APS in next expansion.

HI fellow PWI's, just a quick question. WOULD love a GM to reply and tell me the actuall truth instead of just rumors.

In the upcomming expansion, is it TRUE or FALSE that the little shield in DFSP/JFSP on the bosses, where if u aps it reduces the damage is coming to Twlight Temple, Warsong and Lunar instances?

Pretty much making APS usless on the bosses.

Thank you, hopefully a GM can reply so we can all GET TO KNOW THE REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAL answer ahah!


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  • Posts: 240 Arc User
    Considering they've done it everytime they touched any old instance. It wouldnt surprise me...
    I hope they do it.
  • Posts: 58 Arc User
    Hope they do it, why for all the farmers, that rely on farming instead of charging
  • Posts: 154 Arc User
    Afaik they have revamped lunar for this expansion, haven't heard anything about TT. So I'd expect it to come to lunar, but I'd like to know where you heard about it coming to TT
    Kymsplat - Sin -

    103 - 103 - 102
    My Gear: http://mypers.pw/10/#543295
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  • Posts: 45 Arc User
    I haven't seen any teasers, what is the next expansion called, and when is it due to be released if known?
  • Posts: 86 Arc User
    To be honest aps isnt needed as a farmer. you can farm just as good in g16 gear with less money spent on charms and such. At least in my experience as a bm
  • Posts: 24 Arc User
    It would be a strange and possibly bad design choice in a way for the latest major gears and weapons for some melee classes (Dragonbreath and Boundless weapons) to both feature "0.10 interval between hits" as a key reason to upgrade, then alongside that encouragement, to do away with the usefulness of APS in the old instances. It sends a very mixed signal.

    After all, none of the recent new instances (UP, FSP, UCH, and so on) have any use for APS at all. Yet among assassins, at least on Etherblade, we have seen a resurgence of APS in recent times simply because of this gear change alongside the availability of rank 8 helmet. It is as though the developers perspective on the APS style is that it is for PvP rather than PvE, which is again a fairly odd design choice considering most might've said the opposite is true.

    Then again, this is PWI we're talking about. With this game, you can't 100% expect one design choice to build upon the previous. If only we were given more detailed warnings or ahead information on expansions that would help us to expect what happens next and choose the right gear to prepare. Then again, I suspect that such warnings would take more money than the companies involved are prepared to invest. A pity.

    I'd like to hear an official answer to the OP too, if they can provide it.
    Leader of Borealis, Etherblade server.
  • Posts: 58 Arc User
    yugi2390 wrote: »
    To be honest aps isnt needed as a farmer. you can farm just as good in g16 gear with less money spent on charms and such. At least in my experience as a bm

    I am a BM and use APS for famring, r8r Stuff. It just stupid if they remove it.
    Afaik they have revamped lunar for this expansion, haven't heard anything about TT. So I'd expect it to come to lunar, but I'd like to know where you heard about it coming to TT

    Yeah Kym from ET too brother. Many people are talking about its happening to TT, Lunar and FW bosses >.<
  • Posts: 143 Arc User
    In UPD let's look where u can use APS.

    1. Path keeper on mobs
    2. Strategy on pucks
    3. Calligraphy on adda
    4. Painting on adds
    5. Music on adds
    6. Reflection on everything
    7. Last boss on adds and mini bosses.

    I would say quite far from being entirely useless.
  • Posts: 240 Arc User
    prancing wrote: »
    In UPD let's look where u can use APS.

    1. Path keeper on mobs
    2. Strategy on pucks
    3. Calligraphy on adda
    4. Painting on adds
    5. Music on adds
    6. Reflection on everything
    7. Last boss on adds and mini bosses.

    I would say quite far from being entirely useless.

