Skill Glyph System in the next expansion



  • Posts: 156 Arc User
    asterelle wrote: »

    The 60m figure was in total for all 10 players, not per player. 6m average payout per player in a run of 1hr or so is pretty typical I'd think. By comparison a full run of FSJ is 15-20m and lasts 20mins. At least on my server.

    I'm 99% sure she meant to say UPD, not FSJ.
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  • Posts: 861 Arc User
    csquared5 wrote: »

    I'm 99% sure she meant to say UPD, not FSJ.

    What? On TT FSJ coins can sell for around 70k each. A full run gives 10 people 25 coins each. That's 250 coins in total which can sell for 17.5m coins.
  • Posts: 486 Arc User
    zentfamily wrote: »
    Tiny derail, but relevant. SoV and SoS will become selfcast only. Saw this on PWCN's facebook today.

    That sound you hear is all of Origin uninstalling.
  • Posts: 156 Arc User
    Oh... I guess you could put it that way. I was thinking you were referring to the value of the red shard from UPD. On Tideswell it gets sold for around 30mil lately, but on other servers I hear it is much much cheaper. If there is a buyer in a UPD run (which there often is) usually that means instant 3mil coins for everybody participating.
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  • Posts: 993 Arc User
    zentfamily wrote: »
    Tiny derail, but relevant. SoV and SoS will become selfcast only. Saw this on PWCN's facebook today.

    It sure took them long enough to finally make a change we've been asking for years. I'm honestly really happy if they are truly becoming self-buff only.
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  • Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    @zentfamily for the love of god please let this not be a troll please...
    Post edited by blazerboy on
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • Posts: 1,883 Arc User
    blazerboy wrote: »
    @zentfamily for the love of god please let this it be a troll please...

    for the love of everything else let it be real and make it selfcast only.

  • Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    @bloodedone87 that's what I meant too early for English sorry >.< but for real clerics and venos about to get hunted even more xD
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  • Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    @ladyblonde69 it's not even psy sins that is annoying besides syntheros whom is not in tw or xtw so who cares. It's most annoying on a full Jsod vit build cleric and full vit stone vit build venos
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • Posts: 1,414 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    capnk wrote: »

    That sound you hear is all of Origin uninstalling.

    Friggin finally. It's BEEN WAY TOO LONG. Now those skill-less fools have to step their game up or leave the game <3 PLUS!: Psychics become more relevant because they are now allowed to keep their own SoS :D

    Oh glory...all of a sudden mass pvp becomes alot more promising...just delete all psys on the field and you can freely AOE anyone without having to worry about getting sealed...

    @kalystconquerer#0876 please give us this patch asap. we need it..badly!!! PLEASE!! QQ
    blazerboy wrote: »
    @ladyblonde69 it's not even psy sins that is annoying besides syntheros whom is not in tw or xtw so who cares. It's most annoying on a full Jsod vit build cleric and full vit stone vit build venos

    Speaking of which..guess who will not be seen in PK-Mode ever again :D
  • Posts: 29 Arc User
    FINALLY! they're making those buff self-cast only!

    I'm about to become the nightmare fuel for some Sins and Seekers in ET that apparently can't go inside NW without a Psychic buffing their **** every time they have the chance. Oh yeah baby <3 #AgeOfMiracles
    Total_Calm - 105 / 101 / 101 - [ ψ The Blue-Eyed Demon ψ ]
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  • Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    @ladyblonde69 it's not so bad on HA minus full Jsod BMs yea that can suck sins it's like one yahoo who does it. @jsxshadow nah dw he will do what he did on HL before he made that buffbot go to base get full buffs use tidal panic the moment a purge comes. Still when it comes to xtw tw the things most Ppl care for he's not a factor just a inconvience at SilverPool which is easy to ignore/avoid I'm just excited to not see a mystic veno and cleric never having them agian
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • Posts: 1,190 Arc User
    I dunno, as much as I hate psy buffs I kinda worry this will kill the last of PK on Et. Its not like there been much the past week but there is always some action to be found if you want to put effort in finding it. But when alliances main players wont leave sz w/o psy buffs, I kinda expect the competition to die down if and when some drastic changes dont happen in power balance of the server.
    BlackList vs Frenzied 3/17
  • Posts: 1,414 Arc User
    @saxroll seriously..if people dont wanna pvp without sos then I can see no reason why you would PvP with them at all? Trash doesnt deserve fights.

