I find it very amusing...
How did I miss that? Pain is literally the only sub 50% win rate sin I have seen with remotely his gear. The guy, Tigga, he keeps talking smack bout was running with 70%+ last I saw him.0 -
@saxroll I gladly admit that teamplay (at least with my SB) isnt my strong suit. Mass-PvP kinda falls under the same category. However, people still seem to underestimate squad/class-Setup whilst it does make a massive difference if you have the perfect matchup for 3v3. 6v6 isnt that bad. You have enough people to support/preassure at the same time so people can hardly focus on just one.
If you get hardcore focused and yeah, I nearly always get hardcore focused because its me because in other ppl videos..vs the same squads..same classes and they chase another class first. No one can tell me that ppl don't instantly wanna kill me when they read my name. It's always been like that. Would I wish for it to be different? Hell Yeah, I like to do some offensive stuff too besides just trying to stay alive. Should I do that if I know I will get focused alot? Maybe, but I rather trust me team for support if needed or just take the death. It's no biggy for me.
I mean, I can't blame people for focusing me. Really. Yeah, it might sound like ego boasting again but watch my Mass-PvP videos closely and see the difference of the outcome of a battle when the enemies actually are not focusing me. Not always but more often then not we win in this case. IJS, it's hard to use the full potential of your class if you're busy staying alive at max. I rather blow my stuff and get a kill in and then die. In mass pvp my prio isnt staying alive. It's causing as much trouble to the enemy as possible. Not saying it'S the best strategy but its fun and can be very beneficial for the rest of the squad/faction as well at times.
0 -
Joe is the guy that gets run over by a train n then says the train was aiming for him cuz of his youtube.0
joe got roasted so hard in this thread,that it looks like roasted chest nuts over an open fire.https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1536&bih=831&q=roasted+chestnuts+over+an+open+fire&oq=ro&gs_l=img.1.0.35i39k1l2j0l8.432.1163.0.2521.
Thank you very much Mister Mod!
Nah, I never said anything in the likes. Ever. Interpretation ijs.
However, it can be implied that I am in indeed the best in game in terms of 1v1 due to sheer experience and lack thereof on the side of the majority of people playing the game. Factors for that could be that the majority of players dont like to 1v1 at all, have not played all classes or simply don't wanna invest the time to learn strategies how to counter each class on every class.
As, like I said, a majority of people don't care about 1v1 I don't really get why they would complain or dispute me in the regards of being the best in that discipline. Makes no sense, really.
If Pain, Ruby or Aeliah would wanna get into a dispute with me about who's best in 1v1 I could understand that since they all got massive experience in that regard. Anyone else tho (and don't lynch me if I forgot someone please) doesnt have much say in this imho.
Ah yes Paiin, the other player that is outright pathetic in anything but a 1v1, seen nothing but trash from him in the colosseum lol0 -
@capnk AAing on a squashy class is indeed an easy kill. I like you to watch my recent video regarding my BMs alt squad in the 3v3 arena. Not such an easy kill on the right class anymore.
People need to finally understand that there is class difference. I can already see people hardcore abusing mystics genie block skills and insta jump and paralyze a target to death, leaving them absolutely no defense while being perma locked and then going on about how bad that person was and what an easy kill indeed.
I cant look into the future but I am 10000% sure that people will call others nub after killing them like this and then i think to myself: "Am I really the one with ego issues?" - In comparison to some people = not in the slightest. I know whats unfair and whats not and I refuse to take credit for easy kills. Others prolly should do that too. winning winning winning isnt everything.
Because anyone appearently has to start a fight with AD/IG just to stay alive gg wp
PS: To roast someone you have to use valid points especially in contrast to someone who does it better. No roast was given in this thread.0 -
PS: To roast someone you have to use valid points especially in contrast to someone who does it better. No roast was given in this thread.[/quote]
it's ok you done been roasted to the point it got tattooed into your brain and you wake up every morning remembering this thread,must suck playing into your teams cuz all you do is down them.poor incuriso & YlightingY for having a bad sb run towards a veno purge and pull a random triple spark out of thin air.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXi45uIrOt0
0 -
@davidmurphy Well, all I have to say to your pointless comment is that every team with an SB in it that we've been fighting has got their SB deleted instantly despite not having paralyze/purge or AOE-CC.
Does that mean those SBs suck even more? Possibly. In reality I would blame game mechanics and SBs lack of survival skills but meh. We just assume everyone that dies fast is a bad player.
Well maybe I got something tattooed onto my brain but at least I got onePeople just can't think before posting its excruciating. I wouldn't even have to roast you guys because its obvious for anyone even remotely intelligent that a majority of your posts are self-roasts par excellance.
