET server to get max cards. 80/80 n 40/40 etc.

    This is when DFSP first came out, and people used it as a money farmer. But i used it too level cards.
    Leveling my cards and having max passives gave me that advantage of being able to kill r9s3+7-11.

    Now i only got r9s3+7gear/Full Vit shards with my maxed cards and 32k self buffed HP and i only can be killed with ganked from multiable r9's. And with multiable r9's i can hold my ground. :D
  • Posts: 126 Arc User
    sinchalla wrote: »
    Hey man, i recently just farmed my r9s3.

    But i would suggest, wut i did. I was one of the best g16 bm's on Etherblade. Where i was hell to r9's. Being able to tank and kill them.

    i had g16+7gear+11wep (75hp Shards Gear/Garnet Shards Wep).
    So nothing to special. But the thing that made me so tanky, was finidng Cards, that worked for me and as soon as i found them. BOOM I leveled them. I was one of the frst on ET server to get max cards. 80/80 n 40/40 etc.

    This is when DFSP first came out, and people used it as a money farmer. But i used it too level cards.
    Leveling my cards and having max passives gave me that advantage of being able to kill r9s3+7-11.

    Now i only got r9s3+7gear/Full Vit shards with my maxed cards and 32k self buffed HP and i only can be killed with ganked from multiable r9's. And with multiable r9's i can hold my ground. :D

    Are you saying your server is that bad?
  • Posts: 58 Arc User
    No.. I am saying that u get people that charge for r9 and dont learn their class or pay attention to the little things. I did, i figured out peoples combo's and found ways to work around it.

    ET bad o.o = ET No.1 xTW Server
  • Posts: 18 Arc User
    If you're willing to spend that kind of money on the game then charging during promos and buying r9 during discounts is about the best thing you can do, IMO.
  • Posts: 49 Arc User
    sinchalla wrote: »
    No.. I am saying that u get people that charge for r9 and dont learn their class or pay attention to the little things. I did, i figured out peoples combo's and found ways to work around it.

    ET bad o.o = ET No.1 xTW Server

    ET No.1
    Makes sense
  • Posts: 1,421 Perfect World Employee

    While as an employee I can not advise you where and how to spend your money, I would definitely take a look at promotions that run and check your calendars for holidays (not just US ones but certain International ones as well!) Also, keep in mind the dates for things like but not limited to PWI's Anniversary Month and Black Friday, as these day(s) usually have nice promotions to celebrate.

    I'm sure you can get more candid advice from our player's who've cashed their gears as opposed to farming it!
  • Posts: 455 Arc User
    Honestly what I would recommend is to not charge, reason being that there will always be that one dude in game that can cash more than you can and will constantly 1-2 shot you in PVP if your goal is PvP best recommendation for ya is to honestly rethink what you are doing...
    While PvP is fun I've played this game for nearly 6 years to have 1-2 decently geared toons but, all in all not worth it for 6 years of time constant dailes and constant number wars with mass PVP.
    If your goal is PVE however I would recommend you get G16 and debate about R9 once you have the capability to farm a decent amount of coin...
    So if you want to cash for roughly 6 days or so of PvP I'd say go for it... But, honestly it all depends on how you are in life. If you're making 100k+ a year I say go for it drop some cash into the game but, keep in mind that the only reason most people are playing now is for the people that they have met in game.
    Cashing in this game is a constant war on who can put more into the game but, you will have fun only when you make buds in this game.. like the famous saying goes money can't buy happiness.
  • Posts: 1,414 Arc User
    sinchalla wrote: »
    No.. I am saying that u get people that charge for r9 and dont learn their class or pay attention to the little things. I did, i figured out peoples combo's and found ways to work around it.

    ET bad o.o = ET No.1 xTW Server

    Crisis from Danwglory is undisputed No. 1 in xTW and I guess that will stay this way for quite some time as there is no sign of Crisis breaking down, quite the opposite..we get more and more active, decently geared players to an extent that I might say we can handle the 2nd and the 3rd strongest factions at once (if need be 60v60 both but thats just me interpretation, I could be wrong).

    In was a mistake to level the cards/get the cards so soon. I made that mistake too. If I just didnt use a single FSP coin that I've farmed for the barb and my storm alone and instead would've sold it for those insane initial prices, while getting the Card-Sets no when the cost of a FSP Coin is merely 79k-ish instead of 300k then I would have the same chars/cardsets I have now but either maxed out gears on them all or 100b coins in my bank.

    Point is, during that time just getting some random S/A-cards to max level would've EASILY gotten you full r9 if you would've just sold the coins.