    Who is gonna wear aps set during that instance... LMFAO
  • Posts: 111 Arc User
    I think China is trying to kill aps as sins there are still using it as purify proc isn't as common there like it is here. Also explains why sins skills keep getting buffed. The devs want the sins there to go DPH like everyone else ( well except Archers I guess xD).
    So the next phase would be to stop the aps farming I guess, to be fair farming might go a bit slower but still very doable without aps.
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  • Posts: 455 Arc User
    edited February 2017
    I feel like this aps killing is to introduce a new mode sorta like decide mode in uncharted paradise and judgment mode in flowsilver palace
    To be honest killing it when introducing an r8 helm, that most aps toons now use, would be pointless at least for the US version...
    If we are to get this sort of change I feel like it would be a decide mode of some sort for twilight temple, lunar and warsong.
    Decide mode being where aps is non usable and bosses hit harder but, in turn an increased drop rate for mats

    Honestly a decide mode or a revamp for instances like nirvana are much needed and I would love to see some old instances become useful again...

    But, remember frost covered city being exp farmable for years in our version whilst China just had Phoenix valley... They are perfectly capable of making changes in one version just not in the other it all just depends on the way the player base reacts to it really... Why I see sins getting yet another nerf with this skill expansion for the US since dph on sins is already OP IMO
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  • Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited February 2017
    teabagg wrote: »
    make mount purgatory blow the hell up or something causing mass chaos for all the cities and to rebuild we would have to do something similar like in primal when we had to unlock a part of the map...that's how you will get far more activity on the main map you know..good idea right and I expect 5k gold if you use it.

    Very original idea, it must be at least 6 years since I first saw this suggestion :)
  • Posts: 52 Arc User
    They'll really ruin the game if they'll make TT and Lunar bosses non-APS-able. Instead of encouraging us to farm, they want us to charge gold...Mhm, sure...
  • Posts: 713 Arc User
    They'll really ruin the game if they'll make TT and Lunar bosses non-APS-able. Instead of encouraging us to farm, they want us to charge gold...Mhm, sure...

    Lunar will still bring in money, the price of essences will increase by a lot since less people are farming it. Plus the market for skill stones will be introduced, which I suspect will be very similar to the days where everyone farmed Nirvana/caster Nirvana.
  • Posts: 1,883 Arc User
    edited February 2017
    They'll really ruin the game if they'll make TT and Lunar bosses non-APS-able. Instead of encouraging us to farm, they want us to charge gold...Mhm, sure...

    With all the upgrades we got for character: (cards, meridian, star chart, new skills) aps is not necesary to kill TT and Lunar bosses.