I urge you, use a selfbuffed caster vs my DB and I promise you, once your first genie attempt/immunity runs out you are dead within the following 3 seconds. We repeat that 1000 times and then you can uninstall because you are such a bad player, kk? If you need to ask how I can kill you within 3 seconds on a DB when you are genie-less then I suggest you uninstall immidiatly. K, thx, bye.0 -
@davidmurphy Well, all I have to say to your pointless comment is that every team with an SB in it that we've been fighting has got their SB deleted instantly despite not having paralyze/purge or AOE-CC.
Does that mean those SBs suck even more? Possibly. In reality I would blame game mechanics and SBs lack of survival skills but meh. We just assume everyone that dies fast is a bad player.
Well maybe I got something tattooed onto my brain but at least I got onePeople just can't think before posting its excruciating. I wouldn't even have to roast you guys because its obvious for anyone even remotely intelligent that a majority of your posts are self-roasts par excellance.
I urge you, use a selfbuffed caster vs my DB and I promise you, once your first genie attempt/immunity runs out you are dead within the following 3 seconds. We repeat that 1000 times and then you can uninstall because you are such a bad player, kk? If you need to ask how I can kill you within 3 seconds on a DB when you are genie-less then I suggest you uninstall immidiatly. K, thx, bye.
Quit the **** excuses and admit it, it's even clear on this video.
> Has anti stun.
> HAS ANTI PURGE SKILL (And yet he QQ's he gets purged first while he just doesn't seems to use this skill.
> Only class able to cast and move (certain spells) AKA mobility
> Gains extra physical defense and speed on Reaper Form.
> Has lunar blessing skill to fully heal and give a brief ad afterwards (immune to cc while doing so)
Seems you forgot how to play a stormbringer? Because this class offers a pretty solid kit to stay alive yet you dare to say you'd blame Sb's lack of survival skills.
You're horrible at anything outside 1v1 and the only reason you stick to playing SB it's due how broken that **** is on mass pvp events/pk; near no skill involved to press a skill that brings half faction into it and just let others aoe on it and say ggez.0 -
@gret2692 ...sigh:
Here goes:
1. Anti-Stun doesnt block Paralyze/Disarm.
2. Anti-Purge skill works on the first attempt and then its gone. Every AOE someone uses on you equipped with a purge weapon will instantly dispell it no matter if it purges or not.
3. You are able to cast skills that are mainly damaging skills while moving and Stun skills can be easily evaded while being in anti-stun.
4. Venos can knock you out of reaper form with their pet transformation.
5. GG. And if you get caught afterwards by a reel-in, paralyze and purge? Much you can do. Such gg. Much wow.
Stormbringers tools of survival can be completely disabled by certain classes. If you believe that isn't correct then again: try to fight my DB with a storm on selfbuffs and I can show you first hand how limited it is. Funny thing is, I wouldn't even need 3 people to easily win.
The next stupid post that has been created using 0 knowledge or thoughts about game mechanics just gets ignored. I am sick of it. Show me that you can do better. Do it. Then you may be allowed to criticize me.
I debunk something then a few minutes later someone posts the exact same thing again (which I previously debunked) and it goes on Loop for dozens of posts. Please, for the love of god, anyone please log an SB on any server and let me fight you with my DB to see if you can use your SB better than me to end this BS once and for all. I show if I used "excuses" or not.0 -
This thread has awakened me.
I decided to start playing this game again just to humiliate Joe in the arena.Too bad that storms don't have tidal or any other ridiculous ways to stay alive. 1 Skill (lunar blessing) and thats it.
1 skill ? lol.
If the only SB skill that helps you stay alive is full immunity, you have a lot to learn.
See you in the arena, kid.
On a side note, i have yet to watch @jsxshadow vs @dingo488 3v3 from Joe's point of view. The defeat was so humiliating that he couldn't post it.Stupidity at its finest :
"Deity sin vs Josd Dusk -> Dusk wins.
Josd sin vs deity dusk -> Sin wins by far."
Special Kid Joe 20160 -
One thread about a Joe
I can't breathe when I'm around him
I'll wait here everyday
In case you scratch the surface
He'll never notice
I'm not in love
This is not my heart
I'm not gonna waste these words
About a Joe
Last post I knew what to say
But you weren't there to read it
These lines: so well rehearsed
Tongue-tied and overloaded
You never noticed...
0 -
@gret2692 ...sigh:
Here goes:
1. Anti-Stun doesnt block Paralyze/Disarm.
2. Anti-Purge skill works on the first attempt and then its gone. Every AOE someone uses on you equipped with a purge weapon will instantly dispell it no matter if it purges or not.