    BTT: Is it worth it to cash for r9? Well, there is an easy solution to your problem. Do you have your titles (cept the WQ ones) maxed? Is your meridian done? Nuema done? Do you have all skills, sky level, passives? If you can say "YES" to all of these then get r9. IF you still have to work on that stuff don't get r9 yet. The difference this stuff makes is massive, maybe even enough for you to not invest into r9 at all.

    G16 Barbs can be a factor in any type of PvP..just that you need to abuse your basic skills to be effective. AA with Mighty Swing when its needed. Raging Slap + Invoke/immunity on key targets to save your team-mates. Use your ulti for further paralyzes. In general..just focus on CC and AAing. Cause as much trouble as you can. Don't even bother trying to kill someone. Even maxed out barbs usually dont have the DD to kill people in max buffed Mass-PvP fights. Also, be very careful if there are deity/NP-geared people on the field as they possibly can just OS you out of the blue. So keep invoke up at any time.

    Also, if you havn't gotten a r8r def lvl weapon yet then I highly recommend you to get one first of all things. 25 def level can already make a huge difference. Also, they are pretty cheap these days. You pretty much just need a few Supply Token and ~40m to recast the basic r8 weapon (you need 200000 reputation tho). Re-rolling for better stats is also very easy and cheap with Fortification Seals.

    Don't give up. There is alot you can achieve by playing decently and knowing your own limits.
  • Posts: 1,190 Arc User
    jsxshadow wrote: »

    Crisis from Danwglory is undisputed No. 1 in xTW and I guess that will stay this way for quite some time as there is no sign of Crisis breaking down, quite the opposite..we get more and more active, decently geared players to an extent that I might say we can handle the 2nd and the 3rd strongest factions at once (if need be 60v60 both but thats just me interpretation, I could be wrong).

    This is derailing the thread but you are wrong. You wouldnt be able to handle Tempest/Origin + Karma, let alone the two bigger ones at the same time if they arent putting lot of resources on other fights at the same time. You just dont have the gear for it, no one server does, there is only so many +12 G13 sharded ppl in your faction and you would have to split them in 2 to fight 2 big guilds at the same time.

    I dont know why some ppl think Et is strongest xTW server when its clearly the weakest, every other server has a faction who can field 100ish ppl for xTW while Karma on Et is drastically under that number, let alone smaller factions. Etherblades gear is also pretty divided and not in the same place and I would argue out of main 4 xTW factions Karma has the least gear. But this wont change till Et as a server makes xTW more of a priority -I dont expect to ever see that though.
    BlackList vs Frenzied 3/17
  • Posts: 455 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    PWI community at its best realize the derailment of a thread and criticize them for it and magic nothing pertaining to the thread but the derailment...
    G16 Gear is good for support end game but, unless you are some sort of star chart and card god or just play DB you won't have much luck tanking for very long.. If PvP is end game go R9. If PVE go G16 either way full G16 first and then farm R9 so you learn some mechanics of your class before you cash your R9
  • Posts: 713 Arc User
    If for example I invest about 700$ into the game, probably for getting my r9r3 for the first time, is it really worth it?
    I mostly want the people who got it with cash to answer.
    I mean, it is insanely hard to enjoy this game when as a barb you get 5k physical damage from 1 normal hit of a seeker or a sin. If I ever get close to anyone, i instantly die and so i just simply had enough.
    Is 700$ enough to get me towards r9r3? Or should I invest little money like 300$ and try to improve my barb as far as the game offers to a g16 user? I've been told that some g16 barbs cause hell to r9 players. Is it true? or just some pitiful **** to cheer me up?

    $700 is a decent chunk of money to spend for a video game. You need to ask yourself a few questions.

    Can you really afford it?
    Do you enjoy the game and want to participate in pvp?
    Do you plan to play this game for a very long time? (1 year+)
    and most important...Do you have a plan on how to use that money efficiently?

    If you can answer yes to all these questions then I think you'll be fairly satisfied spending that money to invest in your character. I would recommend to wait for a charge promo + zen bonus combo to put all of your money in at once. It's very easy to waste a lot of money for very little gain if you don't know what you're doing.
  • Posts: 1,123 Arc User
    i don't know i have easily over 5000 dollars invested in this game and its hard for me to judge if this game will be around if we had more people like kalystconquerer i could see a definite future and keep investing now i only spend 50 or so dollars in case game goes under i wont feel like i got jack also there are tons more people that have way more then i have spend on this game mine been almost since pwi began literally years some of the cash shoppers can blow a grand in a week with out even blinking or caring
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    i think it is outrageous that PWI has allowed people to buy gear with real life money - not everyone has $700 to spend on reputation and R9r3 gear!! (this shows the pure greed of the game owners!!) that is why the game is FULL of rb2 level 104's that have NO idea how to play their toon!! gear should be farmable - and NOT the teadious task it currently is - it is ridculous that everyone want 50 to 70 million (12.5+ gold) in game coin for one piece of gear!! this truly makes the game P2W - getting to the point it will be P2P as the obtainable gear make the player a 1 shot for normal dungeon bosses and OP characters that paid for rep and gear!!
  • Posts: 1,883 Arc User
    aegrimm wrote: »
    i think it is outrageous that PWI has allowed people to buy gear with real life money - not everyone has $700 to spend on reputation and R9r3 gear!! (this shows the pure greed of the game owners!!) that is why the game is FULL of rb2 level 104's that have NO idea how to play their toon!! gear should be farmable - and NOT the teadious task it currently is - it is ridculous that everyone want 50 to 70 million (12.5+ gold) in game coin for one piece of gear!! this truly makes the game P2W - getting to the point it will be P2P as the obtainable gear make the player a 1 shot for normal dungeon bosses and OP characters that paid for rep and gear!!