  • Posts: 321 Arc User
    Good thing I've been procrastinating upgrading my sin's aps gear to farm TT \o/​​
    ☆ Pixel ♥ Heart ☆ Etherblade ☆
  • Posts: 713 Arc User
    I think a change will be good honestly, this game hasn't really changed in quite a while but next expansion could be exactly what we need to make the game seem fresh again. Assuming no bugs or removed/overpriced content, obv.
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2017
    honestly i even charge money to the game to pwi gms would **** everything over if they added anti aps to warsong tt and lunar that would make it almost impossible to get any thing with out a r9 toon or g16+10. so lets hope they only add it to ws and lunar. lets take a look at it this way no sins=no bp and alot of sins will become rare. also lets look at int on r9 dags axes etc that would become useless so im against adding more anti aps bosses
  • Posts: 321 Arc User
    I don't think removing aps would stop people from playing sins or drastically reduce the sin population. They would just be forced to roll to DPH instead of APS like every other normal class. A lot of people see aps as the only thing sins are good for, which is not true...they are strong DDs either way, don't take aps nerf as a handicap​​
    ☆ Pixel ♥ Heart ☆ Etherblade ☆
  • Posts: 34 Arc User
    ok guys, lets kill this *APS IS NEEDED* BS
    so i played a g16 2nd rb 300 spirit DB to FARM MY R9RR
    APS is DEAD! get used to this. YES its still good for TT and lunar but honestly you get MORE out of G16.
    APS relies on BP keeping you alive because your tiny hits r 4-5 times per second. IF you spam SKILLS that are designed to MULTIPLY YOUR DAMAGE than your hits will be harder than the 4-5 in APS, switch to G16 and upgrade your cards. this is all free content to do. if your a sin yes life hunter and elimination + homestead version of condenced thorn are nice, but also unnessessary. if you have these skills and your sage, you automatically take 10% off the bosses HP in the first hit, when did your APS do that? my sin in 4aps gear hitting roughly 200k in 4 hits can hit the same boss for 250k with one twin strike. additionally duskblades are the NEW farming toon. like a sin, they are LA but almost 2x weapon damage and the ability to damn near perma DG the target, keep it PDef debuffed, and our copy skill does 3X DAMAGE TO NON PLAYERS WHATTTTT????
    3 spark, saber beads, copy, quad, tangle-EP while quad is going, hit with the copied skill..... i take half the HP with that 10sec combo on a 3-3 boss. ohhh yea we cant stealth? get rekt we can jump and stealth and we do it better imo!
    To the bloody idiot who said its a good thing ppl cant farm, YOUR AN IDIOT. you wouldnt have jack squat right now if it wasnt for the farmer.... YOU LITTERALLY CANT CASH EVERYTHING WITHOUT A MARKET. live it, learn it, love it. just cuz your too lazy to learn how to do something for youself, does not mean you need to put others down. i bet you cant even solo a lunar.... lol get da hell outa here we dont need ya.
    all in all, APS stay APS, but if it comes to it.... its not the end of the world, adapt and evolve like normal.

    final note! they ARE adding EXTRA bosses to TT and Lunar... these added bosses will have anti APS, your normally loved farm grind will go on as normal, but u will get a new option on the dificulty pillar.

    have fun all and keep up the grind!!!

    DISCLAIMER: I cant english so dont bother currection i legit give -5 cares, infact.... if you currect my english YOU OWE ME 5 CARES. just dont bother.
  • Posts: 154 Arc User
    That's all well and good but got any proof of these extra bosses?
    Kymsplat - Sin -

    103 - 103 - 102
    My Gear: http://mypers.pw/10/#543295
    My Youtube Channel: youtu.be/zyiaSCxQ_KY
  • Posts: 993 Arc User
    When expansions are around the corner, there are people that love to spread rumors and even make players panic by telling them we're getting this and that. It's best to not believe anything you hear until there is concrete proof.

    I personally think it's more likely we'll get new modes rather than revamps of Lunar and Twilight Temple. Those two instances already have different modes depending on what you want to farm.
  • Posts: 373 Arc User
    Im like APS in new expanzion
  • Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    I don't see how aps is that big a deal main people who farm don't necessarily need it, at current meta a average r9 toon with decent cards not even a 6 card set can solo as long they have BP and arcane just go with a buddy if you can't go fast enough. Just because it will take a litt more time doesn't mean you're ganna be hopeless
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • Posts: 373 Arc User
    Boss in APS is fast death why not go to aps
  • Posts: 455 Arc User
    After I wasted nearly 400mill so I can get DBL int on my DBS chest plate ofc I'm gonna be salty if APS is removed...
    I know some players are running full deity APS sets and honestly doing something like this would kill the player base...
    APS in my opinion is a really unique idea to this game and trolling in PVP with my 4aps (5 aps once I get boundless weapon) Duskblade is always going to be fun...
    I hope PWCN just keeps APS in this game for it is a really fun mechanic in this game..
  • Posts: 49 Arc User
    "Oh no my 2 hit alt wont be able to dd anymore i might have to spend like 30mil to upgrade it to g16" MASS PANIC RIOTS IN THE STREETS.
    Seriously though aps has been dead for years stop trying to flog a dead horse
  • Posts: 455 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    APS is by far from dead take a look at paiiins 1v1 against a full APS r8 sin with boundless belt/ring and weapon
    The 1v1 with him starts at 10:05


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