3. You are able to cast skills that are mainly damaging skills while moving and Stun skills can be easily evaded while being in anti-stun.
4. Venos can knock you out of reaper form with their pet transformation.
5. GG. And if you get caught afterwards by a reel-in, paralyze and purge? Much you can do. Such gg. Much wow.
Stormbringers tools of survival can be completely disabled by certain classes. If you believe that isn't correct then again: try to fight my DB with a storm on selfbuffs and I can show you first hand how limited it is. Funny thing is, I wouldn't even need 3 people to easily win.
The next stupid post that has been created using 0 knowledge or thoughts about game mechanics just gets ignored. I am sick of it. Show me that you can do better. Do it. Then you may be allowed to criticize me.
I debunk something then a few minutes later someone posts the exact same thing again (which I previously debunked) and it goes on Loop for dozens of posts. Please, for the love of god, anyone please log an SB on any server and let me fight you with my DB to see if you can use your SB better than me to end this BS once and for all. I show if I used "excuses" or not.
Oh sorry I didn't know you also were captain obvious? All of this it's clear and I know how anti stun/veno etc works. You're getting out of context because I was commenting about the video but nope, you simply have to try to get out like a 1 year old kid wants to jump out his cage. Hell even on this particular 3v3 there was no **** DB. All you had to do was go in with anti purge when you saw that veno and the direction you were going OR you can simply click on them and see who they are targeting? hint hint.
0 -
@notanyfox#3644 Oh, welcome back nonfactor. Still going full incognito due to being afraid not to get deleted? Welp, get lost. I wish for you to experience the same hate-targetting I live through on every mass pvp occassion
@gret2692 Are you delusional? All 3 of them instantly focused me and took ages to kill the sin and seeker afterwards? Why? Because my storm was the only char that could've done massive damage and was the squishiest target as well at the same time. Even if I'd evaded one purge, even if I tried to kite to africa...that wouldn't have changed a bit. All 3 of them would've chased me through the entire arena if need be.
I am sorry that everyone and their mom knows my gear. Sorry for being popular and also sorry for not knowing the gears of 3 non-factor people I have never fought before. Maybe if I'd known that the sin was "low-geared" then I would've focused on him since he would've been an easy target IF really "low-geared". 2v3 it would've been way harder for them to kill my storm.
You guys really wanna tell me that I am a bad player and that those guys are so much more better when I never even fought them before and they managed to jump me while having no support class in my team as well? kk, next time I come with a cleric and BM. Let's see how you kill me then when I get spam-healed/rebuffed and AOE-CC supported. Vortex, Ulti, HF and their entire team is dead. GG WP.
*Telling me I know nothing about mass-pvp."-> "Have no clue about the impact of squad-composition and act as if any squad setup has equal chances." -> "Also act as if Stormbringer are unstopable GOD-Mode Characters that can never be CC'ed, Purged or reeled-in." -> "And they think its easy to survive vs 3 players with 0 support from fellow team-mates while being mostly deity sharded as a caster."
You guys wanna tell me anything about mass-pvp when you cant even analyze simple pvp-situations? GTFO scrubs.0 -
I urge you, use a selfbuffed caster vs my DB and I promise you, once your first genie attempt/immunity runs out you are dead within the following 3 seconds. We repeat that 1000 times and then you can uninstall because you are such a bad player, kk? If you need to ask how I can kill you within 3 seconds on a DB when you are genie-less then I suggest you uninstall immidiatly. K, thx, bye.[/quote]
lmafo what?,is the blood rushing to your head to fast or something where in that 3vs3 was a db.where is this talk about me using a self buff caster *don't got one anyways* against fighting your db this musta been like you pulling that random triple spark out of thin air for you to mention this,couldn't use expel,lunar blessing,sutra or even kit in the air.also side note true db can do that,ill admit it's a broken class to 1vs1 but too bad your in capable of playing a db to that extent so no worries there
0 -
@davidmurphy Sure, because I was the first DB to cancel Quad. No other video where a DB even by mistake cancles quad is available on youtube. Heck, some of the most hyped DBs are utter garbage. There are some things I am not 100% sure about. However, I am 1000% sure that I would beat you with an equally geared duskblade 100 to 0 vs any class in the game. Go ahead and use DB as well then I show you how to play the class :P
Everyone here is stupid. I've had it. I clearly mentioned the DB vs Storm matchup as an example for an unwinable situation cause some people believe that unwinable situations are somehow winable by pulling magic out of your butt.