    What did you smoked?
    I don´t see a problem that some people can afford to spend $700 or more on a video game items. Saying it is outrageous is like saying that some people should not be allowed to buy cars, travel around the world, buy expensive jewels and the list can continue because others cannot afford to do those things.

    It´s **** to think that farmers know how to play their toon better than cash shopers.

  • Posts: 455 Arc User
    take other games for example people drop thousands upon thousands of dollars for a chance at a cosmetic change or voice line... seeing that pwi is giving us actual gear it's not 2 bad.... but, i'm not saying that this game is not expensive aff. Other games that people charge thousands of dollars in has no affect on the survivability of the player but, in chance it still comes down to the players skill... MMORPG's are not first person shooters or anything of that genre they thrive from the cash shop charges made in the game unlike 60$ or so games that have micro transactions in them.
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    Also, i have been playing barbarian for the past 4 years, i know every single inch and every single detail of every skill.
    I know the barbarian class like my right hand, and yet that knowledge doesn't seem to prove very useful when there are people who can 1 shot me SIMPLY because the difference in gear.
    Just stop with this BS, we all know the massive differences between R9 and G16.
    I recognize the difference in nuema, meridian, star chart, avatars, etc... i am nearly done with them.
    I enjoy playing pvp very much, however this joy dies down because of this difference. My goal is not to become "OP moron who can 1 shot every person with 100k hp, charge 2k gold every week and not give a **** about it".
    All I want is to know whether it will be worth it to get good enough R9 gear or not, if it will make me harder to kill, and most definitely make me very useful once in a life time and have a dumb smile on my face and think "damn, im one tough mother F'er", or atleast have people think "god, i hate this tank", NOTHING ELSE. After all a barb's goal is to tank, not be a greedy **** killer.
    Having people 1 shot a class which is suppose to tank a whole squad is just really mind boggling, i dont care if there always be people who are 10x stronger, they are very rare as they wasted thousands of cash unlike others. Either way the majority of the server is equally equiped, i want to be like that too.
    If i couldn't afford to waste 700$, i wouldn't bother asking this question.
    Please stop going off topic and answer accordingly :smile:
  • Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    Easy answer: if you like pvp enough then charge. If your content with just pve and maybe nation wars then dont bother charging.
  • Posts: 1,414 Arc User
    I don't know if it's possible to give a more detailed answer than I've already did.

    Have all passives done and still oneshot? Get r9, shard full vit stones (they are cheap now), slap on a decent def lvl weapon and it will be nearly impossible for a majority of people to kill you on their own while you are buffed.

    My BM currently has that and I dont see people solo'ing me even on selfbuffs.
  • Posts: 446 Arc User
    If for example I invest about 700$ into the game, probably for getting my r9r3 for the first time, is it really worth it?
    I mostly want the people who got it with cash to answer.
    I mean, it is insanely hard to enjoy this game when as a barb you get 5k physical damage from 1 normal hit of a seeker or a sin. If I ever get close to anyone, i instantly die and so i just simply had enough.
    Is 700$ enough to get me towards r9r3? Or should I invest little money like 300$ and try to improve my barb as far as the game offers to a g16 user? I've been told that some g16 barbs cause hell to r9 players. Is it true? or just some pitiful **** to cheer me up?

    Spending $700 wont stop you from being killed. It may lower the damage you take, thats about it.
    When new stuff comes out, are you will to spend another $700 to close that gap? Then again, and again, and again, etc....
    There is no end to it. It is how the game was designed.
    Good luck farming it. You will invest a lot of hours into the game. Then do it all over when you want to upgrade to keep up.

    Take that money and invest it elsewhere, outside of PWE. Check out new games (pc and console). There have been some amazing games released lately, and some games that look amazing that are soon to be released.

    Also, don't listen to that GM that posted about promotions. How many times has PWE posted promotions that were wrong, and waited till people charged money before they fixed the wording.


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