    I am mostly tolerant and let people do whatever they want (unless its harmful for them) but in absolute honesty? people that only pvp with psybuffs on are the worst garbage players that can possibly exist and I hope that those useless pieces of dirty pixels quit the game. Cancer I tell ya, cancer is what they are.
  • Posts: 1,190 Arc User
    jsxshadow wrote: »
    @saxroll seriously..if people dont wanna pvp without sos then I can see no reason why you would PvP with them at all? Trash doesnt deserve fights.

    I am mostly tolerant and let people do whatever they want (unless its harmful for them) but in absolute honesty? people that only pvp with psybuffs on are the worst garbage players that can possibly exist and I hope that those useless pieces of dirty pixels quit the game. Cancer I tell ya, cancer is what they are.

    The situation is basically that Karma has gotten some more recruits and is rarely outnumbered much in PK any longer. Which in turn has made alliances main DDs PK activity drop, whenever they do show up though its always with psy buffs. Is relying on psy buffs pathetic imo? Yes but I do rather have our PKers have something to fight even if its ppl who have to rely on them.
    BlackList vs Frenzied 3/17
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  • Posts: 713 Arc User
    Good news for me...I've never used psy buffs anyway...

    Now if only they could make ALL buffs self cast...(except maybe cleric)
  • Posts: 49 Arc User

    capnk wrote: »

    That sound you hear is all of Origin uninstalling.

    I heard Vindi was brainstorming a way to never leave safezone again. Can you confirm?
  • Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    Now let's Make DB buff self buff only too k thx bai...... And que all the ppl who will either rage they want the buff or a db would be useless Lawls xD. Seriously if that happen I think most if not everyone would swap to jades and deity will be a rare breed interesting though let's all have only cleric buffs and watch how sins and db drop mire and delete anyone instantly in mass lawl @dregenfox
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • Posts: 713 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    blazerboy wrote: »
    Now let's Make DB buff self buff only too k thx bai...... And que all the ppl who will either rage they want the buff or a db would be useless Lawls xD. Seriously if that happen I think most if not everyone would swap to jades and deity will be a rare breed interesting though let's all have only cleric buffs and watch how sins and db drop mire and delete anyone instantly in mass lawl @dregenfox

    It would be similar to how the game was in the past, with much faster kill times and charm bypasses. I think the best balance would be self buffs only, with no purge. That is really where damage taken/dealt in relation to charm tick time makes the most sense.

    Defense charms are also dumb, because it hurts some classes much worse than others. Magic classes were way too strong before the cheap def charms though...I'd guess the best balance would just be single tick, 5s cd along with the lucky token cheap and ez charms we have now.
  • Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    You have have to nerf skills like cursed jail, condense thorn,rift,spellcutter, basically most sin skills and esp qiadrature because self buff that can end you how else did joe beat shockwave a endgame sb with a g16 db @dregenfox perhaps many sb debuffs too
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  • Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    Those of you who want def charms removed must be thinking many arcane classes will have zerk weps so they have a good shot agianst sins. Inb4 a purge or zerk db full damage combo you dead smdh or a a subsea mire cursed jail deleted
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • Posts: 32 Arc User
    only thing this game needs is the removal of defense charms.​​

    No not the def charms.. the auto recovery stone need to be removed(or the part where use def charms, its fine for hp/mp tho) .. but it burn too much overall gold every month to happened.

  • Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    I see no with auto recovery stone tbh ofc removing that literally hurts ppl I say one proc were fine
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  • Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    I would be fine with single tick charms
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