Appearently, only the worst players and biggest failures in this game respond in this thread now and start throwing around nonsense even tho they know they would never win a fair and square 1v1 vs me. NO I go even further. Let me have my optimal squad for 3v3 and I promise you, none of your failure squads would ever yield a victory vs that squad. All excuses? One day you all realize how full of BS you are.
None of you ever even dared to challenge me directly so I suggest you shut it or prove your worth.0 -
@notanyfox#3644 Oh, welcome back nonfactor. Still going full incognito due to being afraid not to get deleted? Welp, get lost. I wish for you to experience the same hate-targetting I live through on every mass pvp occassion
@gret2692 Are you delusional? All 3 of them instantly focused me and took ages to kill the sin and seeker afterwards? Why? Because my storm was the only char that could've done massive damage and was the squishiest target as well at the same time. Even if I'd evaded one purge, even if I tried to kite to africa...that wouldn't have changed a bit. All 3 of them would've chased me through the entire arena if need be.
I am sorry that everyone and their mom knows my gear. Sorry for being popular and also sorry for not knowing the gears of 3 non-factor people I have never fought before. Maybe if I'd known that the sin was "low-geared" then I would've focused on him since he would've been an easy target IF really "low-geared". 2v3 it would've been way harder for them to kill my storm.
You guys really wanna tell me that I am a bad player and that those guys are so much more better when I never even fought them before and they managed to jump me while having no support class in my team as well? kk, next time I come with a cleric and BM. Let's see how you kill me then when I get spam-healed/rebuffed and AOE-CC supported. Vortex, Ulti, HF and their entire team is dead. GG WP.
*Telling me I know nothing about mass-pvp."-> "Have no clue about the impact of squad-composition and act as if any squad setup has equal chances." -> "Also act as if Stormbringer are unstopable GOD-Mode Characters that can never be CC'ed, Purged or reeled-in." -> "And they think its easy to survive vs 3 players with 0 support from fellow team-mates while being mostly deity sharded as a caster."
You guys wanna tell me anything about mass-pvp when you cant even analyze simple pvp-situations? GTFO scrubs.
You put yourself into that position, that's why they focused you right off the bat (seems like you tunnel vision hard). Please re-watch the video and follow it through, it even has details in colors; unless you're colorblind then maybe ask the owner of the video to fix it for you. Nobody here is saying that the class is a God, simple, you could have done *better* that's the whole point. If anyone's being delusional here it's you, moron.
0 -
@gret2692 Ah, ok. So only because I was relatively close to them they would've focused me? Ah ha. So next time I just stay in the air on max range and spam my vortex/ulti debuffs and they will completely ignore me for the entire fight? Ok. But then they would be utter garbage.
You act as if it was my own fault to lose to a para/purge squad when my squad even managed to kill other (even better geared) stormbringer instantly without purge/para? But ya, we are definitly fail, thats why we havn't won a single fight, right? Nah bro.
For that situation maybe I could've done better. But why should I've even tried? Shall I always expect anyone to tryhard focus me? IS it my fault that my Squad couldn't provide any Support due to their classes? Switch the sin or seeker out for a BM or cleric and I wouldn't have died. Anything else doesn't even matter.
Besides, I say it again a billion of times. 3v3 is imbalanced BS. You act as if I would be ultra-mega-competitive in there and that I would care about the outcome at all. I went with my friends to have fun. IF I would've tryharded it I would've went in with different classes. Hopefully it finally goes through your thick skulls -> IDC about 3v3 in the most obvious fashion possible.
Now go ahead and analyze the video yourself and tell me exactly how I would've died with either an Roar of the Pride/paralyze on the BM/Veno or a massive IH stack from a cleric being directed my way? Would I've still died then? But yeah, obviously it was only my own fault that I was being jumped and killed during that fight because its obviously Joe vs 3 and not 3v3.
Does it hurt to be that dumb? Really. It pains me knowing that such stupidity exists.
If you guys would fight my DB you would also have no support. Kinda interested to see how that would go. IF anyone of you is even able to play the game without massive support saving your skill-less butts again and again but then acting as if it wouldnt matter. Such pain. Absolutely excruciating.
*PPL still going on about being killed ONCE by a squad with advantagoes classes.* - Yeah, I must to so fail and vulnerable. So many points to criticize about me. Keep pulling your bs out of your butts.0 -
@phantomforce#4598 Can you please close the thread? The massive wave of overexaggerated hatred towards myself for such small reasons has become ridiculous and I'm afraid to lose it if I have to endure it any longer. It's been going on for too long and people just keep repeating the same nonsense left and right. Ofc I am starting to repeat myself as well so it's rather pointless to keep going. Haters gonna hate, right?
I just hope that they understand that shall we meet in 6v6, 3v3 or 1v1 they will have the chance to show me what they've got and pray that they won't lose.
PS: I am sorry if I called anyone stupid. You are not stupid, just caught up in your own ignorance. Sometimes there is more than black and white. More than winning or losing. But w.e, have a nice day all0 -
@davidmurphy Sure, because I was the first DB to cancel Quad. No other video where a DB even by mistake cancles quad is available on youtube. Heck, some of the most hyped DBs are utter garbage. There are some things I am not 100% sure about. However, I am 1000% sure that I would beat you with an equally geared duskblade 100 to 0 vs any class in the game. Go ahead and use DB as well then I show you how to play the class :P
Everyone here is stupid. I've had it. I clearly mentioned the DB vs Storm matchup as an example for an unwinable situation cause some people believe that unwinable situations are somehow winable by pulling magic out of your butt.
Appearently, only the worst players and biggest failures in this game respond in this thread now and start throwing around nonsense even tho they know they would never win a fair and square 1v1 vs me. NO I go even further. Let me have my optimal squad for 3v3 and I promise you, none of your failure squads would ever yield a victory vs that squad. All excuses? One day you all realize how full of BS you are.
None of you ever even dared to challenge me directly so I suggest you shut it or prove your worth.
whoa whoa,man chill don't whip out that big old scary 1vs1 toon on me.you completely missed the point of the video and deny everythingit's why im making my comments on it,also first db? plz real dbs don't even post secrets on youtube and you claim your the *first* lmafo.delusional to the max.you say u could beat me even gear 1vs1 but in truth im little bit under gear then your db and im 100% you would lose to me cuz i've fought against the best of dbs in our sever his play style is far beyond what u can do.anyhow u taking a 360 turn off point of the topic so im not gonna comment and rant on like you,hit me up when u realize your mistake in that 3vs3 video and stop blaming it on mechs and gear lmao
0 -
@davidmurphy Sure, because I was the first DB to cancel Quad. No other video where a DB even by mistake cancles quad is available on youtube. Heck, some of the most hyped DBs are utter garbage. There are some things I am not 100% sure about. However, I am 1000% sure that I would beat you with an equally geared duskblade 100 to 0 vs any class in the game. Go ahead and use DB as well then I show you how to play the class :P
Everyone here is stupid. I've had it. I clearly mentioned the DB vs Storm matchup as an example for an unwinable situation cause some people believe that unwinable situations are somehow winable by pulling magic out of your butt.
Appearently, only the worst players and biggest failures in this game respond in this thread now and start throwing around nonsense even tho they know they would never win a fair and square 1v1 vs me. NO I go even further. Let me have my optimal squad for 3v3 and I promise you, none of your failure squads would ever yield a victory vs that squad. All excuses? One day you all realize how full of BS you are.
None of you ever even dared to challenge me directly so I suggest you shut it or prove your worth.
whoa whoa,man chill don't whip out that big old scary 1vs1 toon on me.you completely missed the point of the video and deny everythingit's why im making my comments on it,also first db? plz real dbs don't even post secrets on youtube and you claim your the *first* lmafo.delusional to the max.you say u could beat me even gear 1vs1 but in truth im little bit under gear then your db and im 100% you would lose to me cuz i've fought against the best of dbs in our sever his play style is far beyond what u can do.anyhow u taking a 360 turn off point of the topic so im not gonna comment and rant on like you,hit me up when u realize your mistake in that 3vs3 video and stop blaming it on mechs and gear lmao[/quote]
0 -
@davidmurphy And you are? I have friends on any server. Before the thread gets closed please write it here, pm me, comment on youtube and let me know who you are so I can see if you are actually good or not. I also know any good db on the other server and the only good DB on any server besides DA that isnt just gear is Chinwookie. The rest is negligible garbage.
Roll on another server and fight me. Shall I say it 1000x times? Show me how good you are. Little friendly competition but don't cry if you lose please.
EDIT: Ah nevermind. Nonfactor Tenjio it is. Have you seen your own comments on this forum? Have you watched your own videos? That you even dare talking to me like that is a personal insult for me. Get lost. And no, Chinwookie isn't better than me even tho he is admittedly good (weird tho that he only started using Quad-Interrupt in his video after mine when online...very weird). Snow and Fixxed are ultra low-skiller. I've been on TT, have some of my best friends there and you my friend will never come close, sorry. Ask BBB he will tell you.
@phantomforce#4598 Now the thread can be closed. I've seen and done everything I wanted0 -
This discussion has been closed.
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